STARTING MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, ONTARIO'S STORES WILL CLOSE AT 5 P. M. WEEK DAYS AND 8 P. M. SATURDAYS. ' wmti xxm ONTAKIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OHECION, TIIUKSDAY, OCT. 2!), 1M9 NO. 47 l 0 attttt. PACKED HOUSES FOR Ono Hundred mid Sixty Tickets Pledged I'ir Clmiitiiuim for Next Winter Musical Number Liked DcM III Olltllt'lo. Tlio tlio nudlonccs nt tho first two Clinutnuqun programs of tlio Chau tauqua program which worn hold nt tho High School woro not attended by largo nudlonccs, thoso which woro hold this wcok at Dreamland proved that tho programs woro popular. On both Monday and Wednesday ovon Iiirb tho houso was packed. Tho first program Friday night given by Tom Corwlno provod unlquo nnd humoroiiB, whllo that of Louis MarKhall Mortlns wn both Inspiring nnd funny. Tho people- liked him bent wbon ho recited Ills poem. HIr nppoal for higher typo -of American citizenship wns offcctlvo. On Monday tho Chicago Artlnt trio gavo what wax perhaps tho moot finished porfonnanco of tlio week. This was thoroly enjoyed by ovory- ono present. An added Interest was given by tho singing of Mr. 1'atton. Ho got tho crowd to singing too, somo of tho songs tho boya In tho army nnd navy tang. On Tuosday Major Mills lecture wan woll nttomlcd by a satisfied and lonco, whllo tho closing number by tho Blorra Scronadors wai roundly npplnudod by tho big crowd present. At tho closing program mi appeal was mado for signers for n courso for noxt year. Ono hundred nnd sixty tickets woro pledged for tho Hcason, only 40 loss than tho full gunrnntoo. MlssCourtnoy tho man ngor of tho rourso Indicated that tho Chautauqua would bo In Ontario n gain. Thoro was a doficlt this year, Imrplto of tho crowds, for tho Ontario folks ovldontly profor to buy single porfonnanco tickets rather than sen son tickets. Judged by tho crowds howavor, thoro Is no doubt how On tario enjoys tho Chautauqua, especl nlly tho musical numbors. RANCHES GIVEN NEW J.eo McCoy Hells Property West of City A. V. Itemlen Make Train for of Hhno Hiring Ditch Ilmicli mill J. A. Walter Bent Hunch, Throo of tho county's best liny ranches will bo farmed next year by new ownors or renters. Tho figures at which tho latest transfers nro mado show tho continued Increaso In tho valuo of farm proporty In this Boctlon, whllo tho deals also presago tho removal, for a time at least, of soma of tho best known ranchers. Leo McCoy reported tho first salo of tho week whon ho announced tho tranufor of tho 80 ho purchased last spring from L. D. (Jordan, to John Molenaar for $15,000. Six mouths ngo Mr. McCoy paid $13,000 for tho property. A V. Iteadcn who has for sovornl yoars lived on an 80 under the Shoe string Ditch six miles south west of town sold tho property to Oarrett Smtt of Arcadia for $18,000 on Tuos Cay. Mr. Ileaden has mado no defi nite plans for tho future but expects to rest for at least a year beforo go ing back Into tho gamo, He and Mrs. Ileaden will spend tho winter In Portland enjoying their vacation. Ho also sold a 40 acre tract to his broth er In law, Frank Henry, Anothor deal of Interest to On tarlans was that by which J. A. Wal tor rented his 80 acres to V. V. Hlc kox of Adrian. Mr. HIckox recently rented his ranch In thei Adrian dis trict and tho next day tfrranged for the uso of the Walter ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Walter have been on this ranch for 26 years and are now going to enjoy a vacation. Thoy ex pect to leave for Long Beach Calif ornia. Their daughter Miss Maude, and sons, Melvin, Irving and Weslej will accompany them. Immediately after selling his ranch Mr. Waltor purchased the property of Mrs. Mary Faulkner on the eastslde where they will reside after their return to Ontario, CLOCKS TUHN HACK AT TWO O'CLOCK HUNDAV MOItNIXd At 2 n. m. Sunday, October 2(1, Unclo Snm goes back to his reg- ular time, nnd theroforo to keep In stop with tho rest of tho com- niunlty It will bo tho proper thing to do, boforo going to bod, to wind tho Dig Hen nnd turn tho hnnds back ono hour. Of cnurso you could get up In tho night, or wnlt until morning, but that extra hour's sloop In tho morning will provo onjoyn- bio. Ontnrlo Is divided In Its upln- Ion nbout tho change. Most of tho folks llku tho present sclicd- ulo protty woll nnd want to keep It up In n wny by closing the Btoros nt flvo o'clock. At thu Commercial club Wedncsdny night Frank Under nnd L.HIrsch woro appointed to Intorvlow tho morclinuts nnd secure tliolr u- grcoment for nn enrly closing. 1'ractlcnlly ovoryono wnnts It. Only ono objection has been voiced, ho It Is said. If tho early closing hour Is unmcil an- nouncement will bo made In n- notlior column of this Issue. -f ' LEGAL FEES FOLLOW LIVING COST UPWARD Miillionr County llnr AksocIiiI Inn De termines That I,egiil Service Must Keep I 'urn With Other OiiiiiiioiI Mew Divorce Cos lit Double At n meeting 'hold somo tlino ngo tho momborH of tho Mnlhour County liar association discussed tho high cost of living. Thoro was no dobnto nn tho subject for thoro wns not nn iittornoy willing to nppcnl for old III So It was unnmlouHly agrood which Is something for lawyers to do that tho only wny to boat HI wns to rnlso logal foes. That wns what happen ed. This wcok tho nssoclutlon Is hav ing proparcd slips showing tho min imum fees for tho various clasxoH of work. For oxamplo It will cost Just $100 for. n plaintiff In a dlvorco caso. Tho dofondant gots off for hair that sum. Justice court work Is to bo tnkon nt $20 when ox parte what over that Is nnd $25 whon contest ed. County court cases nro In the sumo order $25 nnd $60. Circuit court canes havo a $100 minimum. To draw deeds, mortgagor, etc, will cost $5 instead of $2.50, whllo wills and abstracts go Into tho $10 class. Thoro nro numerous other subdivisions Into which tho lawyer mon havo arranged tliolr nctlvltlos and assessed a given sum therefor. Thoro Is no schedullod prlco por hour for loafing In lawyers' offices, nt least not yet. That will havo to wait until 1020. nftor oloctlon Novombor BUSINESS MEN GIVE T Ontario Will Make Km Quota In tlio Itouvcu'It Fund Drive School to Hold Hoosevelt Prop-inn .Mon- day Morning. Ontario nnd Malheur county will make tho required quota 'In tho Hoosevelt Memorial drive. Tho tho ennvas has not been mndo In Ontario this week on account of other-uctlv-Itles a number of buslnoss men havo signified their willingness to lead off tho campaign so that when tho can vass is made tomorrow tho city's quota will be secured. At tho High School Monday morn ing a Hoosevelt program will bo giv en at the assembly hour at which, a. K. Aiken, county uhalrman will mako a short talk on the 'llfo or tho oxpres Idont. To L. A. .Walker goos tho honor of being tho first voluntary subscriber to the local fund tho others have ask ed about It and signified that all that was necessary was to be approachod with the list to add their name. A great help would be given the oom mltteo If those who deslro would come forward and leave their sub scription wljjjlther W. W. Wood or at the banks, whero subscriptions will bo received. Dentl )v Flat, Ail in I ii mill NjfcMi Itantlieix Form Lncnl Committees mill Line Up .Members Boute- a vni'il Coining Tim. With nn Initial membership of 150 to 200 members tho Malheur County Farm Bureau will undoubtedly bo orgnnlzcd In tho very near future. This Is nn assured fact by ronson of tho Interest already shown In the work by tho ranchers of Dead Ox Flat, Adrnln nnd Nyssa. At mcollngri hold nt tho Dead Ox Flnt school houses nearly 50 mom borH woro enlisted for tho bureau. Again Inst week at Adrnln mnrkod Interest In thu movement wns shown and 30 moro members enrolled. At n Nyssa meeting 20 wcro nddod, whllo nt tho Boulevard untoward conditions lirot out so small n crowd that another meeting will bo hold. This week Vnlo nnd tho Willow Itlver valley hnvo boon visited by I. .V. Onbrlolson who Is assisting F. L. Ilnllnrd of tho extension scrvlca In forming tho bureau, nnd It Is believ ed that fully 60 rnnchors In tho upper country will bo enrolled. Those with tho nuiubor expected at n later Boulovard meeting will run Initial membership to 200, It Is believed. Whon all of tho communities havo their organizations complete there will bo n goncral mooting for tho county whon tho fnrmnl organization of tho county burenu wilt ha perfect ed. When this Is done every agri cultural county In Kafltorn Oregon will hnvo n farm organization. GRAND OFFICERS OF Ontario Odd Fellows mill Iteheknlis Will Knterlnlii High OirirliiN ill Sessions nuil llaiuiuet Conten tion Hero Toil. Saturday, October 25 will bo n big day In tho history of Ontario Odd Follows and ltoboknhs. On that day tho district convention of tho Bo hoknhff will bo hold horo with ses sion's during tho morning nnd nfter noon. In tho evening tho Ontnrlo follow ers of tho thrco links will bo tho hosts for tho grand officers of tho stnto organizations. Thoro will bo a sosslonH of tho Odd Follows encamp ment, n short lodge session nnd fol lowing thoso thoro will bo nn open reception nnd program for tho bono fit of Odd Follows nnd tliolr families and frlonds of tho order. Tho big ovont will bo tho banquot at which thoro will bo addresses by Grand Master, Forrest Hubbard of tho State Grand Lodgo of Odd Fel lows; ulso by P. A. Hantz, grand pat riarch of tho Odd Follows onenmp mont; and by Mrs. Jessie Jarvls, president of tho ltoboknhs, who will ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL FUND w -S" To the Itootryrlt MnnnrUI AuocUtlon, Cieo, K, Allien, County Clmlnuuu, Ontario, Oregon. I lierc!th (iibscrlbe the (urn of to the ltOOsEVCLT MtJIOKUL I' UN I). Name .... ,, ......... Address The ubure amount Ii lnclostd Arcordlnr to the plm of the Kooietelt Memorial Anvwlitlon, the llix-wlt Fuml uf J.ouo.OCio 00 N to l ntlllirtl to mil ii National Mimum t i.i Wuililimton, 1). C; to unjulru and nu i.taln a public wiW nt 0)trr ll.iy. V V., and ultimate!)' to Include Sugamore Hill, the i(inMvvlt l)inf. UiitWk. Ij I prntd like Mi.unt Vtrnoii and l.lun.lnVi home ut .Siirlmilcltli ami lu .i,,l.. a National Society to perpetuate the pilwipln aijil loVtiU o( 'Iheotlure H.a. .- ,1. VmU contributor to the fund will rtehen irtltl'il of mrmlx-rWi In I" Kuoerelt Memorial Atwiclatlon. A ccitllicate will nli be preaentnl lu tony Mliool ciiutilbutlni to the fund. The name of etery contributor will Ut placed on thr M ut uamu Uipoalted In the National Munuuxnt tu be emtwl ut Wa.blut'lun, 1). C, RED CROSS TO HOLD THIRD ANNUAL DRIVE It. W. Stvngler Chnlrinan of Drive Fur Ontnrlo Chapter Visits Auxil iaries mid ApiMilntN Committee. For Work Not ember 2 to 1 1 11. W. Bwaglor spent Tuesday and Wednesday of this wcok visiting the auxiliaries of tho Ontario Bed Cross Chapter nnd nppolntcd tho commit tees to havo chargo of tho Third Atr nual membership drlvo which takes placo during tho week, November 2 to 11, "Tho drlvo this year has a four fold motive," says Mr. Swngler. "First to complcto unfinished wnr obligations, Second to assist dis charged soldlors until tho army Is finally demobilized. Third to con tlnuo emergency relief work. Fourth to enro for a universal health cam paign and fight tuborculosls nnd other diseases." "Tho committees which hnvo been nppolntcd so far nre: Nyssa: Dr. J. J. Sarazln, Mrs. C, C. Hunt, Mrs. W. II. Beam, Mrs. J. Boydoll, Mrs. Dick Tnnsoti. Bend Ox Flat: P, M. Boals, I. I. Culhortson, F. M. Northrup. Adrnln: Mosdamos BoIiIiikoii, Knchus and Hnworth. Kingman Koleny: Mrs. Frank Morgan and Mrs. Uoldlth Anderson. White Settlement: Miss Pansy Mnllott. Valley View: Hans Oft and O. W. Beam. Tho Orange nnd Ontnrlo committeemen hnvo not yet been named. "Tho campaign will start this year with n special Hod Cross service at nil tho churches Novombor 2. It Is hoped to concludo tho campaign on Mondny Novombor 3. Only nnnunl memberships at $1 each will bo cal led for this yenr. A handsome button nnd a pretty transparency ara given to each subscriber." MUS. W V. LKTSON honoukd by VMM CHAPTKIl KAHTKII.N HTAIt In honor of Mrs, W, W. Lotsou of this city who Is (Irani! Assoclnto Con- ductross of tho Kastcrn Star Grand Chapter of Oregon tho Vnlo Chapter hold n special sosslon last night. Mr. Lotson, and Mr. and Mrs, lloman comploted tho party of Ontario Stars who wont to Vnlo for tho occasion. Mrs. Lotson has also been mado tho honored guests for special Eastern Star sessions by tho clinptors at link er and Nyssa. Tho Musical club hold Its first mooting of tho season yostordny at tho homo of Mrs. W. W. Wood. Vlcontl Mendloln of tho Owyhee enmo to Ontnrlo on business today. Mrs. Mol Dolling was taken III this weok. bo tho honored guosts of the Ontario Itebokuhs. Tho local members of tho lodges anticipate u largo dolegntlon from tho lodges of tho orders from the n oar by cities and towns. herewith. NA.MPA FOOTBALL TIJAM TO PUW ONTAIHO TOMOKHOW Arrangements woro mndo today for n foot ball gnmo with tho Nnmpa High School team hero tomorrow, (Friday) nftornoon. Tho gnmo will Htart at 2:30 nnd will bo played nt tho Fair (Irounds. Tho Nampa team which Is ono of tho best in Idaho, having de feated Bolso In a handy manuor, wilt furnish Ontario with nn nc etirnto guago of Its strength. Tho local boys hnvo worked hnrd this weok nnd Conch JlBchichcr oxpects thorn to glvo a good account of themselves n- gnlnst tho Junction City players, A big crowd of rooters should bo on hand to cheer tho local hoys on. L. E. 0. LAND CO. After Ttto Yearn us Mannger of Njmiii District Propel Hot Mr. IteturiiN to California Him Dctelnped Properties, Announcement was mado this wcok of tho resignation of Lnngley Brookos as agent of tho Fnstorn Or egon Land company nt Nyssn. As yet no successor has been named but Mr. Brookos oxpects to loavo this section for California shortly nftcr Novombor 1. Slnco ho canto to Mnlhour county nnd took chnrgo of tho work of tho company ninny ehnnges hnvo been mndo. Under his direction tho com pany has Improved moro than 1,200 ncros of land In tho vicinity of nnd south of Nyssa. Tho largest Individual Improve mont was tho development of tho Pipo Lino farm In which thcro aro 508 acres. In tho spring of 1018 this was nil rnw sago brush land and last year whllo only partially Im proved this farm produced 1200 tons of liny nnd this year it hns produced 1500 tons, porhaps tho largest n mount grown on any Individual farm In tho Snnko river vnlloy. this riincn is now u moiioi or a thoroly equipped hononzn alfalfa much. It was cleared by tho latent mothnds, high poworod tractors woro used and tho work oxpodltod by ovory known method. Its ranch house, barns and innchlna sheds nro lighted and niodernly equipped. Mr. Brookos who had chargo of this work following tho resignation of Thos. W. Clngott, ciiinu to Oregon from California and to that state ho will return to enjoy u vncutlon bo foro ontortng other fields of activity. Mr. and Mrs. Brookos nnd son Val entino spent today In Ontario, tho guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ivan K Oakes PARMA FALLS BEEORE LOCAL FOOT BALLTEAM (. II. S, Bi)M Show Better Condition But Tuko TlilngH Kasy After (lame Wns Safely Won Scolo I I to il In nn Interesting gamo whloh showed Improved condition on tho part of tho local team, Outurlo de feated Pnrmu last Friday afternoon at tho Fair ground by u score of H to 3. Tho gamo was not nil one sided, howovor, nnd tho tho ball was for the greator part of the game In Parmu's territory, yet tho visitors worked tho bull down tho Hold to n scoring dls tanco sovernl times only to be hold by tho local wings and Hue. Parma's ono score was duo to an orror of Judgment on tho part of the local team. With tho ball near On tarloVgoal and tho fourth down, In i toad of kicking with tho wind which woud havo taken tho ball out of the danger zono, an attomptod forward pass failed and Parma was thus giv en its chanco to scoro. For tho game Boucher presented a changed lineup nnd moved Odell to quartor. The llttlo end proved oquull to tho task of calling signals and ran tho team smoothly, FOR ONTARIO WANTED W. A. Tcrrnll, Cciisiim HupervNor for llniterii Oregon Want to ciot Help to Count Malheur County Population. During tho month of January 1020 Unclo Sam will start his decimal task of taking stock of tho folks In hh domnln. To do this an army of en umerators aro needed nnd theso seem hnrd to secure To bo ccrtnln that ho will hnvo n supply for Mnlheur County W. A. Tcrrnll, census super visor for Kastern Oregon enmo to On tario Tuesday of this week nnd left for Vnlo Wcdncsdny. "Slnco Ontario had less than 2,500 peoplo In 1010 tho cntlro month of January will bo nllowcd for taking tlio census here," said Mr, Terrall to tho Argus. "Wo need enumorntors not only for Ontnrlo but nil tho ills, trlct around about It nnd In tho county too. For this work ox-ser- vlco mon wltl bo given tho profcrenco but If thoy ennnot bo had either men or woman, from 18 to 70 nro eligible on passing tho slmplo test thnl will bo given horo under tho direction of tho post master. This tost wilt bo given during tho first week of November. Applica tions should bo mndo at onco nnd ml drcssol to Mr. Torrnll nt Wnsco, Ore- gon. In towns nnd districts like Ontnrlo Iho enumorntors can mako as high an $0 por day, MEMORIAL MASS FOR REV. JOHN MORIARTY Special Itoquciii Service for Priest at Vnlo ut Church of lllenMsl Har riimeiit, Tuesday, October M. At ton thirty In tho morning, on Tuesday October twonty eighth, thoro will ho n Solemn Auulvorsary High Muss of Itoqulnom for tho Into Bov John Morlarty of Vnlo, lu Blessed Sacrament Church, Ontario, Oregon Speaking of tho llfo nnd work of Father Morlarty, Fnthor Mulouoy said, "Ho was ono of natures noble mon, was a truo Apostle, who fell u victim to tho "flu," whllo enrlug for others. Ho wns a man with single tioss of purposo, slmplo lu habits, de void of ostentation, yot withal a giant chnllougor of ovll, nnd devoted chnmplou of vlrtuo nnd Its adherents Ills countenance beamed with plflty, and tho vlrtuo that radlutod from this mirror of his soul bespoke tho Christian nnd Sacredotnl leador ho wns," "Provontod from honoring htm be cnuso of epidemic nt tho tlmo of his death, Catholics nnd non-Catholics will havo an opportunity on October 28 of giving recognition to him "Whom tho King of Kings fumed In llfo and honored lu death with an ojornal crown. ' HURLEY ELECTED OF (rami Lodgo In Session nt I'oillnml Honor's Statu Hennteor Hunting- ton, Ontario and Vnlo Created New District. For tho first tlmo In many yours tho Knights of Pythlns of Oregon havo solocted an Kastern Oregon mini as their Grand Chnncolor, and for tho first tlmo In tho history of the lodgo southeastern Orcgou is thus honored. Tho now head of tho fol lowers of Damon and Pythias Is State .Senator Jullon A. Ilurloy of Vule. Among tho other things done by tho Knights ut tliolr session wus the creation of n now district composed of the lodges of Huntington, Ontario and Vale. To head this district It. W. Swagler of Ontario wus uppolntod District Deputy, and ho is urranglng for a gathering of the Knights uf tho throe lodges horo In Ontario. Tho date for this meeting has not been sot.