r THE ONTAEIO AEGUS. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1919 6 AT DOUGLASS WILL STAY Superintendent of School WlthdrnMi It'lgmiUuu unit Wilt Again Head School HjMcin DccllnliiK t'ni- icnlty Professorship. Advlcoa woro rocolvod tliln week by tlio members of tlio Scliool Hoard Hint It. It. UourImw would withdraw Ills resignation nnd again bond tlio Ontnrlo school. Tills nctlon fol lowed coiiiinuiilciitlonM Bunt him by tlio board declaring Us donlro to re ject bin withdrawal on nucb Hhorl no tice nrlor to tbo opening of tlio hcIiooI cnr. Tlio position takon by tlio board u, tlmt with but n few weeks ro imilnlng be for u tbo opening of school that nil of tbo doslrablo mon for such n position woro tngngcd or tbo num ber fto limited tlmt tbo board would not bo In n position to Investigate tbo merlin of possible inudldatos. When this vlow of tbo Munition was presented to Mr. Douglass bo nt onco wroto Hint It tbo board took that position bo would withdraw bis res ignation, nnd did no In a later letter. Mr. nnd Mrs. Douglass ami family nro oxpocted homo today from Illuo Mountain Springs wlioro thoy bnvo boon spending a portion of tbo va cation season. .NOT KVKN A I'l'NCTt'ItB MAILS GKKAT TIlll' TO YKM-OWHTOXH IMIKAI) AXTHUAX MAKICS its Ari'iaitANci: hiihi: (Continued From I'ngo 1) I'lico of the illsoasn fame Inst Sntiir day wbon Mr, (Vano enmo to Ontario for modlcal attention. Dr. Whitney, whom bo consulted, diagnosed tlio caso us Anthrax end elicited tlio In formation that ono of Crnno'u cowk bad died tbo Tuosdny procoed'ng aftor a very pecullnr Illness that last ed but n four bourn, ('rami admitted, too, that ho him self bad held an nutopsy on tbo ani mal. In this ninnuor It Is bolloved ho contracted tlio dlsonso. Wbou Crnno'a condition becamo more sorlous on Monday bo waif taken to tbo Holy Itomiry Hospital whoro bo Is under going treatment and I believed to bu recovering. On Tuesday n'ght of this week an other of tbo cowh ou tlio Cranu ranch died and soon afterward u iIok. Dr. A. (1. Mooro was called for and ho confirmed tbo bollof of Dr. Whitney Hint tbo cattle died of Anthrax. TIiIh Is tlio first tlmo this dlseuso has been known In this soctlon nnd tho Rtnto ofTlelals bnvo been notified ho Hint steps en bo taken to prevent tho spread of the d'senso. Iteturnlng on tho samo nlr with which thoy stnrtcd from Ontnrlo ten days previously, Mr. nnd Mrs. K. A. Tracer roached Ontario laBt Friday evening from tbo Yellowstono Nat ional Park, tbo Twin Folia region nnd othor points of Interest In Southeast ern nnd Southern Idaho. "Not oven n puncture spoiled any part of tho trip," said Mr Franrr. "and wo enjoyed every mlnuto. Tho worst roads wo travelled on during tho entire trip was Hint between On tnrlo nnd Sytma. Of cotirso the going wns not nil smooth, but gen erally speaking the rondo woro flno. "Yos Indeed, the YollowHtono Is nil that It Ik, said to bo. Wo unjoyed ths park very much nnd saw nil tbo sights In tbo guide book. Tlmt part of Hip trip was very enjoyable. "Yet tbero was ono thing that Im pressed mo more than nny other, that was tho picture presented by tho Twin Falls region. Tho city Itself h beautiful inndo beautiful by tbo peo- ntn. Th nro tlin lawns nro all Itrcril, nnd woll kept, and there Is plenty ot' wator for tho shudo trees. Thoro nro no leaves falling In that section duo to lack of water, nnd water Is scarcer than It Is around hero. Tho first nnd Inst Impression ono has Is: 'what n difference to a town's npponmnco aro woll kept lawns and beautiful shade trcos.' ' lil.K8Si:i SACItAMEXT CI1UIIC1I llov. J. ll. Moloney, Pastor. During July nnd August: Sunday Masses nt 0:30 nnd 0 a. m No Sunday School. Special Doctrlnnt sermons every Sunday morning. Visitors respectfully Invited. Wear your old cloth Where? To tho Hard Timo Social given by tho Epworth Leaguo on tho M. B. Church lawn Friday, Aug. I Lots of Kat and Fun 8 p. m. CooIh tho ctomnch, wnshes out tho bowols, drives out Impurities, helps tho llvor It's Holllstor's Ilocky Mountain Tea. Tnko It onco-n-week during hot wonthor nnd soo bow hnppy nnd contonted you'll bo. 3Co Tea or Tablets. Ad v 7-10 AUG. 2 AM. 9 OWYHICH DITCH WATHIl 1KK1 I 'AYS NIJAT l'l.VH (Continued From I'ngo 1) Mr. nnd Mrs. Houry Miller with i numbor of their relative who nro on rnuto from lllnokfoot, Idaho, to Yak wnk tho guests of Mr. Miller's Min ima, Washington, aro In Ontario thin tor Mrs John Noeb FOIl BAM-KIIU1TI.AND FAHM. producing ICO tons nlfalfa hay; rents $1,000 ensh nnnually, good buildings, plenty cheap water for Irrigation. 1 170 por ncroj terms. Address 83-11 72nd St. 8. E., Port land, Orogon. CO 3G-40 Announcement Extraordinary A real Bonanza for nil those shoppers who know when they nre buying real quality nt low prices. August 2nd August 9th, only. Our buyer is leaving for the East to nuikc our Fall purchases nnd we must make room for the shipments that will come in next month. Por this reason wc offer you the items below as well as numerous others nt equally low prices. WANTED.. ..NIQHT MAN. ..FOUD Oarage. C7 35 divide tbo water by tbo agency of tho Blato Water Manlor Is tbo report Tho fact that thoro has not licen n lust division of tho company's wntur Is patent, declare the rancborrf on this i end of tho' canal. Thoy point to Hie fact Hint wbllo tbo ranchers on tho. lowor anil nro harvesting normal sec ond crops, on this end tho crops will bo vastly below normal. As tbo result of tho water shorlngo on tho Owvhoo this year many of tho stockholders nro arguing that tho principal troutilo is uuo to hick oi mnnngoment, and aro urging tho elec tion of a general malinger for thoj system. It Is their argument Hint ot neces sity tho bonrd ot directors can not loavo their ranches and look r.ftor tbo ninny Intorosta of tho company, nnd that Home ono effvlont mini should bo Bocurod. Thoy point to tho suc cess of tho Shoestring Ditch to huh tain tholr nrgumont nnd nro deter mined that n chango bo mndo In the Owyhee system, which thoy further say, Is tho most Important Institution In tho entire county. Efforts aro now being made U so- euro tho services of n gtuiornl malinger for noxt yoor. In the moan tlmo Mr. Sproulo Iiiih charge of tho wnter dls-j trlbutlon nnd ban omployed Engineer i Ivan E. Oakofl to mwiauro out tbo' wators ot tho canal. ii if 'n i.WlKJ I lUiUAWaUMIIMawaw MRN'S SUMMER UISDEIIWEAR Shirts and Drawers, priced at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.1)5 for this sale only 60c, 76c, 85c. Union Suits, priced at $1.75 and $2.00 for tins sale only $1.45, $1.76 SUMMER DRESSES Up to dnte models nnd excellent fabrics, priced from $-1.50 to $10.00 for this sale only $3.26, $7.50 Thrills lttco tho one pictured will mnho you oncer to oo every episode of AN OF IGHT White Skirts-Specially Pricecl-From $1.95 to $5.00 Summer Neckwear In Georgettes, Organ dies and other dainty mnterinls for this snle only, :)3 l-!l off regu lnr prices Men'sStrnw Hats Both dress nnd sun lints, nlso Panamas plenty of hot weather vet for this sale 20c to $1.00 Panamas $3.50 Millinery Ladies Summer lints nt Ridiculously low prices for this snle $1.25, $3.50 The M Vltnftniph Newest Serial Featuring WILLIAM DUNCAN Stipportal by an alhttar cat! inclaJinf Edilli Johnson & Joe Ryan DltKAMIiAND l'.cry Thursday Mens Coveralls Blue and Khaki-$3.50 and $3.75 Summer Dress Goods Another cut on Summer Dress Goods, Lawns, Swiss, Elaxons, Mulls nnd others 20c, 26c, 35c,50c Children's Hats Wash lints, Straw Hats, Sun Hats, Dress Hats all kinds for this sal" only 25c, 75c " " i i EXPERIENCE COUNTS IN PAINTING So Does The Material Used You would not hau the Interior ot your houiw painted by ono who had nover painted anything but u bam -would jouT Why then huvo your car palntod by ono who has iiivor had oxporlonoo In car rlngo ilnUh'.ngT I Into your Top rocovoicd nnd your ears rtttliilsli od nt tho nlilwt garage In Mnlhour Co. Wo uho Him hlghost prlco VnrnUh In tbo world. Yearn of ex porlonco has taught us bow to apply It. SEGUINE AUTO CO. .Jf In II L DEFEATING TIME Correct lubrication with Zerolene, scientific ally refined from select ed California crude oil, means longer life for your car. Gives better lubrication, least carbon deposit. Get a Correct Lubrication Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) l,tk ZX . . t SH? 7 foorj 1 1 B2Ma t. II. TKST, HpCtlal Agout Htniiil.ini Oil Company, Outailo, Oregon. Sun. ami Mmi. Aug. it Ai 1: D. w. oiiiKi'Trirs "Itouianro of Happy Valley." 1'ntlie News Tues., Aug. rtt TOM MIX In "Trent Mini Hough." MUTT .M JKI'l-' CMtTOONl "Mutt tho Mutt Tmtuor." WI., A"K. : COXSTAXCi: talmaei: In "A Talr of 811k Stockings" Patho Xohh Tliuri.., Aug. 7: MAIIi:i .VOIt.MAND lit Sis Hopkins." AUo Sirlitl '.MAN OP MIGHT" PH., Aug. Hi IHIVAXT WAHUIU'HX In "Willis In tlio Hist" Harold I.lo)d CihikhI) t But., Aug. 11 DOHOTHY DAIro.V In "Hartl llollcil." 1'onl Weekly lHm't forget I'attjH Coining next weet. 11 1 Field Fencing We have a good stock of this on hand and can save you some money. While the stock lasts we will maintain the old prices, and as the present market price is much higher we advise buying now for this fall's use. Let us quote you on your prospec tive needs. E. A. FRASER PHONES:-No. 144 and No. 5 e