The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 18, 1919, Image 1

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    ntot0 t$v&.
NO. J2
Mn) or KxpressoH Ideas on m ii.
fore onuMit Sidewalk . Petitions
(Il'illilcd, nl to Tlmo IMonsloii Is
Mm. Colin KofllltiB whose hotno Ih
In Dawson, away up on tlio Artie
clrclo, In tlio Yukon Territory, ,r
rlvcJ Wodnosdny from Seattle whoro
alio lion boon visiting, lo spend u fow
days with liar motlior, Mrs. II, I.o
Itoy, and liar brother, It. If. I.olloy
oi ling city, on nor arrival sin
lonrncd Hint tlio Inst bon(to lonvo
tlio Sound for Alnskn so Hint pns
HcngorH could orossiaAVIilJgllorHP
pass would enll Hnturdny mi she
leaves tonight for tlio Pugot Sound
After n dlflcuBHlou which Inslod
for nearly two lionra tlio Council ut
Km ndjournud meeting Mondny night
nt tlio City Hull approved tlio ushosh
inunt roll for tlio stroot paving iih
presented liy IV. F. Iloninn, com
missioner,' Tlio itolmto cor.coniPd only the
ohJoctloiiH vorbnlly nindo h T. II.
Mooro lo tlio rntto UHCd In making
iiHrtwisiiKMit for sldo Htreot paving.
Ah nt tho roKtilnr mcetliiR on Sep
tumlier 2, ho wnnted tlio comer loin
assessed for nt lutist moro tlinn fifty
per cent of tlio cost ho uvon cited
tlio IIoIho system of nssosHlnR the
full coMt of Htreot pnviiR to tlio torn
cr, jiiHt It Ib lo tho frontngo on niiiln
Htreot paving, tho ho did not dtH'Inru
tlmt ho fnvnrod thnXhlgJ) n ratio.
Mayor It. W. Joiioh Hii'd Hint his
JudKtuent wnH tlmt tho rntlo Mhould
ho 40 per cent for tho comer lot, and
1C per cent for ouch of tho other
lotH to tho mlddlo of the hlook
Oouncllmnn V. II. I.nxson look n
Hlmllnr view.
Couucllmnn Harry II. Cockrum
and Commissioner W. I'. Human up
held tho contention that the lionofltr
should I) npnwd on tho bail of SO
pr cent fur tlio corner lot. 26 n
cent for tho second lot nnd to p.-:
tost for tho other thro lots to the
center of Hi block.
After the ihilmte had wnxrd foi
come time nud Mr, Moor lutl Intro
diicod u tuleni&m from the City Kit
Bnoar of llofao showing "that Hit
comer lots paid nil of (ha M itrMl
jwr tus, Councilman Hugh Alloa
moved that tli odium teal nuttr'a re
oil ho uccrptod ThU motion car
ild hy a, ot.i of thr to one
High School AUiIoIIch mid Musical
Art Mies Hlait Willi i:cellenl
Prospects Tlihty Piece Hand
Yrlei'iiii Team
Many Sew TenchciH In Faculty
Two Hctitrnrd I'Yom Honlco To
Foi-nion I'oslttim In School.
Fruit Picking Keeps Jinny Ikijs
From School mi Autlioiltles Nmk
For Ht 111 linger .Number of Pupil
In October.
Favorable Action Taken on Coiiinier
rial Cluh Coiiiiiilttco's Ititicv( for
I'livlng From City Limits
to 1 1 ridge.
iiKAiti) tin: phksidkxt
Wmk lo ho Doiio When City Takes
I'm Ink lo Hast City Limits on Ida
ho Avenue l'rolmlily Next Spring.
(fnntlnuml on I 'hub i
Cumiulttco Leaves Tonight l.'or Pom-
(lletoii to Sign I'll Wiuiiei
.Many loinl ltlilii Alre.oly
Welaor, Idaho, .Sept. 18 If you
wfiut to ioo hoiuo of the Imut rldara
r.nd roparn In tho country display
tliolr talents )ou Hhould couio to the
WoUer llound-up. Tho forogoliiR It
In offect tho word that Ih holne imwi
od nhout on tho at roots of WoUer to
day hy lioontorn for tho IiIr oolehra
Hon tlmt la scheduled to haglii here
iidxt Thursday.
A commltteo consisting of 0. A
WoRt, cashier of tho First National
Hank and James Galloway, attorney
leave tonight for Pendleton, Ore. to
sign up winners In nil events thore
for our hlK show. "Wolser has to
mnko this yoar'a Hound-up tho hlg
gent over" said Mr. West this morn
ing "and wo are going to pick tho
hoet men and women riders and rop.
era that we can find, Tho mer
chants have stood hack of us to n
man on tho financial end nnd wo
wnnt to show them a real show.
There Isn't anyone In tho country
who doesn't wnnt to see the spirit
of the old west carried on to tho
future and thero Isn't nnyono who
doesn't enjoy seeing husky men play
nt the sporta that wore enjoyod hy
the early Westerners. That Is the
reason wo nro holding tho Hound-up
In Welser so that people of this sec.
tlon will not hnvo to go so far to get
this sort of entertainment."
Desldes he professionals who will
bo contracted to come here, there Is
a long list of local mn who have
signified tholr Intention of being
hero when tho Hound-up gates open.
Theso men will take part principally
In the racing part of tho program.
Toot hall nnd mna'c nro to he two
of tho chief diversions of tho Ontario
High School pupils thin fall, (loth
hnvo lino proopoctH of micceatf.
Tho first foot Imll praotlro oh 1 1 oil
for hy Coach 8. M. IJoueher develop
ed tho fact Hint I hern are elavan
men In school who miw service last
season. In foot gnly two big hole
aro to he filled. Thwra worn cnusoil
hy tho graduation of Orvlllo Wnltera
and Darroll Dowser. A now quarter
nud a now half will ho developed out
of tho volernn miitor'nl to tnko can
of thoso plncoa.
There were eighteen men out for
tho (lmt practteo nud several mine
nro oxportPd so that two complete
toajiia will ho nvnllnhlu to xelccl the
first string from. Thla wilt greatly
tlippllfy training- and kIvh the rti
tara plenty of practice, nu advantage
Ilia? haro not Ind :n tlio past,
Thlily I'lefo llHtitl
M. I). Thomas, lander of the bi to'
Had ih c.amUtfiUoa oui for Land
iactlco WediUHMlay ulviit. Of tho
18 have had piavlouu pirlonft mid
an play Inelmmoma now. Hveral
now Instrumenta ha betn nr.l-ieil
wid there la twory pravtii tlmt n !tr
i.tcn oi ruu but Ion w'll I piwfActad
Tba wmk of tlio hand thin voar '. i i
.wit of the "Irlculiiui mid lhf tu
lnt who tnkn iri and irirtle
-eujarlr mn glrcn two credlln fo
school work. .
Pllf-.l OtTlMWa lilnv
Tomorrow aftar ela-iatw ar ill
H.i.d of tho siud'nl body and tin
Inaaaa w'll hold ' actions for I Ik
.dining yar.
Itlj (iih)t Ctolfl
Cant. Rohwt Smith of tho Cnlttt
oinpany ranrle that bo han thl
VHjr tho la lies I comPftny evr ns
enblml on tb rampua. Thar warp
7S man out for drill on Wtduel;.
md uiro ai tJiiMwvtad lator. Ad
IfthiuHl oiilnDieut la uxpoetod dell:
o that ilia coiniHiuy will ho full
iqnlpiiad and mako n most croillta
hlo ahnw'nK.
HAiip oi' KTituirr i.Kiiri-s Attn
In the nleetrlcal storm which pre-
eedml tho heavy rain yestord
.loru'iig a llRhlonlne; Hash must
hnvo hit one of the street lamps
uroUhly that on tho corner or Mot
HU and Nevada and na the reault
half tho light! In town were humac
nut. Tho oleetrleena of the Idah
Power eompsjiy ware buay (or tw
dnya mnklng ropalm, nnd now thr
lights burn.ns usual.
The heavy rainfall was gmcloual'
rocolved by the public which enjoy'
tho first rcl rain In five months
Tho entile nnd aheap men wore par
ticularly pleased with tho prospoctt
for fall rnngo which boa resulted.
In splto of tho fact Hint Inst year
tho bcIiooIb opened Intor nnd tho
fruit crop wns not no lnrgo ns It Is
IiIh Noasun, tho enrollment of tho
schoolH on tho opening day this year
wan groator thnn wnH tho totnl en
rollment on Uctoher 11, 1918.
On .Mondny thoro woro BIG uiinlls
listed with tho teachers of tho High
School, nnd tho clomontnry bcIiooIh
of tho Knst nnd West hMoh. Of
th'fl number ono third, or to ho ox
nct, ICC woro on ml I oil In tho IIIrIi
School, nnd 31C In tho WobIsIiIo
(Jruiumor school while on tho Knst
sldo there wcro -10, '
Kor tho first tlmo In years, too,
tho iiumbor of High School boys nl-
most enunls tho number of girls, tho
portion IioIiir 7B boys to 80 girls
iwihi yonr uio gins unit n ii:r mil
Jnrlty. It Is poiftdhlo Hint tho lute
entry of n ntunhor of boys who nro
expected that tho boys this yonr will
luivo n clear majority.
Hy October 1 according In ndvlxoH
received by nchool nuthorltleH tho
total enrollment of tho High School
III tut :n tho neighborhood of 17C
or oven 200.
This wilt lio a larao lurrooHo over
my previous jenr when Hmro were
only US enrolled In tho High School
on Ontohnr tl; while In ID 1 7 Ihoro
wnin 1 13 enrolled on Hint day of tin
Si'W Slipeilnleiiilcnt
II. P. Low In. or ISnst I.ttiislns
MlehlRiui, who enmn hoie fiom 1)1
Ion, Jlonlatm. j H.c imw Miiporln
eiulent: ho also tenchtM iiodiigoxy.
3 M. Ilouoher who wns principal of
tie HlKh fk'hool In 1 ill 7-1 until he
wait Into the norvlce Ih again In
ohaige or IhiJt aoet'on: M. I)
rionina, who llkowlse was here In
11)17-IS I acuJu In ehnrRp of th
acleuco diaitU)Hiit. Tin othwi
muinliera of tin IIIrIi Sihool fiioult
lie Mlaa f'atlierlno Conway, engllsh;
Mrs. Kdua Orliriu, nmthematlos; K
W. Kokoraley, h!Mnry nud l.itlu
.Mlaa Christine Abbott, domestic art
uiil soloucea; Mlsa Victoria Stnuku.
ohyalcal trululng; Miss Ponrl ("ran
ey, inuslo and art; MIsm Dorotln
Hull, nomninruAl department.
Tho touehors In tho nrummur
hulldliig on (ho Wostsldo nre: A. ('
'lotisomnn. grade principal and 8th
trndo; Mlftt Mne Piatt, tith grade;
MIsh Itena. lllegs, Clh gmdo; Mlxc
Rvn Iloydoll, 4th grndo; Mhw Willi
fted I.avroncn, :iril grndo; Miss Com
McNulty, 2nd grndn; M'ss Marie
Hviins, and Mrs. Ponrl Jamloson
llrst nnd primary grndoa.
Iteataldo schoel: Mrs. W. V. Ho
mnn, tint and socumi grnues, unu
Mlaa 1'flin Muck, 3rd and Uli gnulos
Krom tho cast city limits on Idaho
Btrcot, whero tho pavement to be Inld
by tho city ends, tlio roati to tho In-tor-stnto
brldgo will bo pnved by tho
Stnto Illghwny Commission.
On Saturday of last week the Com
tncrclnl club commltteo, II. 1). Cock-
rum, P. J. Gallagher and a. IC. Alkcn,
appointed nt a recent meeting to tuko
this mnttor up with ho commission
wnn ndvlscd thn't favorable ncllon had
been taken on Its request nt n moot
ing of tho commission In Portland
last wock. Tho Icttor tolling of this
came from M. 0. Dennett, division
englnoor for KnHtorn Oregon. Mr,
Hcnnott snld Hint formal notlco would
bo rocolved from tho Nccrotnry of tho
On Sunday Q. A. Itoblnsou tho en
gineer In chnrgo of tho work between
Cairo nnd Nyssn wns ndvlscd of tho
nctlon of tho commission nnd In
structed to proceed nt once to pro
paro ostlmatoit for tho work to ho
dnnu nnd to Bend thorn In nt nn enrly
Tho paving extension to ho built
by tho commission extends nlno
tenths of n mile from tho Finer cor
ner to thu brldgo. Tho present mail
Is in shupu to tnko tho hard surface
without much prollmluury wmk.
Tho rond has been rounded up nud
drulnngo provided nnd thnn readier
tho HpeclllealloiiH uflcoHtmry to hnvo
(ho CoiiiiiiIhhIoii placo the hard Hiir-
-MttiiK-upou It. This section of rond
s u part or tho Obi Oregon Trull
J II. Ulncknby returned Wednes
day' from Portland whoro ho went to
hoar President Wilson's nddrcss on
thu Lea t; no of Nations and ho ono of
tho Stnto's reception committee,
Slnco his rotum Mr. Dlncknby Is
stronger thnn over In advocating tho
I.caguo of Nations,
While In tho city, too, Mr. Ulnck
nby nttoudod tho monthly mooting
of tho bonrd of directors of tho Or
egon State Chamber of Commorco
and took occasion to glvo nnother
booHt to tho Ontarlo-Wlnncmuccn
road, via Jordan Valley nud Succor
.Mayor It. Y. Jones Attends Annual
Session At I'ocatello and Succeeds
In (ietllng ll: Convention
l'or Ontario.
kixhhh(iahthm:hs vii,i, ii.wij
Ono of tho most original nnd mil-
(liio advertising dlsplnya oxhlhltod
Jul lug Pnlr week wns the miniature
l-'ulr around, nice truck, grand stand
Kookynrds nnd nil, In tho window of
tho Ontario Moilorn Prosaury. The
stand was filled with llttlo dolls
nlftlly droased nnd ns tho girls my,
'loo cuto for anything."
Hundreds or peoplo viewed
'ho display during tlio woek und
many or them wnnted to secure io
iosnIoii or It, hut I.. Illrsch gno It to
Mrs. W. F. Ilomnu for tho uso of the
ktudergnrtnora or tho Knatslilp school.
C. C. norrees, Qeno MCoy, II. II
Tunny, A. J. CaBsoll. Andy Mano-
mnn, P. J. Gallagher, J. It Portler
and other members or tho local lodge
ot Knlkhts of Columbus wont to
N'ampa Sunday to bo present and to
assist In tho Institution or tho
N'ampa lodged Moro than 300
Knights from Southern Idaho wore
prosent. Jesse llawley of llolse was
the master of ceremonies and otiose
for his assistants from Ontario, II.
H. Tunny, C. 0. Defreeo and P. J.
Gallagher. The, Ojijarlo boys all re
port a "big tlmo."
Mr. nnd Mrs. I.. Hlrsch nud Mr
and Mr. Herschel Hrnwno wont
hunting Jack rablts last Sunday ntter
noon, and mado tho Hex Marqult
tunch the sceno of tholr party, which
wuu nn onjoyablo ono, until when
In tho mlddlo or tho field tho car got
stuck In the sand from wh'ch ro
peated efforts to extrlcato It fulled
Owing to tho fact that tho car
stalled, and tho caburetor flooded
nnd gasollno dripped In tho pan con
dltions woro Just right when It finally
back fired to stage and oxploslon and
fire. Itoforo Mr. Hlrsch and Mr
llrowno could throw enough sand to
smother tho blaze tho car was bey
ond hopo. Thoy d'd save three of
the (Ires, how over.
Moro excitement wns lent to the
occasion by a short In the wiring
which kept the horn tooting and the
explosion of several noxes of cartrid
ges which they were unahlo to ro-
movo from the car. As Mrs, llrowno
Bald, "It was a regular Fourth of Jul)
During Scptomber 1020 Ontario
will ho tho bout for tho nnnunl eon
ontlon ot tho Southern- Idaho
Laundry Owners association. This
will bo tho first tlmo In tho nssocln
Don's history Hint It has met outsldo
of Southoru Idaho.
Ontario was choson tho conven
tion city for next yonr n tho result
of thu offeots of Mayor It W, Jones
ot this city who attended 'thu nnniial
session of the laundry owners Inst
week nt Pocntollo. This gnthorlng
I ho rcportt wns unusual In tho fncl
Hint Us hchbIoub wcro nttoudod by
ninny or tho Inrgost owners or such
Institutions In tho country.
Among tho men present wns Otto
Itlce, president ot (ho National
l,:iiindry-0Micnt nssoclntJon. Mr.
Itlco Is tho owner of ono of Chicago'
l.irgiuL laundries. There. wo,re
hiuudrymon from Salt lilie, Omahii,
llutto mid Ogdeii present, us well.
"Slnco tho laundry business Is n
good buromolor of business condi
tions over tho country," sn!d Mayor
Jones, "It Is evident tlmt conditions
could not ho better. All of tho moil
at tho meeting declared that they
were running to full capacity nnd
woro having great trouble In secur
ing additional machinery to tiierouno
tliolr output. It Is now Impossible
to go Into tho market nnd buy ma
chinos. They must bo ordered In
advance nud dollvory depends entire
ly on tho ability of tho fnundr'tw nud
ninchluo shops to complete mauufuc
turo." Mayor Jones has boon secretary
tieasuror of tho umioolatloii for n
yonr past nnd holds over In office
for nnother year.
Last Days Progrnui hy 1'ar tlio Host
of Week, nnd Also tho Host fins.
Iiif Day Program Hut Staged
Hlj- Croud Present.
In a lettor to hor motlior, Mrs. A
. Drown, tolling of her first Im
pruMslons of Alaskn, Mrs. J. Arthur
Young, gives ovldenro of delightful
first Improftslons. Coutrury to litti
oxpoctatlons old HI Cost or Living
doos not mnko Alaska, his headquar
ters, Douglass, whoro sho !s located
ot courso Is In Southeastern Alnsku
md on tho coast, so dooa not hao to
moot tho cost ot transportutlou In
land. With regular gorvlco by steam
ship from Sound ports llfo In Doug
lass Is onjoyablo, sho writes.
Mlssoa Cora nud Kthel McNulty,
Miss Mao Platt and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred I). Platt returned Mnudu)
morning from nn extended trip thru
tho Kast and Mlddlo West. The
Mlssoa McNulty wont as far cast as
Huffalo and NIagarra Falls, and then
turned hack to visit relatives In Iowu
aud Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. Plutt and Miss Platt
went on to Vermont, New York and
othor eastern states Miss Hoslna
Clement went Kast with tho party
but did not return with them.
C. It. Peterson came down from
his Harney county ranch last week
for tho Fair and to see his daughter,
Miss Nettio, before sho left for O.
A. O. Plenty of rain has made tho
grass start growing again on the
range, says Mr. Peterson,
During Fulr wook n woman who
was tho "war motlior" of 13 boys In
tho navy aud four yoomauottos spout
sovorni days in Ontario. That wo
man was Mrs. N. N. Ilutts, of Seattle
and Charleston, Washington Sho
cumo horo to visit !. II. Allen, of
the Purity Hukory, who whllo In tho
navy during tho war wns located for
n tlmo nt Hromorton, Washington,
whoro tho big unvy ynrd of tho Pa
cific Coast Is located, nnd It was
thero that ho becamo ono of Mrs.
Units' big war family.
Mrs. Hutts, who has long boon
prominent In Sonttlo, as n, loador In
womon'tf work movod over to tho
navy yard towns so that sho could
hold "open liouso" for tho boys, und
tutor whon yoomnnottes woro added
to tho fighting forces sho adopted
four of them, too. Hor family came
from ull parts of tho country. Ono
camo from LnGrando, othors from
Nnmpa, while tho rest nro scattorod
now all over tho oast nnd middle
Mrs. Hutts was onrouto to Colum
bus, Ohio and on her trip bIio will
visit all her war family. Whllo here
alio attonded tho Fair ovory day, nnd
enjoyed the oxperlenco very much,
sho said.
"I do not know what I would have
dono with many of the hours I had
to loaf whllo In tho servlco, If It had
not boon for tho homo Mrs. nutts
furnished us," said Mr. Allen, In
speaking of his experience thero.
It certainly was wonderful tho
work she did for tho boys, and wo
For tho first tlmo In n number or
years, It not Hip first tlmo In Itn his
tory, tho Mnlhour County Fnlr ncor
ed a flunnclal success, Tho n J I tho
bills nro not yet In tho hnnds of thu
socrotnry, yet sufficient dntu linn
boon secured to Insuro tho payment
of all expenses, nnd all premiums -nnd
porhnps Icavo n small balance
for tho noxt Fnlr.
An approximate account of tho re
colpts nt tho main gate, grnndstund
nnd bleacher show a gross return
of t0.C-t7.C0; to which Is to bo ndded
tho receipts from IC per cent of thu
gnto receipts ntcnmlvnl attractions
and tho per illom fees ot concessions
with tho carnival nud on tho Fulr
round Theso nud ontrnnco fern
for race oto ran tho totnl gross ro
colpts to approximately $8,000,
According to tho data on hand
tho recolpts each day of tho Fair
woro approximately 20 per cunt
greater than thu corresponding day
of Inst yonr, but this was offset, of
course by Incroused cost of practi
cally everything In connection with
tho Fnlr.
Financially tho Fair wns assisted
this )eur hy the minimi npproprln
tlon of tho County nnd J2C0 from
thu slate which Is half ot tho $300
appropriation for tho bluuluiu se
cured by tho representatives from
this county lu the Inst legislature
And all this wax necessary he
cnuso of tho constant need for re
pairs and Improvements to thu build
lugs. This oar approximately
$2,000 was spent on repairs nud
hottormouts, tho most nolablo of
which wus thu addition of tho
bleachers, nnd tho whitewashing to
all stuck barns nud corrals, The
main building Is now badly In nccu
of a coat of paint, luid tho director
hopo that sufficient funds will be
left over to accomplish this.
Plans nro nlso under conslderntloii
for tho leveling or tho ground within
tho enclosure und thu ruco track, i;r
that grass can ho sown und tree
planted, thus making a bonutlful
park there, furnishing a propor net
ting for tho annual exposition
Tho directors of tho Fair dosorvo
a great deal of credit Mr the sue
cosa of thu Fulr. They worked hard
and tho luck of exhibits Is not
chargoablo to them. Prosldont II
II. Tunny nud vico-prosldout K. 11
Conklln Kpunt inuny days In tho
country In an effort to socuro co
oporntlou, and tho largo number of
high grndo stock won tho result of
this work.
hahoi.d hpheum: homk aftkh
mohk than two vim iih thip
After moro than two years nh
sonco tho groator portion of which
tlmo was Bponl lu tho sorvlco In
Franco, Harold Sproulo, son of Mr
and Mrs. A, I- Sproulo, returned
homo last Frlduy evening nnd hns
spont tho week visiting relatlvos ujul
ronowlng old acqiinlntunces. After
lauding In Now York from the A K
F. ho sojourned In Now York, Hos
ton and lator went to Now Orleuus
and othor southern cities.
Whllo Mrs. O. U. Franklin and her
daughter Gladys woro spending the
summor visiting rotative lu Colo
rado and Now Mexico, and Mr
Franklin was In Drewsey, the
Franklin homo near tho river wns
completely rtuisackcd by sneak
thlevos, Alt tho linen and bedding
In tho houso and many artlclos of
furnlturo wero taken.
Mrs. Franklin returned homo last
Thursday ovonlng and spent n cold
night there hetoro sho could got ma.
cortninly folt that It wna our homo."terlal to replace tho lost goods.