The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 20, 1919, Image 1

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    ?(- r-vw
NO. 51
Malheur Development I-ciiwo llonst
cl President .It. .1). .Lytic .of
lCnguo Addresses Meeting, s Hoes
K. K. MrCnlio (if Vide.
What provod to bo n Joint mooting
of tlio Ontario Coinmorclnl chili nnd
tlio Mnlhcur Dovolopmcnt Loaguo
wan hold nt tlio Commercial club
rooms following tlio dinner nerved by
tlio women of tlio Methodist church.
Tlio meeting dovclopcd thin char
cctor when n delegation of twenty
Vnlo nion arrived In tlmo to onjoy tlio
dinner and tako part In tlio dollhorn
tlonn Inst night.
Trcaldcnt It. D. Lytic- of tho Mal
heur Development lenguo headed tho
dolcgatlon of vlsttorn nnd was tho
flrat Hpcakor Introduced by President
V. W. Wood. Mr. Lytic rovlowed
tho work which tho Icaguo had nc
compllHhod hIiico Ub Inception Inat
spring nnd dcclnrcd that tho credit
for tho success of tho rond bond Issuo
and tho progroaH toward tho con
ntructlon of n county wldo highway
Ryatom Is duo to tho Icaguo.
Ho told of tho plana or tho loaguo
to linvo a roprcaontatlvo at tho Bait
Lnko Irrigation congroaa nnd snld
that for this work funds woro needed.
Ho snld that tho loaguo did not want
to ask tho communities to pay this
bill but that If additional liiomltprs
could bo Hocurcd In Ontario nnd Vnlo
and Nyssa tho funds could bo secur
ed that way.
He nlBO called attention to tho fact
that P. J. aallnghor, tho duly ap
pointed dclegato, might not bo nhlo
to go to Salt Lnko nnd urged tho
nocosslty of providing for that
omorgoncy by having an altornato
named. Ho miggoatcd Judgo V. W,
Wood. A motion provallcd that Judgo
Wood bo nnmod aa oltomntlvo for
Mr. anllaghor. Thla was not dono,
howovor, until after Mr. Wood urged
(Continued on Page 8)
Iter! Clarkson of Horseshoe llcnd
Grasps Cross Arm Ilrarc nnd
Swinging Wire IH'ntli
Follows Instantly.
nert Clarkson, ngod 31 years, of
Horseshoe Bend, Idaho, was InBtnnt
ly killed when ho grasped tho brace
of a crosa arm on tho polo at tho cor
nor of Richardson streot and Wash
ington avenuo Monday afternoon,
Clarkson was a member of tho
Idaho Power company's lino crow on
gaged In re-scttlng poloH to get them
out of the way of tho streot paving.
Ho had been sent up tho polo to re
string tho looso wires nnd evidently
did not notice that ono of tho sway
ing wires was touching tlio Iron cross
brace, nnd when ho took hold of one
looso wlro to throw It ovor tho cross
arm and grasped tho brace to steady
hlmsolf ho mado his body a part of
tho circuit of 2300 volts nnd died In
stantly. It was necessary for his
follow llnomon to drag his dead
body from tho pole.
Tho company officials and Coroner
It. O, Payno were notified Immediate
ly and the body was takon to the un
dertaking parlors of the Ontario Fur
nlturo company, whero an Inquest
was held Tuesday morning. Tho Jury,
K. M. Moore, H. W. Clement, 8. P.
Taylor, Prank Foster, E. 0. Van
Huron and H. H. Tunny, found that
death was due to thoughtless or care
lessness on tho part of the deceased.
Clarkson was single and came to
Ontario to work for the company
from Sweet, Idaho, near which his
homestead is located. Ills brothers
and mother livo at Sweet nnd they
came to Ontario Tuesday and had thej
body shipped to Mountain Home for
eni: of cKNTitAMA MUitii:m:itH
In tlio plcturo of tlio I. W. W.
murderers tukcn nt Coutrulla
nnd printed In Portland papers
Sunday was Hint of n tnnn who
Is liollovcd to linvo worked dur
ing tlio pnflt siiimiicr nt tlio C.
W. Mnllott ranch.
Homer Mnddux of tlio Argun
forco, who worked on tlio ranch
nil Kiunmc distinctly remem
bers tlio fnco of ono of tlio men
shown In tlio group nnd snys ho
la certain that ho was one of tlio
hnylng crow nt Million's, tlio
nono of tlio nion In tlio gnng had
any Idea of his membership In
tlio wohhllcs.
I'roitcrty on Corner of Oregon Street
mill Ncvmlii Avenues Transferred
For ijwo.ono lament
Deal of Season.
Tho largest transfer of business
proporty recorded this fall Is Hint by
which ownership of tho huslnoss
block on tho cornor of Oregon street
nnd N'ovndn nvonuo passes from A. M.
Lnckoy to C, 8. Watson. Tho donl
wnn completed last Snturdny at n
prlco snld to bo $30,000.
Tho property which wnn built by
Mr. Lnckoy contains not only tho On
tario Pharmncy but tho Mc.Nulty
Hardware tho Multnomah rooms nnd
tho offlco of Dr. A. It. Itobcrts. It
was ono of tho first two-story brick
buildings erectod In Ontario and hns
long been doomed ono of tho most do-
slrablo business corners In Kastom
Tho now ownor, Mr. Watson, camo
to Ontnrlo six years ngo from St.
Anthony, Idaho, and hns slnco then
mlded to his Interest In tlio city. Ho
docs not plan to Improvo tho proper
ty Immediately but will modorulzo
tho building In tho near future to
keop In paco with tho dovolopmout of
tho city.
h.v-hkuvicf. men called to
i'hitkkct plans foh legion
All sorvlco men nro roquostod to
meet at tho City all Friday night,
November 21, 1019, for tho purpose
of organizing Anutlcan Legion Post
No, 07 nnd fl elect permanent of
flcors for tho coming year. Notice
for this mooting aro bolng mailed
nnd somo ox-sorvlco men may bo
missed, but If you do not get n no
tice, como nny wny.
City Council Again Makes Deposi
tion or Knotty Street Scnlo I'lnli.
lem As ItCNiiIt Scales Will
Itenmlii In Streets,
"Off Agin, On Agin, Gono Agin,
Plnnlgln," hns nothing on tho street
scnles In Ontario's paved district.
After this matter hnd boen disponed
of nt three previous meetings, nt
each of which It wns supposed to
linvo been passed for good and all, It
bobbed up seronoly again ut a spe
cial mooting of tho City Council last
Thursday evening nnd showed it
staying ability.
It appears that an examination of
tho law on tho part of Attornoy W.
II. Drooko rovcaled tho fact that
those scales could not bo moved
without nn ordinance. That proved
tho undoing of those who favored
tho abolition of Btrcet scales. When
It camo to voting on the ordinance
tho votes In favor were: Cockrum,
Troxell, Allen; against: McDowell,
Laxson, Moore, and Mayor It. W.
Jones tlion cast tho deciding ballot
no, tliua defeating the ordinance.
T. H. Mooro, who was one of tlio
two owners of street scales', had pre
viously taken steps to have his
scales removed nnd finished tho Job
this week so that without tho ordi
nance there Is but ono street scato In
tho city now, that of tho noise-Pay-etto
Lumber company, near Colorado
avenue on Oregon street.
Miss Dorothy Jaqulsh spent the
first of tho week In Dakor visiting
Additional ContrnrlH U-t Heady
Minlo Houses Figure In Hulld-
log .Spurt Lumber Company
Kilters This Field.
Dooming along, Ontario's house
building program In gathering speed
avery day and gives promlso that It
will not expend Itself until tho orig
inal goal wilt lie moro than passed, .
Tlint Is not tho only fenturo of tlio
week, however, for Ontnrlo now has
two firms engaged In tho snlo of
ron'dy cut structures. Tho latest of
these Is tho Van Pcttcn Lumber com
tinny, which nunnunccn Its entry Into
Hint flold this week, Tho other firm,
tho Mlllmndo Construction company,
Is locally represented by II. L. Poor
innn, who hns been busy with his lino
for somo tlmo.
A. J. Mntot of tho Mlllmndo com
pany wnn In Ontnrlo Inst week nnd
closed contracts for tho construction
of two hoiiBos, ono for W. W. Wood
and tho other for E. 8, Fortnor,
Ilosldcs thoso two new houses
progress hns boon mndo In tho erec
tion of others, nnd each week adds to
tho 11 lit of thoso who contomplnto
cnrly construction.
E. C. Vnn Polton will stnrt work
right after tho first of tho year on
tho lots ho bought on tho cornor of
South Virtue nnd Knnsns avenues.
Alox Lochcnd Ik remodelling n
bungalow on Colorado ovonuo near
Richardson stroet, making It modem,
and another houso has been started
nonr tho Mllllkln property on Colo
rado nvenuo.
William Itrnndou, Former Prisoner
or Wnr nt Fort Douglass, (Jives
Voice to Violent Sentiments
Federal Authorities Notified.
Wllllnm Drandon, a (lormnn, who
was hold for several months as a
prlsonor of wnr nt Fort Douglnss,
Utah, Is In tho city Jail awaiting In
formation from tho federal authori
ties, Drandon wnn arrested Monday
morning by Mnrshnl II. C. Fnrmor on
Instructions from District Attorney
It. W. Swnglor to whom porsons nt
tho Vnnlluren boarding house re
ported Rtatomonts Ilrnndon Is al
leged to linvo mado derogatory to
America nnd upholding tho action of
tho I. W. W. nt Contrnlla.
Among othor things Drandon Is al
leged to linvo said tho following nro n
"Thoro wns no reason to colobrato
Armlstlco Day for Amorlca did not
win anything. Gormany Just quit
fighting because sho ran out of
"Germany had n bottor govern
ment undor tho Kalsor than tho
Amorlcan government Is today."
On his porson when searched woro
tho addresses of numoroux persons
nnd letters written In flormnn. Ono
of thoso letters whon translated by
Louis Krocssln, Sr., contained this
statemont; "I)usy America,"
"yours with a German heart," etc.
Tho lotion also made derogatory
statements concerning Ontario, es
pecially In tho opening of tho letter,
hut near tho end ho said:
"The work hero Is not hard, tho
grub is good nnd so Is tho climnto, so
I Uko It fairly well."
According to his statement Dran
don has bcon In Ontario for two
weoks. No. I. W. W. lltoraturo was
found on him, but there wau In his
pocket tho card of tho structural
Iron workors' union and a member
ship card of tho National Fraternity
of Organized Labor, which Is believ
ed to bo one of tho names used by the
I. W. W. slnco It got Into public dls
favor. ,
Mr. Swaglor communicated with
the federal authorities nt Portland,
where Drandon registered undor the
draft, Whon ho registered ho evi
dently was In Jail for the ad dross
given was that of the sheriff's offlco.
No word has been received from
Portland as yet concerning disposi
tion of the man, and ho Is being hold
ponding arrival of Instructions,
Wclier High School Font Hull Team
Falls Itefnii) Plunging or linn-
chor's Proteges Team Work
Host of Season Score I !(.
Dy n score of 44 to 0 tho Ontnrlo
High School foot bnll tenm mndo fur
fly nt Wclsor last Friday nftcmoon
when It defentod tho Wolsor team.
Tho local football players worn not
tho only furriers olthor. nccordlnc
to tho reports that enmo bnck from
Uio round-up town, for tho specta
tors, young ladles, If you please,
tangled for n tlmo.
Allho tho teams woro woll match
ed In Blzo thoro was no comparison
In tho team work or tho two nircro-
gntlons, Tho locals had tho Wclsor
boys guessing from tho start nnd
gained nt will around both tho ends
and thru tho lino. Only twlco dur
ing tho game did tho locals fall to
mako their ynrdngo and surrender
tho hall. Wolsor only mado first
down thrco times during tho nftcr-
noon, and tho tho Wolsor boys
fought gamely ngalnst tho plunging
of Duller, Mnddon, Dean nnd Odell
thoy could not hold thorn whon Mnd
dux nnd Ovcrstrcct opened holes In
tho lino.
Clninro for Championship,
Ontnrlo now linn n chnnco for tho
championship. On Saturday tho
locnls will piny Cnldwoll nt Cnldwoll
If prosent pinna do not rail, Last
Saturday Cnldwoll defeated Nampa
by u doclslvo scoro, and slnco Nampa
Just barely dofcated Ontario recent
ly should tho locals win from tho
Canyon county lads It will bo In ns
good u position to claim slollnr
honors as nny or tho teams In thla
Thoro is ,no doubt Hint tho On
tario High School team of today Ik n
vastly Improvod aggregation ovor
that which plnyod Nampa thrco
weoks ago and If thoy show tho
samo fighting spirit n thoy mnnl-
foHtod In tho Inst thrco games thoro
will bo n rcnl struggle singed nt
Cnldwoll on Snturdny. ono Hint It
would ho worth oo'ns whllo to mnko
tho trip to wltnoss.
Frank (.'olden and Frnulc Krvlngtou
Alleged to linvo Sold 9700 Worth
of 1111 to Pit) ette Dealers
Men Arrested.
Charged with burglarizing Frank
Glonn's fur storo at Vnlo to the ox-
tout of $700 worth of furs, Frank
Coldon and Frank Ervlngton, both or
Ontnrlo.wero arrested Tuesday aftor
noon by Sliorlff Loo Noo uud Mnrshnl
IL O, Farmer.
Golden wns nblo to furnish ball
whon ho appeared beforo Justlco or
tho Penco C. M. Stearns but Ervlng
ton, up to tho tlmo tho Argus wont to
press, had not secured bondsmen and
was languishing In tho city bastllo.
Doth men waived preliminary hear
ings and woro bound over to tho
grand Jury,
District Attornoy It. W. Swnglor's
version or tho ovonts loading up to
tlio nrrest ot tho nion was as follews:
"Tho robbery was committed last
Friday, Novor.jbor 14.. and nt once
was reported. All tho dcalora In
furs In this section woro notified or
watched nnd whon on Monday after
noon Golden nnd Ervlngton offered
a large number or furs to I.ovl Pur
cell at Payette tho authorities were
notified. Later another bunch was
offored for salo to John Kusmann, n
rur buyer horo.
Warrants woro then Issued for tho
arrest or both men and thoy were
taken Into custody- at onco. Golden
was released on his own recognizance
to arrange ball but Krvlngtou was
held and so far has not boon ablo to
socure tho necosaary guarantee of his
appenrauco to answer tho charge
County Judgo K. II. Test went to
Portland on buslnoss Tuesday even
ing. Ho expects to appear before
tho stato highway commission at its
session Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilex Marquis aro vis
iting In Portland this week while Mr.
Marquis Is attending tho trial of tho
Warmsprlngs caso.
Owing to tho fact that ranch
orn and others havo continued
to uso tho Iloulovnrd slnco It
wns grnded, nnd tho fact that
tho dirt Is sort duo to rnln, tho
mirfneo Una becomo n sea or mud
Tor sovornl miles south ot Cairo
nml tho contrnctors, Porter &
Connolly, nro hnvlng n hnrd
tlmo to proceed with tho grnvol
ling. In fact, condltlonu linvo
reached n point whero tho
County Court linn Instructed
L. A, Walker, to havo tho road
closed to traffic for tho present
until tho contractors can get
grnvol on tho surfneo. For tho
present only four miles Is
closed, two miles ench wny
troni tho Flaming cornor by tlio
K. S. & I), ranch. Porsons who
uso tho road In that Bcction will
ho (Initio to prosecution,
Whllo this mny ho n tompornry
Inconvonlonco, ultimately It will
bo n vnst benefit to nil concern
ed and thoso who really want a
good road In that section will
cheerfully comply with tho
Court's ordor.
Statement Prepared HIioiim That
9i!7H,nIMI7 Will Do Netsle.1 For
tho Many Activities Next Vc-nr
Huiiiinarled Statement.
On December 11 tho County Court
will hear objections to tho 1020 tax
lovy, according to n statemont Issuod
this week. Tlio statement accom
panies a copy or tho budget which
hns boon prepared for tho various do
pnrtmonts. In brier, tho following
nro tho sums ncodod for tho various
county offices and activities:
County Court, t salaries,
otc 4.C00.00
Sliorlff is offlco, salurlcs,
otc 13,260,00
Clork's ofHco, salaries,
etc. 7,300.00
Assessor's orrico, salaries,
etc 7,700,00
Treasurer's orrico.salarlos,
etc 1.27C.O0
School Supt's offlco, sal
aries, otc 2,4C0.00
Kxpondlturos mado by legislation
ovor which tho County Court has no
control, Including such Items ns High
School tuitions, widow's pensions,
circuit court, county Indigents, sink
ing fund for bonds nnd nl othor Items
In this class totals $125,404.
Tho total or tho items ovor which
tho County Court has control, In
eluding county fair, roads nnd
brldgos, mnrkot roads, enro of court
house, furniture nnd agricultural ad
visor and it number ot othor Itoms
totals $110,000.
Tho county oxpocts to receive from
fees, etc., $18,200 nnd to rnlso tho
bnlunco by taxation.
At tho prosent tlmo tho stntomont
shows that tho county Is woll to do
financially nnd hns hnndsomo 1ml-
nncon on hand In tho various funds
to tho grand total of $214,120.08,
whllo actual oxcoss of resources ovor
liabilities Is $71,284 C4.
K. A, Ferguson Prepare Plans and
Lets Contract For Krectlon or
liulldliig Company
A Hour mill with a rapacity or CO
barrels per day will bo built In On
tario at onco. Tho contract for tho
building was lot to tho Anglo-American
Milling company ot Spokano,
Wash., whoso representative, J. C.
Hoack, was In Ontario all last weok.
K. A, Forguson, who camo to On
tario from tho Denlo country, is lead
ing tho movement for tho establish
ment ot tho mill. Ho has tho com
pany organized and has sont the In
corporation papers to Salem tor tho
charter. Tho slto or tho mill has not
boon selectod but tint Is n moro mat
ter nt detail and will bo cared for
It Is not believed that tho new In
stitution can bo built In tlmo for
milling tl Is year's crop but It will bo
road; for opsratlon for noxt tall.
Superintendent it. H. ItoMIe of Wnr.
ten Construction Company Kxpects
to Hato Omikh on Street Next
Dy tho end of next week Ontnrlo
should bo nblo to bonBt of nt least
ono block of street paving. Kvory
thrco or four dayB thereafter It
should bo nblo to ndd nnothor block
to Its clnlms.
Unless tho plana of It. 11. Ilostlc,
superintendent of tho Warren Con
struction company, go sadly nwry ho
will havo his gangs at work laying
pnvomont next Tuesday or Wednes
day nnd In thrco or four dnys will
linvo tho first block completed, Thin
was tlio statement ho mado to tho
Argus on Monday ot thla week.
Tho ono big oloment In this predic
tion, according to Mr, Ilostlc, Is tlio
weather. In fnct, nlmost everything
depends on tho wcathor. So It tho
wontlior prforms ncordlng to tho or
dinary Ontario standard at this Ben
son tho nbovo statemont will hold
good, ir It docs not, don't blnmo any
ono, unloss you can find tho wontlior
tnnn nnd tnlk tho matter ovor with
Tho pnvlng plnnt arrived Inst week
but wns not located on Tucudny of
this wcok becauso tho foreman of tho
section crows hnd not boen given
authority to cut tho sldo track near
Indiana avenuo to permit tho erec
tion of n trnck for tho plnnt. That Is
u short Job, howovor, nnd It Is ex
ported Hint It will bo completed todny
or ut lonst tomorrow.
Dosldos tho pnvlng plant thoro
linvo nrrlvod horo six cnrlonds of
bitumen and n carload ot fuel oil ho
that tho company Is ready to go ns
soon ns tho plant Is placed In posi
tion. Tho gravel for tho Job has
been piled high for weeks, Jns. Doty,
who has tho contract for that por
tion of t ho work, has his part woll
In hand,
On Tuosday ot this wook M.F.Clark,
who has tho contract tor laying the
parkway cablo for tho cluster
(Continued on Last Page.)
Total of 1U7.1 Miuhcrs Km oiled, of
Which Auxiliaries Havo Morn
Than Iliilf Chairman Pleased
With insults.
With only ono committee still to
hear from It, W. Swnglor, chairman
or tho annual Itod Cross Membership
drlvo, roports that Ontario cliaptor
now has an enrollment ot 127C mem
bers, or thla numbor tho auxiliaries
and branches have more than halt
whllo tho enrollment In Ontnrlo Ik
slightly more than S00.
"Elio succoss ot tho enrollment this
yoar Is duo to tho work ot tho follow
ing commltteos:
City, L. I. Hlrsh, Frank ltador,
Win. II. Laxon, I). M. Tuggart, II. II.
Tunny, II L. Peterson, Mrs. G. K.
Aikon, Mrs. F. J. Clomo, Mrs. B. V.
Van Potton, Mrs, W. J, Plnnoy, Mrs,
L. Adam, Mr. J. It. Dlnckuby, Mrs.
Itandall Sago, Mrs, T. II. Flsor, J. A.
Lackoy, 8. F. Taylor, Mrs, A. L,
Cockrum, Mrs. W. J. Weoso, Itov,
W. F. Cockran, Mrs. T. W. Clagott,
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Mrs, C. K.
Dlngham, Mrs. 11. L. Potorson, Mrs.
Sullivan, Miss Iluth McCulloch, Ethel
Valley View, Hans Oft, O. W.
Doanj St. Paul sottlameut, Ora
Clark; Doad Ox Flat, P. M. Doala, I.
I. Culbertson, F. M. Northrupj Lower
Doad Ox Flat, 8. S. Hill;' Kingman
Kolouy, Mrs. Frank Morgan, Mrs.
Ooldlth Anderson; Dig Dond, Mrs.
Eachus, Mrs. Halworth, Mrs. Uoblu
son; Whlto Settlement, Casslus