THE ONTARIO AKOU8. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 1?, 1919 Phone No. 3 and order everything Reed to eat Saturday, July 19, We offer you two good specials Meat Department: Chuck Steaks . and Pot Koast 20C It) (Steer Href) ( Grocery Department lb Green Tea, bulk (2 lb to customer) J36c Ontario Moat & Grocery Co. r THE UNIVERSAL CAR We are experienced, and know how to give service to the owners of Furl oars. We have the same methods Machinery and skill that they have in the Ford Factory, and we use the same Part made by the Ford Motor Com pany, Fonl owners arc doubly guar anteed by ns as to the reliability of our service on Ford cars. Don't try to d. it yourself, bring yonr car here. Iiiel dentally we are getting a few Fold car and are able to make fairly good dc liverieH. 'Dmring Car, $52."); Hunahout. 1501); One Ton Truck Chassis, 0660 Coupe, $)")(); Sedan, $775. These prices f. o. b. Detroit FORD OARAGE V. H HTAI'LKH, M O.I H ONTAKIO. OIUMJON. wB sa ' jfl y orLk LONGER LIFE FOR YOUR CAR The correct grade of Zerolene will add years to the life of your car. Gives bet ter lubrication with least carbon. Get a Correct Lubrication Chart for your car. STANDARD. OIL COMPANY (California) O. II. TEST, 8rlal Agent Htamlard (Ml Company, Oiilarto, Orcfua. "See here," says the Good Judge I want to remind you about that small chew of this good tobacco. It tastes better because it's good tobacco. Its quality saves you part of your tobacco money. It goes further and lasts longer. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Hut up in fire ttylts tIGHT CUT is a ahort-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco LOCAL AND PERSONAL ('. McUodbkIII was n legal visiter at Vale Tupsday. Mr" A. A. Wellington 1h spending tho SMtft end with frlendB In BoIhp. E. J. Corrllla of Riverside la a buBlnpaa visitor In Outaro OiIb week Mrs. Itoslup of Payatto was the guest of Mrs. A. Jaqulsh Saturday Mrs. It. L. I'oor tmiii spenl the wpek end In Welaer with her daughter. Mrs J. (' Cunning. Councilman K. O. cockrum and family spent the week end In BoIbo returning Monday night Cordon C. Ragadala and mother. Mrs. Allen of Jamleson, were Onta rio vialtora the flrat of the week. Peter Koethler and family of Wil der and Amos Koethler and wife of W eat fall spent Sunday In Ontario. Mra. John Rasinussen and chil dren apent the week end In Payette, the gueata of Mra. Barnard Kastmaii Dr. W. O. How returned Haturda from Portland where he attended the seaalonB of the State Dental assocla tlon. Mra. A Jaqulsh and Mlia Doro :hy motored over to Parma Friday and apent the day with Mra. Ray Wilson Mr. and Mra. H. O Whltworth and Mra. Geo. Kellogg and small daughter motored over from Wclser Saturday. John Moore passed thru Ontario Monday on his way to Welner from Mountain Home where he haa been omployed. Mrs O Burhrldge and son of Phoenix, Arltona, arrived In Onta rio Monday. Mra. Rurbrlage is for merly of Ontario. Ralph Draper of Vali- passPd thru Ontario Wednesday morning enroute to Welser to spend a few days with his sister. Mra. Lena Owlll am. 9 V Dudley of the W How River Co came down from Jamleson Sun day to moot Oeo J. MagnnhaltueY of Chicago on business for tin compn ny. Mrs J W McCulloeh and aons, Ralph and John, and dnughtur Ea ther returned Monday from Boise where they aojourned for several days. Mr. K. W. Hughes and small son, Richard of Boise waa the gueal of Mra. Kred Canfleld Tueaday, while on her way to Payette Lakes for a few weeks. Mra. H. C. Smith and Miaa Vir ginia returned Monday evening from Seattle where they have bqen vis t Ing alnee Mlsa Smith finished her college year at O. A. C Thomaa Jacobs of Sturgta, Mlch gan, and his niece. Mlsa Mary I Jacoba of Chicago passed thru On tario Monday on tholr way to Vale to look for land Investments. J. A. Robinson and Ira Walter re turned laat week form an extended trip thru Eastern Oregon durlnx which they slopped at Pendleton and other Eastern Oregon towns. M as Lucille Morrow of Portland la the guest of her sorority alster. Mlsa Orayce Sage at preaent. Mia' Morrow ia on her way home froi.i the Delta Gamma convention at Mln nea polls Mr .and Mra. Elmo Pearson vll ted at the Radar home Sunday, hav ing Juat returned from their honey moon spent at Payette Lakes They left Monday morning for tbalr home in Welser W. M. Wlndon who this sprint; purchaaed the prune orchard on the St. Paul orchard tracts arrived on Ontario recently to look after h's Interest. Mr. Wlndon came from Indiana. Miaa Hortense Wells passed thru Ontario Saturday evelng to apend the remainder of her vacation In Port land with her slstor. Miss Wells ha been the guest of Mlsa Virginia Re- nolds of Two Falls since the Fourth Mr. and Mra. L. Hlrach. Miaa Nel son and llersebel Browne motored to New Plymouth at midnight Sat urday to escort home Mrs. Uerscli. I Browne, who presided over the piano at the New Plymouth dance that evening. Ivan Arnold formerly of this city but more recently au Inhabitant of the Kelso. Washington, passed thru Ontario last week enroute to Idah'j Kails where he expects to reside Mr. Arnold who owns property here said: "I am glad that Ontario i going to pave I did not realUe how much paving means to a town uutl' I went up into Washington and found that every little town haa paved streets and good roada leading to them. This is the best tblng Ontar o could do. and aa one property owner, Saturday Special White Wash Materials 50c Voiles, Organdies, Lace Cloth. Dimity; in pretty satin stripe, 2Qf big check and plaid effects. Saturday Special . . . '. OOC 800 Voile, Madras and Pique in plain white, Saturday Special 27c Flaxon Fast colors, woven stripes and figured flaxon, real dainty for summer drcsses,45c value, Saturday Special 32c Percale 27 inch percale in light and dark colors, Saturday Special, 15c Dresses Gingham and percale dresses in pretty designs, fast colors material, every dress is well stitched and trimmed. 1 lot plain RMS, pink, green and blue ginghams, trimmed with larire wlnt petti huttons and braided. White collars and cuffs and hclts; $40 value, Saturday Special $ DO 1 lot of house dresses and aprons of stiiped gingham and percales; $1.75 values Saturday Special sji .OO Slippva Made of drilling in hluc stripes, taped in white, patent buttons SO you'll never have to sew on huttons, 75c and H.c; Saturday Special Jkjs Petticoats White rippelctte and sateen petticoats, while the la t, 1.75 values; Bstut day Special ; . . '. pllO UNDERWEAR Sealpax B. V. Ds Athletic Munsing wear Silk and Phil ippine Combinations Envelopes, Chemise . . Gowns of Muslin Nainsook, Crepe de Chine, Satin, etc., in white and flesh. HOSIERY Phoenix of black silk or lisle in toupe.silver cloud grays, brown cordovan, mouse and white. Armour Plate in bla tk white, gray and brown for women misses aiut children. Martin Gallagher, brother of P. Gallagher, arrived In Ontario Monday from Calgary, In the Prov nee of Alberta, Canada. He left Tuesday accompanied by his brother for Burns and other interior points. H. C. Schuppell of Baker who Geo. McLaughlin, win. Ii !... comes to Ontario regularly to teas') the men who curies las SfOrrt - of folks hers to Insure their futur. aga nst worry, protect families and otherwise drive care away, la In the city this week. the WuriuHprlngH IrrlK"' ' Dl i it mi his shoulders, as a member Ot tho hoard of Directors waa lu Ontario Tuesday. Wm Bovo is a part of tho tamo f it makos good sportsmon and ftfl moro onjoyablo sport $ood followsnip.hoalth and rofrosh- j2 moiit - - bost to train on and h3 ifain on. 'lClil a 9fio a-ioar -round soft drinJk pftf HfH W0k ANHEUSER-BUSCH STLOUIS f fifB. Jp Lflr BMII1 1 k" Sold ovarywhorc laimlios tuppliod by grocer drutfist and aoalor" "Visitors arc coi-d tally invitvd to in-.act our Jantu I ax tor If