TI1E ONTARIO AUG US, ONTARIO, OREGON, TUURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1910 rzrrT-T-i Fair Board Activities mgni ine inseeis vyalii Proper Germicides nv u. iiicsiiii: itonv 3k7ec6 You rniiiuit nirord (it let (tie ln.ctn, mid oiiciiiIim nr tlio kiiii1'!i pitti-li, jour berry IiuhIiih or jour lliittrr guidons ilcMiny jour labor, or I In) tioiiutloM of jour homo. If jou ums tho Ocriiilrldo itiul Ponders n mII. They lire rlonllll rally prepared for (lie mperlllo purpose of iIpMiojIiik t-t . Wo lime HprnjH, too. Let Us Tell You About Them 0. G. Luehrs Drug Store Prescription Specialists Ontario, .... nrejpon IIONTON (,'AI'K Now open for business WKI.Ii COOKKl) FOOD (1001) ftltllVU'K FAMILY PATItONAOK 80MCITKD. OpHii- 0:30 h. in. to 12 p. in. Ontario, Ortigon ONTA1MO laiKSDllV DOWNTOWN Ol'I'lt'K HANlTAItY ItAltllKIt SHOP . ! I'. II III TT I NO II AM t'rm-lc Trnnnfcr IMiomo 157 M Ht. W. 0. HOWH DNNTIHT Tel, I IT Ontario, Or. PIlAKWHlt, ItAOOAtlK AND RX Pit KM JOHN I.AND1NUIIAM SAVIS TKOUKLK ItmicherH who have mnohlnttry must koup tliotii In rHimlr VK FIX OAHOIiINK KNUINItH lltllKJATINd PUMPS AlrTOMOIIII.KH All Kindt .Mm-lilnory Wo speululUe on Pumps nml OnsoIIiio ICiiKltien. Our Prleoi Aro IIIkIiI. MARSDEN MACHINE SHOP DR. A. R.ROBERTS Dontist llolvwcii Oiitiirlo Pharmacy mid lli'pol. Phono 52 DItS. WKESE & FOltTNHR 0FFICI5 II0UI18: 0 to 12 mid 2 to G Offlco over First National Hunk. I'elopliono No. 33 J. Ontario, Ore. The E. B. CONKLIN LAND COMPANY Alfalfa Lauds, l'lirm llomoif, Dairy Cows, nt tlm , GRANGE HALL I ml. 8. W. OnUrlo Phono 100-KS CO.M.Mt'NITV I4.VIIII1ITM SIIAI'INO UP Hoports coming from various com mutiltls In tlio County nro to tho of foci Hint tlioro will lie a groat deal of good imturcd rivalry In tho com munity exhibits this year. All of the progressive communities In tho Conn ty nro coming through with n fine collwtlon of oxhlhlu. Thin feature of tho hIiow Id vory attractive mid of tiiiuch vnhto to tho various conitnuultlort of tlio Count)', tmrtlculnrly nt this tlmo when there tire no ninny strangers In tho County selling to buy homo, mid who will iiRturnlly he attracted to tho commu nity thnt putH on n good oxhllilt nt tho Fair. Then, too, mi oxhllilt will ho Bent from thin l'n I r to tlio Htnto I'tr whoro It will bo mIiowii and tlio Ore Hon Htnto Chamber of Commorco will then tnlto It and placo It on exhlbl linn In tho Oregon Untitling In Port IhiiiI, whoro It wll bo witnessed b a gront tunny thousand peoplo ovcry year, It In vory urgout thnt wo linvo u good oxhllilt HiIh your to go to tho Statu Fair, hecnuso tlioro nro so many people nttturMly coming to Hautorn OreRon Htrarted by tho dovolopmont work being dono on tho WnrniBprlngs Irrigation project, that It w'.ll bo of grtwU ndvmilnge If wo could 'hnvo thU added advertisement In tho Stuto ISxhlblt liiilldlug lit I'ortlnuil. Mtoniotk Kxlilldt Kiiroimigcd. Rtookmon who oxhllilt nt tlio Mul littur County Fair this your wilt bo PIhmmiI to note that everything pos sible li being done to mitko tho Fair ground Httnioilvo mid conveiilout. The outtlo Imrim have till been rono' vnted mid (he Inside will bo whlto wkmIiwI, tliun nhowliig tho cnttlo up to much grenter mlvuiitiigo. Adill IIoiirI wittering trough will bo put In nt convenient plucim, Tho dlreotorn are now working on the phut of building u njnitll hIiow ring with olevatod mouIm, ho Hint tho parties dcMrlng to wltncsn tho hIkiw Ing of tho flno stock mid hear the Jtidgca' statomontR regarding tho prlzo winners, will hnvo no difficulty In doing so. This will also attract ninny moro people to tho Judging. Tho Corn Products nnd Itoflnlng company of Now York has rwiorvoil n placo In tho Exhibition Halt to ills play by-proihtcti) of corn. A pnrty of llvu wires, headed by Al. Chance nnd Frank Itadcr, visited N'yssa mid tho Dig llcnd country by auto Tuesday, nnd lined up nulla n number of u'.nglo farm exhibits. o Tho I'nlr Hoard decided to hnvo tho Kxhlblt Hall whitewashed from top to bottom, which will not only glvo n cleaner nppenrnnco, but will aid In giving moro nnd better light. Prosldcnt Tunny advises that, dur ing tho past wook, ho was successful In lining up qulto a number of cnttlo nnd grain exhibits. Among tho ex hibitors being Nl S. Fclthouso of Now Plymouth. Mr. 1'oltliouso has exhibited nt tho County Fairs before nml has always captured qulto a iiuin lior of prlzos, mid this year ho Iiiih promlKod to show rcglstorod Short' horn cnttlo, Hmnpshlro rheop nnd Standard bred horses. Wo nro ndvlBcd by a. W. Demi, Muster of tho Ornngo, that n cunt inlttco of fnrmors In tho lloulovard district has been uppolntcd to gnthor a community Uleplny. Mr. l)oun also lolls us that 1i!m iiolghhors oxpect to clean up tho prlzo nt tlio County Fair. Wo nro glad to hear this good tiows, but from reports rocolvod from other districts, tlioro Is going to bo lots of competition, nml It will not bo known until after tho Judging has taken placo which Is tlio host com niiintty. Wo nro expecting big things from tho lloulovard this year mid know tho farmers will keep up their end. Commercial Club Activities V. MCSI.I1J,1J0DY, Secretary MMAMAMMMMVM THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Motor Company have atructud us to sell tho jronuiiH' Ford irts to any and overy reliable Garage lo will pledge their use in the repair Ford ears. The genuine Ford Parts e absolutely necessary to the owner rviee ironi'liis ear. We carry them d so, we hope, in a short time will cry reliable Garage. We solicit your rviee business because we have the ml .Mechanics and the Ford prices, eidentally would be glad to get your der for tine or more Ford cars. FORD GARAGE V. II. STAPI.KS, MANAOKIt ONTAHIO, OltKCON. inmcmUKwrann LooK for. the sign t The Red Crown sign signals satisfaction. It stands for straight-distilled, nil-refinery gasoline high quality every drop! Look for the Kcd Crown sign before you fill STANDARD Olt. COUTANV (CllUOIBItJ esa jl V. II. (I renin of tho Oregon Jourii hI, of Purtlmid, was a visitor In town tills wook looking over tho Mold to Inerwun his niilnMirlburn. Mr. Omnia Ium ttppolutod W. F. I Ionian as cor respondent to tlio Journal, and a a sures the Commorclnl club that tho ei:tor of this paper would ho only MmSsmtm 18 cents a package Camel aro oW every' wlierelHeinUHeaHyeled paekag uf 30 04 frellet or feitiaaJU4M(30OciiraH) in a eUMtne-papr-Ofivered tartan. We mlrotily reeoni mtuMl Mi earton for the livme ar offieo aupply or wbenyu travel. It. J. Reynold Tobacco Co, Wlniton-Satcm, N. C. V' CAMELS are in n class by themselves easily the most refreshing, the most likable cigarette you ever smoked. You can provo that! Simply compare Camels puff-by-puff with any cigarette in the world at any price I Put quality, flavor and cigarette satis faction to tho utmost testl Mode to meet your taste, Cnmob never tiro It, no matter how liberally you smoke them I The exiwrt blend of choice Turkish nnd choice Domeatic tobaccos makes Camels delightful so full bodiud, yet so fascinatingly smooth and mellow-mild. Every time you light one you Ret new and keener enjoyment ! . 1'riMKlom from any unpleasant cigaretty after taste or any unpleasant cigretty odor makes Camels as unusual as they are enjoyable. In fact, Cmols appeal to the most fastidious smoker in so many new ways you never will miss the absence of coupons, premiums or gifts. You'll prefer Camel Quality I too glad to publish any mid all noww Items soul In. It Is vory posslblo that, Immediately after tho Fair, n npoclnl supplement will bo Issued dodllng oxcluslvcly with Ontario mid Kimterii Oregon development. This '. tho class of advertising that pays. 0. W. Dean of tho lloulovard Is now n member of tho Commorclnl club, having signed up on Monday. Mr. Den 11 Is nlrendy an enthusiastic worker for the club and has promlsod to Interest n number of his neighbors. Tho club has taken up the matter of getting hotter recognition In tlio IIoUo papers. News Items, from tlmo to tlmo, linvo bcon sent In, and for somo season or otho.', wero not prlntod; mid tho assistance of tho Ilnlso Chamber of Commorco has been solicited In an endonvor to hnvo somo mention mado In tho two llolso pa pers of somo of the Improvements taking placo In Ontario, gi Quality O. II. TJC8T, Bpechil Agent Standard Oil Company, Ontario, Oregon. STATU CIIAMIIKU CIIVIIS ewyiiui: i:ndohsi:.mhnt (Continued From Page 1) preliminary campaign to secure funds. Tolls AlHIIIt ItCMlllltloll. "At first tlioro wits a disposition not to endorse nny irrigation proj oct," said Mr. Wackuby, "and nn ef fort was mado to sldo track the res olution to tho Irrigation committee. Thoso opposed endorsement took the position that tho stato chamber should consldor all of tho fcaslblo projects mid endorse them In a body nnd leavo tho selection to tho federal authorities, where of course, It will ultimately rost. "I opposed this plan and urged that deflnlto projects bo solocted so that tho fedoral authorities would know what we want. In this I was supported by C. C. Chapman of the Oregou Voter, Kmory Olmstead uud othor Portland 111911, and thru their co-operation tho resolution was fi nally adopted. "Tho work done for tho Owyhee, since It is tho first project endorsed, should bo of material benefit, and It shows, too, that tlio people over there aro Interested In tliO'dovelopment of Irrigation projects on this side of the mountains," Mr, Dlackaby reached homo yes terday morning. Automobile Tops Repairing and Painting are our specialties. Now is the time to have your enr made to look like new. Bring it in and we will do the rest. Oldest Garage in Malheur County Seguine Auto Co., Ontario, Oregon SAVE YOUR MONEY by Building a Home II. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR W. B. WILSON, Secretary of Labor. Van Petten Lumber Co. Mrs. C. E. Ulngham,, Mrs. C. A. Keefe and Mrs. 0. E, Secoy spent Saturday In Caldwell, J. P. Negus of Sioux City, Iowa, visited a few days with 0. H. Ding ham and family. !J