The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 30, 1919, Image 1

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NO. 48
la hei: crowd hkich iuivri:iu:HT
Iocnl Mno Iiupcntmblc, Itut ()hmi
Field Running nnd Forwnrd Puss
Inft is CniiNo of Undoing Madden
Htnm for Iicnls.
With but two inluutCB loft to piny
. nnd tlio Rcoro 3 to 0 In fncor of On
tario, tho Nnmpa School foot linll
team opened up n HcrlcH of forwnrd
passes that finally put thorn In n por
tion 'from which McKco, loft half wm
ublo to skirt tho end for u touchdown
which wuh followed by n goal giving
tho visitors tho gnmo by n 7 to 3
It wan n hnrd enrno to loso, hut
tho locnl boys nnd tholr crowd ol
motors hnd such an nftornoon ns no
Ontario team or no Ontnrlo crowd
hnd oxporloncod In yonrs. Tho flRhl
that tho locnl team exhibited won foi
itself a placo In tho honrtB of the
crowd nnd ovoryono pulled for thoir
to tho vory end.
Nampa with n hunch of rootern
woll suppllod with groon backs roach
cd Ontario during tho morning nnd
offored nil kinds or oddti on tho game
Thoy woro nbsolutoly confident. Tho)
oxpoctod to win by an overwhelming
core Thoy thot Ontnrlo would he
onay picking and mailo no bones
about saying tro. Thoy foil different
ly howovor aftor tho gamo was two
minutes old, and thon tho odds woul
Ontnrlo Scores Klrnt.
.Tho first quartor started with a
rush nnd Nampa discovered Im
mediately that It was In a real foot
ball gamo. Ilopoutod attompts on
tho part of tho Junction city bunch
to plorco tho local lino fulled and
McKco mado first down for Kampa
with a 30 yard run around Jack
Weaver's ond. On tho next play
Casoy of Nampa fumbled nnd On
tario rocovored tho ball.
Ontario first tried tho Nampa line
for no gain. An attemptod ond
run of a double pass reunited In
loss of flvo yards.
Mnddon thon was glvon tho ball,
fumblod It bohlnd tho linos, recover
ed and wont forward for sovon yoards
putting tho ballon to Nampa's IE
yard lino from which point on the
noxt play ho oxpeutod a pretty drop
kick Bonding tho oval squaroly bo
twoen tho posts woll above tho bar,
Nampa chose to rocolvo tho kick
for a Bocond tlmo and on securing the
ball In her own torrltory soon work
ed It near tho Ontario goal by repeat
ed ond runs around both Weaver and
V. Dutlor. With tho ball 30 yards
from tho Ontario goal the local team
held and rocovored tho bnll on downs,
only to loso shortly afterwards on a
fumble. Thus tho first quartor end
ed with tho ball In Nampa's posses
sion 20 yards from tho Ontario goal
Tho second porlod oponed with
Nampa dotormlned to score. Short
end runs brot tho ball to Ontnrlo five
yard lino on first down, and hero the
tho first of five brilliantly stubborn
defonse sessions of tho gamo wot
Rhown. Three tries at Ontario's line
showed a gain of four yards but on
the fourth down Overstreet and Dut
lor broko thru the Nampa lino and
nailed Casey for a loss. It was On
tario's ball and Madden soon kicked
out of immedlato danger, Again
nnd again during the second and
third quarters Nampa reached easy
striking distance of tho local goal
line and each time failed to have the
necessary punch to put the ball
When the fourth quarter started
it looked like an Ontario victory for
tho locals again showed some power
on attack and took the ball for two
first downs only to loso It on a
fumble. Nampa thon worked the
ball to Ontario's ten yard line from
which Casey attempted a forward
pass which Madden intercepted and
carried out to tho five yard line. He
then booted the ball 35 yards to the
middle of the field, and McKee carri-
a ed it back thirty yards In one of the
prettiest runs oi me game,
(Continued on Last Page,)
( A. Harrington, district
highway engineer, accompanied
by M. J. Connolly of Porter &
Connolly, contractors of Port
land, who hnvo tho Job of sur
facing tho Iloulovnrd section of
tlio John Day Illghwny from
Cairo to Nyssa, arrived In On
tnrlo todny.
Mr. Connolly will liavo his
hunkers, crusher etc., on tho
Job within a fow dnyn nnd ex
pects to hnvo gravel on tho flitr
faco stnrted within n week. It
will tnko about 00 days to com
plete tho work, snld Mr. Con
nolly to tho Argus.
Worshipful TlmniK Gathers nl
.('liurrli of Messed Siirmiiirnt to
Pny Humus to Pi list if Many
nci-K) ini'ii Prr-srnl.
Long boforo tho hour set for the
celebration of n certain Hcqulcm
Mass nt tho Church of tho Messed
Sacrament, Tuesday morning In hon
or of Ilov. Fr. Morlnrlty, tho church
was thronged by friends of tho do-
parted priest. Tho breadth of his
fellowship was manifested by tho
prosonco not only of Catholics from
Ontnrlo, Vale, llrogan, Juntimi and
mo uppor country, nut of many
mouthers of othor fnlthH In tho com
Ilov. J. II. Mnlouey of Ontnrlo wns
colohrant of tho Mass, with Hovh,
Stack nnd O'l lagan of Vnlo nnd Pen
dloton, rospoctlvoly, deacon nnd sub-
deacon. Ilov. K. J. Kclloy, chnncol
or of tho DIoccho, mnstor of coro
monlos, and Rov, Mackoy, rector of
linker Cathedral, and Hov. Kllllon
ropresontlng tho Irish Cnpuchlus, of
Hormlstou assisting ns Acolytes.
Kovs. Drlscoll of KnOrnndo nnd
O'Connor of Ilnkor woro seated with
in tho Sanctuary.
At tlio conclusion of Mnss, Father
Drlscoll, In terms of fooling ami olo
quonco, spoko of tho bonutlful char
acter and vlrtuos of tho lata Father
Morlarlty, nnd his power for good.
Tho speaker's pathotlc und forcoful
appeal for prnyors for tho deceased,
woro ovidonco of tho dcop-seated love
of tho clorgy for tholr brother
priest doparted.
Tho muBlc of tho Muss was con
ducted by tho Dominium Slitters,
who ably nnd artistically rendered
tho Bolomu chant of the church.
Tho ministry of tho city wns well
roprosontod In tho person of tho
Roy. Cochran, In addition to local
frlonds thoro was a largo delegation
of Irish boys from Vale and Junturn,
who would honor their Into boloved
pastor by their presence
Tlio ontlro ceremony and crowd
spoko volumos for the lovo and es
teom In which Fathor Morlarlty was
hold by tho clorgy and laity alike.
hcrghss illnkss is causi:
of disappointment iii
Just when Ontnrlo good roads
boosters thot thoy would havo nn op
portunity to present tho good roads
needs of Mainour county to Stato
Highway Commissioner N. J. Rurgess
who has succeeded W. A. Thompson,
thoy wore disappointed. Mr Rurgess
telephoned Judge K. II. Test from
Welser Monday that ho would be
hero on No, 4 Tuesday, The Judge
Informed the Commercial club nnd
Secretary Dody arranged a luncheon
and dinner nnd a committee was
ready to tnko tho commissioner over
the roads, When ho did not get off
No. 4 a message from Welser wns re
ceived telling of his lllnoss and say
ing that ho hnd gone to Hot Lake for
Dorn, In Ontario on Wednesday
afternoon, to Mr. and Mrs. L. F.
Tschirgi of Drogau, an eight pound
Alfred Holland went to Caldwojl
on Tuesday.
W F. Homan made a business trip
to Riverside on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs Ira Williams are ro
Jolclng oyer tho arrival of a son at
tholr home last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Haley left Mon
day for'thelr old home In Nashville,
Tenn. ...
T. M. SOaweard of Crane is In the
city this week visiting relatives.
Friilfliiml Families Him; Nut row Km-
nipt' Car Hnmcwlmt Wrecked
Accident Witnessed by Heu'rnl
PorsoiiMilNc'iipo Nn itii tr One
Only becntmo of tho fact that tho
onglno of tho west bound locnl was
moving Hiowiy n ratal accident wnnl
averted nt tho Idaho avenue crossing
during tho storm Tuesday afternoon
when tho nil to In which Mr. nnd Mrs.ftlnrs In chnngc. That tho robbery
Fred Noycs nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. M
Noyos of Frultlnnd rnu Into tho loco
motive Two other nutos filled with pans
cngorH woro standing on tho street
awaiting tho pnsslng of tho branch
lino onglno which was switching cars
on tho house track, when tho Noycri
car Rtnrtcd forwnrd ns soon as tho
switch onglno got out of tho wny,
Tho sldo curtains of tho enr woro up
nnd Mr. Noyes ovldontly did not rco
tho nppronchlng locnl on tho main
lino. Tho front of tho nuto hit tho
head nnd of tho unglno. Tho onglno
wiir not dnmnged but tho front ond
of tho nuto was. Tho fenders woro
liont, nnd so was tho nxlo of tlio enr
and ono tiro wns stripped from Its
Knglucor Roso, who wns In clinrgo
of tho locnl cnglno, was nhlc to stop
his trnln within n fow feet nnd the
crow wont to tho assistance of tho
diffidently frightened utitnlsls, who
woro luoky not to hnvo been killed.
Tho dnmnged enr wns taken to a
locnl gnrago for repairs nnd the
Frultlnnd folks wont on to tholr
homes In other cars
1 1 1 Class Rides (.'oat mill Ihijojs
llniiquct Which Followed All Day
Session liodgo Member.
ship Now I 1 1.
Sunko River Lodge of Knights of
Columbus spent u busy day lust Sun
day, From oarly until Into In the
ovonlng tho mombora of tho lodge
woro engaged In piloting 22 now can
didates thru tho mystorloH of tho
ritual, und tho goat hnd n strenuous
Tho first two degrees woro exem
plified by tho locnl degree toain uu
dor tho direction of C. C. Dofroos,
grand knight, while tho third degree
was staged by Frank J. Lonorgnn of
Portland, assisted by P. J, Hnnloy of
that city, nnd A. A. Smith or Rakor.
Following tho Initiation n banquet
was served by tho ladlos of tho Cath
olic church, nt which tho following
dollvorcd short nddromses: Messrs.
Lonorgan, Ilnuley, Smith and Oulln-
Tho mouther of tho class Initiated
wore: J. T, Donnouy, Hrogunj J. n
Schlnsko, Wolser; Jos. Mayor, M.
Zuegor, John Sullivan, Ron Crum-
mett and V. P. McKcnnn, Ontario;
C. F. Median, Wm. Gadschlax, M,
O'Lenry, Jas. Connelly, C. F. Doher
ty, Jerry Collins and J. W. Wilson,
Now Plymouth; Dr F. A.. Sohntltz, It.
J. Graham. Roy A. Dee nnd John
Rasdall, Mldvale; Dennis A. Sexton,
J. W. Darcoy and Phil McCnbo of
Vale. Tho addition of those mem
bora bring tho total membership of
tho lodge to 144.
Tlio officers of the lodge now aro
C. C. Defroos, grand knight; D. F.
Conway, deputy grand knight; F. P.
Ryan, secretary, nnd I'
D. McCoy, I
Dr Jacob Prlnzlng of Nampa ennu'
to Ontnrlo Tuesday evening on t
short business trip. He reports that
ho has the foundation of his now
home In Nnmpa completed and ex
pects tho superstructure to bo undor
wny in a few days.
John Kennedy of llrogan, who
possesses ono of tho most enviable
records for war work In the county,
having beon chairman of every drive
in tho Drogan region, was In On
tario Tuesday Ho was accompanied
by his mother. Whllo bore they at
tended the special mass hold for Fr.
Leslie Dody, secretary of the Com
mercial club, was able to return tb
his desk after a boiero atta'cjk of
Hop llonil Makes Vnlu Sent rli for
Drugs After dlmiii) Iiik Ills Wny
Out Nnl'iiiw Trmimuii I A tut
In SiiiiiII Indeed.
Drug fiends ovldontly In search of
cocnlno nnd morphine, robbed the
Luohr Drug store some tlmo Tuesday
nlht nnd got nwny with n fow grnlns
of drugs nnd somo ten or twolvo dol-
wns mndo for tho purposo of sccur
Ing drugs wns evident by thoinnnncr
In which tho prescription enso was
ransacked, nnd tho furthor fact Hint
tho ninny nrtlcles of vnluo might
easily havo licon taken they wero un
disturbed. Th6 robbery wns discovered by
Mnrshnl Farmer about .1:30 n. in.
Marshal Farmor found tho foot
prints of n man lending from the
bnck door toward tho rnllrond track
nnd thoso could bo traced ns fnr ns
the station where tho trnll ended
owing to tho presenco o"f many foot
prints In tho snow.
Kntrnnco to tho building wns ro
om red thru tho narrow transom over
tho front door. A Jimmy hnd been
used to open this nnd tho Inside
braco was broken letting tho transom
down. After rifling tho till, when he
found that thoro wns llttlo In tho
wuy of dopo to bo socurod tho bur-
glnr mndo his gctnwny via tho renr
Tho only thing Hint pt jvented n
serious loss to Mr. LuohrH was tho
fnct Hint overy night nil tho cocnlno,
morphine nnd other valuable drugs
nro stowed nwuy in tho safe. An ef
fort wns ovldontly mndo to opon this
but wns unsuccessful. No trace of
tho robber or robbers, has been se
cured by tho authorities.
Hand Ibijs Hit.
Alter the rehearsal of tho High
School hand last Thursday nluiii tin
mombors wero trontod to a verv
pleasant uirprlso In tho foim of u
Imnouot glvon thorn by tholr parents
nnd frlonde. Tho boys woro escorted
down to tho Domestic Bcloit"i do
pnrtmanl, whoro thoy rccelvod unnd
witches, ioffeo, enko, cocoa. Tho re
eeptlou was glvon to show the Inter
est of tho parents in tho wont i.nd
the Improvement of tho band.
Lust Friday tho II. 8. orc.iojlr.i.
undor tho direction of M. D. Thcnius
mndo Its first upponrnnco whe.i It
p'nyeil hofoio tho studont body ami .
laige number of visitors froi.t te
Nnmpa High School. This I thr
flue tlmo In history of tho II. tl. that
It has had a High School orchostrii
Tho applause received readily showed
tho appreciation of tho studont body.
Tho Roys' (Hoc Club, under tho
direction of Miss Crawley, uppmirod
for tholr first tlmo Friday morning
nnd mndo n decided hit with tho stu
dont body.
Snow which foil Tuosdny has kopt
Rouchor's protoges from football
practice. This wook tho teum meets
tho Nyssa High School team nt Nyssa.
A largo crowd expects to accompuiy
tho team on tho trip.
Thuisday morning, October 23.
Suporlntondent Lewis asked the Uu
dent body to holp out with the
Itoosevolt memorial fund. Tho stu
dont body responded by voting to
tako up a collection for tho purpose
on Roosevelt's birthday.
Jim Overstreet Is again n ir.rnnbor
of tho O. II. 8. football (nam
Friday morning, October 14, a big
rally was hold In tho amomhly room
of tho High School In preparation
for tho gamo with Naiupa that after
noon. Tho High School orohostra
nnd Roys' (lieu Club gnvo some of
tholr most popular numbers. Theso
(woro followed by yolls from Numpa
High which wero responded to by O.
II. S.
Following tho rally Friday morn
ing, Mrs. Rlngham In behalf of the
W, C T. V., presented to the High
School a picture of Frances 12. WIN
Wallace Shram Is absent from
school this week on account of Ill
ness. Wodncsday noon, October 29, the
glils of the domestic sclonco depart
ment eutertaincd the lady membors
of the faculty at u dollghful lunch
eon. The luncheon was prepared and
served under the direction of Miss
Abbott, and bore testimony to tho ox-1
collent practical training our girls
L. J. Aker, attorney, who formerly
occupied offices In the First Nntlonnl
imnk building, nnd practiced Inw
hero for nearly ten years, will ro
ontor tho gonornl practice of lnw, and
opon offices In tho Wilson building,
oor tho postofflco. For the past six
months or more Blnco Mr. Aker re
signed ns deputy collector In tho U.
S, Intornnl rovenuo sorvlco, ho hns
beon making a specialty of Incomo
tax nnd accounting work, nnd ha will
continue to assist clients who need
tho services of nn expert on ac
counts nnd Incomo tax mnttcrn.
Welt Kmmn Rnllrom! Mini Hur
combs to .Meningitis Wuh Pros.
Ident of Signalmen's Asso-
rliitloii of Short Line.
Ontario was grlovcd to learn on
Monday morning of tho death of
Jos, W. Scholos nt Salt Lnko City
Sunday nftornoon. Tho Inst reports
Hint hnd been received of his condi
tion donotcd improvement nnd hopes
wero hold for his recovery. Ills (loath
was ascrlbod to localized meningitis.
duo, It Is bollovod, to tho sovoro nerv
ous shock rccolved In two accidents
within tho past year. Tho deceased
loavos his wlfo and ono son to mourn
him, Tho body was brought to On
tario Tuosdny ovonlng by Mrs.
Scholos, who wns with him when ho
dlod and was mot nt tho station by
tho members of Acacia lodgo of
Masons, of which Mr. Scholcs hnd
long been a membor, nnd lust yonr
Korvod ns mnstor of tho lodgo. Tho
funorol services wero hold this nftor
noon from tho lodgo room, and intor
mont mado In tho Ontnrlo comtury.
Jos, W. Scholcs was born nt Cold
chestor, F.nglnnd, 44 years ago Mr.y
24. Ho mnvod with his paronts to
Canada when 10 years of ago nnd
came to Pocntollo in 1004, A llttlo
Intor he was transferred to Ontario
and has mado his home, hero over
slnco, having chargo of tho block
signals In this torrltory for the O, 8.
L. In 1007 Mr. Scholos wont to Igni
tion, Ontnrlo, whoro ha was married
to Charlotte Smith, who with their
son, Flrmln, nnd n slstor In Dnglnud,
survives htm.
In honor of Mr. Scholos, who wns
so woll known nnd liked, most of tho
buslnesH houses closed during tho
fuutrnl services from 2 to 3t his nf
Mr. nnd Mrs, Ivan K. Oak ok left
Tuesday evening for Salem whoro
thoy woro called by the sudden death
of Mrs, Oakes' father, At Heron, for
merly of Vnlo. Mrs. Onkos learned
of her boroiivomont In nn almost
tragic manner, She wns accompany
ing Mr, Oakos down town Tuosday
ovonlng whon thoy wero told of a
message at tho telegraph offlco, to
which thoy wont Immediately. Mrs.
Oakes rallied from tho shock experi
enced nnd hurried preparations woro
mndo for tho trip to Salem.
Mr. Heron was woll known In this
section, having lhed for
years at Vale. Ho had beon III for
somo tlmo, nnd while tho members of
his family did not expoot him to sur
vive tho winter, yot thoy had no
knowiedgo Hint his condition wns es
pecially serious during recent weeks.
The Musical club hold a social ses
sion at tho homo of Mrs. C R. Hud
son, Inst Saturday nftornoon. Tho
first regular session of the club will
bo hold this coming Saturday nt the
homo of Mra. W. W. Wood.
Attornoy J. W. McCulloch left
Monday foi Rurns whoro he will nt
tand to a number of egal mutiori
W, L. Walker, court reporter left
.Monday for Mums to hold n hoaring
is n iiiastc, In chancery.
ire receiving In this department.
G. K. Alkon of tho Argus uddress-
ed tho studont body Monday morn
ing, October 27, taking for his sub
ject the life of Roosovolt. At tho
oloso of his speech $10.00 was col-
lectod from the student body to add
to the Roosevelt memorial fund.
Demi Ox Flat mid .Imitlcson ltepoit
(Irent Interest, Especially on Pint
of Children Ironside mid llliri
Mdo Owr tho Top.
Mainour county will go over the
top on tho Roosevelt drive. That Is
certain, even tho all of tho precincts
havo nut yot been heard from. Al
ready $281 of tho $37G has been re
ported to the county chairman, G. K.
Aiken, nnd reports nro still to ho re
ceived from Jordan Vnlloy, Adrian,
Junturn, Mnlhour, llrogan and other
portloiiB of Hid county whoro failure
In public offorts nro novor scored
Ontario will havo raised one-third
of tho quota, $12C, In n wholc-honrt-od
mnnnor. Of this 1 10.00 enmo
from tho High School. Alrondy thoro
le SI 10 subscribed In Ontario but tho
wll bo rsodb Y..y SHRDLU cmfwyph
bnlauco Is hero for the asking nnd
will bo raised.
Tho Nyssa quota wns secured in
two hours by I, Lnx, socrotary of tho
NysBa Commercial Club.
Hi cry Child Subscribes.
Mrs. H. I). Conklln of tho Cairo
school tins Informed tho chairman
Hint sho hns $4.20 for tho fund, rep
resenting donntlons from ovory child
In tho school. That Is n ronf record
Fully ns good Is tho record mndo
by tho children of Miss Noll Carter's
school ut Jnmloson. In sending In
her romlttnnco Miss Carter snld
"This donation Is from tho chldren
Of tho Jnmloson school nnd they nil
Boomed glad to give to tho fund "
Kll Roo ut Ironside and 8nm Trim
boll nt Rlvorsldo nlso reported their
quota nchlovod nnd sont their
chocks, At Vula Ceo, W. Hays was
nt work securing tho Vnlo quota this
wook nnd hnd It practically com
Noxt wook tho Argus will give u
list of tho donors to tho fund. Those
who havo not Joined tho association
as yot, still havo tlmo In which to
do so.
Idil'geM ((iitlicrliiK of Odd Fellow n
mid Itcbcknhs in Years (,'atlieis
ut llnnqiift Hero Satur
day Hwuliig.
Ontario was tho Mecca to which
Odd Fellows and Rubokahs of this
soctlon gatherod last Saturday Tho
occuslon was tho visit horo of Grand
Mnstor, Forest L, Hubbard, Grand
Patriarch P A. Hantz, nnd Grand
President Mrs, Josslo Jurvls of tho
During tho day tho Reboknhs of
this district held a convention und In
tho ovonlng aftor short lodgo sessions
a united gathering of Odd Follows
and Rebekahs enjoyed u protty pro
gram, following which u banquet wik
served followed by uddrossos on Odd
Fellowship nnd kindred topics.
Tho gathering which was one of
tho largost uvor experienced by the
orders In this section was thoroly
enjoyed by all.
Miss Mao Plutt was hostoss for u
llttlo bridge party at her homo Thus
day ovonlng. Two tables were
played. Tlioso present were: Misses
Piatt, Callln, Roydoll, Stankn, Com
and Ethol McNulty, Cunley, Abbott
and Mrs. F, J. Clemo.
J. W. Cunningham of Ilarr & Cun
ningham, onglncers for tlio Jordan
Valley Project, reached Ontnrlo to
day from tho valley. Ho reports that
continued progress Is being mndo In
tho construction of tlio Irrigation
system and Hint water will bo on tho
land next spring.
Mike Joyco of Nampa cumo to On
tario Sunday to sea the K. of C. gout
in operation on a bunch of candidates.