The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 06, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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!r ,iwv:
Eastman Kodaks
Rexall Remedies
moNU no. a
.it- ..
Nyal Remedies
! i
r .
Did you over stop to think of tho part olectricity is taking in tho de
velopment of the country?
What would we do without electricity for lighting, cooking and pow
er for irrigation, and other industiial uses?
Make A Profitable Investment
and at tho same time help to develop tho stato you live in by purchasing
Per Cent Cumulative
Preferred Stock
of tho
Dividends paid quarterly.
Ask any employee.
Lay a bet on
rolling 'em with
i f && $IKiir BBsliP aIEiN '8i
m rimrM
Copyright 1(11
by H.J. KtimulJa
TuWhW Ctf.
the national joy smoke
ROLLING your own cigarettes with Prince Albert is just
. about as joy'us a sideline as you ever carried oround in
your grip I For, take it at any angle, you never got such quality,
flavor, fragrance und coolness in a makin's cigarette in your
life as every "P. A. home-made" will present you!
Princo Albert puts now smokenotlons under your bonnet I It's so
delightful rolled Into a cigarette and, so easy to roll I And, you just take
to it like you been doing it since away back I You see, P. A. is crimp cut
und a cinch to handle I It stays put and you don't lose a lot when you
start to hug tho paper around the tobacco I
You'll liko Princo Albert in a jimmy pipe as much as you do in a home
rolled cigarette, too! Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented
process. You know P. A. is the tobacco that has led three men to smoke
pipes where ona was smoked before. Yes sir, Prince Albert blazed the
way. And, me-o-my, what a wad of smokesport will ripple your way
every time you fill up I
Awiitlnl your uf you'll
find loppy rd bi, tidy fJ
tin, tiandtom pound nd
half pound tin humtdorr
mndthtt tUttty, practical
pound cryatal Jtaaa humidor
with tponi ntoifnr top)
that kupt Ptmca Albtit in
auch ptlix.t condition I
R. J. Reynold! Tobacco
Winiton-Stltm, N.C
K aaaamataaakm
Invest Your Money at Home I
records everywhere
Don't Hlay (liny! Here's nn Old.
time Recipe llinl Aii)l)xly cnti
Tlio uso of Sngo nnd Sulphur for
restoring foiled, gray holr to Its nat
urnl color dates back to grandmoth
er's tlmo. Slio uhci! It to keep her
lmlr beautifully dark, gloBsy nnd at
tractive Whonovcr lior lmlr took on
that dull, faded or streaked appear
ance, tills slniplo mixture was applied
with wondorful effect.
Hut browing at homo Is mussy and
out-of-date. Nowadays, by nsklng at
any drug storo for n bottle of
"Wyoth'n Sago and Sulphur Com
pound," you will got this famous old
preparation, Improvod by tho addi
tion of other Ingrodlcntfr, which can
bo depended upon to rostoro natural
color and beauty to tho hair.
A well-known downtown druggist
says It dnrkons tho hair so naturally
nnd evonly that nobody can toll It has
boo applied. You Klmply dampen n
spongo or soft brush with It and
drnw this through your hair, taking
one trsand at a tlmo. Uy morning
tho gray hair disappears, nnd after
another application or two, It be
comes beautifully dark nnd glossy.
Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Com
pound Is a dollghtful toilet ronulslto
for thoso who dcslro a more youthful
nppoaranco. It It not intonded for
the euro, mitigation or prevention of
ix) iiavi: a ham:
lirnl Firm Otters Their Hlurk ut n
On another pago will bo found an
advertisement of tho Service Tiro &
Ilnttory Co. who havo a special sulo
of auto HupplloK for ton days, com
mencing Nov. G. This will onablo
you to savo on your purchases of
such supplies ns you may ncod for
your car.
Look tholr prices ovor You can
savo on every article
Ilrlng In an old casing and savo
10'f on retroadlng. Ounrantood
3E00 miles. adv.
notice of Niii:itii'i'"H ham: u.v.
deu execution
Uy vlrtuo of an oxocutlon and ord
er of salo duly Issued by tho Clerk of
Clio circuit Court of the Stato of Ore
Kon, for Mnlliour County, datod tho
2nd day of Octobor, 1910, In a cer
tain action In tho said Circuit Court
for said Stato and County, whoroln
Stato Land Hoard of Oregon, con
sisting of Don W. Olcott, Governor
and Secretary of State nnd O, I".
lion, Stato Troasuror as plaintiffs,
rocovorcd Judgement against Ooorgo
A. Uonder and Mary E. Render, his
wlfo, as dofomlants, In tho sum of
One Hundred Fifty Dollars with
Interest thereon at tho rato of
six por cent pur annum from
tho 20th day of January, 1017, and
tho further sum of Thirty-Six and
99-100 Dollars taxes paid, with In
torost thereon at tho rato of six por
cont por annum from tho 20th day
of May, 1919, nnd for tho further
sum of Tlilrty-Hvo Dollars as til
tornoys fees nud for tho further sum
of Twenty-Flvo and 80-100 Dollars
as costs anil disbursements'
BY OIVEN that I will on the lltli
day of Novombor. 1919, at tho hour
of 2: IS o'clock In the afternoon of
said day, at tho North main entrance
door of tho County Court House, at
Yalo, said County and Stato, sell at
public auction to the highest and
best bidder or bidders for cash, tho
followlug doscrlbed real property,
to-wit: -
Lot Four, 8ectlon 30, Township
17 South, Range 47 East, of tho
Wllluinette Meridian In Mnlliour
County, Oregon, togother with ull
water rights appurtonant thoroto,
Taken and levied upon as tho
property of tho said above named
dofomlants George A. Uonder and
Mary E. Render, his wife, or as much
thereof as may be necessary to sat
isfy said Judgoment In favor of State
Land Board of Oregon, consisting of
lion W. Olcott, Governor nnd Secre
tary of Stato and O. I. Hoff, State
Troasuror and against the above
named defendants, with Interest
thereon, together with all costs and
disbursements that have or may ac
curo. Dated at Vale, Oregon this 8th
day of October, 1919.
II. LEE NOE, Sheriff
Dy T. C. McEIroy, Deputy
Dato of 8ale, Novembor. 11, 1919.
Date of First Publication, October,
9, 1919.
Dato of Last Publication, November.
C, 1919. .
Thero can bo no question In tho
minds of tho nmusomont loving pub
lic as to their opinion of Avery Hop
woods great comedy success FAIR
and WARMER which comes to tho
Whenton Theatre, W'elsor, on Wed
nesday, No. 12, n welcome visit of
tho ono piny tho wholo of America Ih
ngaln flocking to sco. Crowds far In
excess rff tho past two seasons are
tho rulo everywhere Tho comedy
Is oxcollcnt In nil Its virtues nnd
Messrs Cnstlo and Call who nro to
bring their alt star Now York cost
hero have left nothing undone In tho
making of n success, Heading this
brilliant company wilt bo found
Cnthorlno Loxow of whom Eastern
critics think so highly. Sho brlncH
to tho rolo of Illanny ovoryllilng ono
could desire Reality, youth and
freshness nro In hor ovory movement
and her great gifts rind amnio scone
In Fair nnd Wnrmor. Edgar Flnvollo
handles tho Hilly Hartlctt rolo In
great stylo and proves a happy foil
for Miss Loxow. Donnld Call, Har
old A. Cnstlo, Stacoy, Elizabeth Ere
r.lm and Amy AndorHon nro all hap
pily cast, mnklng tui oxcollcnt sup
port to tho two leading roles.
Tho seat snlo for Fair and Warmer
will open on
but mnll orders will bo received and
filled at any tlmo.
Onl) n Odd
Aro you 1117 Is often nnswored-
"Oh I It's only a cold," ns If n cold
was n matter of llttlo consequence,
but peoplo nro beginning to learn
that n common cold Is n matter not
to he trilled with, that soma of tho
most serious diseases stnrt with u
cold. As soon ns tho first Indication
of a cold appears take Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Remember that the
sooner you got rid of your cold tho
less tho dnnger, nnd this remedy wilt
help you to throw It off.
Just Arrived!
Quantity Shipment!
In varied assortments fresh from
the factory.
Guaranteed to please Her, Him or
Them, Young or old.
The Sugar Bowl
3i Iptote
No Cure For The "Flu"
Altho tills dreaded Dlseaso ravaged the Country last year yet a euro
hut, really not beeu found for It, and Medical Authorities say another Ep
idemic will occur.
We urge overybody, the minute you feel a cold coming on, have fever
or chills, dull aches or constipation, to take a TIIORO, CLKAXSI.VH
Rathe your feet In hot salt water, take a good big cup of HOI, LIST
ER'S ROCKY MOUNTAIN Wit (warm), nnd nn n lo,l fnr .i, ..ii.
chances nro you will feel flno the next morning and it won't bo so easy for
uio --riu-- or urippe 10 get you.
Duy a pasckago today, havo It in the Hnnsn nmi imn it n i. ...... ...
warning. Mothers should closely watch tho children and thrat them
nuuuui uoiuy,