The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 13, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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I'jm ' flJBi' S!"
Nyfin Iteports Over Hulncrltplon i)f
(jiuilii .Jordan Vnllcy mill Viilo
Unto Not FiiiUliml ltepnrt an )'t
Mnlliour county Btlll ha n small
Bum to do raised to complete Its
quota tu tlio tlooRovcH Memorial
fund. 1'rnctlcally every rommunlty
In tlio county hns reported, but defl
nlto reports lmvo not been rccehed
from either Vnlo or Jordan Valley,
ttio In each ot those the committees
lmvo their work If not complete,
pnrtlnlly ho according to statements
in ml o liy citizens who hnc been so
licited. Tlio following aro those who lmvo
been reported to 0. K. Aiken, county
chairman n subscribers In tlio vnr
lous precincts, as havliiK subscribed
to tlio fund:
Hark School District. U. It. Hrolt
hnupt, Ohnrlmnn; I-. It. Hrelthnupt,
Mrs. I,. It. llrolthnilpt, Miss Mabel II.
Smith, MIhh Glut, S. J. Simpson, Mrs.
8. J. Simpson, Moyd Campbell, (leo.
I.nllcg, l'onrl Wallnco, Frank M.
Northnip, Ma Fern Northrop. Her
man Korthrup, Cedrlo Northrup, I.or
In Campbell, l.nwronco Itaby, Ocorgo
Curio, Hessla Ilcrr, Gcorgo Myers,
Klslo Elliott, l'rudy Itaby, Mary
It ti by, (Ionian Itaby, Gertrude Hoals,
loulso DiivIh, Iva Ilollouny, Nettle
Hurtsho, Harold Johnson. Hobert
Haworth, Junior Milter, Margaret
HlmpRon, Chnrles llorr, Itovn Itaby,
Mary Hartslio.
Jnmloson, Moll K. Carter, Chnlr
man; Marlon Clinrles. WIIIIo Mor-
rlHon, Amy Kelly, llernlco Kolly, Dor
Is I'rltchnrd, David HarrltiKton, Her
bort Vlllnow, JnniOH Inmun, Clara
Kendall, Lincoln Kondnll, Jnno I.ock
ott, Lucille Hand, Gladys Hnw, Mar
Inn McCnnibrldgo, Iloryl CiivIiiom,
Hobert Citvluoim, Fred Cavlnowt, Jan.
Iopo, Until l'ope, Joo I'opo, Klmor
Harris, William Hykp, I.oln Jensen,
Ornbollo Ilowman, Huttlo l'rllchard,
I.ucy Morrison, Harry Morrison,
Khlrloy Mclnughlln, Dyer Deiinolt,
Hoy Vlornow, Kdlth Ilowman, Dor
othy Ilrldwoll, Mildred Dennett,
draco Hnw, Karl Ilowmnn, I.ovonn
Kendall, Daisy Irwin, (IcorKO Horn,
Walter Clovcland, Moll Carter, For
out IMwurds, Cluitdo IMwards.
llrognn, J. M. Addlngton, Churl
man; I). M. Kolly, Public School,
J. M. AddhiKton, l.eo McClnran, l.y-
man I). Cole, Hardy I'owell, It. I..
Woli'ott, C. Vnndlvor, J A. Kennedy,
II. W. I'd well, 8, Woodward, C. I.
Woodward, It. Ilnrnoy, Henry Hos
well, Clifford Colo, Montlo MoKlnney,
A. A. Heed, J. X. Andorz, J. K.
HauiHtoad, Chns. E. Iioswell, Chau W.
HoilHou, (1. W. Taylor, ChaH, C.
Crnwloy, (ivo. .Mctaroii, Wm. Jono,
Win, A. McKoniilo.Anilrow (Iraliiim,
W. l. Allen, Jim Joniw, I), F. Fraser.
Mlunlo Graham, Crhwlo Oraham, Jus
M. Oraham, Margaret (Iraliiim, Mary
Graham, David F. Oralinm, V. J Hop
kliiH, A. 8, Weber, A I' Miisterson,
Klmor J. Mathleson.Wllllam II Jof
froyH, Henry W Welcome
McDermltt, Julia Kclmve, Chair
man; Legunda I.auclrlca, Helen
Luclrlca, Julio Luclrlca, Jesutf Lnu-
clrlca, Clcto Ucngoa, Frank Uengon,
Margarita Uengon, Delflnn Onvlcn,
Ccarlcy Oavlca, Santy Oavlca, Fcr
mlns Oavlca, Santy Ansotegul, Junn
Itn Ansotegul, Candida Ansotegul,
Martin Echavo, Julia Echavc, Vir
ginia Echavo, Johnnlo Kclmve, Frank
Ilongoa, Cloto Achnlml, Vgnoclo Ac
liabal, Jose Naclilonado, Ilcrmnu For
nnndlz, Itnmon Armcmlarlz, Cccllln
Aclmbal, Martina Oavlca, Santiago
Follx Urlznr, Dorothea Kclmve.
Harper, Chns. J, Ilnsli, Chnlrman;
K. It. Iiurtls, Louis F. Ituckcr, John
N. Tucker, Chas. J. Hush, James Ora
linm, J. D. Falrmnu, Clove Cummon,
Wm. Connolly, J. C. Spauldlng.
lllverfllde, Sam Trlmbel, Chair
man; Tom Turnbull, Dan McPhor
son, Adah Wing, Zoo Takahara, Illl
llo Nuklda, Chas. Drown, Leo Hilton,
B. J. Cnrlllo, K. O. Newton.
District 73, WclHer, Wm. Weston-
skow, Chairman ; I'ortln Wosten-
skow, Melvln Westcnskow, Clifford
WestcnHkow, Woodrow Wostcnskow.
Lester Westcnskow, May Vnn Huron,
Esther Vim Duron, lvnn Wood, Clara
Wood, John Card, Kmest Cnrd, Win.
l'rcstley, Mr. and Mrs. Clinw. M. Vnn
Cairo School District, Mrs. Kstolla
Conklln, Chnlrman; Loello Spring
er, Wllbor Springer, Clara Springer.
Dwndo -Taylor, Allco Stewart, Almn
Stownrt, l'nullno 8townrt, Wilbur
Athorton, Chns. Athorson, Kvn Wnl
kor. Modest Moore, Hutu Hutler.
Jcnn Hutler, I'enrl Hoboson, Huth
Hobeson. John Cox, Thomas Knnady,
Itlclinril Knnnily, Ida Beolyo, Vera
Hoso. Hosslo Hose, Mildred Conklln,
Irving Walter, Westoy Walter. Tom
Watnnalm, Mrs. Conklln.
IroiiKldho. KM Hoso, Chairman;
Scott Davis, Mnjnr Mooro, John A
Lawrence Ivon Welch, Arthur K.
Nichols, J. II. Hoso, MIhm Nnnnlo Dun
can, Zottn Lnwrenco, Ivy Capo, I.nw
ronco Cnrllslo, Winona Carpenter.
Klmor Carpenter. Fred II. Lnwronro.
Sylvestor Hose, Kll Hoso, Vivian
llenm, Itolpli Ileum. Fahy Wlso.
Lincoln School, Mrs. May Noah.
Chairman; Orn B, Clark, Hilton,
Clark, Mrs. B, W. Trcnkol. J. W
Trenkel. J. W. Street. F. S. llally,
Hucillo Smith, Lconn Smith, Vcrno
Nelson, 1-onetta Fltz, Dale Fltz.
Ontario, Oeo. K. Aiken, Chairman;
Mr, mill Mrs. Oeo. K. Aiken, W. W.
Wood, Marry 11. and Mnry It. Cock-
rum. A. L. Cockrum, C. W. Piatt, W
J. Weose, C. B. Watson, L. Hlrsch,
J. B, OakeH, 8, I). Dormnn, Win. M
Wnlkor, Al Clianco, B. A. Frnsor, I'
J. Oallngher, J. W. McColloch, L. A
Walker, C. C. Johnson, L. II. Cock-
rum mid Wlfo, J. It. lllnckaby, W P"
llomnn, Frank Hndftr, Hoslnn Cle
mont, O. N. Iloyer, Opal Uoyor, II, C,
Doyor, I). W. C. Nelson, Irwin Trox
oil, 0. W. Dean, linker Hall, W. W
I.otson, II. 11. Whitney, Ontario II
8 It. O. 1'nyiio, II. U Peterson, 8, J
Bponcor, W. II. Lnxon, C W Stonms,
It W JonoH, John Wood, W J
I'lnney, K. 11. Tost, C II Hrown,
B C Van Potion, W II llrooko, 11
W Swngler, W 0 Howe, II, C Iiert
olson, Marcus Pluney. Mrs, llakcr
Hall, Sherry Johnson, J. I). Hllllngs-loy
Last Sunday at tlio Hnptlst church
nt Payette services wero hold for
llttlo Phlllls, tlio year old daughter
of Mr. and Mr. Jonas Hrown of the
Payette-Oregon Blopo, and whose
death cast gloom and Badness over
tlio entlro community, whero tho
family lmvo lived and havo been
highly esteemed for sovcral years,
Tho llttlo ono was taken sick on
Friday and whllo everything poRslblo
was (Uino she seemed too frail to
mako tho light and finally nt 0 40 a.
in. tho following Thursday bIio died.
Sho was an especially bright and
loving child, having ono of Hioro
sweet dispositions so endearing to all
and will bo missed sadly by tho ladles
of tho club of which Mrs. Hrown Is
an old member.
Tho many friends of Mr and Mr
Hrown wish to oxtend their deepest
sympnthy, which was In evidence by
tho very largo attendance nt church,
nnd by tlio many beautiful floral offerings.
It's the little deeds that count
in the final rating, It's the little
things that experience has taught us
to handle that will please you. We
are endeavoring to give Ontario as
Modern a Chapel as possible under
present conditions. It will, however,
be far ahead of what you have pre
viously had.
Funeral Directors at Your Service
II. L. PETERSON, Embalmer's
license, No. 300.
C. R. AUGUSTUS, Embalmer's
license, No. 233.
Ontario, Oregon
Ontario High School football team
goes to Wclscr Frldny with the ex
pectation of adding ono more ncnlp
to their string. Every member of
tho team Is'ln good shnpo for tho
game. Conch Uouchor hns been try
ing for some tlmo to gel n gnmo with
Holso High School but they evidently
think tho local team too much for
Thursday morning, November 0,
Itov. Cochran of tho Prcsbytorlnn
church uddreHcd tho assembly, tak
ing for his subject "lloy to Study"
Frldny, November 7 was Hod
Cross Day nt tho High School. Each
of tho four classes hold n meeting
for tho purpose of securing members
for tho American Kcd Cross,
Wodncsdny morning November C,
Mlstf Crnnloy nnuounccd to tho as
sembly Hint wo aro going to lmvo n
Thanksgiving program tho Wednes
day afternoon before Thanksgiving
Day. Bach of tho four classes wilt
contribute n number, ns well ns tho
Hoys' mid Girls' Gleo Clubs,
school report n much bettor grade of
music coming from tho building
these evenings. It won't bo long bo
foro Ontario linn u real bnnd mid
Ontario public schools celebrated
Armcstlc day by having a holiday
Tuesday, Nov. 11.
your car needs repairing. Let us
do both.
Bring in Your Car
We guarantee quality, service and satis
faction, based on our seven years' experi
ence in expert repairing.
The Service Auto Co.,
Perkins & Tovrea
4 A
Successors to A. S. Brown Auto Co.
Suits and
of the "Better Kind"
The Season's
Latest Creations
including Waist Seams,
Form Fits, Belters, all at
these Popular Prices
$35, $40, $45
We bought them while the market was low and now the wisdom of our
foresight is very apparent.
Oregon City Overcoats, $20 and $25
Oregon City Mackihaws, Stay Shirts and Flannel Shirts,
the good warm kind.