The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 13, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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To KJRlit While PlflRiio People Asked
1 Intent $ (IO Curry Work
To ConnlloH.
An Itrfcutment rivaling n govorn
mont security from tho purely com
morclttl standpoint as woll ob having
a monumental humanitarian aspect,
will ho offered tho people of Oregon
oftor Docombor 1 through tho solo of
Hod Cross Christmas seals, which
wilt ho held undor tho auspices of tho
Oregon Tuhorculosls Association.
Oregon's quota of this great na
tional movement for funds to fight
tuberculosis Is J44.2G0 and In strik
ing contrast to most funds this
monoy will ho spent right horo In
Oregon In building up tho public
health along tho most approved lines,
Tho public health program of tho As
sociation In Oregon Is ono or tho
most comprehensive sort and covers
many of tho Important phases of this
vital work,
Tho educational work Is always
outstanding, During tho past year
00,000 Oregon school children wcro
enrolled In tho Modem Health Cm
undo, which Is a finely organized plan
for Inculcating honlth habits among
tho young. Tho educational world
Ik watching and studying tho crusado
nud It Is expected that out of It will
grow Bomo form of physical Instruc
tion In tho public schools. This
work woh financed by tho Associa
tion. Tho A. L. Mills Open Air School,
ono of Portland's Public Schools
which Is conceded to ho tho finest In
tho cntlro country, Is not for tuber
culous children hut for undernourish
ed nud othcrfflso undeveloped chil
dren. It provides for physical ox
nmlnntlons, shower hatha, physical
oxorchto, nourishing meals and other
inethodH of physical Improvement.
Tho school Is full and thoro Is n wait
ing lint. Tho salaries of both nurso
nud matron aro paid by tho Associa
tion and tho food Is also purchased
by tho Association.
Through tho offortfl of tho Asso
ciation there nro now county public
honlth nurses In Jackson, Coos, I.ano
nnd Union Counties nnd Klamnth,
Clncknmas, Wallowa and Hood Itlvor
Counties nro pledged to Install nurses
within tho next fow weeks. During
tho throo months needed to mnko a
demonstration nnd survey tho ex
penses nro paid by tho Association,
after which It Is taken over by tho
county. At lcnBt $1000 n month
will bo needed to dovblop tho county
public health program next year.
Miss Jnno Allen, state advisory nurso
of tho Stnto Hureauof Nursing Ih In
gonornl chargo of this work. Tho
work of tho Stnto Tuberculosis As-
soclntlon Is being conducted In per
fect harmony with tho Stnto Unreal!
of Nursing nnd thus with tho Stnto
Hoard of Health.
During tho war 3C3 men woro re
jected by local draft boards and thoro
nro 289 discharged tuberculous sol
dlorB In Oregon, To visit theso men,
tench thorn health habits and other
wlso nsslst them In their fight, Miss
Mary Croncn formerly of Ilnso hos
pital 40 A. E. 1 dovotcs her entire
tlmo. Tho oxpciiBO of this work Is
borne by tho Association,
Tho Association financed n mumo
In public health nursing which was
offored last summer by tho Univer
sity of Oregon. Lectures nnd oxhlb
Ittf nro also n part of tho general com.
prohonslvo educational program offored.
J. W. McCullocli of Ontario, who
has .120 acres of good farm land
undor tho Warm Springs Project has
decided to glvo four men of moder
ate means' an opportunity to aciitlro
n good productlvo farm home. Tho
plan Is to dlvido thta half section In
to four eighty ncro tracts, and to sell
to tho right parties on such terms
that tho cntlro purchnso prlco will ho
paid out of tho earnings of tho land,
nftor tho purchaser and his family
havo had tholr living from tho ranch
This Is u rnro opportunity, nnd
will bring to nuy Industrious person
n woll Improved farm homo fully
paid for In ton ycnr time, Practi
cally all of this tract Is Improved
and rondy for crops In 1920. An
nbundnnco of wutor and good pro
ductlvo soil Is assured, Tho only
thing needed Is tho fnrmor who Is
willing nnd anxious to work.
Sco McCullocli nnd sccuro n home
that will pay for Itself while sup
porting your family. Ad.
"Mr. Orchardlst: don't pruno nn
other trco until you got n 11KA1
PHUNKH Bftvos time, money, nnd
trees. Ask your dealer of write.
Ileal Primer Co., Iv tail, Snlrin,
Oregon. .. Agents wnntcd. CO-lt
Storage Battery Repairing
When your storage battery fails,
drive around to our service station
and Jet us make an examination.
Our work must satisfy you. We do
not experiment at your expense.
No matter what make of battery
you have, we can repair it in the
least possible time and at a reason
able price. New batteries always
on hand. Expert vulcanizing and
rebuilding of tires.
Service Tire & Battery Co.
Near Carter House Phone 101R Ontario
Public Sale, Saturday, Nov. 15
On the L. O. McCoy Ranch
2 miles west of Ontario
Sale Begins at 10 a. m. Free Lunch at Noon
Having sold my ranch I will offer tho following proporty for sale:
4-yr. old black marc, wt. 15100.
4-yr. old black mare, wt. 15100, and colt.
5-yr. old sorrel mare, wt. 1200.
0-yr. old bay gelding, wt. 1200.
Bay yearling colt.
4-yr. old mare, wt. 1.100.
A In re, Yearling colt, Two colts.
Jersey and ITolstein cow giving milk, 7
yr. old.
ITolstein cow fresh Nov. 27, 7 yr. old.
ITolstein cow fresh Feb. 19, (5 yr. old.
Ilolstein cow giving milk.
Shorthorn bull, 2Viyr. old, pure bred.
Five steer calves "ten months old and
Heifer, 8 months old.
Heifer, 7 months old.
Heifer, 4 months old.
Twin cnlves, 2 months old.
Two cnlves, 51 weeks old.
Jersey cow, bred, G yr. old.
Several hogs.
Several dozen pure bred White Leg
horn chickens.
Pure bred Pekin ducks. .
Six-hole Majestic range. llenter.
Six-foot extension dining tnble.
Six dining chairs. Three kitchen chairs
Two rockers. Library table. Dresser
Three beds, mattresses and springs,
Washing machine, wringer, tubs, etc.
120-egg X-Ray incubator.
Canned fruit. Singer sewing machine.
Dishes, kitchen utensils, etc,
5-foot Adriance mower.
Two Dig G McCormick mowers.
5-foot Crown mower.
Two 10-foot Deering rakes.
McCormick binder.
14-inch walkiiig. plow.
12-inch walking plow.
Disc plow. Disc harrow.
Double-shovel plow. Singlo-shovcl plow
12-inch 2-bottom sulkoy plow.
14-inch 1-bottom sulkoy plow.
8-inch garden plow.
2 garden cultivators. "Riding cultivator.
Two 2-section drag harrows.
Garden seeder. Wheel scraper.
Tonguo scraper. Board scraper.
South Bend iron wheel wagon.
lit II. P. gasoline engine and jack.
GOO-lb. Economy cream separator like
new. 500-lb. Galloway cream separator.
Team harness and collars.
50-gal. gasoline shipping tank.
15-gnl. oil tank.
Why The Brunswick
Method of Reproduction
insures a Superior Phonegraph:
REASON" NO. 1. The Brunswick Method, the Ultona, a new conception in
playing. The Ultona consists of an arrangement of the several necessary re
producing diaphragms upon one tone arm an all-in-one arrangement, with no
attachments nothing to take off or put on.
At a turn of the hand, the Ultona presents to any type of record the proper
diaphragm and needle, the exact weigiit. Thus thcrcljuircnients of each type
of record are met. The Ultona demands no sacrifice in tone, as attachments
often do.
REASON NO. 2. Equal in importance to reproduction in tone amplification
The Brunswick Method of Reproduction also includes a now idea in accouslies
The Brunswick Amplifier.
Old-time ideas were at Some makers, still cling to metal con
struction. Others use a combination of wood and metal a wooden horn and
a metal casting as the "throat."
But the Brunswick Amplifier is oval in shape, and built entirely of wood,
like a fine violin. It is molded of rare holly-wood. The sound waves receive
uniform amplification to reach their fullness, hence tho Brunswick tone is
richer and more natural. Strident, metallic notes aro absent.
Wo Invito Comparison
Make comparisons. Let your ear decide. Try to find an equal to Brunswick
tone. You're bound to end such a search at a Brunswick shop, where every
opportunity will bo given you to decide for yourself. Hear this remarkable
instrument before you decide.
Brunswick like cut with Ten Records tw 0 n t y selections, $1514.50 $15.00
down, $12.50 a month. No interest.
Ontario Furniture Co.
I'nirllpcdlhtH In it I.ocnl Store Will
Dovolo Week tn Pulille I'not
TERMS: AH sums under $10.00, cash. All sums over $10.00, 5) per cent dis
count for cash, or bankable note due in G months with interest at 10 per cent.
DICKENS & MILLER, Auctioneers. W. F. ITOMAN, Cleric.
L. O. IVTcCOY, Owner.
According to tho plana of tliu I'rnc-
tlpecllBtu (foot comfort exports) em
ployed In tho various hIioo otoroa or
this city, tho oml of tho week begin
ning Novombor 17th will fliul all of
us wlthconsldornblo tuoro knowlodgo
of our foot and of how to keep tliuui
comfortablo than wo havo now.
That wook has been set usldo by
tho l'ractlpedUts of tho country as
National Demonstration Week, and
It la estimated that demonstrations
ot modoru foot corrective methods
will bo conducted In upwards of
thirty thousand shoo storoa through
out tho country during all of that
week, Tho objoct Is to oducnto tho
public regarding tho possibilities of
rollof from foot discomforts and cor
rection ot tholr causes through tho
uso of mechanical apparatus.
llador Bros, storo la making prep
arations on a largo ecalo for this
ovont and expects to havo a largo
crowd throughout that week. Tholr
graduato Practlpcdlst will oxamlno
tho foot ot all applicants and glvo
thorn ndvlco without charge IJo
will domonstrnto Just how comfJFt la
obtulnod and will oxplaln how to
care for tho feet and how to soloct
propor shoes without sacrificing stylo
or nppearanco. adv.
nitiau.MK.v roitcun to taki:
E. li, Griffith and Homer Audor-
son, each of whom have held down
brakeman positions on tho branch
linen out of Ontario for govornl years
woro compollcd this wcok to tako
tholr rights as conductors on Main
lino oxtras. They aro running now
botweou Glenns Perry and Huntington.
Tho ho Is going on tho main lino
Mr. Griffith Is not going to sell his
ranch south of Ontario. Mrs. Grif
fith Is going to handle tho property,
with tho aid of their son.
Plays may como nud go, hut It will
bo muny a day hoforo nn author will
again succeed In evolving n stage
production that la as fascinating as
Irving Dorlln's International synco
pated musical success, "Watch Your
Stop" which comes to tho Wheaton
Thoatro, Wolsor, ono night, Tuosdny,
Nov. 18.
It contains all tho clement that go
to mako up an ontortalumonl that
appeals to tho gonornl public. It
has snycopntod one-stepping, fox
trotting, waltzing nnd oven grand
opera syncopated, screamingly funny
dlaloguo and yards nnd yards of Mr.
llorlln's music that gels into your
bools nnd makes you whistle whothor
you will or not. It's a great gift to
bo ablo to wrlto musto that people
will whlstlo nnd wnrhlo Irroslstably
Mr. Ilorlln has (lint gift dovolopod In
a largo degree, and In "Wntch Your
Stop" ho has contributed more liber
nlly than la encountered In most of
tho rocont playwrltlng offortH,
Tho story ot tho play concorua nn
occontrlo'a will, leaving two millions
to tho man or maid who has uovof
known lovo, and then introduces an
English dancing teacher and a dainty
little Quaker girl na rival contestants
for tho monoy. Ot courso it becomes
tho propor thing to tnko tho two
(protondod) Inuocoiitu out and show
thorn Now York. Incidentally tho
nudlouco gels a look In at somo live
ly cabarets, tho Metropolitan Opera
nnd several other placoe. Thnt tho
Inhorltauco ultimately goon where It
Bhould and tho unloved young peoplo
dnd tholr ufflultloa Is, of courso, tn
bo guessed.
Just Like Home
That is what we try to ac
complishand we DO suc
ceedwhen we prepare the
meals you eat at ,
The Blue Bird
MakeSundayaDayof Rest
Take family to The Blue
Bird for a Turkey Dinner.
From 2 to 8 p. m.
The Blue Bird