fc !)( 4t WWOTf "F ii X I 10 THE ONTARIO ARGUS. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1919. Rexall Remedies Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescription Specialists THK HKXALIj i 1HE I'MONti NO. a m J. ii. . Njjal Remedies i M 7" 11; c ft 9 ; J ! J MS i Jgl "Some Med itotft Know It Yef V says the Good Judge This class ol looacco gives a man a lot more satisfaction than he ever gets out of ordin ary tobacco. Smaller chew the good taste lasts and lasts. You don't need a fresh chew so often. Any man who uses the Real To bacco Chew will tell you that. , Pat Up In Two Styles RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Our Allies This bank is an ally of tho fanner, stuck growor, and merchant, bound together by an un written law for the advancement of private in terests and tho development of Ontario and vici nity. You can join this league by becoming a depositor or this Bank. Ontario National Bank Oldest Hank In Grunt, llnrnp) V Miilheur Cniiiitle. JJH8 O Own One of Your Own Housing DPx-olDlexxa. solved Toy Millmade Ready-Cut Homes By ordering n mill-mado Home you SAYE TIME and MONEY. Got an absolute double constructed Home, made of first grado matorial throughout; Hardware, Paint, and all mill work furnished with a complete sot of Plans. A largo number of designs to select from. Al ways glad to show you. . Call G9-W H. L. POORMAN, Agent Ontario, Oregon. ISMRmmb IiIBISuHKQ lil.SII FIIIKIUHON'S MIW IMI0T01'I,AYIH "Till: AVAI,ANUII IUhIo l'orBunon'H now Artcraft pic ture Is "Tho Avnlnnllio," based upon tlio fnmoiiH novel of Oortruilo Ather ton which wnn recently published and nt u lioiind lmH won popular favor. Tho phoplny will ho shown ut tho Dreamland thentro for ono day nnly on Saturdny, Decambor 20. Tho Rtory Is of absorbing Interest nnd deals with tho hereditary tram hllng tnlnt In tho blood of a youiiR Klrl, llolcno, horsoir tho dnughtor and granddaughter of gamblors. In tho story, Holcno's mother Is tin dniiKhtor of a gambler living near Monto Carlo, and whon ho Is kltlod In n quarrel, ho leaves his (laughter, Chlchltn, ponnlloss, Thoro nro numerous dramatic situ ittloim In tho action nnd IntorcHt Is not permitted to lag for nn Instant. Tho suport Is unusually effective tho cast bolng headed ty I.umsdcn Haro who plays opposlto tho star. Tho cast Includes Zofflo Tilbury, William llosollo, Fred Esmolton, Ornco Klolil nnd Warner Hand. In tho grip of tho lawl nut was tho law heartless, did It Insist on Its pound of flesh? Hco for yourself In "Illncklo'H Itcdomptlon," which, will bo shown nt tho Dreamland thontro with llort I-ytoll as lllacklo In tho leading rolo. HAYAKAWA I'liAYH PA I IT op hopixims i.ovi:n "Tho Mnn lloncath,',' Scssuo Ilnyu hnwa'g latest Ilaworth production distributed by Inhibitors Mutual. Mm n drama which emphasises in n pow erful way tho ban of blood which stands botweon tho nmnlgnmatlon of tho enntorn and wunlurn rniei. Dr. Clilndl Ashutor, n famous Hindu physlclnn, falls In lovo with Kato Krskluo, n Scotch girl, Although sha really loves tho Oriental, Kato realizes that mnrrlago would mnko thont both outcasts. Tho final hcciio between tho Hindu and tho Scptch girl, In which the Oriental comprehends that his lovo Is hopoloss, shows Hnyakawa In ono of thoso ulot nnd tonsoly emotional sconos of which ho Is master. Tho photography nnd settings nro suporb, whllo tho story grips with Its mystery nnd' rapid soquenco of ac tion. Slio could rldo In Churllo's ani mated Jinricksha any old tlmo rid ing In tho latest now-fangtod twelve cylinder speed dovll howovor U-ml Well, tho chanco wasn't to bo snoozed nt, thought Wnndn. Still sho loved Chnrllo nnd well, what Is n girl to do? '.Vothor thing, Wnndn didn't know whnt kind of nn onglno Chnrllo had burled In that old wreck ho railed "Orcnscd Lightning." Tho twolvo-cyllndor speed dovll found out though. It's a corking flno rural romnnco. A pippin for thrills and fun. Try to coma Friday, netici: 'ix) citnniToiw. Notice- Is horohy given that I hnvo boon oppolutcd administrator of tho cstato of Joseph W. Schalcs, deceas ed, by tho County Court of Malheur County, Oregon. All porsous having claims agnlnst said estate nro horoby notified to prcsont them, duly veri fied ns by law required, to mo nt tho law office of W. W. Wood In On tario, Orogon, within six months from tho dnto of tho first publication of this notice Douo and dated unci first published this 1 1 til day of Dccombor, 1010. CIIAKL.OTTR 8CIIOLKS, Administratrix of tho Kstnto of Joseph Scholes, Deceased. First publication Doc. 11, 1019. Last publication January 8, 1920. OM)SMOMM3 SIX 1919 model.has boon run only 2100 miles; 5 cord tires; In first-class condition. In quire at Argus office 18)-2 It netici: to ciinniTOKH. Notice Is horoby glvon that tho County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, hns appointed tho under signed ns administrator with tho will annexod of tho ostato of Florcnco a Krnus, deceased, All prsons having claims ngnlnst tho said ostato nro horoby notlflod to present same, duly vorlflod as by law roqulred, to tho said administrator at tho law office of W. W. Wood, In Ontario, Orogon, within six months from tho dato of tho first publication of till snotlco. I)ono and dntod and first published this 11th day of Decomljor, 1919. 8. F. TAYI.OK, Administrator With tho Will Annexed of tho Hstnto of Florcnco a. Kraut?, Dcceasod. First publication Dec. 11, 1919, Last publication Jan. 8, 1920. WANTED Woman oV girl for gen eral housowork. Phono A. Hull qulst at 10GII. 179 Toys! Toys! Toys! CHRISTMAS is again near at hand and we take this means to notify tho public that wo have now on display a great variety in Toys and a general lino of Ohvistmas Goods. In connec tion with our usual stock of Tableware, Deco rated China, Glassware, etc., wo have added good lines in Aluminumwaro, Ovenglass, Caw ing Cots and other useful articles all worthy your inspection. You will find our prices very reasonable, considering present conditions thru out the country. THE VARIETY STORE ONTARIO, OREGON I Ontario Meat & Grocery Go. Ontario. Phone 3 Oregon Wholesalers nnd Retailers of Meat Products Hetnil Groceries, Fruits, Etc. Everything Good to Eat Top Repairing...,, "We make ft specialty of this branch of the industry. Ford Owners.... Ilavoyour top recovered with plato glass in rear curtain. Prices Reasonable Seguine Auto Co.... Oldest Garage in Malheur County Established 1910 CHRISMS SALE!!! WHO Congregational Ladies' Aid .WHEN December 12 and 13 WHERE Lees Building next to Ontario Meat & Grocery Co. WHAT Useful and fancy Art icles, Cooked Food and Candy Refreshments served each afternoon O iA