The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 24, 1919, Image 1

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&vfaxvi& ftttim
no. :m
MAYOR It W. Jni:s i I ixi.s
OMMOM at OOVXCtL mkkt-
tlty Attorney Aihlscs Council Tlml
Rnglncei at Most I III Vol lie
nor for More 'I Inn Reasonable
Vee for Work AlremR Perfnrniei'
Mayor It. W. Jones yesterday morn
In signed Hie contract with Mm War
mi Construction rompany for tlM
street pavliiK awarded that firm al
the meeting of the City Council loot
veek I(,,ri icninilves of the eon
trartora aro expected here this week
in contract for gravel nnd other inn
terlal no Hint ork can atari In a few
days, or tt .'ie outside within tun
Thla action whs not liken however
until after a Hioro discussion of lhe.onflng t0 Ir, w'llllamii which li Is
engineering i h atlon M fir as It ll f believed contracted I In a
volred the use of tho plans and spe right with tho flrat mud dog which
Ideations of lul C. Kelsey whos- ',ii,ad.
serv ces were dispense I with by Hi. ll Tlnl ther0 ,aV(, (e.n no ,!,,
.oiincll In n roooltJOM psised prior ( rMg d believed to be due to the
i the lion i diction j precautions taken by the city author
Wnr'eil Kiitim I re. It'.es enforcing an ordinance i iiili
Mr. Kelse lad ben anked by Ike.
hi' ncll to so unit his nll for services
endered to mite for UN paving, and
tno Council waa aatonitl ed to n
ceire from ' lm a sta'.emi nt claim n,
I n full five t,tr cent ' the paring
c rtract, or more than ; nOO. Tho
statement il i demand. ! lit hum
n ale payment of ono-tr id of thl
i mi unt l'e council promptly re
.iited hla bl In Into llld COUIUll
man Cockraiu and W. M Laxon
Informed Mm Ml "'tlscy 'vas wan
I a, outs de
Claim Held I sYWsMsM ile.
"Tho city, no doubt, will hare to
pay Mr. Kelsey something for the
plana and specifications he has
drawn." said City Attorney P. J
Gallagher, when asked for a legal
opinion by Mayor Jones; "but It Is
my op'nlon that It will not hare to
puy any such tlgure as he ask In
that bill.
"The city can proceed and use
theae specifications. They tre not
his property, after they were placed
on file and could be secured by any
one for the payment of the custo
mary fee. At tho outside the clt
would uot have to pay more than
one-thlrd. and with the offer that
tho city hr.s for rnglneerlug service
It would save money at that. Mr.
Kelsey Is trying to bluff the c ty, and
after ronaultatlon with other attor
neys my advice I to let him go to It
and sue the city If he wants to. We
have got to a point now where li 1
necessary to put the matter straight
up to hlhl
"I would make him an offer to
settle to avoid the iiocess ty of a suit
and If It Is possible settle with him.
but at no such figure as that which
he has sent In here "
In discussing term that might be i reeelred the offer of a place on the
offered Mr. Kelsey suggestion ran ' University faculty,
all the way from $60 to 600, vttk Mr i,,,,,!.,,. oame 1o Ontario in
Mayor Jones in favor of the .mailer July. 1117, from Perry, Mo, wh.i.
figure. It was died that Mr Kelsey he ,,ad beeu Uperinteiident of s. hool
offered the city plans and spec' flea for tiree years following a two yer
Hons for the water tem, luvolvlim ,erra M aUperlntenduut of schools at
far greater work for only $400 and Almo. Cuh, after his graduation
that was taken as a measure of what ! frow ,he diversity of Missouri
he might receive In this case. During the past year Mr Da ...
Following the action of the i'oui. completed his work for his mu-ier .
ell Mr Kelsey de. tared on the street degree In education following l I
that the city would pay him In full terms of summer school work at the
five per cent of the contract, appar- Missouri university The step he
ently Intimating that he 'ntended t
sue for that amount.
Wll.MF.H linv I K HACK
Wilmer who with Everett Staples
was the first Ontarlan to be cal'ed
to the colors 'n the great war is home
Staples who was a fellow member of
Co. I of the old Second Idaho
discharged from the service o few
weeks after the organize ion x
called, so that Sergeant Boyer, su
far hoe the longest record of any On-
tarlan In the great war Previou,
to that he aaw service on the border
during the Mexican trouble, thus hav- ,
ing spent practically three years .
wearing the kbakl. '
Id Rtl J I". MoQfOth, bishop r
tho diocese of linker City WOO In On
tnrio Monday mill Tuesday of lilt
""'' 'k. Ill1 iiiiiii' Muiidiiy evening aud
returned i linker' TOOOdOf evOOJOf
T'i. object of IIiIm the Blahop'i (IM
vIhIi to Ontario was to olTlr ate at
the professions of a InHH of winters
lit Hie Holy Rosary hospital Fol
lowing tho ceremonies Hie Hlshop whk
Hie guest of Rev. J. II. Moloney of
this city and Hcv. I' J Htnck of
Vale. Tim Rlshop plans on a more
formal visit to Hie members of th"
Ontario pnriitli In Hie near future.
Canine of City all Wearing Wire
Muzzles None of Victim of First I
Itnbltl Canine Develop lllm
I'r i . Minimis Prevent .Spread.
For the second time in three weeks
Ithe authorities wsre compelled to
dispose of a mad dog The latest
victim of the rabies was the dog be.
' l muizllng of all dogs Fred
llrlnnon was named tpeaHI officer
lo enforce this regulation and nl
ready a wholesale restraint litis been
put upon the activities of the city's
.mine population. Itaiicher com
ing to town, too, havo co-operated
by keep ng their dog tied, while
many have kept their dogs at home,
this and the demise of unlicensed ntnl
unmuzzled dogs has reduced the uum
ber of those animals materially.
II. It. IoiikIm-s Temlei-M Resignation
as Superintendent of Hi I I -
I I' i. 'I Professor of KecoodsWJ
I .In. nl Ion at I. of o.
II It. IX) ug lass who has beep au-
peilnieiid.-ni of the Ontario Publ I
School for the past two ears this
week tendered to the school hoard
"" "'"" ' - -
uiuieiy lie oiu hum so inai ne migni
accept an offer made him by the re
gents of the I'nlverslty of Oregon to
take professorship of ccondary ed
ucation and superintendent of the
teachers' training school st the uni
versity. Advice of Superintendent Douglass'
resignation came In a telegram to
President W. J. Weese of the hoard
Tueaday from lilue Mountain Springs
where Mr Douglass Is spending hla
vacation following a series of lecture
be delivered at the Culvers ty Summer
school It was while there that he
ha Just taken to enter active In
struction of prospective teacher i
one to which he has looked forward
to duiing Ills work as school admin
istrator During hi two year in Outario .
Mr. Douglaas has made a number ,
of Innovations In the school work
here, Including the Introduction of
the supervised study methods and
other advanced educational aeao.
At the same tlmo too he has taken
an active Intereat lo public affairs,
served as a director of the Cummer
eial elub and last year was asslstan'
director of the County Fair
A. W Nelson of the Cudahy Pack
Ing Co. is spending the week with his
brother, Sidney Nelson, of this c!ty.
Overtime for snwi Sprinkling Re
sults III Removal of street oiiiiiiIm
sinner Plan Resilience nl Pump
ing Plant.
Recause of tho appenrnnce of
claim for over-time In sprinkling
streets the City Coune'l Tuesday
night determined on a change In the
position of Street Commissioner, an I
the Street and Alleys committee was
Instructed to wecuro a new man for
the Job.
The council too considered numer
ous complaints concerning water
service charge, and complaints con
cern 'ng defect Ire cross walks. The
street committee wns Instructed to
have the cross walks repaired.
In order to reduce the cost of op
oration at the pumping plant It waa
suggested that by building a resi
lience at the plant where innn Id
lire It would be possible to secure
one man to take charge of all the
! pumpnKi jumi Is done at the pump-
)n ,,,, of rrggt'oii systems In
I ,,,,, nrclion. In fact members of the
Council have been approached by men
who made Just that proposition to
them. The water committee chair
man waa Instructed to Investigate
the possibility of thus solving the
iiump'ng problem
The question of a clt) engineer to
supervise the paving work wee dis
cussed at length but no action waa
lnke1 prlllimK u,e receipt of repllm
to communications sent out asking
,ulo offlclala for recommendations
on mwll rapable of handling the work,
Commercial Club lynchers Told ol
Numerous Cases Where in. Has
I...-I l amines Thru Iji.W of
Hiiiihss Men AililreMs Meeting.
L'ntesa Ontario awakes to tho sit
uat'on and secures the construction
of a number of residences the city Is
going to suffer badly In fact P
lias suffi red already from the scar
city of dwellings, numerous families
who desired to reside here having
been forced to go elsewhere
This was the message that tho
member of the Commercial club re
oelved following the luncheon Wed
nesday even'ng, by Ontario men who
hare had occasion to experience IMjasjgJUMO distribution of the water
dwelling problem
On the other hand the rluh m u
were told how compel atlvely easy ll
will be to remedy this situation if
the city will avail of the co-operative
spirit shuwn during the war In
ill kind of public work Messrs J
A Fennell and Floyd White of Bofoj
wno were guest oi the nun lor mo Melllent of the supply At the same
evening gave Informal tulk that ,,, loo a aasjlooj of rotating the
lusplred the club to anion in direct- water has been Inaugurated
ing that a committee be appo'nted The shortage In the system hss re
to study the problem 'suited in spite of the fact thai a
Mr While who ropresenta owners pumpnf .totlM wa built last year,
of 70 Ontario lots, and also flnandal F(rH, tll pumpi fr(e last winter aud
Interest told the club that a city
noaaeaslns a much wealth at, does
Ontario, as shown by tho bank state-
nienis Ims tin line. I lo seek outside
meats, nas no noeu io seea ouisiue
uppurt for a building program
ilowivei he aaid thut f tin
could not be flnanc .1 locull he would
U a later date present a plan for
xrecting a number of hornet, here.
Mr Fennell gave the mni p
an id. a of what It means to I ve in a
iiy-beautlful He Inspired a Ioiik
mg to Improve the
Uiitaiio. aud laid sires upon doln?
little things to beautify the d'y and
thus make it au hum
'own "Wlij, If you even compell. 1 1
paiutlng of telephone and elet-
trie poles white, it would help Y !.
-mid, "and that would lead to an-
liier Itnprovem nt " The Coinmei
dul club, the Woman's club ami
othor organization could OOOOflsB
lish these thing by constantly dt
reeling attent.on to th-in '
The condition of streets and alleys, '
he lack of pride on the part of minj
citizens wan lYaukly discussed by
the membere aud many told of the
need for Improvement.
Mr J. W. Cunningham and
daughters returned this veek to their ,
home in Portland after spending a
month here.
Donald J. Conklin one or .-umi Stu
dents nl It. O. T. 0, at the Pirsd-
din mi Snn I rum Iscn Do) ll
en suit Training.
Among the student officers at tho
Reserve Officers Training Corps at
the Presidio this summer Is Donald
J. Conklin, son of Mr. and Mrs. i:
D. Conklin of the Roulevard Young
Conklin Is listed In the Senior Ad
vanced Course which consists of stu
denti' from universities nnd colleges
where they have had previous mil
itary training Conklin registered
from O. A. C
Five hundred young men represent
ing forty colleges and schools of Mon
tana, 1'tah, New Mexico, Arlzon-i.
Nevada. Idaho, Wn-dCngton. Oregon
and California, are enrolled In the
Corps camp
Fifty army officers nnd an tfjMl
number of non-commissioned officers,
who are assigned as Instructors and
assistants In military training at
ucatlonal Institutions, have been do-
tailed to duty at the camp, which
opened June 2 1 and will close on
Ajgust 2 During these six weeks
the cadets will be given Myiiematlc
Instruction In rifle practice, tactic
musketry and bayonet combat, which
can be better taught at a military
ramp than at their schools or col-
leges, as well as In the tine points
Of drill They are also given a car'-
fully planned course of phyi. leal train
log. Including games and athletic con
tests A feature of the camp Is the
week of target prartlco at the Fort
Barry rifle range, where each cadet
It i lulled to take the presrr lied
Arm course of rifle firing From Hie
eadets making the best scores will he
chosen a team of fourteen to repre
sent this i amp at the National Rifle
Match at Caldwell, N. J , In August,
the succeasful oonteatanta receiving
a transcontinental trip with all ex
; pensus paid by the Government
A. 1.. Sproul uill Distribute Water to
laiml Owners luiler Hlg Dlleli
I l.. Inters of Water 1M ll IMS
To prevent leases to ranchers under
,, owyheo Ditch and necure au
aupply on that big ditch Hie State
Water Maater haa taken charge of!
the distribution of the supply, and I
the wsler Is being measured out to
all the land owners under the ditch I
To accomplish this A I, Sproule
has been appointed deputy water
master anil ua immcii over inn iumii
were not repaired In lime fur tho
-..--- ...... . -ji ... ..'
JiiiiipiUM ieiJll u. lAji.iiiiM lit ili".
..i n.. .,..!,. .nH ... ika nvur'
f. KO ,)W t hat the pumping system
could not work The degree of lous
will, h tho ranchers have suffered
from these causes Is variously oil
muted but the lowest figure i ins
Into many thousands of dollar
Ml KOI D ul HMiihl. I Kllll'i H
I'lU.m: I.AhF CAMP l.ltiil'Mls
Frank Rader. Maor It V Jones
and K C Vau Pelten who returned
this week from the r rumps on 1'ay -
ette I :...n thut dense tloiAl
of smoke from numerous forest lires
in region rover the lakes None
of the fires are In the liumed ale vl-
clnity of the l.ik. sj and iherefore the
camper there are In no danger fiom
the lire, the smoke is detra.'lng
somewhat from the pleasure of their
Each of the i.-tuinid i ,e aiioni'
report a fine time during their stay
with lis). Ing good uud luiger crowds
aboin the lake thsn ever before
Director E H Conklin of the Coun-
ty Fair made a trip thru the Nsa
and Rig Ueud reg on Wednesday In
the Interest of the county's annual
; exposition
To officiate at the services of the
annual retreat of the Dotnlncan Si
ters nt the Holy Rosary he
Rev. Skelly, O. P , came from POM
land Inst week Ile wns here for t
days and after the intent teluineil to
his home In Portland on Tnesdnj
Reside tho resident members of I
the Dominican order who participate!
In the retreat were Sister Magdellne
from Kenosha, Wisconsin and Sis
ter Josephine from llatiford. Call ,
fornla, both of whom eie raised in
the Sisterhood here.
After I'm. Ii.ein; Tickets for Tills
Year's (liautaiiiiM on the Hench,
Hiislni'MN Men Sign I i nil ImimC .
I .lllll-lllltl e ( ..III! i. I
Thirty-seven Ontario business nun
ed-,''' Jolneil with an equal number of
rea dents of Frulllar.d In the cm
met for a summer CtMU0,M .'
I Krulllnnd for the MOM of 1920
Tltln was the result of the a. tiui work
of H. II. Tunny nnd K Leslie Bodl
who wer-j named by the Commercial
; dub lo co-operate with the Fruit
land rumm Ittea to agaJM Ihl ft ir'
effort ""
During all the ( h.iutntiiiti.i
, m Krulthmd Ontario was well rep
resented, and a particularly large
crowd went over Motidn) OVOataf
n umh.r would have buen lar-
K,.r ,, the OTOOjOl not I n so hot
Haseball, Tug of War, Freak Hoxliu
lU.uis, of all Kind umi I sits
i Rata Make Da) Memorable
There were sll told more il.m. 2u0
present nt the Knights of Columbus
picnic held Sunday at the Me
coy grove by th Knl' lit of foluin
bus and their families In fact It
was a picnic of the members of the
parish of the Hlesscd
staged by the Caseys with Jus Q
Smith. Ueo Relhson and II II Tun
ny as the goneral committee
And If there ever was a hlg t. ,
that p cole was It, according to the
repsr.s that spread I on lb'
following day, and Judging b) IfcO
tired dn -after appearance of pro ul
hunt members
The crowd gathered from
Plymouth on the to Junturu on
,,B w(m, fri)IM Syui to the south j
Ueu.l Ox on the north Fruit
u,i a n Mm Olitalio ill were let.
resented, too
There were garnet for the hoy..
the girls, the women and, oh what
. .. . . .. - ... .... .. I
a nuneu lor inu nuiiiy ainieies .
C Defree captained a husky hunch ,
that out pulled Tunny m tug ' wsr,
deani. but lost to the huiiu- bum h tn
. , .,-
lluxlng bouts with the contestants
" barrels and other stunts that Jill
Sttilih hrot back In. in ( ump furn
ished a hilarious afternoon I
eryone, aud kept Fr Mulouoy busy
: official referee
It was dusk before the i.owd ills
persod so faat had the day passed
I Jaa. O. Smith who fur gotofol fool I
jhas been employed In stores OOfO ll
Onatrlo aud haa been prominent In
, the activities of tho K of r, the or
egou (tub aud Commercial club bus
i resigned his pos Hon wlrli Abnan
dor's and leave next Monday foi
Caldwell where he ha accepted a po
slllon with the Kahu iotblug Co
A cigarette stub thrown in. in a
window in lie ( alter House eailv gootlOO After spending several days
last Saturday morning set Lie to th going over the Willow River prop
awning in front of the Style afcop urtlee of the lompany with Ivan E
Owing to the early hour the fire was ' Oakus, resident agent hero, Mr Mar
not detected at once and It was be tin left Thursday for Nyasa with
yond hope when tho lire was dli l.augley Urookes agent for tho com
covered ' pauy lu that sedlou
Knglneers Conllilent TJiat tVinrrete i
Dam Will !. llnlshetl by Neptemliei
itti umi I Imiu Cumpleteil fir October
lit Assure Water In Spring
llresklng all records thruout the
world for the construction of arch
dams of Its size the Shattuck-Edln-ger
Construction company Is rapldlv
nenrlng completion of tho storage
dam of the WarmaprlugH Irrigation
system nbovn Riverside The dam
will he completed within ten months
frm ,,, nrMn. of orjerRonH: or
eight mouths less thsn tho record ol
Ita nearest rival for speed honors
This waa the word brot down from
the ramp Monday by Knglueer E. J.
Carrlllo, who Is In charge of the con
struction work
"We will finish pouring the con
crete by September 30," said Mr
Cnrrlllo. ba too Argus, "nnd by Or
tolier U the work will bo completed
At present wo have poured 8,600
1. 1 1 ls and there are but 11,000 more
yards to pour We hnve at leant
nchleved iiiiinllt production In I
j hours wn poured 2Kf. yard', one day
lust week, and we will eve 1 Hint
record this week The avorago for
Inst week wns 250 yards per day
"With tho work progressing si
this speed tho entire dam will be built
In the next 40 days, barring delav,
but allowing 16 days for that etc
iin-iit we will still be finished by Di
tcher 15
Can Store Water Soon.
"Tho dam has alroadv reached a
point where we can begin to store
water for next year's distribution
We could start this storage by Aug
usf 10 This fuel alone will assure under the project that they
will luce water for next summer.
"Work Is progressing on the die
tilluiliiig s)slein, tho there has been
mote delay on that than on the stor
uge reservoir llownver with tho
problems of (he dam worked out more
speed will he developed on tho canal,
and the entire ostein Mulshed foi
next year.
'The enulnccrn are now worklna
,, ,lMU. ,,. p ..,, ,hl,
ilans for the illieritluu dam and that
will he in, dei in!, eu ,,t un earl) dale
.in. I will uot lake long to complete.'
bRM Trouble sii.l,s
Cue of the remarkable features ol
the on.sti ui Hon of the .lain nt River
able has been tho marked lack of la
OOf Doubles This In view of the
widespread strikes of all kind thru
out the iiiuntry In all fields of en
duavor Is the more remarkable, and
haa of course been a material factor
In the record for speed which has
,M M llllIl,l,,l
With Mr Carrlllo ,,n lilt, trip to On
titri.i huh K I' Newlou, luateiial man
on the Job at Riverside While It.
the ,iiy the .-rn registered at the
IIFCIIMIM. I'OIM l.tlt in suit r
l i... ii,.in ..r the . ItlOOH appar
ently do nul know it, the Ontario
Coiiiiuei.ini club's auto iatnlUK
ground, an bOOOBUaf popular The
nuiuher ul i. impel. s who iilgbll
make their almde Cure Is Increas
ing I... i In. I, c it 1-1. on.. Ontarl i
wouian on hi t n.i down town dl-
c 'I eti OOfl to the grounds, and
thai Is not the (urgent number thai
gag I,,.,, roglgtOrOd II. Me for OOJ
III Mini I V-. II It V OKI. I. ON
Walter S Martin, of San I-' ran. a
CO, president of th. Oregon
Land compan arrived In Ontario
Monday from the Hay lit. to look
after his property Interests in Hi I