THE ONTARIO ARGUS ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1919 Rexall Remedies Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescription Specialists Til It UKXAMj HTOItK PHONE NO. 2 Nyai Remedies if HUMMOXH IN T11K C1HCU1T COUltT OK TUB STATU 01" OUKQON KOU TIIK COUNTV OK MAMIKUU Henry 8. Ileitis, Plaintiff, Vfl. Jlenjamlu A. Dlercl, Wlnufred K. Dlosel, 0. F. Dealil, othorwlso known an Cluitincoy F. Dealil, Flo ra I. DmIiI, Frank D. Maxwell, Itutli I. Maxwoll, nml i. ('. Hock, Dofondnnt To llenjnmlii A. Mosul, Wlnefred i:. DImoI, C. F. Dealil, otherwis Known n Clinimcey F. Doalil, Flora I DohIiI, Frank 1). Maxwell, anil Hutli 1. Mnxwoll, of the above named defendants: IN TIIH NAMK OF TIIK STATU OF OHKUON, yotl and mall of you aro horoby required to mipettr mid ininwor the coiuptnlnt Mod iign'nst you In the nliovo entitled cxuhhi on or licfore the oxplratluu of the time pr iirrlliod hy the order of publication heroin, to-wlt: on or before tha ox lilrathm of nix weak from tho date of tho flnrt publication of th!a aum moiiK, ami If you fall to nnswor for w ii fit thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the rollof prayed for In tho complaint herein, to-wlt: For a JudRiiioiil mid docroe for cIonIiik h certain mortgage given hy tho above iinmml defendant. llenj inln A. Dlenfll and Wliiufrod 14. Dlonol. on the 2-t tli dny of Mnruh, 1017, and recorded In Hook "V" on pag 210 and 250 of the record of limit Mort C.iki'h of Malheur County, Orogon, Hiilil mortgage halng thoroaflur duly iiHMlK'iied to plnlntlff, which wild n idKiiinuul wiim on tho 18th day of July, ID 10, duly recorded In tho offlcn of tho County Clerk of Miilhour County. Oregon. In tho record of real uiort gage; mill mortgage helm; on cer tain hind tu Malheur County, Oronon. tl( iiciibed an follew: Tim RouthwiMt Qutirtor of the Southeast Quartor (BWUSK'i) of' taction thirteen (13); the Wort Half of tho Northonst Quartor (WtfNKU ) nml the Kt Half of the Northwwt Qunrter (MVtNWK) ot Section Uoiily-four (24), nil In Township nineteen (10) Koiith, ItniiKe forty- Ix (IC) JCart of the Willamette Mnr Idl hi. In Malheur County, Oration, and that wild uiortKiiHO he corrected to cinform to the mutual Intention of tho purlieu thereto eo a to Inoltid In mild mortgage mm n part of tho HHiriKiiie security wild certlllMta No ill) 2 for one hundred forly-lx uli.iu of Hook In the OiitHrto-Ny IrrlK'itlon CompHiiy, u corponttlon, togothwr with tho -tenements, hered itament wild appurtenance thore mito belonging or In anywUe upper Mining. Including all (IHche and w.itor right connected therowlth, .mil for it Judgment against the do f. miaul named In the tltlti hereof fur the principal 111111 a.' $600.00. v..tli Interest thereon lit tho rule of en per cent, per annum from March SI, 1017, and tho further mini or I4.50U.00, with Interest theroou ,.t the rule of hmvqii per cent, per .uiiiuiu from March SI, 1017, niul.fnr M10 further mini of $760.00 reasonable ..liorney roe, and for 11,124. B0 w Iiik water HMiiueiit paid hy plain lirf herein, with Intermit thnroon at tiit rate of six per emit, per annum from July 17, 1010, and tho further 11111 of $102.0$ for tiiNM paid by plaintiff, with Intern thereon at the I .lie of nix par cent, per annum from July IS, 1010, together with ooete and (llehiirsementH herein, mid mioh other relief a to the court may eeni Ju-t und equitable. '1'liU summon U puhlUhud pursil- II nt to nil order of tho Hoiioriihle DaWou lltggi. Clroult Judge , duly niiido and euterod on the Slut dnv or July, 10.10, dlriHtliiK that tliU munitions ho pttbllshe-d once ouch week for six oonsocutlva week In tho Ontario Argus, tho first public Hon being made on July SI, 1010, and the lurt publication being made 011 the lltlt day of September. 1010. N. KUOHNK IIUA81K. It. W. SWAUMiil. Attornoyn for IMalntllT. reldlnK at llolso, Idaho, and Ontario, Oiorou, rpoctlvoly, XOTIOK OF SlIKltlt'F'.S SAI.K I'.V Uy virtue of uu caaoutlun and or der of wile duly iwuod hy tho Clerk of the Clroult Court of thotuto of OroKou for Malheur County, datod tho lSth day of July, 1010. In n cer tain action lu bnld Circuit Court for ntld Stato nnd County, wherein Mahal O. lllgolow aa I'lalntlff, recovorod Judgment ngnliiBt Wllliort It. Heovon, Mutid Itcovoo, John II. HoIiIIIIhk', Her thu A. Bclillllne, J. 3. I). Munvllle. Jane Dee Manvlllo and Alexander Illlln, as Dofondaute, In the aum of Two Thousand Dollar, with Intoroet thoroou at tho rate of Hoven per cent par annum from tho 10th day of July, 1012, and for tho further mint of Two Hundred Dollar attorney' fee and tho further mint of Forty-two and CG-100 Dollar ns coHt and tlln hiirnomoiil; THEllMFOltK, NOTICK 18 HUlti: UY aiVKN that I will on tho 30th day of Aiigmt, 1019, tit tho hour of 1:30 In tho afternoon of wild day, at tho north main ontranco of tho County Court H0111K), ut Vtile, mi hi CotinU and Stato, null at public auction to tho hlgliOAl and bent bidder or bid dor for oauh, tha following dwcrlhod roil I property, to-wlt: Tho NW'A of the N1CV, or Kectlon G lu TowiiMhlp 18 goulh of HaiiBe 17, KiiHt of tho Wlllamottu Meridian In Malhotir Cunuty, Oregon, toaether with 20 shared or tho Capital Stock of tho Owyhco Dltoh Company a u water right for a Id premle. Takon and levied upon a tho prop. orty or tho eald above named Dofend nulri, Wllbert It. lteevea.Miuid Iteevea. John II. SchlllluK. Uertlui A. Sclilll I11B, J. H. I). Munvllle, and Alexander lllll, or a 111110I1 theroof Tin may lie iieceMwiry to natUfy aa'.d JiidKinunt In favor of Mabel C. lllKelow and iiKalnal tho ubovu nninud dufondiintN, with In loroet thereon, tocethor with all tout and dlMburneiueutM that have or may accrue. Datod at Vale, Oregon, thl 20th day or July, 1010. II, Kl-:i: NOK, ShorllT lly HKN llltOWN, Deputy D.ito or Halo, AURiiMt 30, 1010. Ditto ol Flrat publication, July 31, 1010. Date or I.tiHt puhlloatloti, Atinut 28, 1010. JOItD.W VAI.I.HV Wlhlj II.VVK UMTKIt I.V 11(20 (Continued From l'nRQ 1) NOTICi: OF HIUItlM! OF I'l.V M. ,:'OU.NT III tnu County Court cf the Stale of OreHon, for Malheur ( (unity. In the natter of Hie Lrlalo of T. J. Joiu.iiot., ueceHHod; NOTICK la hereby given that tl;. iiiidiirnlKued, the AdmlnUtrator of the twtato or the aald T I. .loliuw.ii (bKtMiiied, hit tiled liW tin il account ot tho udinliiUtratlon or tee ial r tha wild deceaiMMl and ' iln Mb da) or September, 1010 at U o'clock p. in. at tho County Co,iu iIoum and lt the County Court I'ooin lliorwof ha boon llxod n the iliuo and plate or heurliiB any objection or excep tion thereto It any then lie. why tho mild Until account at tendered Mhoiild not he allowed and tl.e Ad mlnUtrator ilUehartieil front hi truet. Date or drat publication, Ann. 7, 1010. Date or lnt publication, Sept. 4, 1010. T. C. JOHNSON, AdnilnlntiHlor. DHVIfl.OI'.MIiVT M.(Il'K TO .SUM) DHI.KOATICS (Continued From l'aee 1) tho Nytii deloKHtlon that thl wa not the oniH) for the Ontario Commer cial club hue taken no delln'.to action In the matter pending the lecolpt of dotullod Information oancornlui; the value or the company' plant and other factH. I'realdent It. 1). I.ytlo augKiMted that tho I.oakuo tuke notion to nee that frolght rato to Interior point ho reducod. No action wa taken '.11 view of the fact that tunny bolleved that tho League wa not In a ponlllon to carry on thl work which liiluht hotter bo left to the locul commercial hodlo In tho town affected, llooit tho l'"iiliC F. U. llody, secretary of the Onta rio Commercial club gave n abort talk 011 the County Fair and urged the oo- operation of the League. He alo called attention to tho fact that ut Suit l.ake there I a bulletin I ward In the auto park which cutrrle the statement that the road lu Kuntem Oregon tire till but lmpuiMible and urged that the league take action to have thl removed. Senator J. A. Hurley advocated and It was ordered that tho Stato Highway commlw'ou be Informed or the bulletin at Salt Luke ami null at tention to the fact that MuUiunr County hu voted It bond and is roady to co-opgruto wlUi the State mid inks tor sposdy action un the iwrt or the statu. tho main canal for tha lower unit. Wa have thrco mlliw or thla canal completed. An Idon or tho lza or thu canal may lie galuqd from thovo figure: It 20 reel wide nt tho bottom, with nix root bunk and will curry .1.10 nocond feet or water. Want Itnad Out. "Thl work will ho completed ho that H1910 will ho water for all tho laud under tho project next year. At pri'HMit wa aro hauling all rrelght for tho lower unit from Venator, In Harney county, and find It cheaper than taking the Hliorter route from Ilomedale. An Idon of what thl uimiiin may lie gu'.ucd from tho fact that tho hiiHltioMi mon of Crntio col lected among tlioinnolvo $1,000 to fix thu road from ("ratio toward Jor dan Valley and tiro out to get Jordan Valley' liltnluetm, which would nil coino thl way If tho road were anywhere nearly eiiial. I.nml Helling Fii.. I. "Tlmt there I a demand for tho land I Indicated by tho rapidity with which It I being taken. Dur ing July 17 piece were Hold In tract of 40 to 320 ncro. In nit more than 100 mile havu been made to that hy next aprlng there will ho a growing population on thu project. "The moid aerlou intention how aver I the hauling or Htipplloa to the people or Jordan Valley Hi!h winter. For month the road I ImpiiHaablo unilt he people down there are htidly lu need or roller, nnd hud hoped for that thl minimer when thu bond Ikmuo wa voted upon In Juno." NA.MI'A HAKHIIS IH.'V I'UltlTV ItAKHItV lllllti: I'ltO.M TiritNF.It V. L. Tiirnor who for nonrly two year ha operated the Purity lin ker), aold that Inilltiitlou InHt week to Meattra K. II. Allen and A. L. Ha noy or Nampa. Tho transfer wa made on Monday and Mr. nml Mr. lauey nro In charge now, Mr. Allen having returned to Nampa whoro ho employed lu one of tho mill. Tho they eaiue here front Nam pa the new owner or tho bakery have bean resident or the Idaho city hut 11 few mouth having moved there from Springfield, Mlaeourl, a few month ago. Until men tiro exper ienced baker or more than 1ft your experlonco and nro planning on ex tending thu scope or tho biislno. IMtltAMLAM) ('MANORS TIM 1 1 OF OI'KNINCi I'lmi'Olt.M.VNCKS Mia Dorothy Jii'iuUli, miimigor or Dreamland, aunouiico thl week the change or tlmo for tho opening of tho evening performance for tho full and winter season. Tho first performance eaoh ovonlug, biElniilng on Friday, August 22, w'l! start at 7:30 Instead of 8 o'clock. The sec ond porformaiico In tho evening will start nt or about S:4fi p. 111. If you want to be In at tho opening of 11 picture remember tho change I.H.WH FOIt ItASTMtX 'I'mi' iNci.t'DiNo i.iam.s'd (iiiits Mr. and Mr. Fred II. I'latt, Mlsa Mue I'latt. Mlnsae Kthol and Corn McNulty and Mbw Itoslna Clement left last Friday evening 011 an ex tended trip thru tho Kast and Middle Wont. While absent from tho city they will visit Chicago, Columbus. Now York, l'hlhidolphla, Washing ton and perhaps lloston. Thoy ex pect to return in relays utter Sep tember 15. OO ltST TO I'l'ltniAKi: STOCK FOIt ONTAIMO INSiiTL'iiON II. C. lloyor lott last Friday eve ning for Chicago, St. Louis, New York and other custom manufacturing cltloa to buy stocks for the lloyor llroa. store of this city. Mr. lloyer expect to be gone fur a month or nioro. oovimxoits SOX HACK IX OXTAIHO I'OH TWO WKHKS Nathan Alexander canto down f romt llQlro Monday to spond tho next two weak here In charge of tho lo en I Alexander Institution while Clar ence Cruuter, the local manager, on Joy hi annual vacation. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ('. K. Hlngliniii I nt Twin Falls on bUHlllCBS. I'. Duford wn a bUHluoxs visitor 'nt linker thl week. Mr. It. M. I'crry Is entertaining hot- mother, Mrs. Fox, of Minneapo lis, Mr. nnd Mr. Hcrschol Urowno nnd Mr. nml Mr. L Hlrsch mado a trip to llolsu Tiiosdny. Mr. and Mr. Klmcr Orcutt aro rejoicing over tho arrival nt their homo Inst Saturday morning or n baby daughter. W. 1. McGury or Sterling, Kntman, was In town a row day on bunlnens. Hu has laud under the Advancement Irrigation ditch. J. C. llmdloy, Mold ropresciitatlvo or thu Commercial Creamery company or Hpoknnu, spent Wednesday lu tho city on htiHlnc. Mr. and Mr. It. W. Hwaglor woro nuinliorcd nniong those who witnessed thu Merrlo Month or May nt llolso Tuesday ovonlng. Mr. W. i:. I.cott and son Froddlo returned Tuesday ovonlng from I'ort laud. They woro accompanied homo hy tho small son or County Comml loner Frank M. Vine. - Hrhlu Hay who lor tho past thrco year ha boon n resident' or Ontario left Wednesday for Portland whoro ho expects to look over tho Hold lor htiHlnetM opportunities. Tho W. C. T. U. will moot Tuesday afternoon, August 20, ut tho Presby terian church. Till I tho annual huslnoa mooting and nil moinbor nro asked to bo prosont. Kvorott Trousdalo, formerly 11 mom bar of tho Ontario High School fac ulty who resigned to enlist with tha marine In 1017 ha accepted 11 po sition on tho faculty of tho Nyssa High School. Mr. nnd Mr. L. Adam nml family returned thl week from Payette Lakos whoro thoy spoilt tho summer. Thy woro tho Ilrst memboi of the Ontario Outing club to go to thu camp and tho last tu leave. Mr. nml Mr. II. 11. Cockrum re turned Situdny from tho Olympic Poiinlnsula of Washington whoro they tmont a portion of their vacation on the shore or Inko Crosccnt.Whllo away thoy also spent several delight ful days nt Paradlso Inn on Mount Tnromn, n s all Tucomans call tho Mountain. how oiti:x should oil in: CIIAN(li:i IX THU TUAOTOU? Ill order to get tho host results from any tractor, tho correct grado of lubricating oil must bo usod, and tho crank caso must bo dralnod nt regular Intervals. How often tho lubricating oil should bo changed cannot bo absolutely determined, either from tho standpoint of mile age or number of hour of running. The Hoard of Lubrication Engi neers, which Is maintained by tho Standard Oil Company to dotormtno and recommend thu correct grado of Kcrolono for each typo of englno, hnK given excellent advlco on tha subject or changing tho oil In tho crank en so. This board linn shown that tho frcquoncy with which tho lubricat ing oil should bo chniucd depends very largely upon tho condition un der which tho tractor Is opcratod. In other words If there Is llttlo or practically no condensation of tho fuel, tho oil will consequently last n gronl, deal longor. And If tho oil In fed to tha cnglna In such a way that n minimum amount Is thrown upon tho IiikIiIo of tha piston, thoro will bo 11 minimum enrhon deposit formed hero, wh'ch mentis that tho oil will run for n loiigor tlmo without Its lubricating vnlito being Impaired. Tho oporotor or every tractor should frequently examine the con dition of tho lubricating oil In the crnnkcaBo, nnd when thoro I evi dence or fuol or foreign mutter In tho lubricating oil. It should bo dralnod out of tho era nk caso. Tho ernnkenso should ho washed out very curofully with korosono and ospoclal caro takon thnt no korosono Is left In tho ernnk enso when tho fresh supply of oil I put In. Thl should ho done, wheth er tho tractor ha operated 10, .10, or 100 hour. Generally Hponk',ng, where a tractor ha operated iindor favorable conditions, tho oil should ho changed ovory 30 or 40 hours. Whoro korosono I used ns a fuel, tho lubricating oil should ho changed dally, a there I considerably mora condensation In tho cylinders with korosono than with dlstlllnto or gas oline. It Is a woll-known fact among on glnoors nnd manufacturer or tract or, that tho oporntor who I partic ular In tho en re or tho lubricating system nnd tho oil vory largely In creases tho oconoiKlcal operation or a tractor which will contribute ho largely lu not result a lubricating caro. EAT LESS AND TAKE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Take 11 gliix of Halt If your Hack hurts or Itladder bother. Tho Amorlcnn men nnd women must guard constantly against Kid noy trouble because wo eat too much and all our rood Is rich. Our blood Is filled with urlo acid which tho kid Koya strlvo to filter out, they weaken from overwork, bocomo sluggish; tha ollmliintlvo tissues clog and tho result Is kidney trouble, bladder weakness nnd n general decllno In health. Wlion your kidney feel like lump of load; your buck hurt or thu urluo Is cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seok roller two or three time during tho night; If you suffer with sick hendacho or dizzy, norvoii spalls, acid stomnch, or you havo rhoumntlsm when the weather Ih bad, got from your pharmnclst about four ounce- of Jnd Salts: tako a table- spoonful In n glass of wntor before brcakrast ror 11 row days and your kldneyn will then net flno. Thl famous salt Is niiido from tho acid ot grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and hns been used ror generations to Hush and stimulate 'clogged kidney; to noutrallzo tho nclds In tho urlno so It 110 longer Is a sourco or Irritation, thus ending hlnddor dlsordor. Jad Salt Is Inoxponslvo; cannot Injure makes 11 dellglittul offorves cont I'.thlti-wntor bovorugo, and bo- longs In" ovory homo, because no body can make a mistake by having n good kidney flushing any tlmo. xetici: of noxi) hali: Scaled proposal will bo rocelvod by tho Hoard of Directors of the Wnnnsprlngs Irrigation District at tholr offlco in Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, till tha hour of 2 o'clock p. in., on tho 20th day ot September. 1010, and Immediately thorenftor publicly oponcd for tho purchnse of tho bonds of said District In the sum or $200,000.00, datod July 1, 1010, numboroil In denominations and maturing in rollows, to-wlt: MATURITY NUMI1KI18 INTKHICST PIUNCIPAL TOTAL 1038 11G1-U05 $12,000 $15,000 $27,000 1030 1100-1181 11,100 10,000 27,100 1040 1182-1108 10,400 17,000 27,400 1041 1100-1210 0,120 18,000 27,120 1042 1217-1235 8,040 10,000 27,040 1043 1230-1255 0,000 20,000 20,000 1044 1250-1277 5,700 22,000 27,700 1045 1278-100 4,380 23,000 27,380 1040 1301-1324 U.dOO 24,000 27,000 1047 1325-1350 1,500 20,000 27,500 $200,000 Said bends to bear Interest at six por cont (0) por annum, payablo 8om. annually on January and July 1st, principal and Intoroet payable lu United States gold coin at tho offlco ot tho County Treasurer of Malheur County, Oregon, or nt the Fiscal Agency ot tho Stato ot Orosou In Now York City, at tho option ot tho IIo;jer. Said bids must bo accompanied by n cortlfled check tor ten per cent (lOfr) ot tho amount or bid, unmu to be forfeited to tho District bh liquidated damage In the event the successful bidder falls to take up and pay for said bond within ton days nftor the uward. Said bids must bo unconditional as to legality, and tho District will fur nish tho successful bidder with tho approving legal opinion ot Messrs, Tool, Minor und Wlnrreo or Portlnnd, Orogon. Tho Hoard rosorves tho right to reject any or all bids. M. a. HOPE, Secretary. HOME SWEET HOME by Jack Wilson MOTHER - OH MODI-eR!'.- I'M HOME WOW-MoTrieR-JWHOME FROMCAROi H005E , MOTHER!,' r J5JJ I 1 woNoetO CJS'D WHERE I "T?JS CUP l(? I lijmjGa MQTH-ER-OH r T I -BeTCHA Srhfs I gone vcmh town,' r what she Wanna on amjav FOR?-TMrllWiKY!lfPJ w TrtL .&H (la wUft (f'TiJi . BiP "i iS-'J' vmSmi fm!ua-E&3l 4 fuzr-fra. TO. v?3mlLiiiiiiiK r 1 pcrfeznx NEXT T-: T-3 seveNTY-Five VaUNDIfti: LAD PRICED ice EVtPo$D no WttUST HCAT USTOROPOFMIIK'. TIJMPcAReiHW, RONHiNQ- GCARJOP iHRee Ab CHlCKEM QeMe RUiNCD 5P0IJW VV d ines ruw- an .