m r3iJ 8 THE ONTARIO AEG US, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1910 Rexall Remedies Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescription Specialists TIIK UKXAI.Ii 8TOIIK IWIONU NO. a - -... tf - -..j . Nyal Remedies AMi HUT I'OU TUNTII ' ANNUAL COl'NTV I'AIII (Continued From Page 1) used for exhibits of other kinds. Fine Htock HImuv. I'rosldont Tunny Iiiih boon partlcu- Inrly Intoroslcd In getting n Mr Htock exhibit und Iiiih traveled over tlio county nnd thru Idnho IntcrcHtliiK Ktockinun In t,ho Fair. Ho linn heen promised tlio co-operation of hoiiio of tlio biggest htock breeders of this nee lion. To properly Iiuuho tlioso flno (itihtinln tlio linrnn Itnvo nil liccn white wniihcd nnd renovated. Sew llloiu'lii'i-N. To enro for tho big crowiU expected tlio directors linvo had orcctod n lilonclior Hint will Kent 1200 people, nnd luivu ndded seats for 300 mora In tho grandstand so that nearly fiOOO peoplo will ho nlilo to view tho iiventH. ' Alrplnno I'IIkIiI Dully. Kvory iliiy of the Fair Lieut. War ron Ilrucn of Ilolso wilt give nn nlr pluno oxhlliltlon. This Ih tlio big fonturo of tho entertainment proemm nnd ono t lint nlouo wilt u worth tho prlco of ndmlMdun nnd tho coat of rouiliiK to Ontario to sco It. O.VI'AIIIO-WINNIiMUCCA iikhiwav ih i:ndokhi:d (Continued From Thru 1) iwtluinled umitunt hauled Into Jordan Valluy this year, and with udofiuuto hlghwnyH tho tomiugo would bo much groulor, for Jt. would stimulate ilovidoiunout." In letter to J. It. Illnckahy con caruliiR this mill lor, (leorRO Quiiylo, general Kocrolnry of tho Statu Chain bur mi yit: "I'loaso ihIvIho mo by rolurn mnll how much money Iiiih been Hot iihIiIo for tho construction of thin road from Oulnrlo couth, nud I Hliould lll(o to huvo you outllno Iho routo If u mirvoy hint been mndo. Would nlwi lll(o to know from what fund I Ills road money Ih coiiiIiir. I bo llovo you told mo but I fnrRot wheth er or not It wan County money or from omo Slato road fundH. I wImIi you would kIvo mo In detail all tho facts you bavo roRardliiK this whnlo proposition. Ah noon iih thoeo faotH nro mndo known to mo I will Ret tho American Automobile Amoclutlon busy. If tho OrvRou Btato Highway CommlHMlon Iiiih expressed their opinion regarding" tliU rond, I wUh you would rIvo mo tholr vlowpolut. "I bnvo talked till matter over with a few people and tho quoHtlon Iiiih been 'raised that In ease a Reed road wiih miiatriictod lntnNovndu It mlKbt tuko tho trade of your territo ry Into that Btato. That does not mnko nuy dlfferonco to tho.Stnto Chamber of Commerce. It U our en iltmvor to Rot rondH built In Oregon tlmt will be of benont to tlio dlfferflnt oninmiinlllH In our Btato ami If tho tnulo row to Nevada, let It ro to Nnvadw If It Rocw In Idaho, let It ro lo IiIhIio, but wo bollovo that you should Iihvo roads whethor they load to I'ortlHiid or not." The following U the loiter which K. M, Hooh, Hccrotnry of tho Wlnne mueoa biiHiiiMW iuud'h ustioolutlon wroto Mr. Qunylo which together with other HRltatiou from T. T. Ku hnut and Mr. Illncknhy utnrted tho State Chamber nfflotiil'tf actien: "Wo huvo your lotter of August l.ttli, relative to Itoad conditions north of our City, and In Iho vlcln lly of Jordan Valley. "You huvo bit upon nu Idea that wo Iwvo boun working upon for some time, nn If a (lood Highway could bo oiiH(ructod from our oily to Jor dan Valley, It would mean a igront dw)l to both communities, In fact, it 1 iv uteMMlty that command!) Im- modlato ulteutlnn, hut our funds aro very limited lit tho prosont time, nnd wo oau not do much thin year, how ov er wo ox poet to bo on tho Job noxt yv;ir, and shall ho pleased to know Just wlint you can do In fixing up (ho road from tho Nevada Stuto lino to Jordan Valloy. "Thin road if put In Reed condi tion, should moan a 'saving of over 100 mile In travel from Ilolso to our city, us most travel goes by way of Qgdon, Utah, nnd thoroforo would bo u short cut to California points. "If you will have Mr. T. T. Knbout Hot In touch with us, or nnyouo else In Jordan Vuljoy who is lutorosled In tho matter, wo will bo pleased to cO'Operalo with them." LOGAL AND PERSONAL Mrtf. Sarah Orris line purchnitcd a houso nnd four lots on tho hill north of tho hospital. 1. J, Onlllghcr wnB called to lllvor sldo on bushics IhkJ Saturday, re turning Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hlacknby re turned Saturday from Mcdtord whoro they Hpcnt their vocation. I. J, Connolly, ono of Drowsoy'8 biggest sheep men who conies often to Ontario, Is huru this week. Htovo Koppnl, formerly of Ontario, who will bo rumemhorcd by bane hnll fniiH n a mombcr of the loent bnso hnll team of n faw yearn ago, Mr. Koppal returned recently from Francu whero ho saw service, and after vis ItliiR for u few dnyH with I). M. Tiir Karl, for whom ho worked whllo hero, left for It Ih hoincttond In Moutniin. HWIIF-THIJAItT 1'ALHi:? WOULDN'T IT .1.111 VOL'? To huvo tho mini you love propose lo you, to accept him and to bo tho happiest girl on earth, thou, Just n fow minutes Inter, to find him kill ing a woman you hate, Is Iho Hit na tion which confronts Dorothy (llsh !n ono of the dramatic moments of "IlootH," her uowest Paramount pic turc, which will bo shown at tho Dreamland theatre next Saturday Mntluco and evening. Usually It Ih tho other way. Tho man finds his sweetheart apparently false to him, mid In his blind anger rofiiHus to trust bur. Tilts time "Hoots," In bor own tearful roson! meut, rofusoH to trust tho man who Hhu belloves, has beon false lo hor. "Ro," sayn Dorothy (llsli, "It ninKos llttlo dlfferenco which sldo of the fenro tho clover Ih on, the other Hide looks different nnywny," MIIItCIIANTS IIANO Ul 111(1 I'l'HHi: ion haci: (Contlnuod from pago 1) u chiinca to Ret action from tholr host entries, Tlio following nro the Ontario men who subscribed to tho purse In sums ranging from 2G down lo 2: II, II. Tunny, Ontario Modern I'rossnry, Ford Oarage, Ilolso I'ayetto Lumber Co., Allou Sliou Co. .Onturlo I'liarmacy, Ontario National Dank, A. I.. McDowoll, Jenkins & Jenkins, Allen & Ilnnly, Golden Itulo, Ontario Furnlturo Co., Van I'etten Lumber Co., Cash Grain Co., Davidson Oro eery Co., Carter Oarage, II. C. Bnilth, W. J. Plnney, Ontario Meat & Grocery Co., Aloxnnders, Irwin Troxoll, C F Cox, K. A FriiBor, F J Zellor, Under Uros., Iloyor Ilros. & Co., II. II. Cock ruin, Fred Itlco, Carter Houso, Flfors. Moss & Kruger, A. L. Sprout, Larue Illacknby, Tho Argus, 1). M. Tnggart, Ilrooko & Qallaghor, Ontario Auto Co., Commercial Creamery Co., C. 1' Cummlugs, ChrUtluuseii Ilros., Mc- Nulty & Co., Servlco Tiro & llattory Co., W. I.. Tumor, Dr. It. O. 1'uyne O. a. l.uohrH, A. 8, llrown. CAI'TAIN OF FKItHV IIOAT VISITS CITV THIS WKIIK Murray Morton who Is tho "cook and tho crow mid tho cupta'n loo," of iho good ship Morton that ferries across tho Snako nt Olds Ferry, cumo to Ontario to Ult his mother und ex change romlnlsences with friends, Wednesday "Thoy como from ovorywhore, tho folks wo carry ucross tho Snako ," said Mr. Morton, "cars from Mulno to California, and from Texas to Min nesota havo tloated on the waters this summer. It is Just liko a summer vacation dowu at tho ferry. We meet peoplo from ull over und visit with thorn, and of course enjoy It. "Tho roads botweon tho ferry nnd Huntington aro pretty good. Of course there Bliould bo some work on thorn in places, but Iho curs all mnko tho grade alright, even with big loads and trailers." Mr. Morton returned In the evening. He was accompanied by his sister. Mrs. J. J. Dcatty, of llcno, Nevada, who has vhdted hero ourouto homo from a trip lo Indiana. JnmcR !'. Weston .it Hums Is again n visitor In Ontario this week. Judgo and Mrs. Dnlton Dlggs, and family havo como In from their ranch uhovo Vale whoro they spoilt the Rum mer, 9 H. II. Tunny nnd F. I.crIIo Body wcro nmong tlioso who witnessed tho argument between llnrrlclu nnd Micky King nt Ilolso. "On I Mr. nnd Mm, W. F. Homnu nnd daughters spent tho week' end with Mrs. Iloman's parents below Wclscr. Mrs, F. Leslie Doily nnd children who spent tho part month visiting relatives in Wlnncpcg returned homo lost Friday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Uody havo purchased tho W, II. Brookes houso from Mr. and Mrs. O, V. I'ontlous nnd will movo In this month. When Lady Macbeth Said I sH 11 I I si She must have of the ONTARIO Now located in our new quarters. New Machinery We Call and Deliver J Mrs. John nnsmusscn nnd family returned Fridny evening from I'o catollo. Sho was nccompnnlcd by hor nlcco, Miss Klcnnor Wheclon. Ituflno Arrlcu of Harper who feeds tils (locks of sheep each wintor In tho Illg Dcnd country Is In Ontnrlo this wook. Mr. Arrlcn this year has pur chased 1400 tons of hay to tako bin sheep thru tho wintor. Damned 99 been thinking New Methods Phono No. 12 8. M. llouehor and M. D. Thomas of the High School fnculty who spent tho past wook nt llluo Mountain Springs whoro they tried to catch flsh they nro not telling how many I hey Inducod to lenvo Iho streams of that region nro homo ngnln Retting ready for tho oponlng of school, ThlH week thoy aro at tho Institute nt Vale, 0