THE ONTAMO ARGUS. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13,3919 -4 . r Smart New Dresses Tricolette Tricotine Satin Serge Jersey Navy, Taupe, Brown, Black, Burgundy. All, sizes includ ing specially designed dresses for the larger women. $18.50 to $49.50 irate Skirts JtliH Z, y V Sepai New styles designed for street and dress Wool plaid skirts in dark color ings for winter wear $9.25 to $19.50 Tailored Skirts of Wool Serge and Poplin black and Navy, with tailored stitching, braid and buttons $6.75 to $14.50 Skirts of Heavy Satin, $14.50 to $19.50 Wc specialize in separato Skirts for stout figures RADER'S Ontario, Oregon SCOTTISH RITE LODGE FOR EASTERN OREGON IIIkIi l)?nrci of Miikoiii')' lo lie Con. ft'iiil lit linker l)lionsiitlin 1'nr Perfection Lodge Is Secured. Dispensation linn been -received by tlio Scottish Hlto MnsoiiB of linker from the most Eminent Phillip S, Malcolm Thirty-third Degree, tho Sovereign Inspector General of tho Scottish into Hodlcs of Oregon to confer tho De-green from tliu 4th to the 14th Inclusive, niul to Institute n I.odgo'of Perfection In linker deslg- LOCAL AND PERSONAL (1. It. Uurrmnu who en mo lioro from IIpiiiI ho mo tlmo nIiico linn pur chased tho residence property ho. longing to B. V. Hrown formurly of thin city. Mr. Hrown who lit now engaged In tho milling gnmu In Port land has heoii visiting In Ontario for inoro than n week looking after local Interosts. Mm. I.uIii Croflon anil ilnughter nf Henderson, Kentucky, arrived In On tario lust week for tin extended visit with Mm. Crofton'H parents, Mr. nnd Mrtf. J. 0. Stnplos. Mrs. Staples who lam boon III for Home tlmo Is ro ported to ho recovering satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. S. 1). Dorman wont to llolso on Tuesday. Thoy iiiuiln tho trip by nuto, i O, V. Haw of Jamleson who ro contly purchused tho W. !'. Homun residence haw moved his fumlly horo and hns sottlod for tho winter. Mr. Haw tutor uxpects to tnko n trip to Southorn Cnllforntn. P. J. (Inllngher piloted a number of Mulhour nnd llnruey county runoli ors to Portland lust Friday evening to bo present at tho trial of tho Wnrmsprlugs cuso In tho federal court. IIOOMTTI.KH epi: C.lH-2 IN MOOItlJ IIOTIII, toiuv .Mlvllti:it OP INDUHTIMAI, COMMISSION VISITS CUT After being closed for nearly thrco years tho Mooro Hotol Cufu was opened today. Tho now managers of the Institution aro Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Doollttlo, who havo returned to Ontario after nu absouco of two yonrs. Tho old location of tho Cnfo on tuo urvgiiu street side of tho hotel litis beon thoroly ronovuted and ro docorutcd and an ulnbornto equip ment Installed In tho kltchon ho that tho Cafo will bo nblo to caro for n largo numhor of peoplo dully. Iloth Mr, and Mrs. Doollttlo aro va wel known to Ontario nnd Mulhour county that thoy need no Introduc tion. While thoy woro nbsont from Ontario Mr. Doollttlo operated a number of concessions nt Oreen Park tho amusomout zono of Camp Lewis. Mrs. Doollttlo too has had previous oxporionco In tho rostuuraut business nnd will bo In active chargo of tho now Institution. NKWSP.U'KIt MKN PAY VISIT TO ONT.WttO ON TUKSD.W I There is I " WIVES OP I MEN" I at DREAMLAND I When? I Phil S. Dates, who for yearn was secrotnry of tho Oregon Kdltorinl as sociation and Julian llyrd, tho veter an editor of tho Harney County Tlmos-IIornld spent Tuesday In On tnrlo. Tho visitors made tho trip together from tho Interior on Tues duy and Mr, llyrd returned to the Ilnrney cnpltnl on Wednesdny, Mr, llyrd, tho ho hns longioked for tho Irrigation of tho Hnrnoy val ley and hns seen one effort after auothor fall, is still optimistic over tho future of that grout region and declares that In tho not distant future tho dreams of tho faithful will bo realized. Harney folks, ho says aro not worrying ovor tho ef forts of sportsman to block tho stor age of wnsto wnter of tho Sllvles river. IHKXT.TR.CII Kit ASSOCIATION wimj hold MKirriNo khiday XV. T. Kirk, who years ago used to bo tho publisher of tho Pnyotto In dopondeut but who Is now a member of tho Iudustrlnl Accident commis sion of Oregon, arlved In Outurlo today. Mr. and Mrs. C. Q. Pliinoy leave tomorrow for llolso to bo present nt Home of tho Slirlno doings In tho Idaho cnpltnl. Tho ropnlr department of tho Car ter Qarugo has been takou over by C. C. Carter and Ira Walter. Harvoy & Illckor still havo tho gnrngo spnro nnd liandlo tho sales department of their lino from tliero, K. M. Or leg Is In Portland this weok as one of tho district's wltncs scs lu tho Warmsprlngs case. tinted Kastorn Lodgo of Perfection, hnvlng concurrent jurisdiction with Portland, Oregon. At present this will ho tho only Lodge of Perfection Instituted be tween llolso nnd Portland that will bo Invested with tho power nnd au thority to confer tho higher degrees of Masonry. In addition of being mndo members of tho Lodge of Per fection, many wilt rccclvo tho degrco of Itoso Croix, Chapter Council of Kadosh and Consistory. Having at tained theso succeeding degrees they will bo entitled to shnro tho honors and privileges of 32 degrco Masons, n prlvllcgo highly coveted by Mnsons. In tho nenr futuro tho largest clnss In tho history of Kantcrn Oregon will receive theso honors. In attondnnco nt this ceremony will como MasonK from adjacent points, Cnnyon, John Dny, Prnlrlo, Siimpler, Joseph, Kit terprlso, La Ornndo, North Powder, Union, Ontario, N'yssa, Hnlfwny and Cornucopia. This promises to ho n function of somo magnitude nnd Im portance Inspector Ocncrnl Malcolm will set a doflnlto dnto In n fow days tf Ills Intended offlclnl visit to linker. ffi Till: lilKU OK TIH3 AUTO TOP Tho automobllo top receives tho hardest knocks nnd In most ensos Is ncgloctcd. It protects you lu winter from the cold winds nnd tho rains nnd shades you during tho boat of tho summer. It Is thoroforo subject to continual woar from tho elements. Thoso rapid climatic conditions nro bound to dry out tho waterproofing properties of tho top and mako it look shabby and faded, unless given a llttlo nttontlon. An application of Evorbrlght Top Dyo will not only mako tho top look now, but will prcsorvo samo. Ever, bright Top Dyo Is used by nil Auto mobllo Dealers, Painters and Auto Top Trimmers, which is absoluto proof of Us morlt. Evorbrlght Top Dyo and Cushion Dressing can ho so cured from your dcalor, who Is In structed to refund your money, If you aro dissatisfied with tho results. ' Wheaton Theatre ' -Weiser One Night Only Tuesday, Nov. 18 Irving Berlin's International Musical Revue Watch Your Step in 3 acts and 6 scenes of Lavish Investiture Mlf A HUNDRED PEOPLE A Riot of Coloi; Syncopation, Rag-time Dancing Twenty-five Song Numbers Beautifully Gowned Chorus 30 DANCING GIRLS $0 Comedians, Singers, Dancers Prices: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 Gallery 77c plus War Tax Scat Sale Cutting Drug Store Mail Orders NOW, Sat. Nov. 15, 10 n. m. Particular Attention Paid to Out-of Town Patrons Miss Moll Carter who In teaching this year at Jamleson spout tho week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. C, B. Ilrlttlngliam who havo lived horo for tho pnst two years loft Monday for Wlldor where Mr, Ilrittlughum recently purchased n rnnch. S3 a K5 EbbriG TOP DYE IS GUARANTEED TO DYEAND PRESERVE THE TOP RAINPROOF AND SUNPROOF EASILY APPLIED OUR GUARANTEE YOUR DEALER IS INSTRUCTED TO ntFUND YOUR MONEY IF YOU ARC DISSATISFIED WITH RESULTS Tho regular meeting of tho Parent- Teachers association will take place nt tho High School noxt Friday after noon, A program will bo glvon and a number of Important subjects will bo discussed. A largo attendance Is For Sale by McDowell's Exc. Storo Tho Ford Garage ir DCAlEt CANNOT SUPPLY WRITE 01 SECT EvmemcKT Mr tea, san rRANasco 7 per cent Cumulative i Preferred Stock It is our belief that the people of this State should be purchasing a good in vestment stock. For this reason we are inviting our customers and friends to become stock holders in our rapidly growing busi ness, Every resident of this state should take -an active interest in boosting its HOME INDUSTRIES, thus furthering pro gress and prosperity. 7 per cent Interest paid quarterly. Ask any employe. Idaho Power Company - : t doslrcd. TJtlftA " '4& ' !'.' ,e -