THE ONTARIO ARGUS. ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1919. 3 Are. You Using Boise Payette Lumber? There iB much more in a trade mark or a sign than the average person would realize. In looking over the hotter class of periodicals wo are confronted dai ly with advertisements of standard goods. Wo soon get into the hahit of accepting such advertising at par. ' Why? Because any sane husiness house of today not only realize the necossity'of living upto its published word, but most continually be on the alent to IMPROVE UPON TJ R QUA LITY OF ITS PWO DUCT 0 HITS SERVICE THE BOISE PAYETTE SIGN . MEANS JUST THIS Under tho protoction of its trade marke the public is guaranteed the very best in building matorial, and is assured of constant companionship with the "THREE GRACES" of the Lumber Werld: QUALITY SERVICE DEPENDABILITY -i.B m h I Jmwr'vi too mot kH fes AL. CHANCE Sales Manager Ontario, Oregon Muimfncturcrs (if wehtern soft i'ini: U. 1 I U H PI f I I s ? One of the most important functions of this Bank is to assist our friends and customers, where either credit or dependable counsel and advice is desired. There is no single need you may have which will not receive our most careful, experienced attention if presented to lis. Our chief aim is to help each customer succeed. Wo grow trought you success. Col. Jas. Barnard & Sod Auctioneers Far maud Stock Sales a Specialty Satisfaction Guaranteed Dates For Sales Can bo Made With PRANK BARNARP COL. JAS. BARNARD Frliitland, Idaho Emmett, Idaho DREAMLAND WILL HIIOW "VIRTUOUS WIVKH" FROM HTORV HV OWEN .lOHNHON I'lrlH iif Aiilla Stewart Hupcr Picture ii Famous Tnlo if New Yoik Slurried Life. HOl'lrfxPH RIVAL COMINfJ McAlhcrt Myntcry Show nnd Cnnrrrl Comlmiiy IWmkcd for Tho Dnja HlarlhiK Hiitiiriluy nnd Hun- diiy, Dec. 1.1 nnd M. Tlio Dronmlnnd Tlicntro hns con trnctod to show, bcglnnlnK noxt Tuos day, Mlsa Anita Stownrt's Initial First Nntlonal production 'Virtuous Wives' adapted from tho two million edition honk of tho Bnmo tltlo by Owen Johnson. "Virtuous Wives" Is described nH n truthful story of marrlod lifo In Now York Bocloty. According to tho author, In tho Introduction to his story, n virtuous wlfo Is becoming nn oxtlnct spcclo of. femininity under present day conditions. Tho reason for this, nn descrlhcd In his novel, hava hern Included In tho ncrcen ad aptation. Miss Slownrt makes her return to tho American screen 'after nn nhsenco of sovornl months In tho rolo of Amy Forrester, tho "only momher young." Ab tho wlfo of Androw Forrester, nnd ohsrsscd only with tho Idea of constant nnd unin terrupted amusement, slio appears In tho rolo of tho young society matron who flnnlly Is drought to a rcnllzntjmi that unbridled pleasnro Is hut the nch of happiness. 8?upportliiB Miss Slownrt In "Vlrt tiotiM Wlvos" aro four stars of the prnucnt Now York tliontrlcnl season (enwn Toarlo ploys tho part of Andrtw Forrester, monoy-innker: I'M win Ardcn Is soon In tho rolo- of Kuitnloph Dolnbnrro; Mrs. DoWolf oocr plnyH the part of lihi wife, Irma Dolnlmrro, and William "Doyd i-ppenrs as Monti) Urnckon, social wistcr McAlbcrt, hilled as "a psychic mar vel rivalling tho celebrated Iloudlnl" will ho nt tho Dreamland Thcatro, Saturday nnd Sunday Docombcr 13 and 14. McAlhcrt brings with his mystery show a concert company, headed by Miss Dorothy Van, n prima donna or exceptional accomplishments, whoso company renders n program of music nnd classic nnd oriental dancing. Coupling Ingenuity with his psychic ability, McAlhort Is snld to work somo unoxplnlnnblo wonders on tho stage Ho Is touted as n "cabinet demonstra tor of extraordinary and weird pow er" attcnptlng, without making any claim to answer tho question which hns become of public (ntcrost recent ly. That question is, "Can thoso who have passed to tho Oroat He yond communicate, with tho living?" LOST Nov. 23, hotweon Mnyhurg nnd Whlto Settlement school, pair lady's long wool driving gloves. Finder please phono 20-M. 173-1-tf FOR SAM' United States separat or. Only used fow times. Stored with Troxoll Implomont Co. 172-1-tf WANTED Woman or girl for gon- oral liouso work. No laundorlng Phono Miss Lavlno Smith, 77 On tario. 174-1-tf Charter No 0348 Roscrvo District No. 12 REPORT 01." CONDITION OF THE ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK AT ONTARIO IN TUB STATE OF OREGON, AT THE CLOSE OK UUHINEHS ON NOVEMUER 17, 1010. UKHOURGES I.oanB and discount!;, including rediscounts (except thoao shown In b and c) 47C,G33.10 470.C33.10 Overdrafts, unsocurtd 83C.01 83C.01 U. H. (iovcinnifiit hccurltluN ewned: Deposited to securo circulation (U. S. bonds par vaiuo; 60,000.00 la Commercial Creamery Co. Cash bu yersoi Cream andProduce Place: South of Post Office, Ontario, Oregon Your Beat Market for Cream, Eggs, Poultry of all kinds Oa 10 12 14 1C 17 18 10 I'lcdgod to securo U.S.donosltH fnar vuluo) Pledged to socuro postal savlngu doposlts (par vnluo) ..... Ownod nnd unpledged , War savings cortlilcatos and thrift stamps actually owned Other bond, securities, etc.: llonds (othor than U. H. bonds) plodgod to socuro postal savings doposlts Securities othor than U. S. bonds (not Includ ing stocks) ownod nnd unpledged Stock of Federal llosorvo Uank (CO nor cent of subscription) w ;.., Vnluo of banking liouso, ownod and unin cumbered 38,400.00 equity In banking liouso Fumituro and nxturos Lawful resorvo with Fcdoral Rosorvo bank CI, 347. a Cash in vault and net amount duo from national banks Not amount duo from banks, bankers, and . v trust companies othor than included In Items 12, 13, or 14 Checks on othor banks In tho sauio city or town as roportlug bunk (other than Rom 10) Total of Items 13, 14, 10, 10, nnd 17 207,8C0V03 Chocks on banks located outsldo of city or town of reporting bank und othor cash Items Rodomptlon fund with U. S. Treasurer and duo from U. S.Trcasuror Interest earned but not collected approxi mate on Notes and Dills Rocolvablo not past duo 20,000.00 C00.00 8,450.00 480.04 80,430.01 1,000.00 0,217.02 10,217.02 2,000.00 38,400.00 4,800.00 01,347,35 20C, 112.73 31,488.41 t 1,204.84 74C.04 3,000.00 0,800.00 07n,77n.lW 23 24a b 2G 28 31 00,000.00 30,000.00 10.0C7.04 34C.G8 00,000.00 C9, 307. 01 3,408.04 2.2C3.47 C34.370.01 41,014 SI &7C,284.SC TOTAL LIAIULITIES j Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits 28,138.17 Loss current oxpousos.lntarost and taxes paid 11,181.13 Amountresofvod for taxes accrued ' Circulating notes outstanding Net amounts duo to banks.bankora and trust , companies (other than included In Itoms 20 l or 30) v Certified checks outstanding Cashlor's chocks on own bank outstanding.... Total of ItoniB 30, 31, 32 and 33 :. 04,070.02 Demand deposits (other than bank deposit) Mibject to ltcerie (deposits payable within 30 days): Individual doposlts subject to chock , Certificates of deposit duo in less than 30 , days (other than for money borrowed joint ur uemana deposits (other than bank doposlts) subjoct to Reserve, items 34, 35, .30, 37. 38, nnd 30 Timet deposits subject to Itcervo (payable aiier ju days, or subject to 30 days or moro notice, and postal savings;) Certificates of deposltjothor than for inonoy borrowed Postal savings doposlts Othor tlmo deposits Total of tlmo deposits subjoct to Resorvo, Itoms 40, 41, 42, und 43 400,740.12 United Htwtcti di-potdts (othor than nostal savInEBi: a War loan deposit account .' 0,477.04 TOTAL Of tho total loans and discountsxphown above. mo uuiuum uii. wiucn interest, ana uiscount was charged at rates in oxcosa of thoso per mitted b law (Sec. C107, Rev, Stat.), oxcluslvo ' v of notes upon which total chargo not to excood CO cents was made, was None. Tho number ' of such loans was None. 8TATE OF ORECJON, COUNTY OF MALHEUR, 88 I, W. F. Homan, Cashier of tho above-named bank, do solemnly swear that tho abovo statement la truo to the boat of vay knowledge and belloi "W. F, HOMAN. Caahlor Subscribed and sworn to boforo mo this 2d day of Docember, 1010. S. F. TAYLOR, Notary Public My Commission expires October G, 1023 CORRECT Attest: C. It. EMISON .11 EARL BLACKADY 4 I I " L. ADAM, Directors. J ' I J 1& I 44 Ready -Cut Houses We Sell Them Van Petten Lumber Co. Ontario, Oregon 122,818.41 G03.01 37,418.70 0,477.01 07C.775.3C, We have our own catalogue. Bring us the catalogue from any ready-cut house concern and we will save you money; We are here where you can make us live up to our agree ments. r See us if you want to build a house, garage, barn, or any other building. This Brown Boot All sizes AAA to C 2 1-2 to 8 $12 to $17 Brown Kid Vamp and Top of Exceptional Beauty of Design Here is one of the Fall's most attractive offer ings made to our special order by Utz & Dunn, makers of the famed "Style Shoes of Quality." The snme quality and style standard will be found in a splendid assortment of new boots just received from this reliable house. You'll find it economical to purchase shoes com bining reliable workmanship and worthy quality. We are showing the new styles in our window this week. A welcome awaits you here. Rader Bros. Co. Ontario, Oregon Hides, Furs and Pelts Ranchers, Stockmen, Trappers: If you have any hides, furs or pelts send them to us. We pay the highest market prices. We pay cash. Rogers & Company Ontario, Oregon Telephone 185-W 8