THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1910 TENTH ANNUAL MALHEUR COUNTY FAIR ONTARIO, OREGON September 9, 10, 11 and 12 THE BEST YET Expense has not been considered in booking attractions or securing exhibits. DAYS OF REAL THRILLS 4 Running Races by the best horses obtainable Harness Races by the fastest horses bred Roping and Bulldogging that will make other Pairs and Round ups look sick A real Curtiss Flying Machine piloted by an American Ace (con tract already signed and cash bond put up) Buckcroo slufT that will make your hair stand on end Motorcycle Races in the Barney Old field class i THE FAIR OF FAIRS pmmmmnimmmaMBmmmmamammmamammmmammMmmmmmmmmmmmmMmtmmmmmmmmmmMmmMmm P . Fastest Racing ever witnessed A - Aeroplane stunt flying I - Innovations new and startling R - Remember the dates H. H. TUNNY, President September 9, 10, 11 and 12 Something doing all the time; no delays Come and stay the week F. LESLIE BODY, Secretary 4-- Clear, Peachy Skin I Awaits Anyone Who t rx I lliiiii V urinKs not water ; T 8ays an Inildo bath, before break- J f fatt help ui look and feel T clean, aweet, fresh. Sparkling and vlvacloua merry, bright, nlort n good clear skin and a natural, rosy, healthy complexion nro assured only by pure blood. If only overy man and .woman could bo Induced to adopt tho morning Inside bath, what a gratifying chango would take pluco. Instead of tho thousands of sickly, annomlc-Iooklng nion, women and girls with pasty or mud dy complexion!; Instead of tho multi tudes of "nerve wrockB" "rundowns" '"brain fags" and pessimists we should sea a virile, optimistic throng of rosy.choeked people everywhere. ' An Inside bath Is had by drinking each morning, before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stomach, liver, kid noys and ten yards of bowels the pre vious day's Indigestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons', thus cleaning, sweetening and refreshing the enttre alimentary canal before putting more food Into tho stomach. Those subject to sick headache, bil iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, coldsjand partlculary those who have (i pallid, Ktkllow complexion and who bra constipated vary often, nro urged to obtain a quarter pound of lime stono phosphnto nt tho drug store which will cost but n trlllo, but Is sufficient to demonstrate tho quick and romiirkablo change In both health and uppoaranco, uwultlng those who practlco Internal sanita tion. Wo must romembor that In side cleanliness Is mora Important than outsldo, because tho skin does not absorb impurities to contaminate tho blood while tho pores In tho thirty foot of bowels do. XOTK'i: OK AXSVAh ELECTION OK MA Ml ECU duaixaei: lISTItl(T Not I co Is hereby given that tho land owners of tho Malheur Drainage Dis trict will hold their annual election at tho Cairo school house In Malheur County, Oregon, Soptombcr C, 1919, at 2 o'clock p, m., for the purposo of electing a Hoard of Directors, and transacting such other business as may regularly como bofore such meeting', MAMIBUIl DKAINAOE DI8TIUCT lly J. P. WBAVEH, Prcsdent. 1dciiM Oregon Stato Pair: Salem, September 22-27 Splen did agricultural, livestock, and In Uustrlal exhibits, high class amuse-! inents, a uuperb racing card, bigger and better than ever, A. II, LEA, 8ecrotary. Salem, Oregon. Mrs. H. C, Secoy and Mrs, Walter Gramso spent Saturday In Caldwell and noise. THE H. F. NORTON COMPANY Fifteenth and Front, Nampa, Idaho. Dealers in Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair, Furs and-Tallow Top market prices paid, Correct weights given and prompt returns ma'de. No shipments too large, nor too small, we so licit them all. Write ns for prices, shipping-tags mailed upon ii.4nv.01.. , ,..' -. ., . "- Honoring .Mr. I'rinrlug. In honor of Mrs, Jacob I'rluzlng who will loavo about September 1 to mako her homo In Nampa, cards hnvo boon Issued for u bridge party to bo given by Mesdames A. I., nud U. II. Cockrum and A. J. (Hover, tomorrow afternoon. o C'iii-iI for Mr. Prliuliig!. Mrs. Prank Under was tho hostess for a charming card party given at her homo on Morlltt Htrcet and Wyo ming avonuo Tuesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Jacob Printing. Pour tables of Hridgo worn played. Ho froshiuonts wero served. Entertain for Mr. nud .Mrt..' Douglass, Mr, and Mrs. II. It. nouglass who loavo Ontario this weok to mako their homo in Eugene wore tho hon ored guests at a card party given last ovonlng by Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Oallagher and Mr. and Mrs. a, K. Aiken at the home of tho former on Virtue street and Montana avenue. Pollowlug cards', thero woro seven tables of GOO, refreshments woro served on the lawn to tho 20 guests present. o Professors J'rmiil Ability. Proving their ability as cooks, Professors S. M. Iloucher and M. I). Thomas arranged a novel dinner In honor of Mr. and Mrs, II. It. DJoug lass Monday ovenlng. Tho Profs "rented" the Douglass homo and furnishings for tho evening and "cooked" tho dinner, served it and played the part of host and hostess in approved style, so the guests do clared. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames II. It. Douglass, P. I., Conrad and P. J. Oallagher, and tho cooks. Puity for MUh How Ik. In honor of Miss Alia Howls who left Saturday for Chicago whero she will bo married this weok, beforo proceeding to her home in Pennsyl vania, her aunt, Mrs. E. C. Van Pet ten, entertained last Priday evening at cards. Seven tables of GOO wero played and refreshments served'. The out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Pearson of Wclsor. On tario guests includes: Messrs and MesdamcM I.uruo Illncknby, P, J. Clomo; Misses Ornyco and Alfrettn Sago, Irene ltador, Vlolu llustod; Mossro Paul Van Puttou, Arthur Cockrum, E. 8. Prasor, Prank Dor man, Ilomnrd Ituder, Everett Trous dale and Clnudo Christiansen. lldjN tint IIOKtH, Last Monday afternoon (llllnrd Con. over and Ilagan Mnoro woro tho hosts' for it party given at tho homo of Dr. and Mm. A. 0, Mnoro from three to five Por Ulllard Conaur It was it colouration of his eighth birthday, whllo for Ilagnn Mooru it was tho promised rownrd for being "gamo" whllo undergoing tha Pastour treat ment following his being bitten by a mad dog sovernl wcoks ugo. (lames woro played and refreshments served. Seventeen boys' nud girls gatheied round tho birthday caku which was 1111 Important part of tho menu, .Missouri (iuoMN Eiiteitnliieil. Mr. and Mrs. II. It. Douglas en tertained at their homo on Morlltt strcot last Priday ovenlng In honor of tholr liousu guests, Mr. and Mis. P. I.. Conrad, of Moberly, Missouri. All of tho guests wero formerly iom Idents of olllier Missouri or Mluuo hoIu and argued tho merits' of their "old homo states" beforo playing GOO. Tho gnosis were: Messrs. and Mosdamort P. U. Conrad, P. J. (lull nghor, 0. K. Aiken, and Momtrs. 8. M. Iloucher and M. D. Thomas. Ite froshmonts woro mirved Constipation upsets' tho entire sys tem causing serious illness to tho human family. Don't worry Mollis tor's Itocky Mountain Ten will drive out constipation, regulntu tho bowels, tnuuttho stomach, purify, obmuso Without fall glva it 11 thoro trial :i5e Tho Ik'nl Pli) sic Wliou you want n pleasant plijslo try Chnmborlalu'H Tablets. Thy nro easy to tako and mild and gentle In offoct. Thoy nro highly priced by people who hnvo becomo nciiualutod with tholr good qualities. Thoy only cost n quartor. KOH SALE CHICKEN COOP AND chlokon yard. Mrs. J. Printing 73 :i8-:t'J 4piSP &i aff-ijoar-'counct soft drink X MjfibV Retailers and consumers are not required to qjKwgC irpwy Pay nny U. S. Revenue Tax on Bevo, as vMt ffPln Anheuser-Busch pays all revenue taxes jgaFli iK thereon direct to the Government. wmf'