THE ONTARIO AUG US, ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1910 5 t a i' I c s CLEANLINESS AND DRV HEAT . WILL KILL BOOK - LICE Dwelling Iioitrtoff, libraries, miles oiling, storehouses, barns, anil other buildings often harbor illmlnutlvo In sects known as bookllcc. Out of ilooro they mny ho found In all sorts of places rut tho crunks of trees, on fences, wood lots, mid refuso of nil Boris. Tho hook-IIco that occur In houses havo no wines nml nru seldom inoro tlinn ono-slxteenth of an Inch long. Tboy aro pnlo colored, al most whlto when young. As thoy grow older thoy dnrken somowhnt booaiiHo of tho food thoy havo oaten. IJoug-Hco do not nttack men as do truo llco, and aro thoroforo harmless to tho occupants of tho homo. UHiml ly thoy attract attention moro from their annoylngpresonco than from tho harm thoy do. Vet when thoy tiro found In gront numbers thoy may ranso consldornhlo Injury. Tlioy feed upon decaying timbers, feathers, and Btrnw, hair, flour, meal, wall paper, starchy pasto, hook bindings, and photographs. Ilook-llco thrlvo boflt In closed rooms that nro warm and damp. .JSoltlum aro they notic ed In light nry rooms In constant uso. They illo off during cold weather, but loavo eggs behind which hatch tho following Kprlug. Whoro only u fow book-llco aro pro sent a thorough cleaning nnd nlrlng and drying of tho room Is all that Is needed provided tho sourso of Infesta tion Ik In tho room Itsolf. Sun ns many of tho things within tho room an possible, and heat tho room to a tomperaturo of 120 to 140 degrees for several hours. Ilook-llco aro soft bodied Insects nnd succumb to drying duo to heat. If tho source Is nn old straw or husk mattress It should bo removed nt onco nnd burn ed wherovor possible. Fumigation by sulpher Is effective, hut because of Its blenching effect can he disre garded. In addition to cleanliness and plen ty of sunlight nnd heat, fumlgntlnn, whorover It enn bo applied, mny yield best results If tho sourco of Infesta tion has been removed. V. C. HUNT HKSIDKNCi: XI2AK NVHSA HUHNKI) TO (HtOl'NI) Whllo nil of tho nionibers of tho family wcro absent, tho fine ranch rosldonco of C. C. Hunt, two miles west of Nyssn, burned to tho ground Morning nbout 0 o'clocg. Tho only thing thnt wnn saved woh Mrs, Hunt's piano, which W. I. Ulhson and no mo other neighbors 'succeeded In gottlng from tho burning building hoforo tho llnmes guttcil It. DEATH CLAIMS AUKD MAX 0 AT ST. JOSEPH'S HOME James Hastings, aged 89 years, who for tho past two years' has been n rosldent nl St. Joseph's homo died thoro. Tho body was taken to Ale Howell's parlors from which services woro hold and Interment was mndo at tho Ontario cemetery. So far as tho records at tho home show ho had no surviving relatives, PROMINENT WRITER AND POET AT CHAUTAUQUA Marshall Lou It Mertlns Comet on tht 8econd Night. Author, lecturer, humorist nnd stafi poet of tho Kansas City Star, Marshal I.ouls Mortlns, who comes to Cliautuu qua Festival on tho second night, lint mailu a decided Impression In tin lecturo and literary fields of todn) LflPPHV FsbbbbibibbbbbB Kir HisiBv BVBr '-vbbbbbbbbbblv X t i&IisBBBBBBBr bbbbk Hbbbbbbbbbbv BBBiPIbI fBBP9v Jt'lsi bbbbbbbbV tV' Mi ft5l BL Em?LjjMiiv BBBBBBIB lli.,......,.,M,..,.l...W.M.W..,...,.,'H..l.l'l.l."-1.'' -"' .HI"' ''"' III I News Items From Fruitland firing your Job Printing to The Argus printcrs tlicy know how. Ho discusses his subjects with the eagerness and optimism of youth, yot ho Is a drop student nnd a consistent thinker, and his addresses bear the stamp of tho man who has mastered his subject. Into his lecturo, "Ilrlcks Without Straw," ho weaves a world of humor and brightens his splendid Inspira tional subject with poems from his latest book, "Tho Wishing Oato and Olhor Poems," Five Day Delivery Plan Which was onvolvod during tho War, by tho Wnr-Board and tho Laundry Ownors National Association, and which is rapidly being adopted by most of tho larger and moro progressive laundries of tho country. Tho principal difforoncos from our present system aro as follews: Tho work is picked up ono-half day earlier and delivered ono-half day later. ' 'The work is picked up in tho afternoon and delivered in tho morning. Tho city is divided into routes and thoro is One Day Only for gathering work on oach route. Tho advantages of tho plan aro that our work will bo spread ou ovonly throughout tho whole wook instead of boing bunched up into tho first three or four days, our workers will havo Saturday afternoons off, wo will havo work In the plant to start on Monday morning, you will bo moro apt to bo at homo wlion your bundle is delivered, you will havo moro time to get your bundle ready, and, barring sorious accidents, you will always get your bundle the day you expect it. In caso thoro aro times when our regular sorvico is inconvenient to you, you many havo sorvico on any other day by bringing your bundle to our plant and calling for it when finished. Our routes will bo as follews: Route No. 1 Gather Saturday afternoon, Deliver Thursday morning. Route No. 2 Gather Monday aftoi noon, Deliver Friday morning. Route No. 3 Gather Tuesday afternoon, Deliver Saturday morning. Route No. 4 Gather Wednesday afternoon, Deliver Monday morning. Routo No. 5 Gather Thursday afternoon, Deliver Tuesday morning. Routo No. G Gather nothing Friday afternoon, Deliver nothing Wednes day mornlnrr. Route No. 1. That part of town South of tho street running from the P. 0. to tho Hospital, Villa Park and Terrace Heights. Routo No. 2. Business District, Vale, Homedalo and Adrain. Routo No. 3. Parma, Nyssa, Brcgan, Jamieson, Riverside, Juntura, Crane, Burns, Voltage, Harper Fruitland and New Plymouth. Routo No. 4. Business District and that part of the old townsite North of the street running from the P. 0. to tho Hospital. Routo No. 5. East-side, Riverside Addition and Vale. Routo No. G. Reserved to take care of holidays, interruptions of the olec trie service, etc. Rain Water Jones' ONTARIO LAUNDRY Water Softened to Zero (no hardness) by the Permutit System Have your bundle ready by eleven o'clock C. M. Lnckoy nnd fnmlly moved on to tho Milan Davis placo on Thurs day of last week. They will mnko tholr homo thoro for n couplo of months, whllo Mr. and Mrs. Davis nro looking after tho fall work on tholr ranch nt Illg Willow. Mr. nnd Mrs. I.ouls Polonz of Leigh, Nebrnskn, onrouto to Port land for tholr honey moon, stopped off on Thursday of last weok to visit for a couplo of days with Mrs. Polcnz's mint, Mrs. Henry Itolns, Mr. and Mrs, William Homnn nnd Mrs. Mary Door woro In Now Ply mouth Sunday visiting nt tho Allen Stcgnll homo. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hoppor and dnughtor Anna nnd Miss Mnrgarot Hlllnrd, alt of Mldvalo, woro guests of Mrs. Ida Edson Sunday. Mr. nnd Mtb. Hnrry Shumnn and two children took dinner nt tho George Eldrldgo homo Sundny. Mrb'. Cosy Ilranthoovor nnd inothor Sherman, mndo n trip to C,a1dwoll Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J. Mocker woro ontcrtnlncd nt tho A. K. linker homo Sundny. Miss Elva Mcokor has been on tho sick list for a tow dnys. Will Swartz of Stuart. Iowa, who was horo somo tltno ago, returned on Friday of last week nnd has pur chased tho King plnco of twenty-five ncros, tho consideration being $13,500. Ho will movo his family horo nbout Dec 10. Mlsn Tholma Itnndolph was tho guost of Miss Nola Crcgor, Sundny. Amos Crcgor, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. P. A. Crcgor, arrived Saturday from tho Pnlouso country In Washington for a visit at homo. Ernest Andorson who Is In busi ness In Pnrma spent Sundny with his pnronts, Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson Miss Esslo Lovol .of Caldwell ar rived Monday for a fow day's visit with hor nunt, Mrs. It. S. Kutcli. I.lttlo Walter Ilnzoltlno of Pnyetto spont last weok visiting nt tho homo of his undo, M. W. Hazoltlno. Q. I.. Smith of Ontario spent Sun dny nt tho homo of his parents, Mr. mid Mrs. M. A, Smith. Mm, F. II. Cushmnn, mother of II. E. Wllfong, arrived on Tuesday of last wook from Morlll, KnnsiiB and Is visiting hor son. Mr. Cushmnn Ik driving through by auto and tho two nro onrouto to Portland whoro thoy havo purchased n homo. Thoro has boon coiiHldorablo sick ness In lho SunnyMldo district tho past wook. Somo of thoso who havo boon 111 aro tho Honry Hockes and Hnrry Taylor families nnd Mrs, Mai com Hazoltlno.. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lnckoy nnd family vlsltod Tuesday nnd Wcdnos 'duy of last weok at tho Oeorgo Eld rodgo homo. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dorothy of Payette vlsltod at tho L, J. Mcokor homo Sunday uvonlng, Elslo Ilnyor who la attending school at Caldwell, spoilt tho weok end at homo. Prof, mid Mrs. Nollson loft on Sat urday for thrco weeks of Institute work. Thoy will visit I.owlston, Twin Kails, Itoxhurg nnd Pocntcllo. Mrs. Wnlkor, mother of How Clyde Wnlkor, visited nt tho John Tacked homo Sundny nnd Mondny of thin wook. Qerald Johns was opornted on for appendicitis at tho Ontario hospltnl Mondny of this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Homer Utlcy of On tario visited nt tlio M. A. Smith homo Sundny. Mr. mid Mrs. David Hull of Wclscr visited nt tho J. Hostotler homo Sun day. Mrs. C. R Hnrdmnu of Unity. Ore gon, nnd Mrs. William Fleetwood of Horford, Oregon, mother nnd sister of Mrs. Prank llrndy, arrived on Mondny for a visit hero. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Wllfong were In Kmmett Sundny calling on old friends nnd neighbors, tho Fred liar por nnd P. W. Hnrpor families. M. W. Ilnzoltlno, Oeorgo Frnnk, C. Stownrt, Mr. Lnttlg, also Mr. llow mnn of Pnyotto made a business trip to llolso Prldny. Mr. and Mrs. David Stctler and Miss Anna Hupp aro spending sovcrnl dnys of this wook In Portland. Miss Sarah Hostotler who had been visiting In Wolsor, returned homo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Darnnrd wcro guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Til Itntuoy Sundny. Tho Fruitland High School opened on Monday morning with nn enroll mont of sovonty-flvo. It. Is expected that tho enrollment will reach nt least ono hundred hoforo long, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Hurd nnd dnughtor of Payette and Mrs. Aubrey Howard of Ontario nro working In tho npplcs this weok for Charles Duoll. Miss Loulso Martin of Fargo, North Dakota, who will havo churgo of tho commercial department In tho high Bchool, arlvcd Friday. Miss Esther Johnson of Now Ply mouth nnd MIsb .Porn Llnck woro guests of Mlsn Florence Andorson, Sunday. Mr. Floyd Saundors, suporlntond- ont of tho Klfo packing house, spoilt tho weok end at his homo In Emmctt. Mrs. Frank HnrdufnU of Ontario wan In Fruitland Monday visiting hpr nolco, Mrs. Prank llrndy. Mr. and Mm. Lou Harney havo moved to tho Wolls place nonr Now Plymouth for tho winter. Lou Ilamoy and Hay Duoll shipped tholr household goods from Cascado to Fruitland, Saturday. Lou Hamoy and Hoy Sparks woro In Hoborta this wook attending tho land drawing. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCroskoy of Nampn, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Hall, Sunday. Prof, and Mrs. CIuib. Miller visited at tho L. M. Lyon homo In Payette, Sunday. PUNCH 1IOAHIW HANIHHKD KHOM ONTAIUO EMPORIUMS Concrete Pipe The ideal pipe for all Irrigation and Drainage Ditches, as strong and everlasting as the Pyramids. We make pipe for sewers, for drains, for irrigation. Re enforced pipe for culverts. Sidewalks and cement blocks. Special contracts for building foundations. Let us-furnish you estimates for your new home. Concrete Pipe Company C. E. BINGHAM, Manager Ontario, - - - Oregon As n result of complaints (Hod with tho county officials that punch boards woro being permitted In On tario, District Attorney II. W. Swag lor and Sheriff Leo Noo of Vnlo mndo n visit to tho vnrlous emporiums whoro this form ot chance taking thrived, Monday morning. Now thoro nro no moro boards In nctlvo sorvico In tho city. Tho complaints alleged that theso hoards woro being played by boyo nnd girls of tender years, nnd also that qontrnry to tho Btntutos. minors woro boing pormlttcd to lonf nround pool hnlls. This too Iiob boon prohibited. S-JFI sv JSfe &h SCWn Hun. A Moil., Oct. II! VI lit mahouehite ciaitic tn "lets i:upe" I'ntlio Nous Tue., Oct. II (JlCOItOi: WAI-HH In "PUTTINO IT OVER" MUTT .tt JUKI.' CARTOON: In "Hiiwt Pnpn" Wed., Oct. lf CLAHA KIMHALL YOUNG In "Till: CLAW" Piithc .Vows TIiiii-n., Oct. Id REX 1 1 HACK'S Tin: nitA.Ni" Ono day only IVI., Oct. 17 CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "SUNNYHIHR" also IIHVANT WAHIIIIUIIN In "Till: POOR IIOOI1" Hat.. Oct. IH CHARLEY CHAPLIN In "HUNNYHIRE" nlso CHARLES RAY In "Tim hiii:hh'I"h hon" Mntlneo at 2:30 two shows y CHURCH ACTIVITIES OATHOLIO CHUHCH OP THE HLESSED SACRAMENT. Itov. J. 11. Mnloncy, Pnstor. 8:30 a. m., Low Mass. 10:30 a. ra., High Mass. 0:30 a. m., Catechism for tho boys and girls. Visitors respectfully Invited. HAPTI8T CHUHCH niblo school 10:00. Morning Worship 11:00. Oospel Sorvico 8:00. Prayor Sorvico Wednesday 8:00. NAZAHENE CHUHCH J,. M. Wines, Pastor. 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. Preaching. 8:00 p. in. Thursday. Prnvor Meeting In tho Church. Everybody urged to attend all ser. vices. UNITED PRESRYTERIAN CHURCH 10:00 niblo School. 11:00 Public Worshlo. Sermon subject: "Tho New World Movement." 7:30 Worship. Lecturo on the second command ment "Thou shalt not make unto theo any graven Image." W. F. COCHRAN, Minister. MKTHODISr CHUHCH Sunday Sen Ices. 10 a. in. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Preaching. 6:46 p. in. Epworth League. 7l30 TV tn lltitotwn ,.! r -.-. "Home Sweet Home," "uu. . W. J. LUSCOMDE, Pastor.