The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 11, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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-- iVrin.iL.
Mr nnd Mrs
J. J.
Hny of Now t
'News Notes From Frnitland Bench
By Mrs. L. Rudolph Hollcnbcclc.
Dr. Pnxton nni C. Lurch, locnl
ynnl manager, went to IIoIbo Monday
In tlio Interests of tlio coal Blluntlon.
Aftor limbing nn nffldnvlt to tlio
critical Blluntlon In-I-'rultlnnd regard
liiK no conl thoy wcro rowarded with
n promlflo of a car of wood within n
fow dnyB,
Mr. ntul Mrs. LucIub Cook anil
children loft Mondny of this week for
their homo In Nebraska after n visit
-with rolntlvcfl.
Mrs. Sndlo Shank Is homo from a
vlfllt with her boh In Kmmctt.
' Mrn. A. neckley, of Crane, OrcRon,
Ih tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. John
Prod AhlBtrnnd la In Spoknno rep
resenting tho KrultRrowors' Associa
tion at tho Applo bIiow.
Ilnv. Charles Orlffln, pnBtor of tho
I'lrBt llnptlst Church, llolso, was tho
guest of ltov. I M, liurtch on Mon-dny.
Miss Helen Davis and Leo Troxoll
woro married Thursday and left that
ovonltiR for Portland. Thoy will re
turn to Frulttond In tho sprlnR.
Frank lllch, hrothor of L. II. lllch,
arrived from North Dakota to spend
tho winter here.
Mr. and Mrs. I'. D. IIosboii nnd Mr.
mil Mrs. Ames motored to Wclser
Tho Misses VlrRlnla and l.oo l'nx
ton wcro In I'ayclto for tho week ond
with Miss Kvn Wilson, n was Miss
VlrRlnla Ady.
Mondny night alio lit 40 of tho
I-'rultlanil Christian Kndonvnr young
people mnilo up a hnppy slolRhlnR
party, ondltiR up for refreshments nt
tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. It. 0. Wil
son In I'nyetto.
8undny Mr. nnd Mrs. O. Hwnli, of
Twin I'nlls, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs, Warn-
pier of Nnnipa and Mr. nnd Mrs.
High of Now riymoutli, woro riiosIb
of Mrs. U. II. Kby nii, family.
Mr. and Mr. Merle Coon havo ro
tiiriied from Portland nnd nrn stnv.
Iiir nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. It. H.
Kuleli whllo thoy nro In Pnrtlmul
vIsltliiR their dnURhtor, Mrs. t'hnrlos
Pntlinal nnd family.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Drown nnd .Mr.
nnd Mrs. N. A. Peacock molorci in
WolHor Sunday to sea Mrs. A. I..
KIiiRsl.ury, who linn lieon III with
Mr, and MrA. Wnmplor of Nampn
nro vIsltliiR Prultlnnd friends. Mr.
Wnmplor will remain with Mrs. Khv
whllo Mr. Wnmplor rocs to l'nlk to
improva his ranch.
On Monday n tolcRrnnt wns ro
colvcd stnthiR Hint tho mother of
Mtb. A. 1). KlilrldRo, nnd grand
mother of Mrs. Mnry Diirnclt, hnd
died on Sunday nt l.eotl, Knnsns.
OcorRO Darnell with n largo crow
or men, has finished tlio concrete
work on tho Farmers' ditch.
John Door, son of Mr. mid Mr.
Oeorgo Door, recently returned from
ovorsens, wns mnrrled Dccomhor 4th,
to Miss Thclmn Itcufrnnu nt Vnlo,
OrcRon, whero'thoy will umbo their
Tho Klffo PnckliiR house linn clos
ed for tho yenr nnd tho mnnnRors.
Floyd Sanders nnd Charles llartlov.
hnvo returned to tholr homos nt Hin-
Miss Volmn flpnuihowor tniiRht tho
Koconil Rrndo Thursday nn.i Friday
whllo Mrs, Knndorknr was III nt
On hnturny nflomoon Mis Fern
I.lnck onlortnlned tho momhers of
hor Sundny school clnss In tho M H.
Plymouth, wr-ro Ruests of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Punch Sundny.
Mr. nnd MrB. John Anderson nnd
dniiRhtor woro dinner RitoMts of Mr.
nnd Mrs. F. M. Gardner.
Tho Frultland W. ('. T. tl. will
meet Wednesday, Dccomhor 17th,
2:30 o'clock. Officers for tho com
Iiir yenr will ho oloctcd.
Tho Poyotto and Frultland girls
at tlio I.owlston Normnl will roturn
homo for tho Christmas vacation on
Dccomhor 20th.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Honry Mousor nnd
son, Howard, Mr. nnd Mrs. William
Itntipart nnd win, Jnmtw, wcro ginst-
of Mr. mid Mrs. Sam Phillips Sundny.
1 Mr. mid Mrs. M. Puchort enter-
tnlticd to dinner Sunday Mr. nnd Mrs
William Hollcnhcck.
In ncordnnco with tho fuol restric
tions thcro will ho only tho mornliiK
Korvlco. ,
lllblo school, 10:00.
Piihllc worship, 11:00. Subject,
"If tho Dlble Is Truo, Thon What?"
Lot every ouo coma for n helpful
Sundny services:
10:00 A. M Sunday school.
11:00 A. M PrcnchliiR,
7 P. M. Kpworth I.eaRiio at
homo of A. I.. McDowell.
As wo nro only permitted to hnvo
ono sorvlco nt oliurch, by order of
the fuol ndmlnlslrntor, let us nil nt-
tonil nnd fio mnko It a Reed ono,
10:00, lllblo school.
11:00, Public worship Sermon
Bubject, "Man."
W. V. Cochran
Dustin Farnum in
A Man's Fight
item T3fek ifl
; ,.
vil nil nc?ni tNt.Ti, o. ..
AN smashing big story of East and West
You saw "The Light of Western Stars
Now see "A Man's Fight"
Remember, two complete shows
Starts 7:15
Dreamland Theatre
Why make Sunday a day of
work for your wife, cooking
over the hot stove, when
you can take family to the
tfundaif S)inheri
Happiness and Pure Food
Likely to Aek for Facta Concerning
Cond.tlon of the Famous Oer-
man War Cheit.
In the days before the war the itistlc
of .Spumbiii, Mmn eight miles north
west of llorlln, was famous ns the of
ficial repository of the (lorjimn wiir
chest. In tint Julius tower of the ens
tin wnw stored some r.!U.(x)0.Mirt murks
In gold, llio money helm: I'Hrt of the
war Indi'iiinlly puld by I'runco In 1ST1.
Thcro It was kept "for tin purpose of
Immediate uho In case of war." Wlmt
hitppciH'l to tbU gold nmorvo In 101-1
It) nut known, but tin Interesting side
light Is thrown on the k'rt'iit treasure
chest by the nccoiint wlilcli bus Just
cniiin to hand from llerlln describing
how souio 1!0,000,000 lei wns n-iently
nlmtructed from tho "citadel ut Span
iliiti," ilurliiK tho ilUturbiiiices which
followed the nIkiiIiik of tho iinnUtlcf.
The money, which was part of the
Hiiioiiut hurriedly removed from Hon
mnntu when that country wns eviicu
led, wns lodged In the citadel "bo
cniiiio there wns no room for It In the
Julius tower." Now, what the outside
world Is liiterosted to know -. Wits
this Itoumnnhiu money crowded nut
of the Julius tower becnuso the Julius
tower was already tilled to overllow
Ing with specie? To he Mint It whh u
lu rue Mini that claimed mluillnii. no
Iim than NX),(XH,uuo lei, but ilivii iiny
one who knows the Julius lower knows
Unit It Is u InrRo place.
II. P, I.owls, principal of tho
schools of Ontario, nnd tho teachers
of tho locnl schools hnvo been nuked
to co-opcrnto In mnklne n milk sur
vey to ascertain how ninny children
nro getting no milk In tholr diet. Tho
work Ik simple hut Is retarded ns Im
portant In that It calls attontlon to
'tho Rrent food valuo of milk and
dairy products. Tho plan Is that of
tho Oregon Dairy Council, nn educa
tional organization thnt has tho co
operation of tho Stuto Agricultural
College and tho Indorsement of tho
bureau of health, tho stnto suprlu-
tendont of schools, tho Orogon Par-
ont-TonehcrH ami tho Orogon I'edorn
tlon of Women's Clubs, tho Stnto
Chamhor of Commorco mid other or
gunlzutlons mid persoun of promlu
euco. In Portland It woh found that
when tho survey was mado there
woro r702 children uudor II years
of ngo getting no milk In their diet
Follow up work toachlng the food
value of dairy products, lectures nt
meotliiRH nnd talks by tho teacher,
all voluntarily done, Incrss-d the
uso nnd rnlsud tho honllli stiiiidurd
Tho returns will bo tent to tho Or
egou Dairy Con noil's odueutlnunl ill
rector, IMIth Knight Mill, lun.i
llrondwuy bulldliiK, Portland, wbi
will compllo mid publish them
Cicada Dee Not Travel.
The renl locust Is a sort of noiundlc
militant. Its hordes, like those of .
Alllln tho lluu, bweep hltltfr and you, ,
idwuys on tho move, dovtrnylug as
they go. Tho clcndn Is n homo body.
Tho tree from which any indlUduul ,
clcndn dropped ns a newly hatched !
larvn 17 years uco Is the exact Tree'
under which he will emerge on Ids next
appearance, up which he will crawl to
cast bis pupul fekln, nnd In which hv
will meet bis mato nod blng his love
song. In which ho will pass Ids days of
decrepitude, nnd from which, In u few c
weeks his dead body will fall, nlmost '
upon tho spot whero he ns a Inrvn
felt 17 years before and burrowed Into
tho ground.
Baby Was Poor Company,
While Ted was stuudlng In front of
tho grocery store a woman friend
come along wheeling her llvc-montbs-old
son. Mho asked Ted If he would
watch the bnby until sho came out of
tho store. Ted replied with "wire."
About live minutes later, on coming
out of tho store, fcho nsked: "Did you
find my sou good company, Ted!"
"No, ma'am," answered Ted. "Why,
I bad to do all the talking und bo
would not ercu say one word."