The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 16, 1919, Image 1

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NO. -1(5
Malheur County Workers Asked to
HuWrllip $J7n Kvcry Donor lie
coin on l.lfo Member of AnmicIii-
(Ion School to Assist
From Octolior 20 In October 27
Oregon ImH licon nnkod to rulso
$15,000 toward tlio nationwide fund
for n, memorial to Theodora Hnose
volt. MulliDtir connly'H cjtiota In
this drlvo linn liccri placed at $.170
liy tlio Htato campaign lionrd In Port
Innd. Compared with other driven ox-
pnrlcnred In thin county during tlio
pant two years tho effort of noxt
wook HooniR small Indeed, It bolng
for lint n fow ccntH per person In tho
Small tho tlio total sum Is, tho
4urposo Ih a Krcal and worthy one.
To nld In perpctuatliiR the inomory
of our Into ox-prcnltlont will r.ipcnl
to ovory citizen who rovoroH It In
momory and hln groafwork for the
upliulldliiR of American principles.
To carry thin work forward a com
lultteo linn linon appointed for tho
county by 0. K. Alkcn of Ontario,
chnlrmnn of tlio drlvo for thin
county. Mr. Aiken In being assisted
In tho campaign In tho upper end of
tho county by C. 0. Muollor of Vnlo
nnd those nro tho men who hnvo
boon nnkod to assist In gathering tho
Vnlo, Geo. W. Nays; Ilrognn. .!. M
Addltigton; Ironnldo, KM Hosoj
WoHtfnll, J. I). Fnlrmnn: Harper,
Clmrloa Hush; Junturn, Androw
Ornlinm; Hlvorsldo, Dan Mcl'horson;
Nyma, K.H. Conklln and W. II. Ux;
Adrnln, V. V. Hlckox; Jordan Valley,
Chas. Hackney; Vnlloy Vlow, V. S.
liocn; Dead Ox Pint, Hex Marquis,
Frod Hartloy, I.. II. Ilrolthaupt, W.
A. I'ntch; Astoria, C. I.. Lackey,
livery Giver it Mt'inlier
Kvory person who gives to' thin
fund will bocomo a llfo member of
tho HoobovoH Memorial association
and will rocolvo n cortlflcnto of mem
bership from tho national organiza
tion. No not amount In nnkod of any
donor tlio nam given In n purely
Individual mutter nnd may bo any
thing from n chlld'K penny to a rich
man's mil bo in, Tho largor tho num
ber of donom possible In desired for
thai In a largor sonso will nhnw tho
npproclatlon of tho whole pooplo for
Thoodoro Hoosnvolt.
County Buporlntondont of school,
Mrs. Fay Clark Hurley, has boon
nnkod to co-operato In putting thin
campaign, and haa asked tho teach
orH of tho county for tholr co-opor-ntlon.
An a tentatlvo division of tho
county's quota tho following Hums
from tho various communities ban
boon doslgnated: Ontario $126;
Vale $0G; Nynsa 940; Houlevard
$10; Ilrogan $10; Jamloson 10;
Whlto Settlement $10; Lincoln $10;
Valloy Vlow $10; Arcadia $10; Plo
noor $10; Jefferson $10; Park $10;
Westfall $15; Ironside $10; Hlvor
sldo $10; Malheur City $10; Juntura
$10; Harper $10; Jordan Valley
$30 and Adraln $10.
Subscriptions may bo given to tho
chairman "in tho various localities
who will remit thorn to tho county
chairman with tho list of tho donors
nnd tho amounts so that each will be
duly credited and recelvo the mem
bership cortlflcato when they are
Headers of tho Argus who may not
be reached by solicitors to tho fund
may send their contribution direct to
tho county chairman. A coupon Is
printed on tho first page of tlilx Issuo
which may bo filled out and mailed
to Mr. Aiken whl will bco that the
donor la projxirly listed as a mombor
of tho Hoosovelt Memorial associa
tion. Mrs, D. F. Daker and chlldron of
Dakor arrived today for a visit with
Mrs. JJaker's nleco, Mrs. Fred Can
flold, and her brothers W. J. and E.
11. Huffman.
John Landlngham left this week
for a trip to Portland. During his
absence A. A. Wellington Is presid
ing over tho Landlugton dray.
Mrs. Mary A. Fox, better known to
her friends as Auntie Fox, left for
the south for an oxtended stay. She
will visit southern Florida.
Mrs. F. L. Shaw of Durkee. Oregon
was tho guest last week of Mr nnd
Mrs. J. n. Gregg.
Fourteen Ontario Masons traveled
to Vale Wednesday ovciiIiir be
prcnont nt an exemplification of the
third degrco by tho members oi Vnlo
Lodgo No. 112, and It Is n mild stale
menl of tho fact thai they ot'Joyud
tho occnHluu Immensely. The work
of tho Vale lodgo men was declared
equal to tho best any of the visitors
had over seen.
Following tho Initiation an elabor
ately appointed banquet wuh nerved
nnd tho Ontario men stnrted for
homo turfy thin morning certain that
Vale's hoHpltnJIty Is unlimited. TIioho
who mado the trip were: Ivuu 12.
Oaken, It. M. Duncan, Ilalph Dunbar,
II. Ii. Peterson. ('. It. Augustus, V.
II. Staples, A. N. Illckoy, Harry
Jones, J. It. Hnsmusscn, A. It. Drown.
A. 8. Drown, Mr. Twlford, II. ('.
Smith and O. K. Aiken.
luteal Kvpcrlciico l'li( Defeat ill
linker laisl Satiirilny Now Out to
llctrhp Their Honor NWt
Whw From Vnle.
Tho Ontario High School foot ball
team suffered Its first do font of the
season at linker Inst Friday after
noon, Tlio rosult hns nut dls-'our-ngod
tho boys, however, for they
reallio that It wuh due In a it to
stage fright. Tlio score was 27 to 0,
but nil of Uaker's scoring was done
In tho first half, while Ontario boys
report they more than held their
own In tho second stuiizn.
To rotrlovo tholr honors the local
boys are determined to win tho game
with I'arma which Is to bo played nt
tho Fair grounds tomorrow aftor
noon. Tho gumo starts nt 3;30, and
a number of tho business men nro
going to forget business long enough
to go out to see tho gnmo.
Another foot ball event of last
wook wok tlio victory which Nyswt
scorod on. Vale by n IG to 0 wore.
Trousdale's bunch proved too strong
for tho Inoxporlonccd Vnlo boys and
ran off with the gnmo right from the
Tho slzo of tho Nyu' scoro gave
Ontario an Iden of what It will be up
against when It moots the lads from
Nyssa In a finished content.
Mrs. Frank Draper was tho luwtcw
for an old fashioned quilting bee nt
her homo on tho Kastslde on Thurs
day, October 2, a fact that tho Argus
In advertently overlooked Inst weok.
Whllo tholr noodles piled and they
quilted In tho good old fashlonod
way the following enjoyed tlioiu-
selves: Mosdames I lager, Downo.
Purcoll, Landlngham, Twllgor, K.
Stownrt Clark and Fox. Hafrosh
monts wero servod.
"Whllo at work In tho manufactur
ing plant of tho U. S. Manufacturing
company last Saturday, C. F. Kudow
had tho mltffortuno to severely cut
a tendon on his right arm nboa tho
wrist. Medical attention was liu
modlatoly glvon tho Injury nnd ho
hopes to hnvo completo two of tho In
jured mombor lnj hhort time.
Otto Luohrs linn practloolly com
pleted tho harvesting of a bumper
crop of apples off his ten aero tract
on tho hill. Not only was tho total
yield largo but tho Individual appes
wero of tho monster kind nnd uni
formly bo over tho entire place
Mr. nnd Mrs. George Lyells are
homo again after a two months visit
In tho Middle Wast, which George
declares is soma country. "How
thoy1 will ovor got In nil tho com 1
saw In lowa, Illinois and Indluna Is
beyond mo," he says.
John W. Cunningham of Ilarr &
Cunningham, engineers of Portland
arrived In Ontario today on business
In connection with various conduc
tion Jobs In tho county for which he
Is tho consulting engineer.
Charles Adams of Welser, but
formerly of Ontario was oporated
upon last night at tho Holy Itosnr;
hospital. He was reported to be
resting oasy today.
Mrs. D. F. naker and children of
Linker who were hero for several
days visiting relatives have gone to
the Huffman ranch west of town for
a furthor visit.
Fiiilllunil Polk Show Appti'i-lntlon
Tor Assistance Given Imsl Hiiiniiiw-
nnil Guni-uutcc for TIiIn Year
Tlio third annual winter Chautau
qua festival program for Ontario wilt
open tomorrow night at tho High
School auditorium. Tho first l'n
programs will bo given at tho I'fgli
School whllo tho Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday programs will bo
given at tho Dreamland.
Tho salo of tickets, for tho course
went fast this wook as tho result
of tho energetic work of Superin
tendent II. P. I.owIk, nnd tho school
pupils togethor with that of n mini
bor of tho business men Including W.
F. Homnn, J. It. Gregg, It. ('. Smith
nnd F. Ii. Hotly.
Mr. Hody.nnd G. ((. Alkcn visited
Frultland Tuesday and Wednesday
anil there placed 40 tickets nnd wore
assured of their salo by tlio folks
ovor there. Whnt wan more the
Frultland men declared that they ap
preciated tfio asslstnnco Ontario gnvo
In their Chautauqua Inst siimmor nnd
tho further assistance In guarantee
ing tho Prultlnnd event of this min
ing summer.
The first number of tho program
tomorrow night In tho lecturo of Tom
Corwlnn. Saturday night Marshall
I.ouls Merlins, will bo the attraction
Monday night comes tho Chicago
Artist Trio, Tuesday night, Major
Mills and tho Inst night Is tho Sierra
Soronailorx. .Season tickets only
will 'aid tho local guarantors. Gel
thorn today.
To servo Its enlarged field which
now Includoa regular calls for and
dolvorv tn Vale. NvHsn. Prultlnnd, ami
:;"':.;:::..: ... .;."..i,
ouior hccuouh oi i no HiirruuoiiiiiK
region, It. W. Jones has ml it oil an
other auto truck to his list of equip
ment. Sinco tho laundry at Vale dls
fontlmiod business last week Mr.
Jones secured tho service of J. II.
Harrli of that city to tako chin go of
tho bunlnemt In Jho upper country.
A now Dodge business car that looks
for tho world llko tho U. 8. Mall
wagons of tho big cities Ims beon put Plvo yonra ago alio movod to Iron
on tho run between Ontario and Vale, sldo, wlioro alio rosldod until her
Ontario ami Nyssa mid tho surround- death. Ilesldo hor sua alio Is Mur
ing towns. Ah shown In an al els
where In this Issuo tho laundry has
established tho flvo day delivery plan
followed In larger cities so that tho
patrons socuro regulnr motropolltuu
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. Flfor loft this
wook for n visit In vnrlous Montana
citlos, Including Hutto, Helena nnd
Great Falls.
Tho mombors of tho W. C T. V.
held a regular sosslon at tho homo
of Mrs, Hnndall Sago last Tuesday
afternoon. '
M, 10. Dolling roturncd Sunday
from Salem and Portland whore he
wont on buslnoss.
To the Iloosevrlt Mnnnrlil Auoclatlon,
Geo. Ii. Alkcn, County Chairman,
Ontario, Oregon,
I ltfrewlth subscribe the sum "f
to the ItoOJtVtLT Moiokul I'll no.
Name u....-....m..-.Mm-...
Address .... .
The above amount Is hiclol
Arconllnr to tlie plani of Hit Ilowvelt Memorial Ancltlon, I be Umm tvlt
Memorial Kuml of 3.000,goo.(K Ii lu l utlllieil to r I u National Moi,ui.ihI In
Waahluxtoii, I). C.j to awiulie and niaintiilH n pulille twrk at Orter II jr. V v..
anil ultimately te Ineluile Saeamorc Hill, the ItouMvelt Irfniie, tliereln, lu lie
preserved like Mount Vernon .uul l.liuuln'i Una- ut .i.rli.ii Held; aiul In .-. ..!
a National Society to perpetuate the priuctpliw awl IthaU of "llieodore lt-. . .ell.
Kacli contributor to the fiiral will receive a leililkale uf in Hie
llooaevelt Memorial Anoclatlon. A cvrtltkate v.ll uUo be preaeutwl tu v uy
Mliool contributing to I be fanil.
Tlie naina of eery contributor Mill be placml on II Ut of nanica tlrpuiliN
In I be National Monument to be crettwl at Wa.lilinjtuii, II, C.
Whllo New llrllllniiro Will Not
Hpi'Mitl DnzlhiK HitjN for it Tliuo
Wires will bo Imlil llcfoiv Pitvhi(t
Aftor having been told that it
would cost nnywhoro from $4,r.00 to
$5,000 to lay conduits for cluster
light wires, and also Informed Hint
there wnu no such thing ns parkway
cablo to bo had, tho City Council nt
a meeting last Thursday evening
found that tho last statement wnn In
nccurata to say tho least.
An tho rosult of thin meeting nt
which Klmor K. Clark offered to lay
parkway cab)o for $700 and 10 per
cent for labor and his offer wn. ac
cepted. Mr. Clark Btatcd that ho
could secure Immediately 1000 feet
of cable from Hutto, Montnua and tho
balanco could bo secured within four
weeks. This bolng truo tho paving
will not bo delayed and still tho city
will bo In a position nt soma future
tlmo to Install cluster light If It so
Tho 'Council nlso disposed of tho
question of paving width on Wash
Ington nvenuo cant of Oregon street
by ordering a six foot sldownlk along
tho south sldo of tho street. To this
T. II. Moorp voiced objections nnd
took Isuo with Councilman Harry II.
Cockrum, who uphold tho nrgumont
for tho Council that the street should
not bo narrowed any furthor.
.MHH. lUTlllIIUNi: McD. hei:
Mra. Cathorlno McDormltt Itoo
ngod 87 years who for several years
lived near Ontario on a small tract
Just Kast of tho city (Hod at tho homo
of hor son Ed. McD. Itoo at Iron
side Thursday Octubor 0. W. C.
Jonos brot tho body to tho McDowell
parlors In this city and Intoimont
was mado In tho Ontario ceinetry
Sunday. Services wore hold from
tho Methodist church, tho Payette
Methodist pastor officiating.
Cnthorlno'McDormlt Hoe was horn
at Montpollor, Vermont whore she
grow to womanhood. Later she
movod and for years lived near To
ledo, Ohio. With hor sou and his
family sho enmo to Molliour county
sovon years ago sottllng In Ontario,
vlved by two grandsons.
Mm. Harous and family of Nsmpa
arrived In Ontario Monday for a few
days visit with friends.
Mr. Harris has moved with his
family to Ontario and taken a res
idence In Hlvorstdo.
Joo Dans of Welser called on bid
friends at tho Ontario Pharmacy.
Miss Lavlno Smith was tho guest
of Mrs. Jacob Prlnzing at Nampa,
Sunday. -
Mr. and Mrs. Thomus Arnold are
In from tholr ranch for tho woek.
Mrs. M. I., Dolling spent Sunday In
wn,.Mi:it ij. iiovf.h i:m:cti:d
Tho members of tho Oregon Club
had nnd organization meeting Tues
day ovonlng of thin week and started
plans for tho club's nctlvltles for tho
year. Tho flrnt tiling dono was to
olect officers with tho following ro re
sult: Wllmor L. lloyer, president;
M. D. Thomas, vlco president; S. M.
Houchor, secretary and F. J. Clomo,
Tho club has now CO active mem
bers In good standing nnd expects to
ndd several more, nnd thus Is equip
ped to proceed with an nctlvo year's
work. Tho first formnl party to bo
glvon will bo a Hnlo'een event for
club members nnd their gnosis only.
Later thcro wilt bo a regulnr series
or Invitation dances nnd pnrtlcs. The
club Is ngnln oxconsed In tho Wilson
building. .
County IIMorlan HeiHiiiNTIiat Put)
Conmilinlly Hut Ontario Hon 1'iirn-
iiMiril Almost Complete llecot-il
of Its .Men
When It comes to bnnhfulnosti the
men from Ontario who wont Into tho
servlco tako tho prlte. This Is ovl
dent from the report which Suporln
tondont of Schools II. P. Lewis hns
received from Mrs, T. M. I.owo,
county hlstorlnn.
Mrs, Kowo reports that ovory othor
community In tho county has fur
nished a completo record of tho men
who went Into tho servlco for tho
County;s contribution to tho Groat
War. And Ontario, itltho It sent
moro moil than any other community
hns as yet recorded tho presence of
only flvo men. Several appeols have
boon made, and Individual men have
been solicited for this data, as yet
without avail.
If tho men will not glvu It, and
they ought not ho so bnshful, for It
would npponr Hint Ontario took no
pnrt In tho war If tho record Is loft
as It Is others will have to supply
tho Information.
Tlio High School has undortnken
tho work nnd wll plnco lu tho post
offlco a list of all tho names available
from this region. Hood this 1st and
If you nolo tho omission of any name
supply It. Something must ho done
soon or Ontario will get a real black
A wedding of Intorost to Ontario
folks took placo Wodnosday after
noon nt tho parsonage of tho First
Methodist church nt tho Idaho capi
tal whon Miss Fern, the second
daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Athortou of this city became tho
brldo of Aloxandor W. Giirron of St
Anthony, Idaho. Tlio ceremony was
witnessed by Mrs. Athorton and Mis
Mary Athorton of this city.
Tho brldo who grow to young
woman hood hero In' Ontario recent
ly returned from Nampa whore she
has been omployod for several years.
Sho Ih an aluinnim of tlio Ontario
High School and wolknnwn to a host
of Ontario pooplo.
Tho groom too Is wolknown here
thru a rosldonco of many years dur
ing which tlmo he was connected
with tho Hmplro Lumber company.
Aftor tho salo of that company's yard
hero ho wont to St. Anthony, Idaho
whoro ho wont Into busluoM for him
Kolf. Itocently ho returned from 18
months servlco In France.
Olvo Alfalfa I'lclil,n Winter
Ovi'i tout Closu Grazing ul
Kciimiii Knd is lliiriiifiil
When tho ground Is frozen, the
snow Is flying, and tlio wind Is whist
ling a merry gain, your alfalfa field
will prlzo a warm winter overcoat
under which it will paw tho cold
weather In excellent condition. Na
turo Is tho tailor that turns nut tho
winter clothes for tho alfalfn field
and specialists of tho United Staton
Department of Agrlculturo recom
mend that farmers cooporato as far
as poslblo with naturo In replenish
ing tho winter wardrobe of Hils for
ago crop.
Thoro nro two Important reauns
why alfalfa should not bo out or
grazod close at the end of tho grow-
(Continued on Last Page.)
W.K. IC-cx Ulgi-M Action Immediately
Commercial club l.tituhei-N
llrwik HccoiiIm nt Svw CuTo
"Do It." Don't wnlt for the other
follow but If you Intond to build do
it, nnd do It now. With those word 1
W. K. Lees- who was prosont nt tho
club for tho first tlmo In years,
finished n straight from the nhoulder.
tnlk on homo, building nt tho weekly
Club luncheon Wcdnosdny evening
at tho Hluo lllrtl Cafe. Although 45
members wore In attendance nt tho
oponlng of Ontario's nowest Cafe,
and a now spirit of nggrowdon wnH
provolant, which could very well bo
opltomlgcd when Mr. I.eos happily
sounded tho key unto by tho two
words "Do It."
Prosldont W. W. Wood after wel-
coming tho visitors stated that tho
subject for discussion would bo
"Hulldlng" homo building, city mid
community building, nnd tbs differ,
out speakers confined tholr remarks
ontlrely'to this topic.
J. It. Illnckahy gnvo an Interesting
tnlk on tho financing of homos. Ho
said any city wdrthy of the name
should have beautiful homo, and
that every business mini should own
his own homo. ioTho first essential
however towards making a, start wnu
for tho prospectlvo biilldor to decide
upon plans and thou secure specifi
cations. This would enable the con
tractor to submit nil otlmshto and bo
a basin to work on. Mr. Hlsckuby
stated ho was of tho opinion that It
wns not u question of II nances which
wits retarding hulldlng aotlvlly In
Ontario but rather u question of who
would bo tho first to start. Tho ma
jority of tho signers to the rowilutlou
woro lit a position to commence op
erations Immediately but required
some nsslstauco In tho preparation of
tholr plans.
T. II. Monro took up tho matter of
different plans and methods of lett
ing a contrnct. Ho stated that lu
lilx opinion tho cost plus plan wuh
more satisfactory In a general way
than by having to suporvlso the work
personally, adding that provided a
competent man could bo secured
thou 10 per cent was a fair percent
age to pay for being rellovml of tho
worry entailed In connection with
hulldlng. This cost plus plan,
(which was outlined by two linker
City men at a mooting held Tuesday
ovonlng In tho Club rooms,) occas
ioned quite a llttlo controversy.
Ii. I. Illrsch, who has already let
his contract for a homo costing bet
tor than $0,000, spoko upon his ox
porloucotf In getting work started,
nnd repented that boforo any step bo
taken plans and specifications bo so.
C. T. Luckoy, ouo of the fow
ranchers who Is a member of the
club, vulcod his appreciation of the
nsslstauco to tho farming community
from tho Commercial club. Ho re
marked that aftor this year's crop
was Baruorod a gonoral building
movomont would tuko plnco In tho
Secretary F. Leslie Hotly expressed
his pleasuro ut wooing so many Club
mombors prosont who had not at
tended tho luncheons before, and
statod that tho number or iiersons
roady to build amounted to s:t and
that from Indications at lettst one
third would commence this month-
K. A. Frazlor was appointed chair
man of tho lunch coinmltteo for next
wook, which will also bo the regular
monthly meeting.
There wuh a mooting of a number
f young moil Interested in the pro
motion of an athletic club for On
tario at tho City Hull Tuesday oven-
Ing. H. W. Swaglor tho sponsor for
tho movomont wns not present, how
over, nnd no action wan taken An
effort was to bo made to swuro co
operation with the sohool board to
socuro rooms at the High School and
tho club was furnished the materlul,
but tho school board was not en
thusiastic ovor tho inattor owing to
tho prosont congested condition of the
building. What will be done on jur.
Swairler's return Is not known nnd
tho proposition may possibly bo drop
ped, for tho prosont at least.