THE ONTAKIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1919 The Value of Service Tho llOIHi: I'AYICTTK IDKA OK HKItVICK Ih not to sell n lonil of boards, Home (wo by fours mid bIiIdkIoh, mid Immediately forget tho Iriinsactloii. Our Men of service Is much hrondcr thnn thut, other wlso wo would iiNNUino tlmt our usefulness In nny nnrtlculnr com inunlly wiu ended before wo hnd painted our nIkii, or opened our ynrds for business. HKHVICi: INVOIiVKS A ItKAIj I'KltHONAI. INTKUKHT: Tlmt linpiicns to bo our Interpretation of tho word nt least.. .'Hie value, of tho ncrvlco wo render Is on n par with tho valuo of the Koods wo Roll. OK WHAT DOKH 11 I SliKVICti OONHIHT? KlHHTi To lininodlntoly nnd wholchcnrtedly kviwp jour irohlciu an If It wcro our ouii. To hco especlnlly tlmt your plnns iu-o worked out In a practical inunncr nnd suited to tho purpose Intcndcil. HKCONDt To conscrvo your enpltnl by tho uo of our yennt of ex pcrlcnco In tho selection of material suited to your needs nnd further! to seo tlmt such material Is used to tho bed advantage. throtiRhout tho pruKtcM of tho work. In a word, to kIvo friendly, practical nnd experienced nssUtntico from start to flulxli. THAT IH IIOI8K 1'AYKTTK HKUVIOK. h I m Mm) mSjk -AL. CHANCE Sales Manager Ontario, Oregon ManufncturcrM of WKSTKKN SOITT PINK T ATTENTION Sheep and Cattle Feeders OANE MOLASSES is used extensively through out this country nnd Europe ns n sheep nnd cattle feed. It is equivalent of corn in carbo hydrates fnttcning qualities nnd when com bined with ground wheat screenings or alfalfa meal makes tho most palatable, succulent feed obtainable at a pvice less than half that of corn. Tho cohesiveness ofrmolasses binds the particles of ground screenings or alfalfa meal so that it can bo fed on tho ground without waste. "..Ground screenings nnd molasses $30.00 per ton, sacked, f. o. b. cars Portland in carload lots. Type sample sent on request. SUNNYBROOK COMPANY Board of Trade Building, Portland, Oregon. "Get this straight". aaya the Good Judgo Tho tobacco (hat gives you tho most lasting chew is tho kind (lint saves you money. You don't have to take so many fresh chews. Tho rich tobacco (asto stays right with it. Thai's why you take a smuiler chew. TH real tobacco chew put up ill two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT 13 a long fine-cut tobacco tBfflM) OUR NEW DIRECTORY A new directory is now being delivered. Save trouble by destroying your old one. IP YOU WANT PROPER LIBTINQ OR A NEW PHONE, ADVISE UB AT ONCE Every Bell Telephone U a Long Distance Station. Malheur Home Telephone uo. AGKM MAN DANGEROUSLY HURT IN ATTEMPT TO CROSS TRACK David Mn8onor, ogod 71 years, was lirot to tho Holy Rosary Hospital Tuesday In a dangorous condition as tho result of Injuries sustained when ho attetnptod to jump botween two cars of a freight train standing at a siding In Payette. Tho train started Just ob ho reach ed tho coupling and ho was knocked hotween tho cars and dragged for sovoral yards sustaining bcsldo n broken foot and leg, two fractured ribs. Ho was also savoroly bruised about tho body. It Is feared that tho brokan ribs liavo penetrated his lungs, Tho train crow picked him up following tho accident nnd brot him to Ontario, Tho hospital auth orities roportcd yesterday that ho wnM In very sorlous condition. GRANDMA USED SAGE TEA TO DARKEN HAIR MRH. GERTRUDE J. RRAHEORR DIES AKTER IONG IM.NESB After moro than a year's Illness following succcD8lvo attacks of In lluonza which alio contracted while living In Entorprlso, Mrs. Ocrtrudo Johnson Bradford, died at tho homo of her parents, Mr. and Amos W. Johnson, on tho lsland80Uthcast of town, Monday morning. Slip leaves bcsldo her parents, her husband and an 8 month old baby. Kiinornl Hcrvlces wcro hold from tho MoDowoll parlors Tuesday after noon, Rov. D. T. ManBkor officiating. Mrs, Uradford wns 21 years of ago at tho tlnio of her death, having been born In Lincoln county Oklahoma, Soptombcr 17, 1808. Slio ennio to Ontario with lior parents several years ago and resided hero constant ly slnco, savo for a fow months fol lowing lior marrlago last year when slio lived In Entorprlso, AT THE PURMO MIIRARV November number of St. Nicholas Popular Mechanics, Woman's Home Companion, Church of tho Illossod Sacrament, Wookly publication of Sclontlflo American, Mtornry Digest, American Iirnua, Tho Union Signal, County Papors. Rocloved also this wook threo lists of books from tho Stato Library. Tho lists qo books on Agriculture, nest Physical Locturo, nnd books on Am erican History. Thoso books aro subjoct to loan. If you aro Inter ested In any of theso subjects, como and look over thollsts nnd wo will bo glad to Bend for thorn for you. No chargos for tholr uso oxcopt postage for transportation. Dosldos theso lists liavo other lists that havo pre viously been sont to us. Tho Stato librarian particularly calls attention to tho list of technical books. Llbrnnry hours; Monday, Wednes day Saturday, 2 to 0 nnd 7 to 0:30, p. m.; Tuesday and Thursday, 7 to 0:30, p. m. Sho Mixed Hulplier With It In Re store Color, Gloss, Youtlifulue). Common garden sage brewed Into a heavy ton with sulphur added, will turn gray, strenken and fndofl hair beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just n fow applications will provo a rev olution If your hair Is fading, stretch od or gray. Mixing tho Sago Ten nnd Sulphur roclpo nt homo, through Is troublesome. An easier way Is to get n bottlo of Wyeth's Sago nnd Sulphur Compound nt any drug store all ready for uso. This Is the old- tlmo rcclpo Improved by tho addition of other Ingredients. While, wispy, grny faded hnls Is not sinful, wo nil dcslro to rotaln our youthful nppcaranco nnd attractive ness. Uy darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Compound no ono can tell, bccaUBO It docs It so nnturnlly, so oveny. You Just dnmpon a spoungo or soft brush with It nnd draw this through your hair, talcing ono small Btrand nt a tlmo; by morn ing alt gray hairs havo disappeared, and nftor another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxurnnt. This preparation Is n dollghtful toilet rcqulslto and Is not Intended for tho euro, mitigation or preven tion of disease COMPETITIVE WE8T POINT EXAMINATION for AND ANNAPOLIH. In ordor to glvo equal opportunity to ovory boy In his district to win an appointment to West Point or An napolis, Congressman N.J. Slnnot will hold a competltlvo examination on December lCth, 1010 to dctormlno whom ho will designate to tho mili tary and naval acadomlcs In 1020, Tho examination will bo glvon for congressman by tho U. S. Civil Sor- vlco Commission In tho following 8 vltlos at tho samo hour nnd day: Ilakor, Ilond, Klamath Palls, Lnko vlow, Ontario, and Pendleton. Any young man, who Is a bona fldo rcsldont of tho Second Oregon District, desiring to enter this com petition should wrlto at onco to Con gressman Snnott, Room 347 Houso of Representatives for furthor part iculars regarding tho oxamlnatlon. Tho ages of admission to West Point aro 17 to 22 yoars and to Annapolis 10 to 20 years. PnMor mill Wlfo HurprlMMl On tho completion of tho first year of their rosldonco In Ontario, Rev. Cochran nnd family woro surprised by a gathering of tho friends nnd mombors of tho United Prosbytorlan church on Thursday evening last wook, nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Claudo ninghnm, whore n vory plcns ant ovonlug was spent. A substantial gift was prosontod as a token of ap preciation of tho labors of tho pastor and his wlfo. We now excel where we used to imitate Said the lady as she finished her firt jjreen lyrlle soup "ICs almost as good as mock. " From imitation of Eastern made goods, Oregon manufacturers have advanced until they novy sur pass their models. BUY HOME PRODUCTS. Not only because It is n good thing for the state and for you to keep Oregon money at home but Because they are Superior Associated Industries of Oregon -iifliJ ft 1 !Ml J . hi? Y ST" a V j-: s saBflpv iSlHr JSf 1 I iftiii DEFEATING TIME Correct lubrication with Zerolcne, scientific ally refined from select ed California crude oil, means longer life for your car. Gives better lubrication, least carbon deposit. Get a Correct Lubrication Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) O. H. TEST' Special Agent Standard Oil Co., Ontario w Ontario Meat&Grocery Go, Ontario, - - Oregon Phone 3 Wholesalers nnd Retailers of Meat Products Retail Groceries, Fruits, Etc. Everything Good to Eat Top Repairing.... We iunkc n specialty of this branch of tho industry. s ford Owners.... Have your top recovered with plate glass in rear curtain. Prices Roasonablo Seguine Auto Co.... Oldest Garage in Malheur County Established 1910 MONEY TO LOAN ON LIVE STOCK Cattlo and Sheepmen who uso outside capital should get in touch with us. NO DELAYS NO RED TAPE Wo havo a local company with outside connec tions strong onough to handle any business you have. Write or call on us ONTARIO LIVE STOCK LOAN CO. Ontario Capital $50,000 Oregon Willard Service... Your storago battery will serve you well if given tho proper care. Let us show you how. When it fails to givo the proper sorvice call on us. Our repair work is hard to beat. For recharging a 6 volt battory the price is $1.25. Wo believe Willard Service is the most re liable battory service in America and we are making it better each day. An export is in chargo of the tire repairing. Service Tire & Battery Co. Phone lOl-R Near Carter House Ontario, Oregon i M