The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 06, 1919, Image 1

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    ! llttK.r
NO -1!)
council indulges IN LONG DIS.
Pesky Srnlo Problem Like HmiquoV
Ghost Hlso lit Confound Council
Now Sewer District In Oidcied Or.
uuiilml 11111m Allowed.
When 8. J. Rpcncor presented (In
request of llio Union Oil Company
for a permit to erect storngo tunkB
for gasoline uml oil on block No. 0.1
which Is tlmt on tlio north kMo of
Idaho nvonua abutting tlio O. B. I.,
right-of-way, ho stated n spirited dis
cussion nt tlio City Council mooting
Inst Momlny ovonlng.
"It Ih nn autrngo to oven consider
such n ro(UOKt," wan tlio opinion ex
pressed by T. II. Mooro who wh
nuked for his views, which were
ninny and pointed In tlmt connection.
"I do not caro for tlio judKmont of
any man on that point," mild Mr.
Mooro, when It watt proponed that
tlio stato Flro Marshn)! bo asked for
bin JudKmont In tlio matter.
H. J. Spencer who presented the
matter and who has an option on the
tract for tlio company said that
Wolsor, I'ayotto and other towns
woro bolng consldorod by tlio com
pany and that they could locate at
any of thorn. Ho also called atten
tion to the fuct that nt I'ayetto (here
(Cc tlnuod on Last Page.)
Coiniiicrrliil Club mid Oregon Club
Foster Movement lit Observe Inlt-
IhI AnnUorsnry of Signing of
I t(Sut'Nt of German for Peiiro
NIori'H to Close I'Tom I to
:i. Mil) or Issues Proelii-
Tuosday, November 11, tlio first
anniversary of tlio signing of the
armlKtlco which ended tlio lighting of
the Great War will bo observed In
Ontario an u partial holiday.
This waa tlio conclusion reached
at tlio mooting of tlio Commercial
club at Its mooting last night. Earl
Rluckaby, Chelsoy Royor and II. I..
I'otorson woro nauiod as the com
mltteo to arrango for a program to
be held during tlio afternoon from 1
to 3 o'clock. An effort will bo made
to linvo a parado of all ox-servlcc
men, tlio High School cadets nnd the
High School band, tlio Itod Crosx
workors and other bodies.
Tlio Oregon club will celobrato the
occasion with a danco In tlio evening
for 'which Invitations have boon s
sued. The celebration of tlio day will not
bo as olaborato as the business men
doslro for the matter was overlooked
at tlio meeting tho weok provlous.
It was determined theroforo that bo.
causo sufficient tlmo was not avail
able for tho proper advertising of the
event that the city at least pause to
take note of the significance of tho
day and mark it as much as possible
At tho roquest of tho club, and In ac
cordance with tlio president set In
the state by Governor Olcott, Mayor
II. W. Jones Issued tlio following
Proclamation by The Major
The Governor of tho State of Or
egon has designated Tuesday, No
vember Uth, 1019, as a legal holi
day wlthjn thin State. This day
marks tho first anniversary of the
close of the greatest war of moHcjn
times andx1t Is especially fitting that
we, as a community, observe In a
measure the recurring date, "when
the war drums throbbed no longer
nnd the battle Hugs were furled" aijd
peace came to our Nation.
Therefore I would recommend that
tho Citizens of the City of Ontario
observe the Proclamation ot the
Stato's Executive and abstain from
their usual, vocations and close tljelr
covoral places of business between
During tlio past fow weoltH
tlio city offlclnls hnvo soul sum
plea of tlio city water to tlio
Htnto Imcterlologlst for oxniulna
Hon. In overy case tlio reports
hIiow tbo'nliHcnco of nil Impiirl
tlon nnd provo nbKolutoty that
Ontario lins n nnpply of good
litiro soft water.
Tlicflo tests according to City
Water Superintendent V. W.
Chambers linvo been so uniform
tlmt ovldencn Ih concluslv tlmt
tlio lllterlng system Ih perform
ing perfectly.
CII)'h Invltiitlou to Stnto Orgnulit
Hon to Mod Hero Is Accepted unit
Thanks Hvprr-ssetl In Council
mill Commercial Club.
MrH. C. 10. Illnglmm of tlio local
V, C. T. U. whh advised Inst wcok of
tlio nccoptnuco by tlio Stato Conven
tion of tlio organization of tlio Invi
tation Ontario extended for tlio 1020
Tlio lottor of nccoptnuco and
thnnks from Mm. Mattlo M. Hlootli
wnH n h follews:
Tlio Oregon Womnn's Christian
Tompornnco Union In tholr recent
convention votod unnnlmotiHly to ac
cept tlio cordial Invitation to meet In
Ontario noxt year If possible.
Tlio placo s UHually finally decided
upon nt tlio Mld-Yonr oxccutlvo meet
ing for wo know better then where
it woud bo boat to go.
Wo all want to como to Ontario,
but mooting tills year In tlio extreme
southern part of the Htnto wo found
tlio long dlstanco most of tlio women
had to go groatly Intorforcd with our
attondniico and It nuiy not bo wise to
go so far south nod emit next year
but wo will como If pobhIIiIo.
Plcuso extend to tlio Commercial
Club, Mayor nnd City Council our
profound thaukH for tholr courteoiiR
Invltntlon which wo greatly appro-
clato nnd hope nothing will provent
our coming.
(,'enernl Superintendent of Grunt
From Dalles to N)hii Visits On.
tnrlo to Fmulllnrlc Himself
Willi Condition
II. J. Lorontzon, who, has recently
boon appointed Suporluteudont of tho
EnBtorn Oregon Laud company, with
headquartors In Portland Is In On
tario this wook in consultation with
Ivan K. Oaken, Ontario Agent to
famlllarlzo himself with tho com
pany's properties in this part of tho
Mr. Lorcntzon comes to tho Kant
orn Oregon I.nnd company from Bl"'
Francisco whero ho has boon located
for some tlmo. T-'or n numbor of
years ho was connected with several
of the largo contracting linns engag.
od In building transcontinental linos
in tho United States and Canada.
Alaska and Hawaii howovor linvo
oach been tho scenes ot previous ac
tivities and he worked with con
tractors engaged in rogradlng
Mr. Lorentzon said that as yet
there was nothing to say regarding
probable development of tho com
pany's, holdings In Eastern Oregon
for at presont he was Just gottlng
acquainted with tho property.
the hours ot 12 o'clock M. and 3
o'clock P. M. on November 11, 1910.
lu Witness Wlieceof I have here
unto set my hand and caused tho
Seal of tho City of Ontario to bo af
fixed this Cth day of Nov. 1019.
Believing this an ausplcous oc
casion the members of the commltteo
have called for a meeting ot all ex-
sorvice men for the purposo ot form
ing a branch of the American Legion.
This meeting will be held at the City
Hall following any program that can
be arranged on short notice.
Attest: QLAY M. STEAnNS,
(peal)' " City nccorder.
RAY W. JONES, Mayor.
Request or Recently Organlcil Fiimi
Ruremi Is Futnrnhly Acted Up-
on by County Court nt Hud-
Kt't Session,
Delegations of ranchers from nil
the rcgloiiH between Dead Ox Flnli
nnd Adrnln, from Nyssa nnd from
tho Vnlo district appeared beforo the
County Court sosslon Wodnosday nf
tornoon nnd requested that body to
providr for tho employment of , a
County Agent. Tho request receiv
ed fnvornblo nctlon -and tho Hum re
quested wax ndded to tho budget.
Among tho ranchers who uttended
tho Hussion woro V. V. Hlckox and
C M. llentiinont of Adrnln, l'oto Ton
son of Nysnn, I,.It. Drlothnupt, Frank
Northrup nnd H. S. Hilt of Dead Ox
Mr, Hlckox outlined tho program
whichtho Iliirenu Is to undertake
In tho county and gavo a plnn qf Its
campaign nnd told of tho necessity
for co-oporutlo effort on tho pnrt of
the ranchers and tho county In doing
tho work needed. Ho presented an
outllno Htatomont of th exponso of
tho organization nnd tho basis ot co
oporntlon between tho Htnto nnd Fed
eral hureniiR nnd tho county. Ho
rqucHtcd tlmt tho county npproprlnto
$2G00 ns IIh Hhnro In tho work nnd
tho request wns granted. Other
ranchers from various pnrU of tho
county woro culled upon nnd each
entlmliiHtlcnlly seconded tho nt mo
ment mado by Mr. Hlckox '
Itoulo Agent For American Hxprosft'
Company Visits City mill Suggest
IiiipioM'iuent of ScrWrit Ileie
Dell wry Possible
An tip-town oxprotts offlco for On
tario Is a possibility. Such offices uro
to bo Installed nt Numpn, Welser,
Caldwell nnd other towns along tills
lino nnd Ontario is favored for suoh
an Improvement nnd Is on examina
tion If n sultalilo location can be
II. W. Lewis, routo ngent of tho
Amorlcnu Exprowi offlco was In On
tario today ns ndvnuro representative
of n group of company officials who
are Inspecting the proportion prior to
tlio return of tho mnnngomont to prl
vata ownership,
Othor officials of thp company nro
oxpoctod horo on Saturday of this
weok to determine what can bo done
to better the sorvlca hero. Whllo he
could mako no definite stntoment Mr
Lowls lu discussing tho sltuntlau
horo said:
"Ontario is not yet largo onough
to warrant n freo dolivory servloo.
Tho offlco does but $2,000 monthly
and on that basis could bo mndo n 12
per cent offlco. That is ono nt which
tho ngent recolvos n commission of
12 per cent and pays nil exponsos of
the offlco. At Hint rato of course
freo delivery could not bo mado. Hut
an arrangement could b6 mado such
as oxlsts at Jeromo, Hailoy and other
points whero tho merohants and cit
izens In consideration of dollvery and
pick up ot packages pay a small sum
per delivery." With II O. Drnue
local agent for tho company Mr
Lowls culled upon a numbor of On
tario business roon today.
Tho first formal danco of the Ore
gon club was hold nt the club rooms
In tho Wilson building last Friday
evening and was a most auspicious
gathering according to the accounts
of those presont. The party which
for club members and frlonds only
furnished amusement to tho guests
thru the grotesquo costumes worn by
tho newly Initiated mombers. Fol
lowing tho dancp refreshments wore
E. R. Alien of tho Purity Rakery
ontertained ills boyhood chum Joe
Rowman of Saxon, Mlssuorl, this
week. Mr. Rowman until recently
lived at Ogden, Utah, but Is now en -
routo to his old homo In Missouri.
Lingo Number of Witnesses l,cjie
Tomorrow .Nlght for Tilnl of Hlg
Humane ' ',t In Federal Couit
llcforo .ludgo Ileum.
Thero will bo nn exodus of legnl
llalcnt, stockmen, ranchers, real on-
tato men, Imnkors etc., In fnct of
overy class Hint has n distinct Iden of
what land In this county Is worth
from Ontario tomorrow night.
Tho causo of tho heglrn Is tho coil
ing up or tho suit of tho Wnrm
sprlngs Irrigation district ngnlmtt tho
Pnclflc Llvn Stock compnny for tho
uso of ItsWnrmsprlngH ranch as n
resocvolr for tho Irrigation system of
that name
Tho local legal profession wljl bo
loprescnted by P. J. Gnllngher'who
Is of counsel for tho compnny while
Vulo will bo represented by Oeo. K.
Davis nnd llruco Kcstor attorneys
for tlio district.
Tho nttorupys hnvo not mado pub
lic tho list of wJtncsROH they will call,
but they will bo legion, according to
woll dollned reports, nnd tho Ideas
thoy represent nro many nnd varied.,
Tho suit which Is of vast Import
nn co to tli'l Hcctlon of tho country
will bo closoly watched nnd will oc
cupy tho court for n weok or moro.
Tho enso will bo tried boforn Fcdornl
District Judge Robert 8'. Renin.
W. W. Wood mill Dr. W. .1, Wcce
AiMirwt Commercial Club (father-
Iutt mill Cite Condition Here
Would Itulld (ijmimsliim
Undor n law onnctod by the hist
legislature physical toducatlnn Is
mndo compulsory In Oregon schools,
nnd Outnrlo with Its limited housing
facilities for tho schools cannot com
ply with tho law and thereby on-
duugofs Its scholastic standing. To
comply with tho law so mo building
must bo provided.
This wns tho mossngo tlmt W. W.
Wood nnd Dr. W. J. Weeso of tho
Ilourd of Education presented to I ho
Commercial club nt Its weekly dinner
at tho llluo Rlrd last night. Thoy
said thoy camo simply to toll tho
situation nnd to learn what tho peo
ple of tho city think of tho mnttor.
Thoro wns no doubt concerning tho
nttltuito of tho club whop It votod on
a resolution presented by K. C. Van
I'otton endorsing tho efforts ot tho
board to find n means for keeping the
Hohool plant up to standard.
P. J. Gallnghar suggested Hint tho
city wait until nftcr tho noxt.IoglH
Inturo when an effort bo maiio to
hnvo n co-oporntia plan adopted
whoruby tho city or school district,
tho stato and federal government
could bo Invited to build nn nrmdry
W. F. Homan and others hovevor
ondorsod (ho movement looking to
the early accomplishment of the do
sired purposo. '
Fit) or Oil Company
Tho club nlsO voted In favor of the
Council granting tho permit asked
by tho Union Oil company to build n
distributing station on block No. 9.1.
aftor E. C. VnnPotten .aid that ho
had Interviewed E. W. Howlond nnd
Ward Canfleld who with himself each
owned tho propofty nearest tho pro
posed slto. Thoy had consldorod
the matter ho said and como to tho
conclusion that there would bo no In
creased hazzard to them nnd were.
theroforo agreoablo to the ornitlon .
of tlio plant. As tho resolution pus
sod the Council waH told that If In
Its Judgment no danger was entailed
the club favored the granting of tho
L. 1. Hlrsoh was tho chnlrmnu of
tho meeting, and ho appolntej George
RolliFen to bo chairman of tho meet
ing noxt Wednesday ounlut-
Thoro will bo n meeting of tho
land owners undor tho Malheur
Dralnago District at tho district of
flco in tho Mooro Hotel block Satur
day afternoon at 2 o'clock. At tills
meotlng thoro will be an election of
new officers and other Important
matters to be considered by tho per-
Interested. It Is Important
that overy owner bo present.
Westfnll, Rrogan, Jamlcson,
Upper and Lower Dead Ox Flnt,
McDermltt nnd Junturn woro
tho communities who sent lu
subscriptions to the Roosevelt
Momorlnl Fund this weok. With
theso lu nnd with Ontario hav
ing achieved Its original quota
tho county Is assured of Its com
ploto quotn. As yet neither
Vnlo nor Nyssn hnvo mndo com
plcto reports but tho NyBsa
quota wns practically raised on
Monday, October 27, so that
Nyssa Is assured.
Rrogan, Wcstfull and Junturn
each exceeded their quotas ns
did Dead Ox Flat, and with Vnlo
nnd Nyssa reaching theirs, as
'they will, only $.10 need be rain
ed to fulfill tho county's repulro
ment. This will bo completo
this wook,
Ono Ranch Home mill Tw Hiiuxes In
Clly Aro Under Wn) Nceil for
Moro Homes (InmliiK Oreat-
rr Kcry Day.
Jnuios Lackey was tho first to fol
low tho lead hoi by L. I. Hlrsch nnd
Htnrtcd u home, lu the vicinity of
Outnrlo, Mr, Lackey's homo how
ovor la to grnco his ranch southeast
of tho city. A now house was
started tin Outnrlo this wcok when
Charles Oobert began construction on
n bungalow on an ncro tract In tlio
city limits this sldu or tho Fnlr
Tho need for homos hero Ih moro
pressing ovory day. Thoro hnvo
boon dozens ot fnmllles horo In the
past two wooks In search of a place
In which to llvo.
Insplto ot Weather ItOwis ale That
Eery Section Ih Maklnj; (looil
Showing Kvpect 11:0(1 Membeis
lu Chapter mill Auxllarles
Insplto of tho bad weuthor wltK a
storm on Monday, tho opoiilug day,
tho third annual drive for Red Cross
inomborshlp was successful. It. W.
Swaglor, chnlrman of tho drlvo for
tho territory Included with tho Ou
tnrlo chapter oxpocts that the mem
bership will total 1200.
It was planned to hnvo tho drlvo
oompleto Monday but this wns Im
possible owing to tho storm. Yet
Insplto of HiIh tho commltteo on Ore
gon Btroot got Its work underway.
In Ontario moro than 400 mem-
bo rs linvo boon enrolled nnd It Is ox
poctod that fully 200 moro will ho
added during tho wook. Nyssa and
tho Valloy Viow Region, Adrnln nnd
Doud Ox Flat nil roporl successful
campaigns, whllo soma or tho country
districts owing to tho condition of
tlio roads have only partially finish
ed their campaigns.
A big two barroll electric dough
mixer was Installod this weok at tho
Purity Rakory to enable that grow
ing Institution to koop paco with
Ontario's domnnd
for broad. Tho
gigantic pilddlos
big bowl with its
run by a three horso power motor
will knead onough dough for COO
loaves or broad lu Jig time, and tho
mannor In which it slaps tho pile
about Is a sight worth seeing. 'Messrs
Alton & Hnnoy tho proprietors aro
having -a lot easlor tlmo keeping up
tho broad supply slnco tho machlno
took up Its work.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Gallagher ro
turnod Tuosday from Itlvorsldo
whoro- thoy woro tho guests or Mr.
and Mrs. E. J. Carrlllo, who also
camo down that day.
Dr. nnd Mrs. H. II. Whitney spent
tho weok end in Rolso whoro Dr.
Whitney underwent a minor opera
tion, Thoy returned homo Wodncs-day.
Commercial Club Appoints Commit
ten to go Over Routo unit to Co
opernto With Itinicbers on I la I In
Presenting lloulo Dcslrcil.
Tho survey or tho Old Oregon Trail
routo across Dcnd Ox Flnt from Ou
tnrlo to Huntington hns been ordored
and tho surveying party will reach
Ontario In the next few days to under
tnko tho work, .This was tho ndvlso
rocolved by County Judgo E. H. Test,
nnd reported to tho Comerclnl club
nt Its meeting Inst night by L. It.
Rroltlmupt or Dead Ox Flnt, who
with Frank M. Northrup and S. S.
Hill attended the club meeting nnd
nsknd tho ro-opcratlon or tho club
nnd Outnrlo cltlzous In presenting
tho Dcnd Ox Flnt proposition. Tlio
men named on this commltteo were
J. It. Rlncknby, E. A. Frnscr, II. C
Royor, E. C. Vnn Potion nnd II. II
Tunny. Tho commltteo will visit
tho Flnt on Friday to meot with the
rond commltteo or tho ranchers
It Ih understood Hint on n prollm
Innry tVlp over tho routo tho highway
commission's engineers suggested
Hint tho road might bo run diagon
ally ncross somo or tho host ranches
on tho Flnt, which would entail high
condemnation costs, nnd Injure many
Roth Mr. Northrup nnd Mr. Rrlet
hatipl in speaking on this subject de
clared tho dcHlro or tho ranchers on
tho Flat to bo moro closely connect
ed with Ontario nod to hnvo tho road
Horvo not only ns n thru rand but n
market road ns woll.
Mr. Northrup Bald that ho wns
moro convinced ovory day tlmt thero
Is no Intorost that bounfltH n com
munity but oIbo bononts tho ranchers
nearby, nnd llkowlso that thoro Is
nothing Hint will bonolU tho rancher
that Is not of vnluo to tho city ns
"Wo nil roallzo what was accom
plished by tho co-oporntlon or nil
sootlons In putting over tho rond
bond Issuo last spring and now wo
hnvo como to Ontnrlo and nsk that
you co-oporato with uh lu securing
tho ndvnntageous location or this
road to servo not only tho tourist
traffic but tho runchorH ns woll."
Mr. Rrlethnupt discussed tho pro
posed location in greator detail nnd
told of tho stops that tho rnnchors
havo taken to got tlio road work
started on tho Flat, llo Bald:
"Wo want to connect up with On
tario, nnd wo fool Hint Ontnrlo wunts
to reach our section to securo Its
shnro of our trndo to which It Is en
titled when wo can get to nnd from
tho city, which wo cannot ut prosent
without going out or Oregon."
"It Is hard to explain in detail
what wo wont nnd whllo most of you
nro familiar with tho country up
thoro. thoro aro many who nro not
nnd wo want you to come all of you,
or uh many ns powdblo. to go ovor
tho routo with us."
Tho Invitation of tho Doad Ox
Flat men was enthusiastically ro
colved and u numbor of question
nskod concerning tho progress being
made indicated tho interest of the
business men nnd tholr doslro to give
tholr honrty co-operation to tho mon
of the Flat In solving their roud
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Duiiphy on-
inrlalncd Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Woom
nt n dlnnor party nt tho Rluo Rlrd
on Monday evening. On Tuesday
ovonlng J. R. Hurlng of tho OrnHou-
Wostern Colonization company wns
the host of a dlnnor party nnd hml
for his guests: Mr. nnd Mrs. E. J
Gnrrlllo, and Mr. and Mrs. It. II.
Doarinond. On Wednesday oonlng
i.nuirin tim Cnmmorlcal club dinner a
dlnnor was glvon In lienor or Mm.
M. E. Osbom.