The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 21, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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Ontario Meat & Grocery Co.
Ontario, - - Oregon
Phone 3
Wholesalers and Retailers of Meat Products
Retail Groceries, Fruits, Etc.
Good to Eat
Condensed Report of
First National . Bank
of Ontario Oregon
As made to the Comptroller of the Currency, a
the close of business June 30, 1919.
iticsouucu? liammtius
Loan, and Discount, HOS 072.10 ,,,, $50,000 01
Ovoruinfls 2)7.1)3 -
Jion I nod Uatmnts .... JC.RJS.IR Surplus nnd i'rofltr .. .. C1.37C.IU
la r Hg Houto a d Fixture Circulation 12.COO.00
38 ' " 1
Block iTFcdVrolYwrrc IMiifc " c',or,, "cm5,v" ,,,u,k ".0.iP
'j.OOU.OO OI.I'C'MTH 7.W,l7it.fl(l
.riM Ufl !,. II! .
CSU1.300.S8 $801,300.88
A ItOIJi Oi' MONO It HANK" It ono Surplus and I'm
Mb In oxcoss ol Capital, thus rlv-Ing Innglblo ovldouco of fltreiuili
and K'curlty. Of tho, 25,000 UniiKu In (ho UnhTi Btntos, only ono
In ten oocuptv this proud portion. ,
WW AllE AMO.N Till! NUM'JKIt .
Good Oil Is 1
Cheaper Than Parts
Freedom from unnecessary
repairs and longer life for
your car results from correct
lubrication with Zerolene.
Scientifically refined from se
lected CallfoviU crude oil.
OUct nuilmum lubriotlon with litit
ctiboo d.poilt. Otl t Cornet Lubrl
tttlgn Cbir t (or your car.
O. H. TEST' Specinl Agent Standard Oil Co., Ontario
"Here's a Friendly Tip"
says the Good Judge
Men who know tobacco,
chew the best without its
costing them any more.
They take a little chew and
it's amazing how the good
taste stays in a rich, high
grade chewing tobacco.
For lasting tobacco satis
faction, there's nothing
like a small chew of that
rich-tasting tobacco.
put up in two stjhs
RIGHT CUT j a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacc
Mrs. Prod V. Canflcld loft last
Friday for llakor to spend a week
visiting with friends.
William Jones camo down from
Juntura yesterday for a Bliort stay
with his family hero.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Ilrooko return
ed Tuesday from Jordan Valley where
thoy spent Bovornl days Inst week.
James 12. Weston returned to On
tario Tuesday from Hums and ex
pects to bo hero for sovcral days,
Mr, and Mrs. II. L. Peterson re
turned Monday evening from tho
Pnyotto Lakes where they spent tho
wook end.
Paul Cochran, son of llov. W. l'
Cochran, lias wrltton to his sisters,
Hopo and Evudlno, from tho top of
Eiffel tower, Paris, that ho Is coming
down soon to visit them. Says also
that It beats tho dickens how tho
francs mako their getaway.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Qrclg returned
Sunday from Halloy, Idaho, whero
thoy motored with Mr. and Mrs. J.
P. Orr of Payette. On their return
thoy witnessed a Borlous motor ac
cident on Dlxlo lllll near Mountain
Home In which n car which got bo
yond control sworvod so quickly that
It throw ono of tho occupants out
and down tho canyon upon tho rocks.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Logan of
Dragon camo down from tho Willow
Klvor valley last Saturday to spend
tho week oniL Whllo hero thoy ar
ranged for tho occupancy of tholr
rcsldcnco In tho North end of town
and will llvo lioro this winter. Their
daughter, Miss Cecil, will attend O.
A. C. this winter. Mr. Logan says
ho will bo on deck for tho Pnlr. Fol
lowers of tho bucknroo sports of
co u tho oxpoctod Tom to bo hero.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Portlor re
turned Sunday night from n 2,000
mllo auto trip thru Oregon and Wash
ington during which thoy visited
Walla Walla, Hood lllvor, White
Salmon, Portland, Olympla, Tacoma,
Scattlo and North Ynklmn pass'ng
over tho famous Columbia and Sno
Qualmla Pass or Sunset Illghwuy,
Thuy onjoyod every mlnuto of the
trip, saw tho Ico caves on Mt. Adams
nnd many of tho natural wonders of
tho Pacific Northwest. Tho worst
roads experienced on tho entlro trip
aro botweon linker nnd Ontario, said
Mr. Portlor.
(jive.v i:m)ouhi:.mi:nt
(Continued from pago 1)
moth Hot Springy In Yollowstonn
Park on August 10 and 11, for tho
development of plans for tho promo
tion of woll established highway con
necting tho great National parks of
tho country and to direct tho atten
tion of tho pooplo of tho United
States to this means of seeing and
enjoying tholr vast recreation areas
and for tho upbuilding of tho tourist
buslnoss of tho west and with it tho
commercial and agricultural advance
mont of tho country.
"A number of years ago thoro was
formod 'Tho Natlonul Park-to-I'nrk
Highway association' of which Ous
Holms of Cody, Wyoming, Is chair
man. Tho highway when completod
will pass through nine of tho largest
cities In tho United States, embracing
4000 miles of scenic road connecting
the teu national parks and passing
23 National Monuments.
"At tho roll-call on tho afternoon
of August 10th, your delegates stated
whom and what thoy represented and
advocated a direct east and west lino
botweon Crater Lnko and Yellowslono
Parks, through Central Oregon and
across Idaho. Superintendent Al
bright advocated 'cut-offs' as It would
bo Impossible, especallly for a busy
man, to completo,. without break, a
tour of the entlro 'Incomparable Cir
cle,' and wo are pleased to report
that a resolution adopted by tho Nat
ional Parks Touring Association on
August 11, and forwarded to the Hon.
Secretary of tho Interior and to each
I representative In congress from tho
I western states, recommending tho
construction of a road by tho govern
ment from Crater Lake to connect
with the Central Oregon highway,
"Attention is called to tho fact that
' it Is proposed to establish a National
Park near Boise, Idaho, and It such
be established it is beyond any qtiex.
tlon of a doubt that a Park-to-Park
Highway will connect Yellowstone
with Dolse and thence west to Crater
Lake, but Irrespective of whether
coming over a Park highway or the
Central Oregon highway, tourists will
! enjoy the opportunity of viewing
I'Plnley's Wondorwater' and tho Alps
tuteens Mountain; oi narney county
on the trip.
"Statistics show that the minimum
cash per car left at each stop Is $7.00,
without considering hotel business,
and the traffic Is getting more ex
tensive each year and all cash."
Folger's Tea and Coffee
We have Tea in Green
and Black. New direct
import order just receiv-
ed. There can be noth
ing better.
Let us send you a can.
PHONES: No. 141 and No. 6
RotilCorJ"Nobl' 'Chain' 'Vtco' 'tUIn'
We Vouch for Them
Of all the tires that are made,
why do you suppose we
prefer to sell United States
Because they are made by
the biggest rubber company
in the world. And they know
how to build good tires.
They have choice of ma
terials, they have immense
facilities, they employ many
exclusive methods.
They can go to greater
lengths in testing, improving
and perfecting the things that
make good tires.
Wc find it good business to
sell United States Tires.
And you will find it good
business to buy them. They
are here a tire for every mma.
United States Tires
are Good Tires