The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 04, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Ontario Meat & Grocery Co.
Ontario, - - Oregon
Phone 3
Wholesalers nnd Retailers oi' Meat Products
, Ketail Groceries, 'Fruits, Elc.
Good to Eat
Hollow Concrete.
Accord In if to tlio Uruck'eiibnu, the
production of hollow concrete bodied
completely Inclosed, which has hither
to only been possible nltlitn certain
limits, Is Hindu cn&lcr by thu new pat
ent Hystcm of Htrfun Itohiu of Munich,
who proposes to Inclose a block of Ice
of thu required tthnpo In concrete.
Of course, Biimll openings or channel
would bo left, by mentis of which the
thaw water could escnpe. In tills wiiy
It Is possible to produce not only
smnll concrete bodies with hollow cen
ters but large ones us well. The pro
cei.s cult be applied to nrtlllclnl Stone.
Condensed Report of
First National Bank
of Ontario Oregon
As made to the Comptroller of the Currency, a
r the close of business June 30, 1919.
Loon, nnd Ohcuuiitf US0V2-U ,B
OrorutnftH SK.'JJ
JJoni WafnnU .. . SC.S1S.1K Surplus nnd J'rolllt- .. .. 51,375.1'.'
I-a nff Hoiita. n l l-'lxturiM I'lrculuttnn ia.r.00.00
jjj i; (j
Stock hrPmlorunrwrw Pauk ' Poilon ' "0,WIV, ,,m,k' W-
j.UUU.ull OJ.I'CMTH 7.l'J,l7;l.lill
Ar.M J)I,(I!I.I'J
SSJH.309. SS 1S91,3UB.8.S
A ItOl-Ij (). IIONOIS HANK" Is ono poBnosHi.ii; Surplus and Pro
.1IK 111 oxcohs ol Cupltnl. tluiH iIv-Iiib lunglhlo ovldcuco of Streiu-li
nnd ('ucurlty. Of thu 20,000 IIuiiki l.i tho Unit-ii Hlnton, only onu
In ten occupies this proud piuMlon.
Perhaps Snakes Couldn't Qet There
Why nre thcro no xiiiikes In Iro
InndT The iinswcr Is: Hecnuse
fuinkcs hud their cradle clscwhcru nnd
couldn't cross tho Irish sen. They
orlKlnnted, nptinrently, In Asln nnd
spicnd easily over Kuropc, nnd (jot
nrross In considerable numbers Into
CI rent Ilrltnln, by old of a now nub
merited "hind bridge," hut tho Irish
sen wits too deep for that kind of
brldKe, nnd so. snakes and toads never
reached the Kinenilil Isle, and few
reptiles of nny kind succeeded In Ret
tltiK there. It Is nnTrid saying tbnt
"Ood Is Kood to the IrUliVUIilcnito
America n.
Left the Secretary Ouenlnfl.
Tho following story Is told of tho
-Into Joaquin Miller, the "poet of the
Sierras." A certain' club desired the
poet to iiddivK-q mi uniiunl meeting,
for which tin elrtlitirnlu program hud
been prepared. The secret nr)' wrote
n letter to Miller, telling him of the
purpose of the pitlierlnt,' nnd reipiest-
Init his cooperntlon. In due time
there enme nil nnswer from the poet.
It uns In his own tin nil nnd covered
four pnjres. In vnln the secretary piu
tied over the innnuscrlpt. He passed It
on to the president, I lie hourd of di
rectors and the members In turn, but
nil fulled to decipher the scrawl. The
question before thu club wns, "Hns
Miller accepted or Iiur he declined?"
The secretary finally sent the follow
Iur note to the poet! "My Denr Mr.
Miller Your letter received, but I
hnve been unable to determine wheth
er jou have accepted or declined our
Invitation. If you Hill be present nn
tho dnte mentioned, will jou kindly
mnkc u cross lit the bottom of this
letter? If It will bo Impossible for
you to nppcnr, will you kindly draw a"
circle?" In due tliua the letter enme
hack, hut the secretary could not de
cide whether tho poet hnd drawn n
crost or n circle I
Look and Feel
Clean, Sweet and
Fresh Every Day
Drink a glass of real hot water
before breakfait to wain
out pojions.
I.lfe Is not merely to live, but to
llvo well, oat well, digest well, work
well, sleep well, look well. What a
glorious condition to attain, nnd yet
how very etmy It la If ono will only
ndopt tho morning Inside bath.
Folks who nro accustomed to feel
dull and heavy when they arise, split
ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul
tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach,
can, Instead, feel as fresh as n daisy
by opening tho sluices of tho system
each morning nnd flushing out tha
wholo of tho lutcrnni poisonous stag
nant niattor,
Everyone, whether nlllng, sick or
well, uhould, each morning, beforo
breakfast, drink a glasH of real hot
wnter with n tenspoonful of llmcstono
phosphuto In It to wash from tho
stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels tho
provlous day's Indlgcsttblo wnsto,
sour bllo and poisonous toxins; thus
cleaning, sweetening and purifying
tha cntlro alimentary canal before
putting mora food Into tho stomach
The nctlon of hot wnter and llmeiitouo
phosphato on nn empty stomach Is
wonderfully Invigorating. It cleans
out nil tho sour fermentations, gases,
wnsto and acidity nnd gives ono n
splendid nppotlto for breakfast. Whllo
you nro enjoying your brenkfnst thu
water and phosp'hnto la qulotly ex
tracting n largo volume of water from
tho blood and getting ready foe u
thorough flushing of nit tho Insldo
Tho millions of pcoplo who nro
bothered with constipation, bilious
spells, stomach trouble, rhoumntlsm;
others who havo sallow skins, blood
disorders and sickly complexions nro
urged to cot a qunrtur pound of lime
stone phosphnta from tho drug stare
which will cost very little, hut Is
sufficient to mnko nnyono u pro
nounced crnnk on tho subject of
Internal sanitation. Adv
Zcrolcnc is correctly
refined from selected
California crude oil. It
meets with scientific ac
curacy the lubrication
needs of all types of au
tomobile engines. Get a
Correct Lubrication
Chart for your car.
HotBt A
0. H. TEST- Special Aficnt Standard Oil Co., Ontario
Take fc from Me"
says the Good Judge
Wise tobacco chewers long
oince got over the big-chew
idea. A little chew of this
real quality tobacco gives
them better satisfaction
and they find their chew
ing costs even less.
With this class of tobacco,
you don't need a fresh
chew so often and you find
you're saving part of your
tobacco money.
but up in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
After it's all over don't wish you had gone to the
but come and take in all the fun. Special arrangements have
been made with the 0. S. L. Railroad for a one and one half
passenger rate for the round trip.
The three "B's" have been working over-time to make this
Fair "The Best Yet."
BIG time all the time from the word "GO"
BIGGER displays of exhibits than ever before
BIGGEST and fastest program ever staged
September 9, 10, 11, 12
These will be days never to be forgotten. The old will be
amused and the young instructed.
The Race Horses are "raring to go"
The Stock is in prime condition
The Exhibits are the pick of the land .,
We are glad to have you come
Liberal Premiums Large Purses Open House
H. H. TUNNY, President
P. LESLIE BODY, Secretary
W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco