Classified Advertisements THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1919. FOIt SALE FlVE-ltOOM HOUSE 2 lots, 2 screened porches, tlccp well J near Host Sldo school. Dox 11. On- tnrlo, Oregon. I'JIONB 41-112 for Garrett, the nuro. l0-tf Mrs. A LI AH SUMMONS IN THE JUSTICE C0U11T, FOR THE DISTIUCT OF ONTAUIO. MAM1EUII COUNTY. STATU of ouecion. lloforo Hon. 0. L. King. Justlm nf tlio I'cnco. WOOD AND COMPANY, INC., IMaln- tirr. ngnlnst J. H. WINKELUACH, Defendant. To J. H. Wlnkollmcli, Defendnnt: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OIIEOON; You nro hereby ro (ulrcd to npponr and niiBwor tlio BU1T .complaint of tho plaintiff heroin Esther 40-tf I tf Milk dollvorod In Ontario. All cowb JorBoys tuberculin tested W. A. Davis 200-W. -48-Gt FOIl SALE 20; 40; or CO 2 miles southwest of Ontario. Athorton, Ontario, Oregon. ncrcs Cling. 47-tf FOIl SALE Oil TItADE For small Improved trnct, 320 acres good Idaho wheat lnnd, fine soli, dry farm ing, partly Improved; great bargain. ", untnrio, Oregon. 40-tf, LET HUBS. CLEAN THAT Phono 38-J Tho I'antorlum. tf wltliln six weeks from tho duto of tho I first tmlitlnnllr... n II. I.. - ... nnnii tittimii ..,.,,.. ,.. .vm,i u mm buiuiiiuiih, ill OOOD SUITS, OVEIt COATS, AND wit, on or hoforo tho 2nd day of Jan- ,.,'" "' """'" lo or"or- I'onio- unry, A. I). 1020, or In case of your ""01. ir'rnMnrn .. ... ... ........ u iu m ui,:ur nun miswur, 1110 plaintiff will tnko Judgment ngnlnst you for,tho sum of $204.10, with In terest thereon from tho 1st day of Novombor, 1010, nt tho rato of 0 per annum, and tho costs and dis bursements of thin action, nnd for such other furthor roller ns tho court tuny odjudgo In said action. This summons is served upon ou by publication, pursuant lo nn order of tho undersigned, Justlco of tho 1'onco, mndo and ontcrod In tho above-entitled action, on tho 19th day of Novembor, A. D. 1010, requir ing tho samo to bo published In tho "Ontario Argun" for n period of six wcokB, commencing with tho 20th day of Novombor, 1010, and ending on tho 1st day of Jnnuary, 1020. Given under my hand this 20th day of Novombor, A. D. 1010. O. L. KINO, Justlco of tho I'cnco. LESLIE J. AKEH, Attorney for Plnlntlff, Ontario, Oregon Dato of First Publication, No em ber 20th, 1010. Dato of Final Publication, January 1st, 1020. HEMSTlTCHINa Your mall ordorfl solicited. Ordors promptly filled Ported work, 10c per ynrd. Mrs, Lohow, 1008 Jefferson st., Holso. aii ioih nna property of tho On tario Lnnd nnd TownBlto Co. hnvo beon roturncd ovor to W. II. Doollttlo as trustoo, to bo sold. This property Is now for snlo by us and Includes In nddltlon to tho lots ono 2-ncro tract, ono C-acro tract, ono 7-room houso and ono good C-room houso for $1000. This houso could not bo built for less than $2200. Good loca tion. Orolg & Doollttlo. 48-tf 80 acres good land under gravity ditch, no Improvements; $7S,00 per ncro, $1000 cash down, bnl. good terms. drclg & Doollttlo. 48-tf Ono good n-room houso for $1GOO. This li tho best buy In Ontario for tho monoy. Hath, toilet, shado trees. Orolg & Doollttlo. 48-tf Ono C-room houso, garago, C lots, shado trcos; $2200. Orolg & Doo llttlo. 48-tf INSIST on an abstract of tltlo when you purchaso or lend monoy on roal estate MALHEUIl TITLE AND AUSTRACT CO., Vale Oregon. Only n Ould Aro you HIT Is often nnsworod "Olit It's only a cold," ns If a cold was a matter of llttla consequence, but peoplo are boglnnlng to learn that a common cold Is a mattor not to bo trlfiod with, that soma of Mia most serious dUoaes mart with n cold. As noon as tlio first Indication of a cold appears tako Chamberlain's Cough Itemody. Jlomembcr Hint tho sooner you get rid of your cold tho less tlio danger, and this remedy will help you to throw It off. Tills Menus You. When you got up with a bad tasto In your mouth, a dull tlrod feollng, no relish for food and aro constipat ed, you may know that you neod n dose of Chamborlain's Tablets. They not only causa an agreeable move ment of the bowels, but cleansa and Invigorate the stomach and Improva tho digestion. NOTICE OK FINAL SETTLEMENT Notlco Is hereby given that tho undorslgncd administratrix of tho cstato of Dyron J. Knight, docensed, has filed in tho County Court of tho State of Oregon for tho County of Mnlhour her final account of hor ad ministration upon said ostuto; and that Saturday, tho 20th day of Do combor, 1010, at tho hour of olovou o'clock, A. M., of mid day, at tho court houso In Vale, Oregon, hai been duly fixed by said court ftH the tlmo apd placo for hourlng said ac count, and sottllng said ostnto. All porsons Intorostcd In snld cstato aro horoby notified to appear ut said tlmo nnd placo, and fllo their objec tions in writing, If any thoro nro, to raid final account and contest tho same. Dono and dated and first published this 20th day of November, 1010. IDA M. KNiailT, Administratrix of tho ostato of Dyron J. Knight, doceasod. 11-20 12-18. NOTICE roil I'UIILICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Offlco at Vole, dregon Novombor 20. 1919. Notlco Is hereby given that Rey nold M. nockmuu, of Ontario, Oregon who on May S, 1914, mado Home stead Entry No. 03302, for Lota 1, 2, SEUNWU, SWUNEtf , Sec. 30, T 17, 8 11. 40 E., and who on Feb ruary 10, 1915 made Add'l Hd. entry No. 030G0, for SB4SB,i. Sec. 26, T. 17 8., It. 45 E., Lots 3, 4, and NBtfSWU, Section 30, Township 17 South, Itango 40 East, Willamette Meridian, has'flled notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Clay M StoarnswU. S Commissioner, at Ontario, Oregon, on the 29th day of Decomber, 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: Edward It. Hlggln, Luther E. Drowning, John It. Zumwalt, all of Ontario, Oregon, Arthur W. Blanch ard, of Payette, Idaho. THOS. JONES, Ileglstor CHRISMS SALE The Ladles of the Congrega tional Church will hold a Christ mas Sale, Friday and Saturday, December 12 and 13. 60-51 BOSTON CAI'K Now open for business WELL COOKED FOOD GOOD SEItVIOE FAMILY PATItONAOE SOLICITED. Open 6:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Ontario, Oregon ', NOTICE OK HKAHINO OK FINAL ItEPOIlT. IN THE COUNTY COUHT OF THE STATE OF OIIEOON FOIl MALHEUIl COUNTY. IN THE MATTEH OF THE ESTATE OF 303EPH M. DINWIDDIE, Doceasod. NOTICE IS EHEDY OIVEN, That. Will It. King, administrator, and Laura E. Dlnwlddlo, Administratrix, of tho estato of Joseph M. Dlnwlddlo. decoasod, liavo rondorod and pre sented for settlement and fllo in tho said court tliolr final roport of tho administration of mid estate; That Tuesday, tho 30th day of Do combor, at 11 o'clock A. M at the County Court Iloom In tho County Court Houso, In the City of Vale Mai hour County, Oregon, has been duly appointed by the Judge of said Court for tho sottlomont of said final ro port and tho distribution of tho prop erty of tho estate, at which tlmo any person Iniorosted In said cstato may uppoar and fllo exceptions, In writ lug, to the said final report and con test the samo. ' WILL 11. KINO, Administrator, and LAUItA E. DINWIDDIE, Administratrix of tho Estate of Joseph M. Dlnwlddlo, de ceased. First publication November 27th, 1919. Last publication December 20th, 1919. NOTICE OK HALE OK MALHEUIl COUNTY I'EHMANKNT IIOAI) CONHTJIUCTION IIONDH. 1100,000 I'm- Vnluo nnd Arciucd Intrrcit. NOTICE IS HEHEI1Y GIVEN Hint sonlcd bids will bo received by tho County Court of Malheur County, Stato of Oregon, at tho County court room, In tho court houso nt Vale In Mnlhour County. Stnto of Orccon. on tho 22nd day of December, 1919, up to tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, for tho snla of Ono Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) bonds, par value, of raid County In Borles, ns follows, to-wlt! $4,000. 00. of BorloB "A" to run nnd bo pnynblu four ycnrB from Decomber 1st, iuiu; $5,000.00 of eorlcH "II" to run nnd bo payablo bIx yearn from December 1st, 1019; $0,000.00 of Borles "C" to run and bo pnyablo olght yonrs from Decem ber 1st, 1010; $8,000,00 of KcrioH "D" to run nnd bo payablo ten years from Decomber 1st. 1019; $12,000.00 of sorica "iv to run nnd bo pnyablo twolvo years from Decomber 1st, 1910; $13,000.00 of Borles "F" to run: and bo payablo fourteen yenrs from December 1st, 1919; $10,000.00 of sorlcs "O" to run and bo pnyablo Blxtccn years from December 1st. 1910: $17,000 00 of sorlcs "11" to run nnd bo pnyablo clghtoon years from Do combor 1st, 1010; $19,000.00 of sorlcs "I" to run and bo paynblo twenty yenrs from Decem ber 1st, 1910; All of nald bonds to bo In denom inations of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), or multiples thereof, up to Ono Thous and Dollars ($1,000), ut option of blddor. nnd bear Intorest nt tho rato of flvo and ono half per cent per an num. Intorest tiaynblo Kcmi-annuniiy nt tho offlco of tho County Treasurer of snld County. Each bid must bo accompanied iiy n check, pnyablo to Mnlhour County, cortlflcd to by n roputnblo, solvont bnnk In nu amount oqual to flvo por cent of tho amount of tho par value or tho bondn bid upon In said bid; such check to bo returned It Bald bid Is rojectcd. It thu bid Is accepted, such check will bo returned upon payment for nnd delivery of tho bonds Included In snld bid; If said bid lit accoptud nnd tho amount of snld bid bo not paid within thirty (30) dn b nftor tho nccoptanco thoro of, such chock shall bo cashed and tho proceeds thoroof shall become tho property of snld Mnlhour County. Iilds will bo received ror any nmount of snld bonds, of tho sovurnl sorlos, not exceeding Ono Hundred Thousand Dollnrn ($100,000 ), liar vnluo, and nccruod Intorest. Tho right to roject nny and all dims. or to nccopt part and roject part, Is rosorvod by tho County Court. Ad dress bids as follews: "A. M. Moody, County Clork, Vnlo, Mnlhour County, Oregon," nml ondorsod on tlio envoi opo "bid for Mnlhour County ltoad bond." Citizens of Mnlhour County will bo glvon n proforenco right to purchaso said bonds. A. M. MOODY. County Clork of Mnlhour County, Oregon. Dated Novombor 20, 1910. TEACH HUH' EXAMINATION. Stnto tenchors examinations will be held at tho Court House In Vale on December 17, 18, 19 and 20, 1010 All teachers who hnvo not secured Oregon Stnto certificates nro required to rport for tho examinations. Following in tho progrnm for Mnl hour ceunty: Wednesday, Arlthmo- tlc.CIvil Government nnd Geography; Thursdny, Grammar, History, Or thography, Physiology and American Lltornturo; Friday, Reading, School Law, Theory nnd Practice, Writing, Algebra nnd Composition; Saturday, Psychology nnd Physical Geography. Teachers who wish to wrlto for Llfo, Prlmnry or Special Certificates will knldly mnko nrrntigomcnt with tho County Superintendent. FAY C. IIUItLDY, County Superintendent of Schools, FOIl SALE Frnma bnm 18x24. Two stories. Ico houso 12x12, ca pacity 30 tons. Good lumber and construction. Must bo moved from promlses.--E. II. Test. 171-1-tf g.M M) ZttunHttV WD REFLEX SUCRE is the wet weather service uniform tor the regular men who make ever day count. Look for the Reflex Edg A.I. TOWEIl. CO. Btiun MtM KHMIb4ll jU-g ...,m.;...Kiag-Ti iSrffl mv xm -nKHJ1A7,.s1 kffirasi Mm t VVUW I 1 1 AM ' . ..V-. I V1 3'-S-CtJ NOTICE OK SPECIAL ELECTION TO INCltHASH ASSIGNMENT OK PAYlTrTH-OHEfiON SLOPE lit ItKMTION DISTIUOT. Notlco Is horoby glvon that a apo dal oloctlon will bo hold by tho doc tors of tho Payetto-Orcgon Slope Ir rigation District on tho 20th day of Docombor, 1910, to dotormlno whoth or or not tho assessment for tho year 1010, for tho oxponsos of tho yonr 1020, shall bo Increased to tho ox tont of $1,40 on each Irrlgablo and assossablo aero within tho District ovor and abovo tho six por cent In croaso limitation fixed by law, mak ing a total assessment for tho yonr 1919 of $12.00 for oach Irrlgablo and assossablo aero, for tho purposo of defraying tho expense of oporntlon of an additional pumping unit. , For tho purposo of said election tho District shull compromlBo a sin glo oloctlon product, said precinct having for its oxtorlor boundaries tho oxtorior houndarlos of tho District and tho polling placo shall bo at tho offlco of tho Hoard of Directors of tho District locntod at and In tho pumping plant and powor houso of tho District which said pumping plant and powor house Is locntod on tho SB qr. of tho NW qr, of Section 3. Tp, 17 South, Itango 47 E, W M , Malheur County, Oregon. Tho polls will bo open nt 8 o'clock a. m. on tho morning of election day and will bo closed at 6 o'clock In tho aftornoon of said day. Dy ordor of tho Hoard of Directors. P. M. IIOALS, Secrotary Payotte-Orogon Slopo Irrigation Dlstrlot. NOTICE TO CltEDITOltS. Notlco la horoy glvon that tlio" un dorslgncd has beon appointed by thu County Court of tho Stato of Orogon, for Malheur County, as tho oxecutor tho last will and testament of C E, Fryo, deceased All porsons having any claim against tho estate of the said deceased, aro horeby notified to prosont the samo duly verified as re quired by law to mo al the law office of C Mc Gonaglll in Ontario, Oregon, within l months from tho dato of the first publication of this notlco. FHANK EVANS, Exocutor of tho Last Will and Testament of c E, Fryo, Data of first publication, Nov. 27, 1919. Last publication Dec. 25, 1919. HEMSTITCHING 10c per jard. PIcot edging and scollops, 16c per yard. Mall orders recoivo prompt attention, Elite shop, Welser Nation al Dank building, Welaer, Ida, 49,52 NOTICE IX) CONTItACTOIW. Howcr HjMviii. Ontario, Oregon, Dcccmbor2, 1919. Sealed proposals will bo recolvcd nt tho offlco of tho City Itccordor of tho City of Ontario, Oregon, until throho o'clock p. m. on Mondny, Do- comber 16th, 1919, for thu furnish ing materials nnd constructing n soworngo system to bo known nn Dis trict No. 10. Plans and specifications may bo soon nnd tho form for proposals, on which bids must bo mndo, may bo ob tained upon nppllcntlon nt tho offlco of tho City Itccordor or tho City En gineer. A complete sot of plans nnd speci fications may bo purchased from tho city upon pnymont of $10.00 to tho City Ilocordor. All bids must bo nccompnnlcd by n cortlflcd chock for ten por cont of tho amount bid. Tho right Is rosorvod to reject nny or all bids. Ily order nt tho Common Council of tho City of Ontario, Oregon. It. W. JONES, Mayor. CLAY M. 8TEAIIN8, O. A. KIIATZ, City Itccordor. City Engineer. Storage Battery Repairing When your storage battery fails, drive around to our service station and let us make an examination. Our work must satisfy you. We do , not experiment at your expense. No matter what make of battery you have, we can repnir it in the least possible time and at a reason able price. New batteries always on hand. Expert vulcanizing and rebuilding of tires. Service Tire & Battery Co. Near Garter House Phone 101R Ontario FOR SALE Ilulck light six, two ox trn tires, flvo tiros nearly now. two cords, spotlight, water motor, bump er, extra tiro holder, driven about 7800 miles. First-class shapo. A good buy. Inqulro Ford Onrngo. JERSEY DULL for sorvlco; tonus $3.00, cnlf gunrantood. Win. Kor ohor, two blocks wost of school houso. 170-1-tt WANTED At the hospital, 2 young pigs. Apply nt offlco. 177-1-tf THE H. F. NORTON COMPANY Fifteenth and Front, Nampa, Idaho. Dealers in Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair, Furs and Tallow Top mnvkot prices paid, Correct weights given and prompt returns made. No shipments too largo, nor too small, wo so licit them all. Write us for prices, shipping tags mailed upon request. McDowell Undertaking Parlors A. L. McDowell, Proprietor W. C. Jones, Licensed Embalmcr Funerals directed from the parlor-chapel from the church of your choice Parlors situated in a quiet district. Experienced Lady Assistant Day Phone 10GW Night Phones 89M and 34W or Camelt aro told every' whtrolneclentmcellyeeeled peckegee oTSOciiereiteeor lenpackaget(300clgerette) In a ilattine-peper-covered carton. We ttrongly recom mend thie carton (or the home or office aupply or when you travel. . R. J. Reynold Tobacco Co. Winiton-Silcm, N. C, 3&prvrtwr CAMELS nro in n class by themselves easily tho most refreshing, tho most likable cigarette you ever smoked. You can prove that I Simply comparo Camels puff-by-puff with nny cigarette in tho world at any prico I Put quality, flavor and cigarette satis faction to thfi utmost test! Made to meet your taste, Camels never tiro It, no matter how liberally you smoke them I The expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos makes Camels delightful so full bodied, yet so fascinatingly smooth and mellow-mild. Every time you light one you got new and keener enjoyment I Freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after taste or any unpleasant cigaretty odor makes Camels as unusual as they are enjoyable. In fact, Camels appeal to the most fastidious smoker In bo many new ways you never will miss the absence of coupons, premiums or gifts. You'll prefer Camel Quality I 11