THE ONTARIO ARGUS. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1919 ; rf (l Si m TheOntario Argus O. K. AIKEN, Editor nntl Publisher Published Thursdays nt Ontario, Oregon, and entered at tlio Ontario post offico for distribution oh 2nd class inattor. 8UBSC1UPTIONS Ono Yoar 1.G0 IIOL'NIM AT IiAHT. Ontario In nt Inst stopping forth mid showing noma confidence In Itself. Whllo other towns In thin vicinity were bolus Improved by resi dents erectliiK homes Ontario, con tinued to talk about Its ncod, but took no action. Now things arc dif ferent nnd tho sight of n new house frnino will not startlo anyone. Hlnco tho stnrt Is mado tho number or houses that will bu built will bo far inoro than was originally uot, for this Is n contagious movement and others nro getting tho fever to live In homos of their own. It Is about I lino Hint this epidemic spread. Last Snturdny n man, accompanied by his wife and small son enmo Into tho Argus offico. Ha was carrying nn Argtm want ad In his hand which (old of two rooms to rent. "Do you know where these rooms nro located?" ho asked. "Voa, hut thoy arc nlrondy taken," wn hnd to toll him, for tho ndvortlxer hnd Just been In tho office to say that tho ad hnd secured results. "What do you people ovor hero want?" countered tho wnuld-bo ronler. "Voa ndvortlso Ontario nnd Mnlhour county as n good placo to romo to, but when pcoplo do come you have no plnce to put thorn." This man mum Imvo gono somo placo clsn to llvo, for ho hns not been seen on tho streets since. Thus was another family lost to Ontario. How many such fatnlllos Imvo boon lost no ono knows. Wo bollovo that fully fifty or inoro fnmlllos would Imvo been hero this winter hud thoro boon houses to accommo date thorn. It Is thoroforo high 1 1 mo that Ontario folks show ns much faith In their homo town ns do I bono outsiders who romo oor hero to mnko their homo. WHY hH Attn NOT OlISIIUVKI) Thoro Is n great deal of comment theso days about foreigners not ob serving tho laws of tho United States, and demands that sinco they do not conform to our laws they ought to bo doportcd. It all sounds flno nnd patriotic nnd all that, but dl'l you over stop to think how oven those who nro pledged to enforco the laws vlolato thorn? Tako Just one sample, tho law pre venting gambling, punch boards, etc It may bo n foolish law, and punch ing tho board may ha n harmless pastime, and everyone docs It and all thnt, yet, when tho authorities order such practices to stop, and then pro ceed to forget nbout It, Is thcro nny wonder thnt tho people got tho Iden (hat to vlolato any law Is all right? If tho merchants of Ontario Imvo tho right to permit gambling, nnd to run punch boards, nil welt and good Tho Argus Is perfectly willing that they have that right; hut tho Argus does object to having officers elected to enforco nil tho Inws constituting themselves ns legislators nnd elect ing which laws they shnll enforce nnd which they shall Ignoro. Thnt Is whnt contributes to tho disrespect for lnw for which America is noted. It Is Just such things thnt glvo pub lic sanction to tho Ignoring of courts by tho miners nnd others. If a lnw Is n foolish lnw tho quick est way to Imvo It repealed Is to on forco It, but whllo tho law Is on the stntuto hooks nt least tho men who nro elected to enforce tho laws should obsorvo thorn. AWAKi: I'l.VAMiV. It take u groat donl to nwakon tho Atnorlcnu pcoplo to n realization of dungor. Tho tho Pacific Northwost has boon terrorized for yours by tho nctlvltlos of tho I. W. W oKpcclnlly In tho lumber roglons, tho public generally hns nccoptcd tholr work ns thnt of n fow fanatics nnd paid no further attention to thorn. Hut when thOHo dnstardly cowards Hhot four flno American men, men who wont forth to defend their coun try, and who wero marching In n peaceful parade, tho public nwoko to the menace thnt It has permit tod to rnlso Us bond In our laud. Whllo ninny of tho I. W. W. mom bors In tho Ccutralln gang nro for eigners, tho mnjorlty wero not, nt Icnst ko far as their nativity nnd cltl xoiwlilp. Thereforo tho agitation should not bo dlrectod to tho riding of the country merely of moil of for eign birth. Wo mtut got hold or tho Ignorant flannel-mouthed Amorlcnn agitator ns well. Wo van not deport him but wo can put him where ho will do no harm. Tho publlo must .uudortituud thnt, tho I. W. W. Is nt war with tho United Stntos of Amorlcn ns thoy now eoiiHiltutG thonitiolvos Into n Kcnornmont, of tho peeple: by tho peoplo; for tho people Thoy Imvo commlttod nets of war, and nnnnront ly thoy wnnt to contlnuo wnrfaro That holng so, thoy should bo no rommodntod. Tho moans for sup prowling them nro nt hand. Tho pub llo will support tho most rigorous methods to rid tho land of Its on-omlos. KTItAUJHT TALK lll'IITH. Tho straight from tho shoulder talk which Secretary of Lnbor Wil liam II. Wilson gave tho coal oper ators nnd tho conl minora In Wash ington Inst Friday covered tho situa tion exactly. Ho characterized tho de mands of tho mou for n six hour day nnd CO por cent Incrcuso ns preposterous. Ho also took tho reactionary oper ators to task for tholr nttltudo and voiced tho opinion that tho public has nccoptcd for somo time that It Is tho victim or tho cupidity or men on both sides or tho labor problom. Whllo tho public takes heart In tho statement or tho Secretary It doos not get nny coal from thnt source. It Is to bo noted that tho minors, In tho majority of tho dis tricts, Imvo Ignored tho federal court Injunction. To nil intents nnd purposes thoroforo tho coal minors nro n law unto thomsolvcs, What doos this menn, nnd whoro will It load tho Amorlcnn peoplo If that Is to bo tho nttltudo or other labor unions? Irrespective of tho merits or tlw minors' contention tho order or tho Court should bo obeyed. If tho mln ors will not obsorvo orders of tho court, how can thoy oxpect peoplo to bollovo that they will ndhero to tholr agreement, It thoy should mnko ono with tho operators? 11' THK I'UIJMO STItlK'K. Suppotso tho publlo wont on strike? Mumbors or tho labor unions prob nbly novor have tnkon Into consldor utlon whnt would happen to thorn If tho publlo took tho unmo nttltudo nnd methods In gottlng action as Is contemplated In strikes and boycotts. Hut suppose that tho public would bo put out ot btuinosti If tho rail road men wnlkod out nnd said to tho union men: "You rofimo to limit goods so that wo oau continue to do busliioss. You rofuso to work and us tho result hundreds will stnrvo because jou can not ngroo with your amnio) or. All right, wo rofuso to soli you what lit tlo wo Imvo loft In stock, until after our other customors havo boon cared ror." Of course, It may bo fantastic to Imngluo such n ultuntlou but it is Just ns logical as tho nttltudo or tho unions who would mnko tho Inno cent publlo freozo or stnrvo to forco n decision. It could bo mado to work both way a if tho public was ns well organized ns tho unions nro. tin: AfiD tiwt. A dlsclplo or Americanism recent ly gavo this as tho acid tost to bo np piled to nny proposal or govern montnl chnngo nnd wo bollovo It rills tho hill to n too. In aubstnuco It was ns follews: "Wo bollovo In pollclos thnt will promote liberty nnd Justice ror nil." That Is it, liberty and Justlco ror nil. Not liberty ror ono gnng to tho detriment or nnothor, but liberty nnd Justlco ror nil. To nttnlu this It may bo that thoro nro uccc-stmry somo changos 111 our present laws nnd customs, but If so, thoro Is n way open to attain those ends. Wo Imvo tho grentost InBtru mout ror Justlco In tho world, the Amorlcnn ballot box, Thnt Is tho placo to sottlo political differ oiicos. No othor place Is needed Whon you hoar a street comor agitator condemning America nnd hor ways listen to his proposals for bettering conditions nnd seo whether or not thoy will stand this ncld test, or "llborty nnd Justlco ror nil." If thoy do, thoy will somo day bo ronl Ized. If thoy do not, wo don't want thorn, that's all, timi: I'OH ACTION, Tho damnable outrago at Con trulla, Washington, on Armistice Day should nt last nwakon tho Amor lean peoplo to a realization or what a mennco Is hlddon within tho ranks or tho I. W. W. Tho tlmo tor tomporlzing Is past Tho pcoplo want action This land must bo mado too hot a placo tor that brand ot cowardly whelps to oxlst In. Oregon must do Its part by Immodlntoly backing tho Amorlcnn Legion, In Its Americanization cam paign. Next, stops should bo taken to sustain tho otflcors or tho law to loonto and broak up overy gang or radicals who would overthrow this Amorlcan government. And by all moans steps must bo taken to re establish tho death penalty ror lnur dor In this statu. John Lewis' declaration, "Wo nro Americans and wo will not fight our government," will go down In his tory ns ono of tho great statements pronounced by tabor leaders. It Is to bo hoped that tho rank nnd file or tho men will follow his example. We're proudo You, Oregon Beautiful Musical In struments and Art Goods. Serviceable Overalls & Gingham Dresses. Warm, beautifully woven Robes and Blankets. Delicious Food Products THESE thinftand many mote wtre on diiplijr In I'ottlinJ'i Itore windowi during Rote Kritivil Week They art all minufjc turrd in Oirfon aMiny of tlirm art nationally admitted and told tlirouihout I lie wotlJ aT,It li not only your djty to buy Oieion Made Product! It It a prifilefe JRTriITrX? Associated Industries of Oregon A In lmMm &" txn?rti. vjjjujt.v w 1-2-- soK's IWJU&l t w , HmiM REFLEX." SLICKEI F " i .!. ! t--TZZZST .T'-erf ' r V I ,K &CT- irm ivTso iv firr Jni v U tKYTH i r AM 1 W zLM .- . -n Is the wet weather servlco uniform for the regular men who make every day count. Look for tho Roflox Edgfo A .1. TOWER CO. rioiun Mail Kiiakllihtaltlt LU - - -a UNTOUCHED-by hands, nnd only pure creamery butter used. The Delicious Butter Kist Pop Corn you buy at the Sugar Bowl Instant heat- when and where you "want it A cood oil heater filled with Petri Oil lights at the touch of a match Elves instant heat. No smoke, no odor. Portable. Economical. Cozy comfort without dust and dirt Pearl Oil Is refined and re-refined by our special process which makes It clean burning. For sale In bulk by dealers everywhere, he same high quality kerosene ns the Pearl Oil sold In fire-gallon cans. There la a laving by buying In bulk. Order by name Pearl Oil. We recommend Perfection Oil Heaters. PEARL OIL (KEROSENE) HE AT AND LIGHT STANDARD OIL COMPANY lOAblPOHNlAi O. II. TIWT, Special AkoiiI Ontario, Oregon ATTENTION Sheep nnd Cnttle Feeders OANE MOLASSES is used extensively through out this country nnd Europo as a sheep and cattle feed. It is equivalent of corn in carbo hydratesfattening qualities and when com bined with ground wheat screenings or alfalfa meal makes the most palatable, succulent feed obtainable at a price less than half that of corn. The cohesivencss of molasses binds the particles of ground screenings or alfalfa meal so that it can bo fed on the ground without waste. ..Ground screenings and molasses sjtfO.OO per ton, sacked, f. o. b. ears Portland in carload lots. Type sample sent on request. SUNNYBROOK COMPANY Board of Trade Building, Portland, Oregon. I MsHHHBHni ill I n """gajiigK : : iiiiii M -lalSJW" Vv R5fjsujM Y' ,1 ftftr n LTLHBRlUn I TOP DYE JlS GUARANTEED TO DYE AND ( U PRESERVE THE TOP U fi RAINPROOF AND SUNPfiOOF U EASILY APPLIED UUK UUAKAnitt I YOUR DEALER 13 INSTRUCTED TO U REFUND YOUR MONEY IF YOU U I RC DISSATISFIED WITH RESULTS I JJ For Sale by l) McDowell's Exc. Sto.o J I Tho Ford Garage tj If DCAUB CANHOT SUPPLY WRITE DIRECT V IVIBBBIOHT MrtCtt. SAN FRANCISCO I CATIIOMC CIIUHCII OV TIIIC IIMCHSni) HACItAMIINT. Itcv. J. II. Mnloncy, I'nntor. 8i30 a. in,, Low Masu. 10:30 n. in,, Illgli Masa. 9:30 n. m., Catcclilsui for tho boys and girls. Visitors respectfully Invited. JIAPTIHT CIIUHCII nibio bcIiooI 10:00. MornliiK Worslilp 11:00. UohooI Horvlco 8:00. 1'rnyor Sorvlco Wcdncsilny 8:00. . xazaiu:ni: CI 1 unci I I. M. WIiicm, I'nstor. 10:00 n. m. Sundny School. 11:00 n. m. Proncliliif,'. 8:00 p. m. TliurHdny, Pruyor Mcctlnr; In tho Church. Kvoryliody urcod to ntteud nil Hor-vlccs. 10:00, blMe school. '- 11:00, publlo worship, Hormon" subject, "Tho Illblo School." 7:30, worship. Soruion subject, tho seventh commandment, "Thou Shnlt Not t'ommltt Adultery." V. H. Cochrnu, Minister Ito- .MICTIIODIHr CIIUHCII Hiinilny Hcrtlrcx. 10 n. m. Sundny school. 11 n. m. Preaching; "Our sources." OHIi p. in. Kpworth League-. 7:30 p. in. Preaching; "Drifting tho Wrong Way." W. J. MJ8COMHH, Pastor. Professional Cards in. w. a. iiowH UKNTI8T Tol. 117 Ontnrlo. Orn. i:i)ITII TIIOHI.KV.llOWMNd INSTItUUTOH Volrcj Italian Method l'lniie: I.onchotliky Method Phono lilHW ONTAItIO, OltlHIOX Hides, Furs and Pelts Ranchers, Stockmen, Trappers: If you have any hides, furs or pelts send them to us. We pay the highest market prices. We pay cash. Rogers & Company Ontario, Oregon I.KHMi: J. AKIMt ATTOIINKV-AT-LAW Inromo Tax AihNnr Poslofflro Ilullilliifr, Oiilnrlo, Oregon 9IIAN81'K, nAOOAOIO AND BX. PltKHH JOHN LANU1NOIIAM DR. A. R.ROBERTS Dontist llctwrcu Outnrio Plmnnncy nnd Depot. Phono 52 DRS. WKESE & FORTNER OPPICB IIOUI18: 0 to 12 and 2 to C. Offico ovor Plrst Notional Dank. releoliono No. 33 J, Ontario, Oro. THE H. F. NORTON COMPANY Fifteenth and Front, Nampa, Idaho. Dealers in Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair, Furs and Tallow Top market prices paid, Correct weights given and prompt returns mado. No shipmonts too large, nor too small, wo so licit them nil. Write ns for prices, shipping tags mailed upon request. F. E. Brittingham TRANSFER Long Distnnco ITanls a specialty Phono 157-M. Ontario, Ore. W. O. JONES Licensed Undertaker Day phono Night phono lOG-w 31-w ONTARIO, OREGON l 1 DP A jii w msw m a m m m m m m a am a mrmr m-wi- Sp- 14-INCH John Deoro Sulkoy Plow and Hack for sale. Seo H. M. Pluminor. 6152 FOR SALE Feed corn, 20 deliv ered. John KnkafieoWofn. D. No. 1, Ontario, 51-53 After you eat always take FATONIC Wk C tor your acjd-AtomAcio InatantJK relieves Heartburn, BIot. odGaiiy Feeling. Stops food oourlnR epea,tin?, and all Btoraach miseries. AUadUMUoouidapMUt. Keep atomafh WMtftodatroiix. locretMa VitaJiLy and l'p. EATONICIa tha beat rancdr. Tana of thoa. Miida woodarfoUr bcocfltad. OnlyeoaUa cant cr two day IoumIl l'oIUl cuarasti toplaMorwwlll rtfoail Dane, LHtaUaT Ontario Pharmacy For salo, residence lots in Ontario. Oro., Spokano and Tekoa, Wash., or will trado for acre tracts near On tario or for cows. Mrs. A. B. Cain, Phono 206-W-48-51. v