THE ONTARIO ARGUS. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1939 i I i ( C 1 1 1 11 V s t t 11 i 11 s 0 a i) -n I S ti ai Pi C( sc Commercial Club Activities l LK8LIK 1IODV, Hccrctnry Tlio old ndngo "Wlioro thcro's n Hill thero'n a wny" linn again proven Itself. It took but two days tlma to olilnln tlio BlgnnturcB of 25 residents of Untnrlo nKrculnR to build ho'tfos nlmoHt Immediately, anil already numerous others luno voluntarily otproAsed a doslro to join tlio II m ,23 and back their faltli In Ontario by tlio ornctlnn of a pormnjiont liomo For months pHt much iIIhcuhhIoii has tnkou plnco no to tlio host hoIu tlon of tlio housing prolilont, Imt no definite progromt mndo. Home pen plo woro ready and willing to liulld liul woro dotorrcd from bo doing on uccount of tlio supposedly lilgli prices of liullillng mntorlnls. Tlio Com mercial Cluli took tlio matter up and 11 h u result of ItH Initiative nn ucthn hulldlng program la nssured A city mtiHt either go nhead or go buck, thero Ib no standing Htlll. Otlior Iowiih liavo marked Activity In tlio building line, then why not On tario? TIiIh wan tlio question to bn solved. I estimate Ontario linn lout at leant forty families thin summer Ihrough Inability to find Iioukob for runt. Wo advertise and boiixt of our excellent uducittlonal facilities mid thoy aro hIii riiin non hut hou ostly can wo expect thn newcomer to Immediately let u contract tor the eoiiHtructlun of a homo and the In the hotel during ItH erection when our morehnnts and profeslonnl men nro rontura? Upon nnnlyHlH I find Hint nl leant fifty per cent of tlio signers will build their hoiiHOH gratis. What I mean hy that In, tlio additional vnluuin of business thoy will secure through tlilri movotuunt and tlio extra fa nil Hot brought to Ontario, will more than repay any Initial outlay of cap ital. Tlio morchantR will noil more gondii and tlio lawyor havo a butter practice, to my uotlilng of the prop orty ownor. Tor ovory Iioubo con Htructed there will ho n direct Influ ence upon tlio Intrinsic value of property within n curtain radlim. UiiIobb town Iota nro Improved, eith er by the erection or n hulldlng or brought under cultivation In tlio Hhapn of kitchen garden or lawn, they nro n Hot-back to a community and worth loss thiui farm land. Why loutlnui) thou to pay taxes; make tlio IntH self supporting. The itliruwod businessman would not al low Hovornl hundred dollars to ro iiialii long Idle, but hern In Ontario comlltloiiB nro worsethousands of dollarH nro tied up In unimproved lyoperty upon which tho holders nro paying Interest In tho form of tuxes, and liiHtead of their holdlugH In crcmilnK In vnluo nro actually worth Iwm today than when orlglnnlly pur- (ihimed I ImprovementH nlwnys gov em tho legitimate valuation, why not Improve. Outsldo rnpltnl Ib anxious to como In here, but re quires a HUlo encouragement. Who known but what wo hnvo lost thru this Inactivity hundrcdu of thous inula of dollarn? Again, a number of houses can he constructed far moro cheaply than ono or two. Hulldlng materials can bo purchased In such quantities an to make tho prlco within tho reach of nil j twonty-flo car loads of lum hor can naturally bo bought at a bottor flguro than mntorlnl foronly ono house. Then, too, tho labor situation will adjust Itself. When n contractor has bo much work In sight to keep his men cmplo)cd ho Ib nblo to glvo a better figure than by oBtlmntlng on a Blnglo houso. Dur ing tho past few days, through, I he llovo tho result of thin movement, sovoral homes hnvo changed hands, iih well as n number of lots, but here nro Bomo figures which can bo crl fled very onslly and which should govern, to a certain extent, tho prices paid for property Ontario i covers an nrcn of 1280 acres, or with ten lots' to tho acre 12.800 lots; thoro nro 387 houses built hero nod figurine three lots to tho house makes 1101 lots n little better hyq onfl tonth of tho nvnllablo prop Ktjrj 'Thirty now homes would make nay ono hundred lots so that Ptero uhould bo no oxcuso for not be ing nblo to Bccuro tho right location nt tho right prlco. Now, tlion, tho movopiont Is well under wny, lot's not Iobo any further time In gottlng something Htnrtcd. If wo all pull togulhor nnd boost It Is surprising what n lot of good can and will bo accomplished. STANDARD Oil, HUM'S TILWTOIl OPERATOR IN II IH Ll'lHtlOA- TIO.N' I'ROHLEMH. nuv. h. it. HTi:i:iii: rkhkjnh 'it) teach in mean school Tho men ',or of tho Congregation al church wcro very much surprised hiHl Sunday morning nt tho cIoho of tho sorvlco to havo Itov. 8 It. Stcolo who hns boon pastor of tho church four but n fow months road his resig nation to tho assembly. Ho announc ed Hint ho had nccoptod n position on tho faculty of tho Eugene Oregon High School and would hnvo to bo In Hugono nt once Ills resignation wna nrceptod nnd ho loft Sunday ov- onlng on No. 10 for tho unhorslty city. trout I'ltv planted IN MAI. IllU'lt STREAMS (Contlnuod From l'ago 1) Tho car Is thoroly equipped with air compressors, coolers nnd mllos of piping carrying tho air Into the cans. It nlso hns comfortable quartern for those In charge, Including a com- then pletu kltchenettn, Mntorooms, etc. Tho operator of a tractor who wishes to get tho most work out of his machine and nt tho sumo time prolong Its llfo should glvo pnrtlculnr attention to tho matter of correct lubrication. Tho Standard Oil Com pany Is doing a splondld work In ed ucating trnctor operators to tho use of the correct grado of Zotolcno for particular cnglno nnd 111 so In the host method of taking euro of tho lubricating system. Tho Company hns n Hoard of Lubrication Englno ors whoso business It Is to solvo lub ricating troubles and to glvo advlso regarding correct lubrication. The company's salesmen nro always glad to help out and nro constantly In touch with tho operators of tractors In addition to this, literature has been prepared giving detail lubrlcn Ing Instructions for every mako of tractor. In this wuy tho company Is trying to help operators get tho greatest efficiency out of their equip ment. Many operators who hnvo taken ndvantngc of this valuable sorvlco havo found that they can now get far better results from their machine Any operator, In ordor to dotermluo Just how Importnnt a factor Is cor rect lubrication In tho oporntlou of his tractor, should drain tho lubri cating oil from his crank case, cleat; out tho crank enso In tho mrrect way und fill with the grado of Zololono which is recommended for his par ticular motor. Many operators havo done this, and as a result have found that thoy can not only pull a heavier load, but can do this with tcsu fuol. This menus, of course, that upkeep cost from the standpoint of ropnlrs is very materially de creased. A Wrong IMPRESSION YOU CAN, CAN COILS. To can corn boll tho prepared earn from fl to G minutes 10 for old corn and plungo Into cold water to sot tlio corn milk. Shave with a sharp knlfo tho kernels from the cobs, cutting from tip townrd base Hack lightly In Ktorllliod Jars to ono Inch of top, und ndd ono teaspoon salt with boiling water In which oars wero boiled, put on rubber nnd top not scaled down and sterilize In water bath for two hours. Too long blanching or too old com gives pro duct dnrk color. Standing too long In cold wntor or In Jnrs after water Is added, or cooking over u slow llro, mnkes tho product soggy. Howard for IaM Hog LOST: n brown nnd white Col Ho answering to tho nntno of Don, carrying Ontario IIcoiiho tag. Howard will bo paid for return or Information lending thoroto. L. I. IIIU8CH . During the past week we have encoun tered quite a number of men who were told they could not buy suits for less than $45.00 and $50.00, which information was clearly misleading. Suits at Popular Prices We are showing men's pure worsted suits at popular prices and specializing on young men's fancy models, at . $30.00, $32.50 and $35.00 Greens, browns, bronze, blue and fancy single and double-breasted, with or without belts. . Our original orders are coming in, and were purchased at a THIRD LESS than today's wholesale price. Boys' Knicker Suits Popular models at popular prices $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00 Vaudeville i i XS3 Tuesday, Oct. 7 only. Wentworth & Arnold A snappy act with comedy, singing, dancing. Direct from Baker and Boise. Watch Boise Papers. t. Also Peggy Hyland in Cowardice Court and Pathe News Dreamland Theatre 7:15 p. m. 15c and 30c ALEXANDER ONE PRICE CLOTHIER ONTARIO, OREGON Professional Cards lit. W. O. HOWE DENTIST Tel. 117 Ontario, Oro. .IRAN8FER, UAOUAOE AND EX PnE83 JOHN LAND1NQHAM DR. A. R.ROBERTS Dentist llotMccn Onturlo Pharmacy ami Depot. Phono 52 DRS. WEESE & FORTNER OFFICE HOUR8. , 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 Office over First National Dank. Telephone No. 33 J. Ontario, Ore. Open 6:30 a. m. to 12 p. in. Ontario. Oregon 1JOSTON CAl'K Now open for business WELL COOKED FOOD aOOD SERVICE FAMILY PATRONAOE 4 SOLICITED. SAVE TROUBLE Ranchers who have machinery must keep them In repair WE FIX GASOLINE ENGINES 1HHIQATINO TUMI'S AUTOMOBILES All kinds Macliluory We specialize on Pumps nnd Gasoline Engines. Our Prices Are night. HARSDEN MACHINE SHOP 'WTJ m k. OUR CUSTOMERS FEEL AT HOM.E IN THIS HANK. They are convlncod of Its safety, thoy njo satisfied with Its sor vlce, thoy havo found hero n cordial, helpful sympathy with their Interests and their deals. ' Any ono of our officers will ho ploasod to confer with you on nny business matter and wo particularly invito your patronago on tho strength of our value to you Argus Want Ads Bring Best Results. "Try Them. 6