t, vyrw-v. y-l".'rw.t, . rt, r ototw j.. r xxm ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY,. OREO ON, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1919 NO. 3.r) 0he argttft. u TELEPHONE COMPANY general manager fred it. jones lays cahk ok local system hefohe memiiers of commercial cluil following luncheon DECLARES RATES INADEQUATE Club Member Ask for Data for Fur thcr Consideration Gcncrnl Rise In Operating Cost Ilnsls of Request History of Company He view oil at Length. Frod II. Jones, general manager of tho Malheur Home Telephone com pnny, appeared before tho members of tho Commercial club last night to auk that tho club enter no object Ions to a request which tho coin puny Is to mnko for Increased rates In this territory. Mr. Jones declared that when a similar roquest hud been Hindu to tho Vulo Chamber of Commorco thnt body had dcclsrod Us willingness to stand for n rcasonablo Incronso, provided tho company's plan of ollmlnntlug tho manager's position at Vulo was not actod upon, Tho hlMtory of tho telephone bus iness lu Ontario and tho surrounding territory waif skotched by Mr. Jonos who declared that upon tho book vnt no of tho tolophoun system which Is placed at $90,000 no dividends had over been paid. In fact ha said that tho systom had novor mado deprecia tion charges. Frwi Kervlre Must Go. According to tho outlook at present thoro is every indication that tho practlco of giving freo toll scrvlcn to Frultland. and Nyssa. wllt'hnvo to bo ahaudonod, said Mr.. Jones, for tho compuny cau not stand It; also ho said that tho Public Service commiss ion would not npprovo such n prac tlco, especially between Ontario and Nyssa. Botwocn Ontario and Fruit land, that bo'ng an intor-stato con nection ho said tho stato authorities lackod Jurisdiction. Thoro will bo no chargu betwoon Frultland and Ontario however until thoro la a chargo between Frultland and Pay otto. Old Contract Kvfrrrtxl to. Mr, Jones roforrod to tho contract which was cntored Into betweon tho old Ontario Independent company and tho Malheur Home Tolophono company by which tho Indopondont systom was purchased. In this con tract certain things wero agreed to, including tho freo tolls to Nyssa and Frultland. It was Mr. Jones' conten tion that slnco tho Oregon Railroad commission as it was then callod was authorized prior to the making of that contract tho provisions regard ing rates Is Invalid and Illegal, Mr. Jones asked tho club members to Investigate the statements ho had mado concerning tho earnings of tho company its cost of operation and other data avallablo In tho offlco of Public Servlco comm'stflon at Salem. W. F. Homan and B. C. Van Pet ten questioned Mr. Jones concomlng numorous statements ho mado dur ing tho evening to bring out addi tional Information. Mr, Homan also told how tho salo of the Independent company was negotiated and tho un derstandings agreed to at that time. The club finally determined to sook Information from tho Public Service commission ami to study tho same and .havo Mr. Jones present at a meeting to bo held at an early date. PARADISE VALLEY MAKES A HIT WITH ONTA11IO LAWYE Hack from what he declares to be ono of tho finest trips he over made, J. W. McCulloch arrived homo Mon day after an extended stay in Port land and Tacoma, While In tho vi cinity of the City of Destiny, Mr. Mc Culloch, with Captain Robert Duncan, whom ho vlsltod at Camp Lewis mado the premier trip of the Sound region, up Mt. Tacoma to Paradise Valley. "I havo heard men tell about flow era blooming in the snow, but thot they wero drawing a long bow," said Mr. McCulloch, In tolling of the sights seen on tho big mountain, "but thero they wero in Paradise Valley, as beautiful as ono could picture. Next summer I want to take tho wholo family there to enjoy tho trip as I did." record mieaking price PAIR FOR 8MAL1, TllACT What is doclnrod to bo tho hlghbnt prlco paid for farm land In this section was report- ed thin week in tho salo of 1G ncroit In tho Ontario Advimco- ment tracts by John Dunphy to Hurbank Clay who camo lioro recently from tho Interior. Mr. Clay paid Mr. Dunphy $10,000 for thu 15 acres, or ICC0.00 por aero. Itoccntly other sales liavo been mado In tho neighborhood of $400 .or small pieces, whllo larger ranches ! avo been trniiH- forrod at $2G0 to $300, hut thoro ' havo been nono that approached tho prlco paid for tho Dunphy ranch. SALES SHOW THAT HAY PRICES ARE STRONGER Contractu Mado During the Week Vary from ijll.1 to $18 Per Ton, With MeiiMUviiiciitx From Kept. 1,1 to Xotoiubcr I. That hay prices nro holding their own this week is Indicated by tho reports of sales mado. In fact gen erally speaking tho prlco has shown rising toudoncios lu soctlons, whllo in some of tho other portions of tho valloy no chiingo has been noted, That tho samo buyers nro paying different rates Indicate that thoy aro taking tho hay at tho ranchers' tig uros, tho quality, too, Is being con sidered and soma of thu buyers nro Indicating that thoy wilt not pay ai much for fox-tall as they will for alfalfa. Tho highest prlco reported during tho woek was that paid for thu crop of the Nowmnn-Tost-arolg ranch near Nyuxa which sold Tuesday for $18 per ton. J. A. Hulcy wus tho pur chaser. Quality of hay and excep tional fcodlng facilities counted, It Is said In making this prlco. John Wood paid tho second high prlco, $10 for 400 tons, whllo nu morous sales at $1C wore recorded, among thorn being tho salo by J. L, Million of Luco station. Another foaturo of tho buying h that soveral of tho purchasos mado havo been by mon who coutomplato baling and shipping to othor soctlbns. This Is tho first ttmo In which such purchases havo boon made so early in tho soason. SEEK TO BTOP WOltK ON WARM8PHING8 HIiSEHVOlH Thru its nttornoy Edward Tread woll, tho Pacific Ltvo Stock company, owners of the Warmsprlngs Ilesorvolr slto havo fllod an action In tho federal court In Portland t enjoin tho Warm- springs Irrigation District from pro ceeding with work on tho Warm springs Dam. Tho ordor was mado roturnablo next Monday. In tho meantime- suit was filed hero In tho Circuit Court of Malheur county to condemn tho land by tho Hoard of Directors of the Warmsprlngs systom. Mr. Treadwell Is expected to arrivo In Ontario to morrow, when tho matter may bo ad- Justed so that work may proceed. THE L BREAK ALL RECORDS competitors at annual fair will receive rigger a- waiids than ever hefohe merchants committee gets results PORTLAND AND ADRIAN HELP Moro than $."MlO Worth of Merchan dise will Supplement CiinIi Prize Gltcn by Fair Hoard Wldo Va riety of Prizes Offered, Moro prizes and of greater vnluo havo been offered an special premiums for tho Tont.li Annual Mulhoiir Coun ty Fair, which takos plaro Huptombcr 0, 10, 11 and 12; than havo boon of fered at nny of Its predecessors, In all, moro than $S00 worth of imorchaudlso prizes will ntigniont to 'tho long list of Premiums given by 1 tho Fair Hoard. Theso special premiums worn so licltod by a commlttco consisting of I). M. Tnggart, O. II. Graham and H. W. llowland who mi,t with n gen erous response from tho luminous men of tho city. Then tho lllg Rend mer cantile company and tho Citizens Lumber company of Adriilu added prizes voluntarily, and thu Vognn Canity company of Portland contrib uted to tho list which Includes uvory firm in Ontario and many Individuals not engaged In business hut who nro boostors for ,Uio Fair. In tho premium hook this year tho special premiums nro nil listed by departments lit tho bank of thu book whoro contestants can find them read ily. With tho Increaso In cash prizes by tho board, together with tho vpoclnl promluniH nmplo Inducement Is of fered to ovoryono lu tho county to enter products for competition. In fact already thoro linvo boon many calls for premium hooks on tho part of men, women and children who nro planning on getting Into tho compe tition so that thoro scorns assurance that lively contosts will mark ovory department. DREAD ANTHRAX MAKES ITS APPEARANCE HERE Two Cows and Dojj Dlo on Dead Ox Flat Victims of Dlxeusc Itaucher Contracts Dlhensu but U Expected To llecovcr. Anthrax, ono of the most drcadod diseases which attacks cattlo has mado its appoaranco In Malheur coun ty during tho past wcok. Already It Is known to havo rosulted In tho death of two cows and a dog oil Dead Ox Flat, and to havo attack ono man, Pearl Crane a, rancher living flvo miles northwest of Ontario on tho Dead Ox Flat. Crane Is oxpectcd to recovor, howovor, Tho first knowledge of tho pros- (Continued on Page 8) ANNUAL ECLIPSE OWYHEE DITCH WATER HOG PAYS NEAT FINE COST HICK (JHOOT JCST IJUTI FOU RUNNING WATER ONE HOUR AFTER Hi: llltOKi: LOCK AND RAISED HEAR GATEJAIL SENTENCE SUSPENDED WATER MASTER HAKES ARREST Iir'llgimtloii Meetings on Upper Owy heo l'resago Interesting Session nl Director's Meeting Here on Satin'- day Hay Officials of tho Company. Tho first prosecution for violating tho regulations of Doputy Htnto Water Master, A. L. Sproulo, who now linn chargo of tho distribution of tho wator of tho Owyhca Ditch took plnco last Saturday at Vale. Dick Oroot, who fonts tho Mrs. Mlnnlo I). Steven ranch was taken before Justico of tho Poaco Itobort D. Lytlo and lined $3G and sentenced to 30 days In Jul), Tho Jail seutonco was suspended on drool's promise to obscrva tho laws in tho future Whllo tho monoy flno was small, hud Oroot succocdod lu taking all tho wator ho contomptatcd, yet It wns high for tho amount ho was able to steal, for ho hud opened tho hood gnto du ring Frlduy night, but had only been able to secure tho additional wntur for ouo hour. Ranchers RIm-iinn Hltiiatlon. According to reports that havo been coming to town during tho past wook thoro will bo a stormy session of tho board of directors of tho Owy- hco Ditch at tho regular monthly meeting here Saturday. Mootlngs havo boon hold, so It Is said, almost ovory night, by fanners living on the uppor end of tho ditch. What action tliooo men will tako it not known, but that they nro thoroly 0t of sympathy with tho attempt to (Continued on Page 8) OFFICERS ROUND-UP Carter Houso mid Fnrloy Rooms Raided nnd Proprietors TaW-n In to Tolls Ouo Man Caught Plead Guilty and Is Fined $2.10.00 For tho socond tlmo In tho past yoar tho Cartar Houso and tho Far ley Rooms woro vlsltod by officers. Tho latost visitation which took placo about 10 o'clock last night resulted In tho urrost at tho Cartor Houso of Sylva and nort Lewis, proprietors, and Henry Worth. At tho Farloy Rooms, Mrs. Mario Drlscoll, propri etress, was nrrostod. All woro chargod with soiling liquor. Immediate trial was had of Henry Worth boforo Judge C. M. Stearns who fined him $250 aftor ho onterod a plea of guilty. Tho othor defend ants determined to str.nd trial boforo a Jury. Their caeca wilt bo hoard tonight. The raid was mado by Marshal II. C. Farmer with tho assistance of some special deputies. HUH1NESS MEN URGED TO ATTEND IIOAHD .MEETING A special mooting of tho Fair Doard has boon called for noxt Tuesday ovonlng, at which It is desired that tho business men of Ontario bo prcsout In n body. Thorn will bo many Important questions up for consideration concomlng which tho board do- sires tho opinions of tho bust- nosii men. Among othor questions to bo discussed Is that of early clos- Ing of bUBiuoss houses during tho Fair, tho uniform system of decorations and other features that will add to tho appoaranco of tho city during tho stay of visitors hero, THIS WILL BE GOOD NEWS EOR THE KIDS Commercial Club Asks School Itonnl to DIniiiNn School During County Fair Touch' Xc-riml And Kids Want to Attend. Ily n unanimous voto tho members of tho Commercial club Wednesday ovonlng asked tho School Hoard to abandon Its plan of holding school during Fair wcok, and this should for all tlmo win tho undying gratitude of Juvoiillo Ontnrlo. It was not oven a closo voto. II. II. Tunny, president of tlio Fair Hoard called tho club's attention to tho rumor that tho Hoard of Educa tion Intended to keep school open dur ing tho Fair and oxplalnod tho ne cessity of having tho nsslstanco of tho tcachors who havo always cared for tho records during ovory Fnlr wook. Ho said that tho Fair could hardly run without them. P. J, Qall- uglier gavo volco to similar sontl- nionts. Judgo W. W. Wood, said that ho was tho mombor of tho school board who wanted school to run, but that ho was not hldo bound In his opinion and that if tho citizens gonornlly nnd tho club mombors wanted tho schools to closo during tho Fair ho would not object. Aftor E. C. Van Po'tten, and E. U. Conklln championed tho causo of tho boys and girls, and Incidentally tho Fair board, a motion passod unan imously requesting tho Hoard of Ed ucation to closo tho schools during th Fair. AUSTRALIAN TRAVELING MAN COMES TO AMERICA John Laird McDonald, Sydney, N. S. W. was tho way his name appeared on tho rogtstor at tho Mooro, Follow ing It appeared tho following signa ture: II. C. Retinor,' Auckland, Now Zealand. Tho travelers trim tho Antlpodos, It was learned, camo to America to soil their products. Mr McDonald al so stopped In Ontario on Ills way to Now York and thonco to Scotland, to look Into tho affairs of the estate of his brother who died hero last winter of tho flu. Whllo hero ho arranged for tho erection of a head stono ovor his brother's grave. Mr Rentier whom Mr. McDonald described qs an "orchardlst" is also tho inventor of a new gas carburetor which he Is taking to tho nutomobllo capital of the world, Detroit Mich, "I am wlll'ng to tell you," said Mr McDonald, "that I llko America. I like the people and am particularly Impressed by tho civility with which a stranger is received.. "Yes wo aro having some what tho same troubles In Australia that you are having hero In repatriating the re turned toldler. The cost of living Is lower with us than It la over horo.tho. We stilt have a largo-part of tho 1017 wheat crop as well as (ho 1918. Ills selling at $1.25 per hundred compar ed with $2.20 ovor here. Wo also havo a largo surplus of wool as well as cattle products which wo will ship to tho world markets now that wo can secure cargo space. "I havo como to America to sell you leather goods. I believe that I am tho first Australian traveling man to como horo to sell the product of an Australian factory." Mr. McDonald left Wednesday for New York. While he was In the city he spent a great deal of his time with JobnAVood for whom his brother bad worked before his death. EMPLOYEES SHAKE VKIINE CHAMHEHS HUCCEED.S FltANK 8TOWKLL AH SUPEHIN- TENDENT OF WATEH SYSTEM OA8IDAY TO HUN PUMPS AIONE CHANGEASKED IK PAVING PLANS Shortllno Wiintn Paving to Stop at Wcstrall on Colorado nnd nt Alley on Washington street Garbago Question Puzzle Repair Side walks. I With tho dismissal of Frank Sto woll as wator superintendent and tho appointment of Vorno Chambors as his successor, tho City Council at a mooting Tuesday ovonlng continued 1U shako-tip of employees In Its ef fort to trocuro greater offlcloncy. At tho snmo tlmo tho Council ac cepted tho proposition of Henry Cas iday to run tho pumps at tho plant nlono for $1C0 por month, tho no doflnlto tlmo limit, on this trrango mont was mado ponding action on tho plan to erocl a renldonco at tho pumping station for tho uso of tho pump man. Offers to run tho pump ing plant for $100 per month If giv en houso rent, heat nnd II3I1L havo boon rocolvod by tho Council and whllo considering It, tho prosont pro gram will bo followed. To lncroaso tho efficiency and re duco tho cost It lu proposod to In stall alarms to notify tho pump man when the tank on tho tower Is filled, and nlso whon tho power goes off. W.Hh theso nrrangomonttf mado it Is bollovcd that ono man can oporato thu pumps nnd filters without diffi culty. Kovcrnl Engineers Want Job. That tho city wilt havo no dif ficulty lu securing engineering ser vice was indlcatod by tho number of applications on tllo for tho position. A. O. Kratz, ono of tho assistant city onglnoerrt of Portland wan tho most favored ono on tho list, and Councilman II. ll,Cockrura who will bo In Portland this wook was instruct od to sco him and if satisfactory or rangomonts can bo mado to employ him. Railroad Wants Changes City Recordor C. M. Stearns re ported to tho Council that tho offi cials of tho Shortllao object to tho paving of tho right-of-way on Colo rado avenuo, slnco tho district moroly gooa to tho oast rail, nnd also objects to tho paving of Washington stroot from ilia alloy to tho frolght station. It Is their claim that Washington stroot from tho alloy to right-of-way was vacttod years ago nnd Is tho com pany's privato property. Tho company has no objoctlon to tho rest cf the paving program save on California ivtroot from the alley to tho riglit-of-wny, Tho Council Instructed tho Recorder to endeavor to compromise tho matter by with drawing tho paving between the tracks ou Colorado and on California from tho alley eastward, If In turn itlio company wilt pavo Washington street to tho freight station, and clean up the cinder pile on tho stub end of California, Instructions woro issued for the repair of a number of cross walks, and a general discussion of tho gar bage question was Indulged In. The street commissioner It was held need not collect tho waste paper from al leys in tho business district, and that the business men for the tlmo being at least must dispose of this trash themselves, MAKING A TWO-YEAH TRIP THRU ENTIRE NORTHWEST Out to see all the West, even if it takes two years to do It, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Boats and family of Dakota City, Nebraska, arrived recently at the homo of Mr, Doala' brother, P. M. Doals, of Dead Ox Flat where they will remain for several weeks. Thev came Just in tlmo to assist Mr. Doals harvest his second crop of hay. After spending some time hero Mr. and Mrs. Doals will drtvo on thru tho Northwest and later will go to Cal ifornia, When they havo finished their trip thoy may return to Nebras ka to reside, or having fallen in love with tho West thru their long sojourn they will return; perhaps to the Snako River valley. if -at-Tr-anew" "rssr