The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 28, 1919, Image 1

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    wtoi0 mm
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no. :mj
Project now uenrliiK Completion
Hull for Condemnation of Itcxcr
voir Hllo to lie llenrtl In Federal
court In Oclolicr lloml ftirnlslictl.
Following tho roqulromont ot tlic
ntntuto known nn tho (lullngher net
Attorney Uonoral (loo. M. Ilrown,
Htato Englnocr Percy Cuppor and Bit
parlntonUont ot Hanks W. II. licnnott
HiIh week mado a thoro examination
of every phase of tlio WnriUBprlngi
Irrigation project tlilM week.
TIiIh nctlon wan taken following
tlio request ot tlio Directors of tlio
project for n Btato gunruntoo of the
Interout ot tlio bonds lusuod for tlio
construction work. It In under
Htood that tlio roquoHt mndo nuked
for tlio Btuto to ninlto provision tor
tlio payment of Interest on tho bonds
first iHsuod, prior to tho onactment
of tlio law.
No Intlmntlon has been recelvod
concornlnK tho probable nctlon on
Ilia part ot tho board and their de
cision Is caRorly awaited hIiico It will
bo a precedent by which future notion
under tho now law may bo KUUK'd.
Itnpld action has been taken to
ward tho BOttloment ot tho suit for
tho roHurroIr Mlo for tho syiitom
abovo Itlvorsldo. Tho attorneys for
tlio district and tho board have
agreed to tho trial or tho cobo In tlio
Federal court In October and both
Hides aro proparlnic thoir rospectlvo
rniicH for presentation.
In tho moan tlmo a bond of $200.
000 has been placed by tho board uc
vordlng to tho Instructions of tlio
Court ut tlio trial of tho Injunction
proceeding early this month.
Tho placing of this bond permits
contlniiiinco of tho work on tho dam
which will bo finished In 30 days and
tho crows concentrated on complet
ing tho distributing system so that
tho entire project will bo ready for
settlors next spring.
ni:v citv f.noinker arrives
htauts pavind preliminaries
O. A. Kratz who was recontly elect
ed city onglnoor by tho City Council
Ik on tho Job preparing tho prelimi
nary plans for tho Btroet paving to bo
laid by tho Warren Construction
company. Ilesldo this work however
thoro aro u number of probloms thnl
have to bo worked out In connection
with cldo walk construction boforo
tho staving work can start.
Mr. Kratz drovo to Ontario from
llend and reuchod tho city on Sunday.
Ho bus not secured a home Into which
to move h!a family whoso members
will Join him lator.
W. P. Homan, , commissioner ap--pointed
to apportion tho benefits of
tho paving and dlstrlbuto the asses
mentB has completed tho roles and
these are now on file at tbo Recor
der's ofTlce. A hearing on tho roll
has been called for September 8.
tffto of the largest deals In resi
dence property In Ontario recorded
In many months was negotiated and
completed this week, ny the terms
or this salo the J. A. Lackoy res'dence
and four lots on Virtue street and
Wyoming nvenuo passes Into -the pos
session of W. P. Homan. The con
sideration was In tho neighborhood
of $4,700. '
W. C. Spencer also reports the
sale of two residence properties In
theniverslde addition, and one. SO
cro tract Just south of the city.
This proporty otlF. Oordon was
bought by W. C. Dowllng of Hapner.
Tho residence and proporty belong.
Ing to Mrs. A. P. Riddle on the south
end of Oregon street was purchased
this week by Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Langioy Brookes, who has charge
of the Nyssa agency of the Eastern
Oregon Land company was an Onta
rio business visitor touay.
ih recovered in ditch
Dr. W. O. Howo was tho bcc
ond victim of auto thieves In
Ontario HiIh season. LobI Fri
day morning about 8 o'clock ho
drovo his car to Us usual park
ing, on Cnllfornln avenue,
nud nt noon when ho went to
take U to co to lunch It was
gone. Tho nutlinrltlos wore no
tified and search was stnrtcd
On Sunday morning It wan
found In n ditch down In the Dig
llend country ton mltcx from
I'nrma. Tho wind shield was
broken, a head light was smash
ed, but nsldo from that It wns
apparently nono tho worso for
Its cxperlenco In being driven
by n 'Btrnngo driver. No cluo
has, nu yot, licon found leading
to tho Implication of any one In
tho theft. Tho authorities ho
Kcvo that a gang ot unto thlovcs
nro working In this Kcctlnn, for
all or tho near by cities nro re
porting similar occurences al
most dally
Moro Pupils From Interior Appl)
for HouMriillou TIiiiii Hor lie
foiv -ItooniM Wiintcd Tot- Hin
doo In III Homes.
Uoforo Principal 8. ty llouchor,
and M. 1), Thomas or tho science do
partmonl or tho High School left
Saturday evening for llluo Mountain
Springs on a week's fishing tr'p, tlioj
had completed a tour or tho count)
listing studentK for the High School
this year. Thoy report that tho num
bor or outside students wilt surpass
that or any previous year.
Ono or tho problems that puzzlos
tho school officials Is thut or hous
ing tho pupils from tho outside. Al
tho n number of fumlllos will coma
to tjio city to live, that number will
bo llmltc'd bccaiiKO of tho scarcity or
Ijousos, at least a dozen ramllles will
not coma becnuso or this shortage
but they want to send ono or two
lioyB or girls. It will then depend up
on tho willingness or tho pooplo or
the city to meet tlt'ja Hltuatlon urn!
rent spare rooms to tho pupils.
Also there nro a number or boys
and girls who deslro to earn at least
n part or their expenses, Applica
tions for n girl or boy to do work In
homes or in stores may bo filed with
Mr. llouchor and selected Ktudcnts.
fitted for tho different positions will
be soul to tho applicants,
Ontario Will llno Dig Colony ut
Aggies Wlillo Pour Ktudontx Prom
Hero Will Register nt Unit end-
ty of Oregon.
Thero will bo a migration of stu
dents from Ontario In tho noxt two
weeks to tho various Institutions of
learning. O. A. C. will draw the
largest number from this section, for
thirteen or fourteen graduates of O.
H. S. will register thero. Tho Stato
University will be tho second lu draw
ing power with the University or
Washington with four each.
The students entering O. A. C. In
clude: Misses Nova Illlllngsley,
Nettle Peterson, Virginia Smith, Lo
la Howser, Cecil Logan, Amy Can
field, Viola Husted, Delta Hill, Mar
Jorle and Dorothy Turner; Arthur
Cockrum, Donald and Itoscoe Conk
llu, and Orvllle Walters.
The U. of O. will receive the fol fel fol
eowing: WlUlam DIackaby, Robert
Lees; MUses Orayco Sage and Qladys
The following will resumo their
studies at tho University of Wash Wash
ingeon: William and MarcutPPlnncy,
Bernard Rader and Paul Van Petten.
Complimenting Mrn. Harnett and
Mra. Lucy Pox, Messrs. and Mesdamea
H. II. Whitney, S. D. Doramn and O.
K. Aiken united In a picnic dinner on
tho, lawn at tho Whitney homo Sun
day evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
tlrelg, Miss Alice and'Frank Dorman,
too, wero present, .fi.
X iff, w- m. sflk
Itov. W. J. J.iiM'omlrtj'N Cur Lnrntcsl
In PoHhCwilon of two Yoiiiik Men
at Aito, Idaho, (Iiirngi I'lrml
(iiillty nud HT'iilonrcd 'lNdiiy.
An exhibition or speedy Justlco
wns rurulshod this weok when James
II. (Ireou and Phillip Klpp, two young
men wore ruptured, nrrnlgned nud
nnd Hontcncod within ton days niter
their rrlmo in stoallng tho nutomo
bllo belonging to Itov. W. J. Lus
combo or this city from tho church
yurd ol tho Methodist church.
Tho mon drovo tho car to Arco In
HaKtorn Oregon, nearly 1100 mlleH
from horo, when thoy woro roturnod
to this county Tuesdny an Indict
ment awaited thorn. Yesterday nt
Vale thoy entered picas of guilty
ami will bo sentonced-today by Judge
Dultou Ulggs nnd start tonight for
Snlem to servo their term.
Tho men woro captured iwhen
thoy attomptcd to tako tho car from
tho Arco gnrago whore thoy had takoiu
It lor repairs. Thoy did not stop to
pay tho repair bill, which was $19,
and this led to tholr capture.
Doputy Shorlff Hon Drown went to
Arco to return tho mon and while
thoro looked over tho -car. It was
round to bo In fair condition, but tho
cost ot Bonding Komoono for It, may
provo so oxpcnslvo that Itov. Lus-
combo tho owner may nccopt an of-i
for ot $100 from tho gnrago man for J
(lie car, ami uius win prnciirany
have lost his car ont'roly. .
Ono of the young men, Green, Is
said to have been a -former resident
of Ontario whoso mother married
a second time and now lives near
Parma. Tho second thief who gavo
tho namo of Rlpp, In the opinion of
Sheriff Lee Noo, Is using an alias.
Deputy Sheriff Uenedlct or Hlversldo
will tako the mon to Salem tonight.
Two auto loads or Commercial
club mombers drove to Wolser Wed
nesday evening to boost for the Pair.
i lie lliciliuuio wiiu iiiuuu iiio ti,.
were: President H. II. Tunny or the
Fair Hoard, fe. A. Praser, B C.
Van Petten, T. W. Clagott, P. J. Gall
agher, D. M. Taggart, O. A. Kratz
and P. Leslie Dody.
While In Wolser tho Wolsor band
was vecured for tho last two dayu
or the Pair. Por the first day the
Huntington municipal band has been
secured and an excursion crowd from
tho division point will follow tho
band to the Pair. On the second day
tho music will bo furnished by the
' ...
raycuto Uigh'ciiooi nanu.
Tin oo Men Cuiight In Alley Ilurlc of
lllnrknliy Jeelry Ktoii lNniK.
nud nro Cnptiirod Ih-iho Ktol-
en Auto, Too,
Marshal H. C. Parmor foiled nn
attempt to rob tho Hhicknhy Jowolry
storo about 4:30 this morning. Ho
captured tho threo men ho found In
tho nlley buck or the storo and took
them to tho city Jail. Ah ho started
to opou tho door tho men mado n
break for liberty. In tho molco ono
of tho yeggs lost his hat.
Ah tho mon ran In tho dark tho
marshal rim to tho car which thoy
had evidently come to town In, nud
that forced tho burglars to resort to
hiking. TIiIm nnd tho loss or tho hat
led to tlio capturo or two or thorn nt
Parma this morning.
Tho cur which was round carrying
nn Idaho llcenso No. 8170 nnd wus
an Oakland. I)y telephoning the
Idaho authorities It was learned that
this llconso was Issued for a Saxon
Six, and aluco an Oakland was re
ported Btolon from Ilnlso Monday
night It Ih bolloved Hint this Ik the
Owing to tho darkness and tho fact
that tho marshal did not see tho mon
actually attempting to onter tho
lllackaby storo no charge of burg
lary can bo mado against thorn so It
has been determined to turn over
tho men captured to tho Idaho au
thorities for prosecution.
Tho gang, for gang It Is bolleved
to bo, waH woll equipped with flro
arms. On one of tho mon was round
a now automatic woll loaded while
a. second weapon wan round lu the
The clow to the arrest of the men
came thru tho fact Hint two men,
ono hatless was seen walking thru
Nyssa during tho early morning and
watch was set at Parma for them.
Marshal Parmer wont to Parma and
brot the men back hero arriving
shortly after noon.
Mrs. A. A. Drowno received word
last weok that Mr. and Mr. J. Ar
thur Young left Thursday for Doug
lass, Alaska, where Mr. Young will
bo 8uperintenednt or schools during
the co in I jig year, Mrs. Young, who
was Miss Evallyn Drowno, and Mr.
Young last yea'r woro both members
or the fuculty or the Ontario schools,
Mr. Young as principal or the High
School and Mrs. Young as a teacher
In the grade school. Thoy were
married shortly after the close or
school and spent the summer In
will test out new piiik
Do not get oxclted noxt Tues
doy ovcnlng whon you hear con
tinued peals from tho bell on tho
tower behind tho City Hall. It
will not bo n flro alarm In any
of tho various soctlona of tho
city which tho alarm will desig
nate In tho futuro according to
tho number or strokes, In ract It
Will merely bo the official test or
t'io now systom by Plro Chief
LouU Krocssln and his men.
Tho now nlarm system ar
rived this week and aided by va
rious members, each doing his
particular part, (lie Chief has
been busily engnged getting
tho nppcrutiiB Installed. Here
after nil that It will bo neces
sary to do when turning In an
alarm will bo to call "Central"
and tell "hor" or tho fire and Its
locntlon, with n little push but
ton sho will do tho rest.
Stato Chairman mid Organlor to lie
lu Ontario on KeptcmlKT I to Coin-
plctn Orgiiuiratloii Service Men
Should Attend.
Por tho purposo or forming a post
' or tho Amorlcau Legion n meeting or
all ox-servlco men In tho army, nnvy
or inarlno corps during tho Orent
War will bo hold next Thursday ovo-
iilng, September 4, nt tho Commercial
, club rooms. K, J. Elver, chairman or
( tlio stato organization nnd organizer
. or tho Legion lor Oregon will bo pros.
out at this meeting. Mr. Klvor wuw
lu Ontario on Monday to make pre
liminary arrangements for tho moot
ing. "Already them aro 30 posts organ
ized lu Oregon," snld Mr. Klvcr," nnd
It Is Important that nil scrvlco mon
attend this meeting, Mon who road
this should tnko note of tho time und
place and urgo otliors to attend tho
Tho formation of posts of tho Le
gion nil over (ho country Just now is
being a grout Impotus by tho ppeaklug
campaign or Lieut. Col. Theodore
Roosovolt who will soon bo In Oregon
at tho stato meeting.
During tho past week u charter
was granted tho Legion by Congross
making It tho first organization or this
kind chartered by tho uattonnl law
making body.
Statu II Moduli AppolutN lleniard
Ruder uh Hoprvuviitulho to So
curt) Data Concerning Record
of Malheur County .Men,
Dornard Hader has boon appointed
by Miss Cornollu Marvin, state his
torian, In hor effort to secure u com
plete record ot tho war activities of
Malheur colinty men, especially iIiohu
from Ontario and vicinity. In the
othor communities of the county
othor workers are gatherlug tho
data, but any soldier or sailor resi
dent of the county may securo a
blank from Mr. Radcr and It will bo
sent to tho proper authorities.
The State of Oregon Is endeavoring
to have this record complete boforo
December 1. Tho blanks to bo flllod
out Include Just tho necessary In
formation as to plaro and date of
birth or tho indlvlduul, parents, clt
lienshlp, dHte or enlistment, rank,
branch or service, length of service
date or discharge and Blmllar Items,
So many men are careless about
these records that no doubt they will
bo lost uulessi tabulated and placed
In some or the state archives for a
permanent record. It will there-'
foro bo or Importance to each Indi
vidual soldier or sailor to have this
record made. It can only bo done
by the co-operation or the men, for
the compilers secure nothing for
tholr time or work. Make Malheur
county's record complete by seeing
Mr. Rader and filling out- the blank.
Then be sure to return the blunk to
Sight or Dig Hny Stacks Deemed Huf
flrlcnt. Proof of Wonderful Pro
polity to Reign In HiIh Serltoii
This Year, Bnyn Daxldsoii.
With Increasing rapidity tho hold
Iiikh or tho Oregon-Western Coloni
zation company, which once held tl-
llo to n vast domain In Oregon from
Ontario to tho Wlllamatto Valley, nro
being sold and pntrstng Into tho hands
of Bottlers,
On n trip across tho stato to tho
various ngonclen or tho compnny,
ending horo In Ontario Saturday, W.
P. Davidson or St. Paul, president or
tho company, signed tho Instrument!!
which ndded 10,040 to tho amount
sold itlnca his InKt trip thru horo In
April, Thoso calcs, 2li lu number,
vary nil tho way from 20 acre tractn
to ono or 2500 acres,
A nutnbor or tho sales recorded nro
thono or company holdings under tho
Warmsprlngs System and Hicho num
ber tho smaller tracts from 20 up to
80 nud 100 acres. TIicho are being
purchased by mon who will bring
tholr families to tho land this fall
to propnro for crops for noxt year nnd
thus add materially to tho growth
nnd prosperity or this section.
Tlio largest or the tracts or course
nro rango lands. Although lor tho
past tew years thoro baa boon a
marked demand for range land, nud
nil tho big stock mon linvo boon
fortifying themselves by adding to
tholr holdings, tho demand has not
abated, tho tho amount to bo had him
shrunk materially.
"To bo certain that this section Is
prosperous, and to havo a visual Idea
of whut land horo will produco, all
ono has to do Is to rldu thru this
section and vlow tho big liny Blacks
on ovory ranch."
Tho following Ih tho list of sales
completed by Mr. Davidson on this
Namo Acros
W. It. Crlpo 40
Arthur R. Striker 40
Henry R. Moys 58
deo. P. aomberg 80
Karnost L. and (leo. K Porster 80
N. II. Noyor 40
R. C. Moys 2K
John Rrwln 80
II. II. Small 83
W. C. Darkor 40
II. W. Mulkey 40
J. R. lllrd & Sons 3C0
Pollx Ilarclay 40
C, S. Couglotou 040
8. K. Mosslnger 80
M. A. & T. J. Hunter 1800
Prank C. Plstor 000
II. & J. Cram 320
8. llasmusson 1800
II. K. Ilrlggon 040
J. W- Davles 2500
I). II. Hill 80
I C. EMa 20
E. II. Hathaway 80
A. Q. Mansur 50
Total 10040
. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Trow or Crane
are In Ontario this week for a short
visit. Mr, Trow who U In charge of
tho experiments undertaken by the
Oregon-Western Colonization com
pany says that so far they give assur
ance of success. The water In tho
wells bored bo far rises almost to
the surTace ami thus rumlshes inols
turo for the loud with vory ltttle
Mr. and Mr. Trow ae at tho homo
of Mrs. Trow's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
David Dunbar, east of town.
John Kakebeeke who ranches
down the Nyssa way came to Ontario
today with Mrs. Kakebeeke to look
over the offerings of Ontario mer
chants'. "The third crop of alfalfa
this year will be superior lu quality
to that of tho Becond crop of. many
years," says Mr, Kakebeeke.