The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 27, 1919, Image 1

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    t kr
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NO. o2
Worked Punt Hem rod by OtcrMrri'l
mid Vernon Duller Itivuilltt In
Touchdown Mooro anil lluller
Injured Knrly In (Jnmo.
In ono of tlio brat, nnd Hint moniiB
tlio most bitterly contested football
gnmoH In wblcL nn Ontnrlo IiIrIi
Bclionl team has participated, Ontnrlo
won Wt Caldwell Inst Saturday artor
noon by n Rcoro of 7 to 0. Ily win
ning Ontario placed Its season's
record on a pnr with Nntnpn and
Caldwell for clmmplonHlilp honors.
Tlio gamo wao wltncBHod by moro
than 100 Ontario ronterH who wont
to tlio Canyon county town confident
Hint Ontario would win nnd woru
wall ropnlil for their troublo. An In
tlio caso of tlio Nampa gamo here
tliaro wan coiiHldornblo bettlnK on
tlio Ramu tto that It wuh a rinnnchilly
fliiHli crowd of yotuiR men who camo
homo on tlio dolayed pony Hint ovon-
Ins. -i-tCiM
Nowh of tlio Rnnio camo to Ontnrlo
nt tbn end of every quarter from L.
IllrHCh, who wired tlin Ontario Pros-
nary, nnd nn tho roHiilt Ontario wns
moro or lens distracted durltiK the
second nnd third quarters when
Caldwoll ropoutadly anno near scor
Iiik. When victory was nssurod tlio
locals J. C, CrolRht of tho Parent
Tonchor's nssoclntlon Immediately
rnlsod n small purso to glvo tho boys
n "feed" on their return, und that
wait done nt tho llluo Illrd lato Ih the
evening. Plann for tills ovent were
partially Bpollod by renHon of the
latonoDH or the train, but nover-tho-Iohh
n InrKQ crowd Krootcd tho piny
erM nnd n big Bprcnd wnn held.
Tho only innr to tho Knhio wnH the
Injury of Ontnrlo regular ends,
Mitchell Mooro und Vernon Butlor.
Tho former Hiifforod n sovornly
sprained anklo while tlio latter went
out with a badly sprained wrlHt.
With thORO two mon out, each of
whom hnd proven a thorn In tho utile
of Cnldwoll, tho Inttor oxpoctod to
win, but counted not on tho playing
of Nowt Znhlor and Jack Wonvor, tho
substitutes, who proved their mettlo
tlmo after tlmo whon caiuweii in
tempted to skirt tho lino. In fact
tho playlnR of Wcnvor nnd Zahlor
wqb ono of tho fenturen of tho gnmo
Mont of Cnldwoll's Rnln wore
mado off tacklo nnd thru tncUlo. The
Cnldwoll mon nhlfted their plunging
neks and tacklos bo that two mon hit
Maddux nnd OvorBtroot, Ontnrlo's
tacklos. on ovory play In tholr offort
to break theBo mon. II owovor, thoy
did not succcod nnd In tho third
quartor Cnldwoll waH not nblo to
ninko Its ynrdngo thru tlio lino nnd
Ontnrlo was stronger nt tho nd of
tho Rnmo than In tho second nnd
third qunrtors.
Most of tlio Bpoctators roturned to
Ontario convinced that Ontnrlo was
entitled to two touchdowns., but one
thnt Cody nutlor mndo wns disallow
ed, tho roferoo rullni; that the posi
tion of Cody nutlcr's feot. and not
that of tho ball conBtltutcd tho loca
tion of tho play, n most pccllar rul
Inp Indeed, . , ,
' Ontario scored the one touchdown
In tho first quarter when after carry
In io ball to within n foot of tho
Cip ell goal lost It on downs
Caldwell's nttompt to kick from bo
hind tho lino wns blocked, both Ovor,
street nnd Butler RettlnR thru to fall
on tho ball. Madden kicked goal.
In tlio Becond quarter Caldwoll
braced and Btartod to carry tho
locals off tholr feet. Steady line
plunging by tho heavy Caldwell
backs carried tho ball twlco Inside
tho locals' ton yard lino and onco to
within a foot of tho local goal before
being hold. In this portion of tlio
game tho manner In which (Jib
Deana nnd Cody nutler backed up
tho lino wns a feature. Odell mid
Madon too took their sharo of tho
heavy work. ,
Long runs by Madden and nutler
and Odell handling of plays showed
tho Improvement of tho back field
during tho past two weeks, whllo tho
vast Impromemcnt In the play of the
ends was most gratifying. The boys
wont down under Maddon's spirals In
college football stylo and Caldwoll
was not able to roturn the kicks to
advantage, the man with the ball
being downed. In his tracks re
Vic Marsden has added a cylinder
boring machine at his mnchlno Bhop.
This Is tho first of these machines to
como to Ontario and Is the only one
to bo found In this valley, ny the
aid of this machine the cylinder in
nny car can bo bored In Just a short
tlmo and since the numbor of cars
that are used in this section is grow
ing each year the demand for this
class of work justifies Its installa
tion, says Mr, Marsden,
(Mil STOLKN IIKIti: lli:(X)Vi:ilKI)
Tho car belonging to Q. II. Currov
of tho Vnlo Enterprise which wnn
Molon hero laBt Wodnesdny evening
wnw recovored nt Now Plymouth,
Idaho, Moudny and returned to Its
ownor not much tho worso for lt ox
perlonco la bolng driven by Btrmig
om. Tho car wan loft In front of n locnl
restaurant Wodnesdny ovciiIiir by n
iiiembor of tho Kntornrlso staff while
ho took tlmo to got n sandwich. On
his roturn to tho street tho enr wnn
gone, MnrHhnl II. C. Former learn-
od Saturday that biicIi a cur hnd been
nbnndoncd In Now Plymouth nnd nn
InvoHtlgnttqn followed, remitting In
tlio return of tho enr. It Is thot that
Home Now Plymouth youth took tho
enr merely to snvo Iinvlng to romnln
In tlio city nvornlght, nnd hiivo n taxi
hill ns woll.
On lufiii'iiiiitlou ()len by Sheriff !(
Nnei IIoIho mill Ciildtuil Officers
An est Men Churned With
Hleallnjr 1'ui-n,
Wllllnrd Morgnti nnd Jatf. Dolnney
wore tnken o Vnlo this wrok follow-
lug tholr nrrest nt Ilolso nnd Caldwell
respectively charged with burglarlz
lug Frnnk, Olcnn'M fur storo nt Vnlo.
It was In connection with tho wile of
tho furs tnkou from tho store that
Prank (lolden nnd I'rnnli Krvlngtou
wore nrrestcd Iiiat wools. .
Dolnnoy nnd Morgnn wro both
seen In Ontnrlo tho dny lieforo nnd
tbn dny nftnr thn Vnlo store wiih rob
bed nnd woro Huspectod or knowliiR
vomothlnc nbout It. A trnp was laid
ror Dclnney und ha wuh picked up nt
Cnlilwell whllo Morgun was nocurod
tit Ilolso on dpscrlptlonH sent out by
Hlicrlff Noo.
Cnlquo Cumpaluu to Cmry MeHMiRe
or City und Hn MenliautK t.'udri-
wny -PIiiiin Knrnuil (or
Iiinneillato Aitlon.
To toll tho foJliB or Mulliour count)
nnd tho surrounding territory Just
wlint Ontario menus to thorn nnd how
It can sorvo thorn Is tlio puriKMto of
nn advortlslnR campaign, tho dolnllK
or which Socrotnry V. I.phIIo Hotly Iiiih
coin plot oi! und Ntnrted work to
This campaign Ih to ho unlquo mid
ono that will covor several month
nnd In Its scopo cover ovory field of
activity In tlio "Ity. When It' U
finished Ontnrlo uud Its people will
bo bettor known thnn over hefnro by
tho pooplo of this Hcctlon.
County Knglneer Victim or Heart
I'allure While Out on Kiiriejlnj;
Trip Pioneer or WOhtcrii
n. P. Former who for tho past four.
years lias been county englnoer dlotl
suddonly on Monday whllo out on n
surveying trip In tlio WntBon country.
Ills body was brought to Vulo yas
terday Ho Is survived by his wife
who is well known thructit tho coun
ty for her 'active leadership In affairs
of tho women's clubs nnd othor In
Mr. Karmor was a pioneer rail
road englneor nnd worked on tho con
structlon or tho Western I'cclflc nnd
other roads In tho early days. He
came to .Mainour county from Nevada
several years ago and Bottled flrxt at
NyBsa from which placo ho was
olectod county engineer four yonrs
ago when ho moved to Vale.
Mr. Karmr was a promlnnt mom
ber of the Vole lodgo or Masoim nnd
or tho Vnlo lodgo of Knights or
l'ytinas. Kunaral ftorvices will bo
hold today at Vnlo under tho direc
tion or tho Masonic order.
AUTO STOI.ICN whim: ownkh
' Whllo K. W. Howland was sitting
rentlLug at Miss Lavlno Smith's board
ing house Tuesday, evening, having
left his car nt the curb In front or
the resldenco, clover auto thlovcs
drovo the car ayay, and ns yot, no
traco or tho vehicle has been round.
Thla is the socond theft of a week
In Ontario nnd has served to arauue
the officers to put,, a,, stop to the
activity or tho criminals. The car
stolen rrom Mr. Howland Is n Dodge
Roadster or 1920 model and a re
ward Is orrored ror Its return.
Sheriff Leo Noo in 'directing tho
'. .1, (JnlhiKlier Holies In Political
(Jovdp us Ulccly (Intel Wicldcr
for lower llou-c In 11)21,,
P. J. OnllaRhor. who rcnrcscii'lcd
Mnlhour nnd Hiituoy counties In tho
1UIU session of tho leKls uturo nnd
will bo n cnndldnla far that Job again
In being mndo tho subject or political
gossip ns n likely candidate for tho
poNltlon of Hpcnker In tho 1921 sen
slon. Mr. anllngher, who roturned Sun
dny from Portland, where ho was one
of tho nttomcyB In tho Wnrmsprlngs
caso, ndmlttcd thnt his niimo was
montloncd In connection with tho
Rpoukorshlp hut dcclnrrd thnt ho was
not nn uvowod cntulldnto ror the
"Thoro Ih plenty or tlmo to constd
or tlio Hlluntlon," Haiti Mr. (Jullugher,
"and too ninny things might hnppen
in tlio next year to declare myself
now. u ih truo tiini n numbor or men
Imvo montloncd my niimo In connec
tion with tho sponkcrshlii hut with
out nny ntithorlty from mo.
Pluck of I'ootball PlajerH lleeoguleil
anil SwiMtei-N Will He Olieu to
lit'ttrr Wlnueift -I'limls He-
eured for Pin chase.
Ah n mark of nimrcolntlou ror the
plucky fight iniulo by tho Ontnrlo
iHRli hciioo footlinll tonm after u
had start tho biuluoHH mon of tlio
city nro to Klvo onch of thn hoys who
Ih entitled to u letter ror tho hoonoii u
IiuiiiIhoiiio sweater with tho coveted
O ' emhlasoiied thereon.
This wiih determined utiou by a
iiuinber or tho men nnd I.. I. Illrsch
htnrted a collection nnd In u short
tlmo ho hnd Kocurod sufficient funds
to mnko the piirchaso or tho gnr
inoutH. When tho presentation' will
bo mndo Iiiih not boon determined
upon ns yet but It will bo In tlm near
Stores Will Cloxo anil I'uloii Sen lee
Will bo Held nt .MethoilUt Church
I'ootball (junto In Afternoon.
Ontario will colobrato Thanks
giving day In tho iihiiiiI manner
Many or tho store will bo chxml
during tlio entire Iw v.hllu ot'ar
win bo open until 11 o'clock for tho
nucninn ntlon of bnlnted s.viiumr
In tho morning thoro will bo a
apodal unhyi Thanksgiving sorvlcu
at Methodist Kplaropnl church at
ivhlcli llov. W. V. Cochrun of tho
United Prosbytorlnn chiiroh will do
llvor tho nddross.
In tlio nftornoon thoro will o n
root hall gamo betwoon tho alumni
nnd tho loon I high school team. Do
sldo thoso events thoro will ho num
erous fiunlly dinner partlos to mark
tho day
Henry Heir Iteilml Slieopmau Dies
I'oIIowIiik Ioiir lllnesH Cmne to
Ontnrlo Id Year Ago,
Honry Ilolr, agod 03 died at his
homo nn Wasco street, near the Fair
grounds Inst Saturday morning rol-
lowing an iiuioh or Hovernl weeks
Somo tlmo slnco ho suffered n stroke
or paralysis uud medlcnl nld proved
vain. wr. ueir la survived by his
widow nnd by n brother llvlnir near
Heury Ilelr wns a nloneor sheen.
man or tho Snnko river vnlloy. lie
uuiuo wosi jrom uis nativo city, Hur
ralo, New Vork, when n young man
and settled In tho vicinity or Council
Idaho. Ho retired nftor many yoar
or activity and camo to Ontario to
ii vo somo io years ago.
Funaral sorvlcos wero hold rrom
tho Methodist church last Monday
artrnoon and wero attended by a host
of frlonds or tho ramlly. Intorjnent
was maoo in me untano cemetry.
Mrs. John Hasmussen Will bo the
hostess ror tho Wednesday brldue
club next week. ,
search ror tho onr rooortB that ovorv
ear stolen In Malheur county hag been
stolen in ontnrlo, and rurtlier de
clares that overy ono or them has!
uuun ruiuruou or locaieu.
Oreson'N Quota $11,000: .Malheur
Count j ' Quota $000 Money to
Do Spent biglillilfc Disease
In Oregon,
Kroni Dcccmbor 1 to 20 tho nnnunl
Balo or lied Cross Christmas seals
wltl bo hold. Tho funilK secured
frotri tho snlo or the little snls is used
to right'ttiborculosls, tho grcntost en
emy or mankind yet uuconqiiered.
Nino tenths or Oregon's quota or
$14,000 will bo spent In tho stato In
nn educational campaign to erndl
en to tho dlscnso. Mnlhour rnunty'K
quota Is but $000, nnd moro thnn
thnt sum will bo spent In tho county
II tho present plnn to send n visiting
nurso to tho county ror three months
mntorlnllzes. This depends on the
doslro or tho rouuty ror such work.
Womcn'M (lub Tjiue ( lini'Ke
Tho Womcn'H eluhs or Ontnrlo.
Vnlo nnd NyMnn hnvo boon united to
direct tho cntnpnlgu In tho county,
nnd in Ontario tho women's club link
mado Mrs. (1. K. Alkon, chnlriunu ror
thn enmpnlgn.
, Tho ptirposo of tho drlvo U clonrly
sot forth In tho following Interview
with A. I.. Mills, stato ehalrman of
tho enmpnlgn:
"Now thnt tho lied Cross roll on II
Is oailed ns per arrnngeiiieut with tho
Nntlounl Tuberculoids Awoclntlon,
tho attention of tho public spirited
and humtinltnrlnn cltlinns of Oregon
wltl nnturnlly turn to tho Snlo or Hod
Cross Chrlntinns Seali," Bald A. I.
Mills, president or tho Oregon Tu-
berrutoHls Assoolntlon, under whose
uusplccos tho snlo will bo conducted
In tlio stnto Dncombor 1 to 20 In
"Might nnd ono Jinlf million dol
lars derived from tho snlo or Hod
Crow ClirlstnuiH Renin during the
pnst elnvoii years, hnvo been In
strumental In providing npproxlmnto
ly $100,000,000 worth or Institutions
In fighting tuberculosis nil over tho
country. Tho nnnunl mulutennure
nnd up keep or theso Institutions Is
moro than $20,000,000.
"I wish to mnko plain thnt this Is
not u drlvo or n enmpnlgn, It Is
simply tho mentis tnken ror tho past
12 yours to flnnnco tho groat right
ngalust tuhoroulosls. Ono or (ho
dlHtlnctlvo reaturoH or tho Rent Snlo
Is tho fnct thnt 00 per cent of tho
proceeds will bo kept right hero In
Oregon, only 10 por cent bolng sent
to tlio National orgnnUatloii.
'Oregon has nt' nit time 0000
open ensott or tuoorcuioOH anil no-
(Continued on Last Page.)
DliN .Uked Tor $100,000 or Iksue or
$Ui!0,000 Voleil ut I'.leiilon l,iM
liino Aliilheur CIlleiiM
(Jlen Preference,
In nnother column of this Issue np
poura tho call or tlio County Court
ror bids on $100,000 or Malheur
County Hond Ilonds. Thoso bonds
nro n portion or tho Issue voted nt
tho special oloctlon hold last June
and the money thus secured Is to bo
used to co-opornto with tho Stnto In
cnrrylng forward tho work already
arrangod for.
One or tho spoclal foaturos or tho
cull Ih that rontnlnod In tho last para
graph which provldoH that citizens or
Mnlhour county will bo glvon prefer
ence In tho sale of thn bonds. Since
tliero nro many Malheur county citi
zens who could purchnso thoso bonds
It Is probnblo that local offers will bo
mado. Tlio bonds carry flvo and ono
hair nor cent Intorottt nnd sluco tho
county has practically no dobt should
bo engerly sought for. .
suitPitisi: (T.i.i'.mtATiox ok
HIIA'lIlt wi:ddino is STAOKD
Last Thursday ovenlug the homo
or Mr. aifd Mrs. L. Adaih on South
MorHtt stroot was Invaded by n largo
number or tholr rrlonds who gather
ed to surprise, thorn und nsslst In
celobratlng tholr Bllvor wedding The
evening was spout In dollghtful ro-
mlnlscencoB or early days in Ontario
whllo cards and conversation vied
wft!i each other ItofrwIiinontH
worn servod toward tho closo or tho
colobratlon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Adam
wero tho receipleqta or a number or
handsome rcmomhraucoo or tho day.
Tho Womau'a club will moot nt the
homo or Mrs. P. J. Gallaghor on De
comber 4 with Mrs. O. K. Aiken ns
the leader. On December 11 tlio
meeting will bo held ut tho homo or
Mrs. L. Adam with Mrs. J. It. Fortlor
as tho leader or tho program. The
women this year are studying Africa
and Australia with Egypt occupying
(their tlmo ut preaont.
Ontnrlo's 1910 football sonson will
eloso tomorrow when stars or rormer
yonrn will endeavor to ilomoiistrnle
to tho tonm or 1010 thnt It Is not nil
Hint ltn rrlcnds nro thinking It Is
Just because or tho victory at Calil
wqll last Snturdny.
Such old timers nn .tnv ttimiml
Claudo Chrlstlnnson. diet I.nokov.'
Lmtilo nnd Krcd Orniiiso. Mnrk Pin.
noy, lrn willlnms and othorH will at
tempt tho comoback Btunt. They
hnvo boon running signals up nt tho
Oregon club ror n numbor or ovon
IngB nnd Inst night oven got out nnd
tried tho hnrd ground.
Tho youngsters, however, nro
ready Tor tho old boyH nnd dechiro
Hint thoy will enrn u big dinner ir
they pull nny or tho rnmoua plnys of
years gone by Tho gomo will bo
played nt tho Knlr groundH mid will
stnrt nt .1,00,
I our Ormul Officer of Stnto mid On.
Inrlo mill Vnlo MetuberN Pre-ent
to Welcome Notv IamIo With
nil Member. .
To Instltuto (loldou Ilod Chnpter
O. K. 8 nt Nyssn Inst Friday rnnr
Kruiiu omcers or too urnnd Lodgo of
Oregon nnd .14 officers nnd iiinmliorH
of Stnr Chnptor nnd four mmnhora or
fJolden Chain Chnptor or Vnlo Jour-
iiuyuu io nysKn.
J no uegrco work was dona by Mrs.
Paulino Piatt, worthy matron nf
Star Chnptor und tho officers nnd
inomborH or Ontario whllo tho lodgo
wns Instituted by K. K, Jlddlo, or
ijiurnnuo, grand worthy patron,
awlslod by Mrs. Albnrlu MoMurphy,
uk grnnd Bocretnry, Mrs. W. W. Lot
sou nu grnnd cliuptlit nnd Mrs. Itny
13. Under or Klgln, grnnd mnrshnl.
Following tho institution or tlio
lodgo nnd tho conferring of tho de
gree on tlio CO now inomborH nnd tho
Installation or tho chapter n banquet
wiih srvled by tliu inomborH or (lolden
Itod chnptor nod tho visiting inom
borH returned to Ontnrlo on No. 17.
Only Thirteen Voter Attend Annual
M'liool .Meeting Quel Ion or the
Student i: Ilture.. D1h.
ciihscil Imehtlgatloii
Thoro worn iUBt 13 voters nrminnt
nt thn nnnunl school mooting held
IftHt Snturdny nftornoon at tlio High
School ror tho nuriiOHn nf nniMlnif nn
tho nnnunl school budgot nnd voting
on nn Increase In tho lovy nocess.try
to maintain tho publlo school systom
Thn voto In each caso was unanimous
Artor tho voting wna concludod.
inoiubora or tho Pnrent-ToachorH' as
sociation present nsked tho ho.ird
what was dono with tlio ren of $1
nolloctod from each High School
student nt tho opening of tho school
yoar? AiiHworlng ror tlio board,
Dr. W. J. Wcoso. chnlrmnn, v ho
prosldod nt tlio meeting declared
that ho know nothing or such n pr ac
tion nud thnt H It did obtain It vns
In connection with tho nctlvltloH of
tho high school Student Hotly, for
athletics and other diversions of tho
Mrs. C. K. Ulnghnm nnd W. W.
Wood eneh spoko of tho numbor or
toqiiostH mado by pupils ror money
to pay nssoMmcntfl levied by tho
NtudontH und tho clawsoa ror act hit Ion
nnd said that while thoso would not
effect tho vusl mujnrlty of tho p ir
ents, still in somo cuboh thoy wo lid
und thoroforo If poaslblo ought to bo
rurtnllcd It wnH determined to
ask Suporlntomlont Lewis to Invo tl
gato tho amount of' money colloc ed
during tho yoar by tho BtudnntK i nd
to report to tho board, tho purpnso
to which thn funds nro nxpondod
In honor or Mrs Alborln Me
Murphy, or fingono, grnnd worthy
matron or tho Kastnrn Star, Mrs. W
W. I.otson was tho hostoas ror a din
ner at tho niuo Bird last Friday af
ternoon preceding tlio trip to Nvsn
at which (lolden Ilulo (iiupter or t'at
city was iiiKtltutoti Tlio following
wero tho guosts nt tho dinner who
mndo up thn party from horo fiat
wont to NyBsa: Mrs Alberta Mo
Murphy. 13. K. Klddlo, KIkIii, gri'tid
.'ortlly patron. Mr. and Mrs. Ilruco
Kostor of Vnlo, Mrs. Lena Lax of
N'yssn, John Knknboko, N'yssa, und
tho following officers and momboru
or Star Chapter, Ontnrlo; Mr a.
Paulino Piatt. Mr. and Mrs. Kmory
Hill, Mr and Mrs. W. F. Unman. Mr.
and Mrs A 8 Drown. Mrs II L
Potorson, Mrs Ilesslo Clement, Mrs.
Km ma Illllingsloy, Miss Krnostlno
Hllllngsloy, Mrs. Kdnn Allen, Mm
Myrtle Itasmusson, Mlsa Ktiiol
nrown, Mrs. Mary Cockrum, Mrs
Ilosslo Heady, Mrs. Charlotte Scholes,
Mrs. Kdlth Segulno, Mrs. Olivo Mu-
AI)VI.4,lll,i:()i;i,) pt(.
HoqtirM or Union OH Company for
Penult to Kiwi Tmiks On Idaho
Awiiuo In Dented I'ollouln Un
ilenu'ltcrn' Hepott.
Thoro will bo no street pnvliig In
Ontnrlo this yenr. Thnt wuh dotor
mlnod M tlio meotlng of tho cltv
rouiicll Mondny ovonliig whon It. II.
Ilostlc, Huporlntoiident or tho Wurroii
Consctrtirtlon compnny, told tho city
council tho troublo tho company U
Iinvlng to securo coal ror Its work.
"Wo could lirocood." snld Mr. linn.
He, "and Iny a block or two nud then
find Hint wo could secure nn more
coal nnd then wo would hn un
ngnliiHt It. Tlio block that wo would
bo preparing to pnvo would bo down
to grndo nnd In tho moiiutlmo u rain
or n snow would como Hint would
start n freeze nnd wo would hnvo to
wnlt for u tlinw becniiso wo could not
Iny tho surfneo on rrozon ground.
"Whllo this condition would exist
tho block would bo Impniwnblo nnd
tho business men would ho greatly
Inconvonlonccd. Whllo wo nro bore
nnd hnvo our plnnt nil ready ror op
erations wo would prefer to proceed
hut do not think Hint Is tho oxpedlont
thing to do In tho protfonl condition
or tho fuol tunrkot."
Tho council ngrood with Mr. Ilostlc
Hint It would profor to hnvo the pnv
liig laid right rntlipr than to tuko n
ohnnco with n lot or patch work In
tho spring.
Mr. Ilostlc nnnouncod Hint tho
rompuny Ih to storo Uh plant hero ror
tho winter, Tho hg roller ror thn
Job wnH unlnnded rrom tho mm Mou
dny nnd nrrnngomentH nro being
mndo to linvn n Hiding mndo ror tho
paving plant which will bo housed
over Tor tho winter. In tho mean
time, howover, tho company Is to
procood to mntnrlnl gathered so that
work may stnrt curly In the spring.
Thn council nlso pnKsod on tho
budgot ror tho your 1920 which Is
printed in uuotlinr column In this
Issuo. Tho budget, lu view or tho In
creased cost or everything tho city
uses Is not mntorlully greater. than
ror tlio past yenr. Tho row changes
mndo nro all minor ouos und nro off-
sot to n dogroo by Incronsed valua
tions. Tho exact amount of tho luvy
can not bo dotormlnod until tho tnx
roll ban been outlroly segregated by
thn iiBsossor nud tlio city notified of
Its valuation.
Tho council also denied tho ro
quost of tho Union Oil rompuny for n
permit to build storage tanks on
block til), on Idaho avenue. This was
dono following tho receipt of the re
port of tho underwriters.
I'oily-flvo i:Kenlco Men Attend
.Meeting und i:iHi Officer -K. '
perl Clmrler Holl or ut l.en.t
One Hundred Meinltei-.
Forty flvo ox-sorvlro men gntliorod
nt tho City Unit last Friday ovonliig
to comploto tho organization of un
American Legion post ror Ontnrlo.
lloforo tho mooting tho men had been
Informed (but tho reouost of tho IR
original slgnorH for n petition ror n
charter had boon granted uud thnt
tho post hod been designated an On
tario Post No. 07.
With HiIh Inforinntlon nt hand tho
men proceeded to oloct thn first post
officers uh follews: Lloyd Perkins,
prosldoiit; I,. II. Cockrum, vloa protil
donti Karl lilaoknby, sooretary;
Cholsey Iloyor, trousuror. Moinboni
of tlio oxeouttvo cammltleo, II. M.
IJrowno, J D. O'Koem und O. K.
Whllo thn (barter ror tho organ
ization has boon granted It bun not
yot reached Ontario und will probab
ly not bo Hero ror two weeks, slnco it
Is uocoesary lor It to go back to tho
national headquarters uud seoure the
slgnaturoa or tho national officers
In tho moaiitlmo tho member al
ready enrolled uro oudouvnrliig too
euro tho addition of nil tlio men
eligible for membership so that when
tlio list or cliurtor moiniiiirti is com
pleted thoro will bo ut least 100
inomborH In tho local post.
Miss Luollu Cullln wuh tho hollow
for a party of young women nt the
homo of MIsh Mao liutt kmt Thurti-
'day ovonlng. Flvo hundred was
played and rcfroHlimonts woro served.
Mrs. T T. Kahout and dniiEhtor
Katherlno camo down from flolsa
Saturday to bo tho giiostH ovor the
wook end or Miss Lavlno Smith.
Culloch, Mra. C. O. Plnnoy und Mr.
and Mra, Y. W. Lotson.