THE ONTARIO AEG US, ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1939 BOYS TO HOLD BIG IIKN .1. IHtOWN IN CIIAltOi: OF (UltAdi: I1UHINIXH IIKlti: B AT Yoiiiik KcIIouh From 15 Years ami ' Ui Cflllnl to Hoar Inoplratldii Tulkfi by Hcc))(ile(l Ioml cm In IJo)n' Work. "Lot's go," tlio slogan of tlio V. M. 4C. A. boys' conforciico which started at Mod ford, Oregon, October C and will liavo continued at intervals aver Bin co, will bo carrlod Into Wolsor Wolsor Friday, Saturday and Sun day,' Novombcr 28, 20 and 30, when tlio (Kill In a Borlon of bIx will bo bold. Every ono of tlio conferences hold thus far has been an unqualified kuccohb, both from tho standpoint of attondanco and results, many boys from 1C years and up having receiv ed Inspirational holp w,hlch will go Ux toward Rhaplng their future li&y letters tiro on fllo In tho offico of Paul L. Nowmoyor, Intorstato sec retary for boys' work at Portland, tcHtlfylng to this. Tho program for tho mooting to bo hold at Wolsor Is virtually comploto mid Is full of good things for tho boys who will gather In that city for tho thrco-day sessions. Tho cltlzonB with ono accord liavo bandod to gothor to carry through tho sorlcs of mootlngs and all 1b In readiness for tho big tlmos that aro on schodula. Thoro will bo lltorary and musical numbors In plenty, flno addresses by specialists on various subjects and athlotlcs, dlscuslons of topics noar to tho boy heart, In which thoy thorn solves will tnko part. A big banquet tondorod tho dolo gaten by tho citizens, will bo on tho program and tho boys will ho cared for In tho homos of tho pcoplo of Wolsor, rocotvlng .gratis rooms and moals whllo at tho conferonco, so Hen J Drown, who for years was tho chlof law enforcing officer of Malheur county, having sorved two terms as sheriff, Is now a resident of Ontario, having accepted tho posi tion of manngor of tho Harvey & Hlckor branch located at tho Cartar Oarage. Pen can soil 'gaBolIno, put n prlco on a bonzlno buggy or pro scribe tho right kind of lubricating oil with all tho oclat with which ho tiBcd to round up bootleggers and cattlo purlolncrfl. United I'rcMijIcrlmi Church, Ulblo school, 10 n, m. Public worship, 11a. in. Sermon subject, "Young Pcoplo and tho Church," Public '.vorshlp, 7:30. Sornon subject, "Tho Eighth Command ment 'Thou Shalt Not Stool.'" or "Tho Itlght Itcspcct for I'roporty.'' W. F. Cochran, Pastor. . that tho only oxpenso a boy need ho under In making tho trip Is his car faro and n registration fen of $1. Ono of tho features of great Im portant wilt bo tho prcBenco of Mrs. Jean Morrla Kills, of Portland, a woman of raro ability, both as n spoakor and character analyst. 8ho has boon of great service tn tho liun- drodB of boys who havo attonded tho othor four conferences In Oregon and Idaho and has Inspired scores of thorn, through porsonnl Intcrvlows and by answorlng tholr questions and Imparting sound ndvlco; to hot ter living and moro doflnlto purpose In llfo. Mrs. Kills speaks as a motbor who not only nont boys into battlo In Franco, but as ono who hersolf do votod her tlmo and Btrongth to chcorlng nnd inspiring tho mon In camp and mill In this country during tho ported of tho war. Sho may bo porsonnlly Intorvlowod by any boy present and will glvo ndvlco and counsol to any desiring to know how McDowell Undertaking Parlors A. L. MdDowell, Proprietor W. C. Jones, Licensed Embalmer Funerals directed from tho parlor-chapel . or from tho church of your choice Parlors situated in a quiet district. Day Phone 10GW Night Phones 89M and 34W SALE EXTRAORDINARY OF 200 LIES' SPITS Announcing A BIG SALE of women's High Grade Suits, values up to $85.00, strictly high grade suits in the season's most attract- A ive styles. Straight line, paneled and loose effects. Models which p have sold here before at $25 vto $85 department store Now Specially Priced at 20 per cent off department store Let us help prepare your home for Thanksgiving HI ONTARIO Ikji9 IWl onEGON J mtSmf IMmT "WMFJA ml ONTARIO IkJm W( OREGON J DW COAT WEEK BEGINS TOMORROW Stylish dressed women hnvp conip to expect the un usual from this store. For instance, at this time when ninny other stores' stocks of fine Coats have become de pleted there is a splendid showing here. Wonderful material, charming models, specially priced for Thanks giving. GREAT MILLINERY OFFERING Ton woman in need 'of a new I Tat, to the woman who would welcome the oppor tunity to purchase a smart lint for the Thanksgiving celebration this sale will be of interest. All our Hats at one price $4.85 SHOES A new shipment of Wo men's Shoes, black, brown, lioso to match. you need, espe- gray, with .lust what cially priced $4.85 to $12.00 LINENS FOR .THANKS GIVING DINNER TABLE For big family reunions they are extra size, all linen cloths, part of our old stocks at less than today whole sale prices. Firm double damask at $2.00 to $3.00 the Yard Napkins, $4 to $8 Dozon Extra good Table Damask 70 inches, comes in every at tractive pattern, at $1 and $1.25, $2 Yard Hommod Napkins $2.00, $2.75 doz. UNUSUAL BLOUSES AT $15.00 Fine beaded Georgette, Navy, Brown, Black, White and Flesh. Crepe do Chine Counsels to match at $2. HIGH GRADE BLACK SATEEN PETTICOATS For tho Thanksgiving Tjado bringing $1.25 to $3.50 Excellent values and every one a winner. 50 SILK AND SERGE DRESSES Our Inst side of Dresses was so successful that we decided to give up 50 more silk and serges at a special discount of 25 per cent. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity of Inlying a new Thanksgiving Dress. GIRLS' SPECIAL COATS In going through our stock of Girls' Coats wo have many lines that have .sold down to one of a kind. These wo havo grouped to gether in one big lot for a week's special selling at a lot price. $-1.95 KLOSFIT SILK AND JERSEY PETTICOATS Specially priced for the Thanksgiving trade $3.50 to $5.00 MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS AND SUITS We wish you to just com pare our showings with any and all, as it is just a matter of you saving a few dollars on each garment. thoy may host mako uso ot tholr tal ents. This sho has dono for hun dreds of hoys and mon during tho Saving Is a Man's Greatest Asset 0U0f Society docs not judge us by, what wo spend, but by what wo save; 7 6o Cumulative Preferred Stock may bo purchased either for cash or by our easy monthly pay ment plan. Wo want our customers to become our partners in business and at tho same time help them to save. Vf Dividends Paid Quarterly f February 1st, May 1st, August 1st, November 1st, , ?i - "' ' , ?j. Ask any employe for particulars. Idaho Power Company "4 past fow years. AccordliiR to roports just received at Intorstato hoadquartors In Port land, tho conforciico which, closod at Pocntollo Sundny night was a big miccoss, largo iiumhors ot boys being proHont and tlio Intorott at tho high est point throughout4, Socrotary Nowmoyor wlshos to om phnslzo tho Importance of having as many hoys na posslhlo present nt tlTo conferonco at Wolsor, as ho iloclaros that In tho onus already hold rogrot has boon oxprossod by tho ilologntos because somo woro not prosont who should havo rccotvod tho Inspiration of tho conferences. "I urgo ovory boy of 1G or moro who possibly can got nway, to bo nt Wolsor,' said Mr. Nowmoyor, "for thoy will miss somothlng mightily worth whllo If thoy aro not thorp. Every boys' club should bo ropro- sonted by at least two delogatOH and tho loader. It will bo tho ovont of tholr llvos." COMMKUCIAIj CI.UH HKcmnwiir GOICS TO STATU WIDU MIUmNfl Secretary F. Losllo Doily of tho Commercial club left last Saturday ovonlng for Portland and Salem whoro tho secretaries of tho Com mercial bodies ot Oregon hold thlor annual convention. Mr, Body was ono ot tho convention spoakors, hav ing been assigned tho subject' "How to scuro tho co-oporutlon of tho mombors In club work." Notice to Our Customers This store will close at 11 o'clock, Thursday, November 27 and remain closed the balance of Thanksgiving Day ON'i: lMtOMINKNT STUDF.NT ovi:nLooiu:i ix wmriMi' In tho story of Ontario students at O. A. C which appcaro'd In laBt wook's Issuo of tho Argus ono young man, Arthur Cockrum, who has boen actlvo In affairs at tho collogo, was somehow overlooked- Tho story In quostlon was contributed to tho Argus by a student In tho depart ment of Industrial Journalism at tho college, who no doubt mado this mis take Inadvertently. A perfect success and guaranteed to glvo satisfaction. Ford Starting and Lighting Systems. -Ford Oarage Rader Bros. DEPARTMENT STORE Bring Your Job Printing to The Argus.