2ttttt& tttot0 .! ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, TIIUKSIJAY, AUGUST 7, 1910 no. no xxm W 7 -; iM .-J' 5 Nl a ' i SIDE STREETS WILL BE GIVEN ATTENTION C1TIZRNH PKOPOHR T) COUNCIL THAT IT AllltANdR TO HAVR OHAVKIj AM) OILRD MATRHN A'Ij fltOM HUHINRHS MIC TION placrd klhi' wiikui: WOULD IMPROVE THUS Htiort Lino KtiKlnecr Ask Council to Amend 1'nvliiK DMrlrt nnd Hiilimlt Specifications for CroisliiK Nn (Jiiuruiii 1 Present for Meeting, Altho tlioro was no quorum prosont, nnd therefore no doflnlto action tn kon, tliu City Council hold n session Monday ovonlng. Only tlirco mam bem: Councilman Troxoll, Mooro and Allon woro present; Mayor Jones, Councilman Cockrum, McDowell and Laxson doing nbsont. Tliu principal mattur discussed wns Hint brot to tho attention of tliu Coutu ell by W. R. Loos nnd II. C. Hoyor. Thoy naked tlio Council to arrange for tho Improvement of Hide streets and HtrcotH lending to tJio liu-lneM Boctlon, which Ih to bo paved, by taking tho oiled grnvol from tho sur fuco of tho bunlnuiM district ' nnd nproadhiK It on thuso sldo streets. Thoy declared that many or tho business blocks Imvo sovornl Inches of gravel which linn boon placod tlioro during a porlod of years nnd thai this In oxcollont material for tho Improve mont of aldo atreotB. Since moat of thin will liavo to bo moved thoy hub gostod that tho council arrange with tho Warren Construction company to haul thin material to tho doslgnntod HtrootH and that then, al but n small cost, tlio city could Improvo many HtrootH whloh now nro nlmoit Imuniuf nblo on account of land and chuck holes. W. f. Ilomnn, Commlsslanor ap pointed to appraise tho bottormonts to tho property within tho paving dis trict declared that In his opinion tho gravel that is to bo moved will bo HtilTlcloiit to gravel at least 40 blocks according to tho specifications on tlio for gravelled atreets, Tlieso specifi cations call-for cruvcl 10 font wldo and four Inches doop, whllo on sovornl of tliu streets to bo pavod tho gravel Ih now 10 or 12 Inches deep for tho full width of tho. streot, S2 feet. T. II. Mooro said that whllo this would inako u material Improvement now that ho had hoped that no Im provements bo mado on Illchardson utroot, Virtue, Moflltt nnd King streets no that in a short time they Mould bo (Continued on Page 8) II TO P. L S. Motion Diminished Without Prejudice by I'Vderul Judge und Injunction Suit in Stute Court Will Proceed. federal Judge Dean, at Portland dismissed the motion of the P. U, S. company asking for an Injunction against the directors of the Warm- springs Irrigation District to prevent them proceeding with the building of tho dam at Illversldo which will con vert a P. I-. 8. ranch Into the reser voir of the Warmsprlngs systom. The action was dismissed after witnesses for both the company and tho district wero heard and now the District will proceed with its con demnation suit in the State courts. Among the witnesses who went to Portland were: Ilex Marquis, George McLaughlin, M. Q. Hopo, Oeorge Hus sell, officers of the district, Engineers Wiley, Carrlllo, Lewis and Smith who are In charge of the work. Most of tho witnesses returned Wednesday and Thursday. As the result of the dismissal of the motion work will proceed and the dam will be finished asplanned, in October. President W. P. Davidson of tho Oregon-Western Colonization compa ny arrived Tn the city yesterday. He is at the Moore. LOOAIi I'lll.M HUCCRHHfUL IN IIIHDINO I'OU 111(1 CONTRACTS During tho past wcok tho U. 8. Manufacturing company of this city was tho successful blddor In pract'- cnlly all of tho big contracts awarded In this section, for plumbing nnd heating plants. Tho company was awarded tho contract for tho heating plant of tho now school building at Huntington; It also was tho lowest blddor for tho heating plant of tho 1'nyotto school building nnd likewise nt WolBor, tho In tho latter case nil o ftho bids' wero rojected becnuso tho bonds Issued woro not sufficient to complcto tho work. Tho company Is now engaged In finishing tho con tract for tho heating plant of tho Mercy hospital at Nampa. Tho com pany also secured tho contract for tho boating nnd plumbing of n hnndBomo now reslilcnco for ono of Nnmpn's hanker citizens. E WANTED BY CITIZENS Koho (Jul ling" Nulwiure, nnd to Condemn Unsightly llulldlng Along Allejw In tlio IliiNlnriKt DIMrlrt. Something must bo dono to solvo tho gurbago problem In Ontario. That was tho unanimous ntlment of tho momburs of tho Commercial club as oxprumtod ut tho meeting last night following tho luncheon. A commlttco conslHtlng of 0. K. Aiken, R. W. How land nnd J. T. McN'ulty wits named to placo this matter before tliu City Council. Llkowlso tho club mombors want tho city fathom to condomn und com pel tliu removal of tho uuolghtly buildings Hint drnpo tho alloys of tho business district. II. II. Tunny was liiHtructod to toll tho Council what tho club thinks of present conditions In this respect. Whllo tlio city Is ongaglng In nn nttompt to maku n more pleasing np pourujico, R. 1). Conklln suggested that nn order bo Issued to Imvo nil tulegruph and tolophono poles palntol white, or some other color. Tlioro was n lengthy discussion of tho garbngo question for It Is recog nized that to solvo it tho City Council must first secure n dumping ground and that so far none has boon 'found. Ilowovor tli9 club voiced tho belief that a contlnuod campaign to got Individual as well ns community no tion in this matter must bo carried on. W. J. Plnnoy callod attention to tho mooting of tho Western States Irrigation congress at Salt Luko In the near futuro and urged tho club to send representatives' to that guth orlng. He said that Mainour Develop ment League will tueot in Nyssa soon and llkowlso urged a largo attend- anco from Ontario. HOLD lllllTIIDAV PARTY initio Miss Jean Aiken celebrated hor Blxth birthday on Tuesday after noon of this week with n lawn party at tho homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Q. K. Alkon. Klovon little play- mates of the neighborhood gathered to aid In tho festivities. Games wore played and stories told, and these wero followed by refreshments. PEACH?f I M,V.TPICKLES - X .: ?t--: NOW SOU - S pS? CHltfJReN CLEAR v i MRMI1RHH Of Clll'llCII CONSIDRU PROPOSAL fltOM CR.VIRNAHV committrr to rhrct nru kdii-ici: worth ' sao.tmn ON HITI1 TO lit: .SRLRllf I) FINAL DECISION NOT GIVEN Huncy of Field will bo Made llcftitv DctnlN of Campaign mil Im Worked Out Church Itonnl Would Mate i fully AkkIkI In Dcfrn)liii Rvkiim'i.. To build or not to build, that I'l tho nunsllon that Is agitating th? minds of (he mombors of tho Ontario Meth odist Kplscopal church. At n bunquot of tho mou of the church hold In tho church parlurs Ins. Thursday avonlng this quostluu was brought to a focus and discussed nt length, tho np decision was roachod. Tho prlnclpnl spoaker nt tho li.in- quot was Itov. James C. Krwln, of Now York City, representing tho Hoard of Home Missions of tho churclu and tho church Rxtcuslon Society At tho presont tlmo ho is doing spec lal work for tho Contonary board thru whoso nctlvlttcw tho church raised a fund of ono hundred nnd thirty million dollars. Thru Itov. Krwln tho board offered to glvo to tho local church $8,000 to ward tho building of u now church, this offer was contingent however on tho local church raising sufficient funds to oroct n sultnblo building, not for church purposes onlv, but for community and Institutional work. Whllo tho men nt tho banquet last Thursday did voto to nsk Itov. Krwln to roturu for n uorlcs of addresses hero during noxt wcok. Ills first ad dress will bo dollvored on Sunday, August 10) nnd ho will continue to dollvor a sorlos of talks ovory even lug of tho wcok. ALL QUIET ON OWYHEE DITCH DURING WEEK Water Head Now Practically III Per Out Normal IKU luetics of Wnlcr .Unliable for 10,000 Acres of IjiikI Ilotwoon tho pumping plant and tho gravity Intake of tho Owyhee Ditch there aro 4104 Inches of water avail nblo for tho 10,000 ncrcs of laud taking water this summer. This head of water which Is being divided under the direction of the State Water Master, by A. I 8proule. deputy In charge of tho Owyhee Ditch, and as tho result of ono pros ocutton for violating the regulations there has beon no further trouble during the week. At a, meeting of the board of direct ors last Saturday it was expected that a numbor of protests would bo filed but none of the ranchers appeared and only routine buslnoss was transacted, WILL BE ORGANIZED OPPOUTI'NITV WIMi MR UIVRN ONTAItlANS TO OWN HOMKH OK TIIRIIt OWN ( PIT, 1,1. ZATION Ol' COMPANV WIM. Hi: $10,00" REVOLVING FDNDTO BE RAISED Committee Will Solicit Knli-t rlptloiin " to Copltiil .Stock nt Onto mi That Work on New IIoiik'm May Stmt In Very Nonr future. With n capitalization of 110,000 nn Ontnrlo Home I) tlldlng company wilt bo organized nt once. A. I. Cookrum, W. !'. He inn, I). M. Tng-ri gnrt nnd R. C. Vnnf otton, tlio coin mlttuo appointed hj 'resident Wood nt tho Commercial ub to Invostl gnto tho situation - ortml Its plan to tho club nt tho t dug Inst night nnd It was unnnlmn ly adopted nnd tho commlttco CO' nued with In structions to proccca to form tho rnm- pnny. According to tho plan outlined h Mossrs. Cockrum and Unman of tlio committee, tho company can ndnpt Movornl different muthods of financing Its opornt'ons. It can procswl to building operations according to plans submitted by n prospuctlvo own or, or plans ndoptod by tho directors, nnd nftur n houso In built can place a mortgagu on tho building with lo cal pcoplo or with Home oulsldo flnau clnl Institution. In any ocnt tho purchaser of the homo will bo nblo to llnnnro his homo with n relatively small Initial pay mont. Secretary I I.ohIIo Ilody of tlio club reported that already ho had boon authorized to outer subscrlp lions for nearly $1,000 of tho capital stock. SCHOOLS WILL HAVE NEW SUPERINTENDENT lloanl IIiiIiik UecclM'd Mini) Appll nilloiiH Will HelniKO Siipeilnten. dent II. II. Dougliiks to State UnUci-xlly. When tho School Hoard first re ceived Supt. II. It. Douglas' resig nation It sent ailvlsc-H forth to ninny educational Institutions roquMtlng Information concerning possible up pllratants. When a rush did not re sult tho board considered declining Mr. Douglass' request. Then appli cations began to arrive. That changed tho aspect of tho caso. Theroforo on the return of Mr nnd Mrs, Douglass from Illuo Motui tuln Springs tho hoard with IiIh as sistance began to canvass tho sit uation nnd has now nurrowod the field to two or throo likely candi dates, and when negotiations clow Mr. Douglass will bo rulloed so that ho can Join tho faculty of tho Stato Unlvorslty to which ho has been olected to full professorship. TllltRII PltOVINCKS Of CANADA VIHITRI) IIV ONTAItIO PAUTV Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Drown and fam ily are bnck in Ontario nflur nn ox tcudod nuto trip thru Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho mid Montnun, and three provlncoH of tho Dominion of Cnnadn, Ilrltlsh Columbia, Alberto nnd Sns katohownn. Thoy visited nil tho grunt scenic resorts of tho Cnnndlnn Itocklctt, such ns Ihtnff, nnd l.nkc Louisa nnd tho Arrow Head l.nkc region, To mnko this trip by nuto thoy woro compelled each tlmo In goln? fiom ono part of Caunda to another to roturu to tho U. S. A. nnd cross Washington, Northern Idaho or Mon tana. On tholr return thoy visited tho ninclcr Nntlonnl park nnd tho Yollowstono. Thoy reached Ontnrlo Inst Saturday, E FOR THRIFTY YOUTH erfeclly HurnilcnN Now That War Is Our TIicm) Death DcnlliiK In-tni- meiitfi Can Iiiilly bo Won Win. uet-N Miixt Work nnd Sine. A roal, practical memento of tho gront war, ono that will last u life time, and more, has bocn placed by tho Treasury Department, through tho Oregon Wnr Savings Stamp or- ganlzntlon, within tho reach of uvury boy und girl In tho stato. This memento Is. nothing lotss than u roal bomb, or hnnd-gronndo, made originally for use by American dough boys In their light for right nnd tliu liberty of tho world, fortunately sumo 1C, 000,000 uf those grenades woro nut needed, Tho armistice was slguod before they had been sent over nous, but Undo Sam, n thrifty perron himself, doesn't want tliu labor nnd material used In making these bombs to bo wasted, so ho Is turning thoni Into little banks, und him u plan whereby uvury American boy und girl may oaru ono. This plan, as outlin ed by Mrs. A. It. Iiuioh, Associate Statu Director of the War Savings Stamp work, Prmldos that u grenade shall ho awarded to ovory school pu pil, 10 jearu old or younger, who, ut tho opening of school In Soptumbor. can exhibit to his teacher ono Wnr Savings Stamp purchased with money earned by him during wtwttlou, und who tukos with his stamp u stor showing how tho money for tliu Stump was ourncd, boys and slrls, over 10 yours old, will bo presented ;i hand grenade bank, If they exhibit two War Savings Stamps, bought with money uuruod during vacation, and also huvo n llttlo story showing how thoy ourncd monoy. Thoso grenade, of course, will ho perfectly harmless, Tho deadly ox plosives they would huvo carried on tholr way to tho llun hao boon ro moved, so that tho shell ulouo re mains, mid In each grenade a slot largo enough to reeelvo u dlmu has beon cut. Thus, the grunudu become u nifty, strong, llttlo uuvlugs bank. Tho (Jovornmcnt realize that sparo dimes placed In thoso greuadu bunks will mnko thorn Just as deadly to wasto and extravagance as thoy would Imvo boon to tho enemy, had thoy boon hurled Into tho (lorinan trench os., In battle. That Is tho object of tho offor mado by Undo Sam to girls and boys. Ho wants them to realize that thrift and Having is a Urtuo that is essential to tho best citizenship. following aro some suggestion as to how boys muy earn monoy du ring vacation; Carrying a newspa per routo; fruit picking and harvest ing; helping in the stores; offlco boy work; grass cutting und dolltorlng milk, (ilrls may earn spare money by caring for babies; making fancy work; washing dishes; cleaning, and also by working in tho harvest fields, If thoy aro strong and healthy glrlt War S.ivlngs Stumps headquarters has udvlHod all County School Supar lutondonts, City Superintendents uud Itural School Supervisors of the hand grcnudo plan, and it Ih expected that Oregon children will go "over tho top" and call for thousands of the banks whon school opens in Septem ber. There will bo enough for nil, too. Though tho fourth of July cross stato ulrplauo flight In tho luturost or tho War Savings Stamp campaign hud to be postponed owlnf, to damago to tho airplane In making a landing at Dallas, the plan has not been aban doned, and the flight will probably bo mado later In tho summer.. IRRIGATION TREBLES VALUE OF BIG RANCH TltANHfRIt Of Old) 1HIOSNAN 11ANCII ON W1M.OW CHRRK AIIOVR VAIill SHOWS WHAT WAHMHPUINOH IltltlOA- TION DIHTIUOT MRANH TO COUNTY PROPERTY JUMPS 18 TOLD Ti cnty Yearn ago Itnncli Sold for !jtl,nooi Vo Ymim ngo wi Trnnn fcrrel nt JJ7,000Now Under Wnnu nprliig, Sells for -0Oo. Another proof, If proof woro need- cd, to show conclusively tho Immense valuo of irrigation, was given thM wcok In tho recording of tho snlo of tho old Tom llrominn ranch on Wil low Crock, thrco miles nbovo Vtflu, which whs bought by John Vines for 120,000. Twonty years ago, Just before Tom llrosnan, undo of T. J. llromian of Ontario, died, ho sold this 320 acres to n man ntimod Rdwurds for Just 11,500, or less than 5 per aero. Two yonm ago when tho Rdwards estate was sottled up this ranch was sdld for 17,000. It was then, as It In now, pnrtlally developed. Hut rlnco then tho Wnrinnprlngs Irrigation district bonds huvo boon sold nnd tho work on tho systom bo far progressed Hint water for nil tho land under tho system is nssurod for noxt yonr, and that tolls tho story, for with n full wutor right John Vines, son of Coun ty Commlsslonor frank Vinos paid $20,000 for tho property UiIh weak. And this Is not nil. Most students or land values- In this section bollovo that Mr. Vinos socurod n roal bar gain, und that In reality the laud Is worth $100 por ncro In tho rough. FIREMEN CELEBRATE RETURN OF COMRADE Wllmer lloer U Honored (JucM nt Department feed Staged Tuesday l.'wnliix at City llnll He. CoiiiiIh Hxperlenre. Tho ruckot at tho City Hall Tuos day evening was not duo to n special session of tho City Council or n noisy trial of sonio caso with lawyers fur nishing tho oxuberanco that perme ated that neighborhood. It was noth ing Ilka that, at all. Tho hilarity and nolso was tho ex pression of good tlmo which tho mem. hers of tho Ontario flro Depart mont woro having at tho big feed given In honor of Wllmer Hoyor who returned recently from tho A. R. f. Ilosldo tho big feed which J. II. Athortou, frank Urlttlugham and Louis Hurtlo had arranged for tho features ut the evening was tliu story of his oxporluncos abroad which Mr Hoyor told OREGON OIL FIELD IS LOCATED, CLAIM Spokuno Man Kjijh That 12 Ml!'" North of Jleulali He found State's True Oil Holt. Spokuno, Wash., July 31. SpeM uioiiH of fossils, oil shale, oil sand stono and pure asphalt, which 11, M. Phillips brought from Eastern Ore gon, uro In his possession at tho Lover hotel. Thoso, with tho seep ago and formation of tho country, couvlnco him that ho lias found tho truo oil belt of that state. He has Just returned from thero after locating 2880 acres for himself and so mo of tho business men of Spo kauo who aro associated with him. Ho expects to return next week, "This locality Is an anticline and, llko the districts of Pennsylvania, Is 40 miles from tho syncllne, where the natural gan has boen discovered, and I feel suro It Is the true location of the oil," said Mr, Phillips today "It Is about 12 miles north of Ilou lab on the old stuge lino between Vale and Durns, and about 45 miles by auto from Vale. It is In the north ern part of Malheur county.