THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER, 13, 19:19 Classified Advertisements MMHMVNHM trB0lrsT'mfrrmmrl KSTItAY: C'omo to my plnco 7 miles SW of Ontario on tlio Iloulo vard, a 2-yr. old red and white steer branded half moon, bar and diamond on loft blp cars notched. Owner may have same by paying costs of ndv. nnd keep, W. K. llrown, phono 207-J2. 49.31 FOU SALE Seed ltyo. jTTT. Drown, Ontario, Phono 201-N4. 144 40-50 HEMSTITCHING 10c por yard. Plcot edging and scollops, lCc per yard. Mall orders receive prompt attention, Kllto Shop," Washington llotol Ilulldlng, WelBor, Ida, 40-G2 FOIl SALE FIVE-UOOM HOUSE 2 lots, 2 screened porches, deep well; n cur EiibI Sldo school. Ilox 11, On tario, Oregon. 40-tf TUB CANNING CO. OF FHUIT land lias Just received u carlond of now cooporngo consisting nf kegs and barrels which they will (111 with elder for thblr customors. I'hono or send In your order. 49-G0 , PHONE 41-112 for Mrs. Kstlior Onrrott, tho nnrBO. 4D-tf FOIl BALK OH TRADE For small Improved tract, 320 acres Reed Idaho wheat land, fluo soil, dry farm- Iiik, partly Improved; Brent barRaln. Ilox .100, Ontario, OrcRon. 40-tf. LET RU8S CLEAN THAT SUIT, I'hono 38-J Tho I'antorlum. tf 0001) SUITS, OVEIl COATS, AND rain coats, mado to order. I'anto rlum. tf FOIl DRESS MAKING I'HONE HClt, 07 42-47 Milk delivered In Ontario. All vows Jorsoys tuberculin tested W. A. Davis 200-W'. -48-Ct FOIl SALE 20; 40; or 00 acres 2 miles southwest of Ontario. Clias, Athorton, Ontario, Oregon. 47-tf FOIl SALE Nottod Uom potatoes, Dollverod. Harry I'owoll, Frultland, I'hono 10-2. 12C 47-CO HKMSTlTCHINa Your malt orders solicited. Orders promptly filled. I'orfoct work, 10c por yard, Mrs. Lohow, 1008 Jefferson St., Ilolso. Alt lots nnd proporty of tho On tario Laud and Townslte Co. havo bean returnod ovor to W. II. Doollttle ns trustoo, to bo sold. This proporty Is now for salo by us and Includes In addition to tho lots ono 2-ncro tract, one C-acro tract, ono 7-room Iioiibo nnd ono good C-room houso for 91000. This houso could not bo built for lorn than $2200. Good loca tion. Qrolg & Doollttlo. 48-tf 80 acres good land undor gravity ditch, no Improvements; $75,00 por ucro, $1000 cash down, lml. good terms. Grolg & Doollttlo. 48-tf Ono good C-ronm Iiouho for $1000. This Is tho best buy In Ontario for tho money. Hath, tollot, shado trees. Qrolg & Doollttlo. 48-tf Ono 5-room houso, garoRO, 5 lots, shudo trees; $2200. Orolg & Doo llttlo. 48-tf INSIST on an abstract of tltlo wbon you purchase or lend monoy on real ostato. MALHEUR TITLE AND ABSTRACT CO.. Vale Oregon. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms to couplo with not mora than ono small child. Mrs. Cohort. 40-tf IF YOU HAVE WHEAT, DARLEY or Oats for salo, address acorgo Her rlan, Emmett, Idaho, or phono him collect. 40 SEWING WANTED At homo. Mrs. L. R. Manson, ono block west of Congregational church. 40-00 NOTICE OF HALE OF HEAL I'HO I'EHTY IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR MAL HEUR COUNTY In tho ninltcr of tho Estato of Clnrcnco H. Staples, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREIJY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; That tho undersigned Administrat or of tho nbovo entiled cstnto, under nnd by vlrtuo of, and In compliance with tho terms of that certain order and decree mndo nnd entered by the above entitled court on tho Cth'dny of October, 1010, authorizing and directing him ns such Administrator to noil tho rcnl proporty belonging to tho heirs of Bald estate, or so much thorcaf as may bo necessary horoln aftor described, that I will on tha said premises, In OntaVlo, In , suld county nnd state, on tho 17th dny of Novombor, 1010, at tho hour of 2 o'clock In tho afternoon, offer for salo, nnd will soli at public nutlon to tho highest nnd host blddor, nil of tho nforcsnld promises', or so much thereof ns may bo necessary to pay tho Indebtedness of sahl estate, des cribed as follows, to wit: .' Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and 1G, In Ulock 120, In tho Town of Ontario, Oregon, according to Wilson's Sup plomcntnt Pint thorcof on fltu In the offlco of tho County Clerk of Mat hour County, Oregon; and falling to soli said promises at said time am' plnco In Bald manner, I will thorcaftor at any tlmo within ono year from this (Into sell tho snld premises, or such part thereof as may bo nccossary, nt prlvato salo, tho said salo to bo mndo In any event for not loos than twonty-flvo per cent of the prlco ngrcod to bo paid In cash, nnd tho bnlanco to bo evidenced by note socured by mortgago of tho purchas er of snld premises, at not less than olght por cont por annum on nuy deferred pnymontH, or on nn nppro pornto Installment contract, nil to bo tho approval and confirmation of tho above untitled court. Dated this 10th dny of October, 1010. V. D. STAPLES, Administrator of tho estato or Claronco II. Staples, docoasod. Residence nnd business address, Ontario, Oregon. Dato of first publication, October 10, 1019... Dato of Inst publication Novombor 13, 1010. Notice of School Klccllou to Increase Tnv Moio Thnn HK IVr Cent Over Tltnt of tho Piovlmm Vcnr Notlco Is heroby given to tho'lcgnl voters of School Dlstrfct No. 8 of Malheur County, Stato of Oregon, Hint nn etectlu will bo held In said District nt High School on tho 22nd dny of Novombor, 1010, nt Two o'clock In tho afternoon, to voto on tho question of Increasing ' tho nmount of tho tnx lovy In snld Dis trict for tho year 1020, by moro thnn six per cent over tho nmount of such lovy for tho yenr Immediately pre ceding. It Is necessary to ralso this addit ional nmount by special levy for the following reasens: Incrcnso In Tenchors Salaries, In creased cost of supplies nnd mnln- tnlnnuco, ncccssnry repairs, building nnd sinking fund nnd Increase In tcnchlng force. Dated this 3rd dny of November, 1010. Attest: W. L. TURNER, District Clerk W. J. WEESE, Chnlrman Hoard of Directors, 11-0-13-20. NOTICE FOR PUHI.K'ATION Depart incut of Clio Interior U. 8. Land Offlco nt Vale, Oregon Novombor 0, 1010 Notlco Is hereby given that Roy nold M. Ucckiuiin, of Ontnrlo, Oregon who on May S, 1,014, mndo Homo stood Entry No. 03302, for Lots 1, 2, SEUNWU, 8WUNEU. 8ec. 30, T. 17, 8., R. 40 E., nnd who on Feb ruary 10, 191G mndo Add'l lid. ontry No. 03CG0, for SEUBE'l. Sec. 2G, T. 17 8 It. 45 E Lots 3, 4, utid NEtfSW-tf, Section 30, Township 17 South, Rnngo 40 Enst, Wlllnmotto Meridian, has filed notlco or Intention to mako Final threo year Proof, to ostnbllih claim to tho land nbovo do scribed, before Register and llecolver U. B. Land Offlco, nt Vale, Oregon, on tho lGth dny of Decombor, 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: Edward R. Rlgfiln, Luther E. Drowning, John It. JCumwnlt, nil of Ontnrlo, Oregon, Arthur W. Hlnnoh urd, of Pnyotte, Idaho. THOS. JONES, Register. WANTED A compotont womnn for Rcnoral houso work. Apply box 20. CHRISTMAS SALE Tho Ladles of tho Congrega tional Church will bold a Christ mas 8ale, Friday and Saturday, Decombor 12 nnd 13. G0-GI. Only n Odd Are you III? Is often answorod "Oh I It's only a cold," as If a cold was' a matter of little consoquonce, but peoplo are beginning to learn that a common cold Is a matter .not to bo trifled with, that some of the most serious diseases start with a cold. As soon as tho first Indication of a cold appoars take Chamberlain's Cough nemedy, sooner you get rid of your cold tho tlon less tho danger, and this remedy will help you to throw It off. Constipation, Most laxatives nnd cathartics af ford only temporary relief nnd sfiould bo used only for that purpose. When you want pormanent rouor take Chnraborlaln's Tablets and bo careful to observo tho directions with each pnekago. TIiobo tablots not only movo tho bowols, Jmt Improve the Remember that tlio'nppetlto and strengthen the dlges- This Menus You. When you get up with a bad taste in your mouth, a dull tlrod feeling, no relish for food and are constipat ed, you mny know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets. They j not only cause nn agreeable move ment of the bowels, but cleanse and Invigorate the stomach and improve the dlgostion. ()t0MM"& 2stJ- After you cat always take LOST Between Ontario and Pay ette, an old grip with suit of clothes and Studebaker literature in it. Finder leava at Argus offico. Reward.- ' ( fOR YOUK ACID-STOMACH) Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloat ed Gaiy Feeling. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. Aldj dlfMUon and appttlta. Keep ttocoAch netandtrcng. lD:raa Vitality aodl'cp. EATON1C I the bett rernedr. Tm ef thou tandi woodcri uUy Unaflud. poiyeceUa cent crtwoa tUr to malt. 1'o.ltWely uraat4 to plewa or we will refund money, QttaUx fees today, You will see. Ontario Pharmacy NOTICE OF HCHOOL MKETINd NOTICE IS HEREIJY OIVEN To tho legnl voters of School District No. 8 of Malheur County, Stnto of Or egon, Hint n SCHOOL MKETINtl of said District will bo held nt High School Illdg., on tho 22nd dnyof No vember, 1010, at 2 o'clock In tho nftornoon to voto on tho proposition of lovytng n special district tax. Tha total amount of monoy needed by tho district during tho fiscal year beginning on Juno 21st, 1020, nnd ending on Juno 30, 1021, Is esti mated In tho following budget nnd Includes tho amounts to ho received from tho county school fund stnto school fund, special district tax, nnd alt other moneys of tho district: HUDOET ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1. Teachers' salaries $28,188 2. Furnlturo 1,000 .1. Apparatus nnd supplies, such ns maps, chalk, erasers, stoves, curtnlns, etc .'. 155 4i Library books 500 5. Flags 30 0. Repairs of schoolhouscs, outbuildings or fences.... 2.G00 7. Improving grounds 250 8. Playground equipment.. 2G0 0. Insurance 328 10. Sclcnco 500 11. Janitor's wages nnd Engineer 3,000 12. 13. 14. 1G. 10. 17. 18. Janitor's supplies, 100 Fuel 2.G00 Light 150 Water 250 Clerk's salary 240 Postage nnd stationery.. 40 Building and sinking fund 6,000 10. For tho payment of bonded debt and Inter est tlleroon, Issued un der Sections 117, 144 to 148, nnd 422 of tho School Laws of Oregon, 1017 :,372 20. Printing 125 21. Domestic scloneo 325 22. Manual training 480 23. Music nnd art 425 24. Domestic art 76 25. Physical training 200 20, Mlscelloanous 600 27. Totnl estlmntcd amount of monoy to bo expend ed for nil purposes dur ing tho year GO, 48.1 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From county school fund dur ing tho coming year $ G,CC7 From stato school fund dur ing tho coming year 3,400 Cash in tho liandB of tho dis trict clerk Juno 21, 020.. 00 Total estimated recolpts, -not Including tho monoy to bo received from tho tnx which It Is proposed to voto 0,007 RECAPITULATION Total ostlmutcd expenses for the year $60,483 Total estimated recolpts not including tho tax to ho votod 9.0C7 Balanco, amount to bo raised by district tnx 41,410 Dated tills 3rd day of November, 1010. Attest: W. L. TURNER, District Clork. W. J. WEESE, Chairman Board of Directors. 11-0-13-20, BOSTON CAFE Now open for business . WELL COOKED FOOD aOOD SERVICE FAMILY PATRONAGE 80LICITED. Open 0:30 a. m. to 12 p. m. Ontario, Oregon rfflfiflT II nli u i (In I ill I FrtJ w fill fill 11 PiPwVB&riBB yfllllilllllflfflllllfflfllBllllllllliiiil SBk mmZIr h W&r 4L Kk 1'u ii iiiniiiff 1 V Kd II max Blra ' r, but its cosyhere" A good oil heater filled with Pearl Oil gives comfortable warmth with out dust and dirt. Lights at the touch of a match gives instant heat. No smoke, no odor. Economi cal. Oil consumed only; when heat 13 needed no waste. Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by our special process which makes it clean burning. For sale in bulk by dealers everywhere the same high-quality kerosene as the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon cans. There is a saving by buying in bulk. Order by name Pearl Oil. We recommend Perfection OU Heaters STANDARD OIL COMPANY .(California); PEARL OIL (KEROSENE) HEAT AND 'LIGHT O. H. TEST, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Ontario, Oregon. j40, ,1 SJLf B imr2gX&&m!lr ''L.Mmmkh 'KF H , fSfc. WJSfW ??Ai Jmt i t 7y CvOBSfr. ' Ml &$?W V P 1 fS Mil i i 1 raft" i Smohtrt ttalif I ii'lf'" f thai th, valut l, in S fli f . "''.I I the clgarelleB and do I f, not txptct prtmlumi f V o coupon! p Ctmelt ate otl tvrytrher in 9C4pliittly pcfc. t of 30 tiiifttiti vr Ita pclnttt(300cliilltt) In 44Mnf,pr.covrtcrrf0n. Wm tttonily fcomtntnii Ihta cation for th homw or ctfea lupply or whtn yon lrrL MiSSfflJll '''!!:h 1 mamTmkvhiim SKm ii r-,!m" ""vrmiYm mn lEHMa ' M cm CIGARETTE If you want to know what rare and unusual enjoyment Camels provide smoke them in comparison with nny cigarette in the world at any price! CAMELS are a cigarette revelation any wny you consider theml Take quality, or refreshing finvor and fragrance; or, that wonderful mellow-mild-smoothness you never before got in n cigarette smoke 1 Yet Camels are so full-bodied and so full-of-satisfnetion you marvel that so much de light could be put into a cigarette! Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos makes them so irresistibly appetizingl And, the blend explains why it is possible for you to smoke Camels liberally without tiring your taste! You will prefer Camels to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! You'll realize pretty quick, too, that among the many reasons you smoke Camels is their freedom from any unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigarettyodor! Once you know Camels you won't take much stock in premiums, coupons or gifts! You'll prefer Camel quality! It J. REYNOLDS TODACCO CO., Wlmton-S.lem, N. C " ii 'M. WHBtBIIW ESTRAY C'omo to my plnco Hi miles 8. W, of Ontario on Novombor 6, ono 3-yr-old redwooloy liolfer, two slits on each oar. Owner may havo samo by paying cost of advertising and of keep. A. Hull. FOR SALE: 80 acroa of unim proved good grain or alfulfa land In Dakor Valloy to trado for houso and lots in Ontario. Addross Uox G14, G0-G2 Ontario, Oregon, 120 47-61 For salo, rosldenco lots In Ontario, Ore, Spokauo and Tokoa, Wash,, or will trado for noro tracts nonr On tario or for cows. Mrs. A. 11, Cain, Phouo 20C-W-48-61.