The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 17, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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uHjr QDntarto Argua
GEO. K. AIKEN, Editor and Publisher
Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon,
and entered at the Ontario post office lor
distribution as 2nd class matter.
w examination of the history r re
peated effbrti i establiah Industries i' am
nature here in Ontario shows that Ontario
men with money are do1 Interested in pin
moting the growtb of the citv. At least t!ic
ftXgUI has Tailed to find a single industry
heir that was fostered bj local capital
We will take that hack. We have found
one community effort In which local capital
went the limit that Was in sinking the nil
well. Hut aside from that has there beeil
anv local Institution hacked by local cap
ita'l I
It is a fact that Ontario can pave it
streets; eat, plant trees and park its thoro
fares, and dress itself in all the good clothe
of a modern city, and nol bring lasting suit
stantial prosperity.
It is the aggregate of little Industrie) .
numerous pay rolls, diversified activity
makes cities prosperous! and Ontario has
made no hid for that type of progress.
We seem to he after Something big, SO
that we can hound to position and prosper
ity; overlooking entirety the little things
that can he done to accomplish that end.
Why is this sof
When this (piestion has hcen directed
to men who an familiar with conditions
here and have for years watched varioin
attempts to do things, the answer Invarl
ably amounts to this: "Tin- men here who
have money all want ten per cent guaraU
teed. They wont take chances."
Perhaps that is the correct solution .
the entire problem. Our capitalists expect
too laage returns. They aic afraid.
The Argus is loath to believe that, for
most of the capital accumulated In Ontario
is held by men who have made it in the cat
tle and sheep business or in linancing these
industries. To make this Inoiicv they took
long chances. They did not play "sure
things," tor then are no industries which
present greater haaaards than do the raising
of cattle and sheep.
The Argus is inclined to believe that
the timidity of Ontario capital is in part at
least due to the fact that most of the capi
tal accumulated lias hcen made in this re
Strieted Held and that the owners, knowiic;
that field, and not knowing others wont taki
chances in unfamiliar lines of endeavor.
Another reason for their timidity, tho
perhaps tiny haw never so analysed it. I
that the capitalists of Ontario have, ncarh
all of them, made their money playing ;
lone hand, to a greater or less degree. Stoc'.
companies and associations do not appeal to
such men. They want to run evervtlnu
tiny have connections with, just as tin
ran their .sheep and cattle on the hills.
Now there is a large measure of logic
in their position. What they have, the;
have worked for. And manv have worked
bard and suffered long privations. So long
as thev arc comfortably lixed, what do t...
care whether the city gTOWS or notl That
is bow thej reason. And you cannot argil1
with a man in that frame of mind. Hi
moiiev is his, to do with as he pleases, to in
vest or not to Invest Is a decision he alone
can reach.
How can such a man be induced to back
new industries for Ontario That is tin
question that must be solved or the cits will
have to depend on the Introduction of new
blood or induce outside capital to enter this
The Opportunities are here that is
pertain, If the Argus may venture an opin
ion all that is needed is leadership. If
sonic one or two of the tinancial leaders of
the community will manifest their faith by
backing new Industries take stock In the
proposed Building dj Loan association, or
in anyway show their desire t forward the
interests of the city We believe they will be
followed by those who have confidence in
their judgment.
This cannot be done, of course, if even
one expects to get ten per cent returns the
first year. That can not always be done
So far as men of that idea are concerned
the citizens who want progress and pros
perity to reign in Ontario will either have
to secure a change of heart on the part such
as these or work on without them. Put
such citizens down as a liability; not an as
set id' the city, and act accordingly.
Sir Edward Carson the I'lster leader,
gave the government anil people of the
United States a mighty good piece of advice
on Saturday when he said: "America to
day you attend to your own affairs; we will
attend to ours."
That was the advice Americans gav
Great Britian in the days of 1861-66. Ann
when, in some quarters, it, was not heedei
the United States made Great Britian Mi
the bill for damage sustained thru the SCtiv
ity of Southern priviteers built by eonfed
crate sympathizers in the British Isles.
This world war will have solved in
problems for America if it substitutes th.
Irish-American (piestion tor the German
There are problems enough here at
home; or at least mi the Western Ileum
phere to demand all the ability the Ainer
lean government seems able to summon to
its counsel, without adding to its burden
the1 internal troubles of the British Umpire.
Americans will not forget that whib
American bovs were ocarina the brunt of
Oernian steel in France. Irish plotters wed
aiding the German cause by a hack tire rev
olution which could not but reduce the ef
Hciency of the British fighting force, and
therefore of the allied armies.
Until America has solved the Mexieai
(piestion. the Philipine (piestion and man
other problems that arc peculiarly our own,
We had better heed the advise of Sir Kdwanl
.ind mind our own business.
Ontario will look like I different it
when its streets are paved. It will pas
from the class of rural towns to that of tie
up-to-date small city that shows pride in
appearance, evidence of prosperity and pro
gressiveness that will attract the favorabh
Impression of the thousands who pass thru
here each year.
This change resulting from the existing
faith in the city shown by a large majority
of its voters however is not enough to brim;
about the growth and prosperity which the
cit 's location merits. There must DC SC
five co-operation all down the line.
The street paving program is to tin
it what good clothes is to the individual
in business. It gives the appearance of
substantiality and progressiveness. It fur
nishes the good impression on first acquaint
SnCC that in turn makes possible the oppor
tunitV to go farther toward success hut
like the individual who is thus well receiv
ed. the city must deliver the goods to enjoy
continued confidence which brings result
over a long period of years.
Three persons, two of them children of
tender years; one a little girl of but two
rears were attacked last week by an un
licensed dog. The lives of all three of thes.
are endangered and should the animal be
proven to be the victim of rabies their live-'
can only he saved by resort to the expensive
Pasteur treatment. In any event two of
the victims will be marked fr life.
HOW far this mad dog epidemic will gn
can imt In- forSCen for there is no way "I
knowing whether or not other dos ha
hcen contaminated. One of the reasons
given when the license ordinance was pass
ed was that by its enforcement valuable
dogs were protected from attack form the
cms which wander the streets among whom
are found the vast majority of rabies vic
tims. Now this protection comes only from
enforcement, not from the writing of the
ordinance. What we need is a crusade on
dogs or a muzzling ordinance, and its en
While our neighbor Vale is almost
bone dry, so far as its supply of city water
is concerned, Ontario is enjoying a full ."
pound pressure on every water tap. This
condition will continue, too, unless the
Snake river crawls farther down its banks.
But Ontario should take warning from
the situation at Vale; and the condition
that prevails in many towns on the banks
of the Snake in Southwestern Idaho. Steps
should be taken to run a temporary intake
out into the stream so that the city will not
be endangered.
Now is the time to study the problem
and to be prepared to meet possible contin
gencies. The city can not afford to take
chances. We have had one experience al
ready this season. That is sufficient an
everyone will agree.
If Caldwell and Xanipa can grow, and
build homes, why can not Ontario f
15 w?w
' r mmmy
iht hrlt
Spot in town '
ollar Day
Those who attend this sale will lcng fo another
one just like it. Never before has a single dollar
possessed so much buying power.
These dollar bargains have been assembled foi he sole purpose of giving
oui customers a dollar ii ance at si ne of 0o choi t ileum
Sur.mer Dress Gt ;
Lav ns, Flax .lis and -th
er fd eer fabrra IJ g.
lar 2")c quality,
." tfardl for , 1 3f
Men's Underwea:
Siirts and Draw I
Excellent Bslbriggan,
1. 1 1,
jf I. IC grade SI ti
L'8 inch width, dark
blt.'s grays and light
figured, 1M grade
7'o yards for .... $1 OC
Children's Hose
All sizes in black and
white, 40e grade
9 pair for $1.00
Fibre Silk Hose for Men
"White, black and grav
regular (Joe grade-
2 pair for $1.00
Men's Silk Neckwear
Large flowing four in
Hands, slip easy collar
hand, all colors,
1.28-$1.50 grades, $1.00
A score more timely BARGAINS in dress and
furnishing needs at this Dollar Day economy center.
1 k ''111 P H msfmSMssmF
'Hi J ill! fci MHBSBBii
ni hi JTihTi iraw L
lllilNMf BFr
XBfgg 111 pps
nil ivil M'i tnMinln
vrnm mm
I ieassssslaaatei
your smoketaste
flush UD UL'Uinst a
listening DOSt nrvl vrtull
get the Prince Albert call, all right!
f iou ii nuni a jimmy pipe so quick and
get so much tobacco joy out of every
puff you'll wish you had been bom
twins! For, Prince Albert puts over a turn
new to every man fond of a pipe or a home
made cigarette. It wins your glad hand com
pletely, i nat s because it has the quality!
And, right behind this quality flavor and quality fra
grance is Prince Albert s freedom from bite and parch
w.ncu lui uui uy our exclusive patented process
We tell you to smoke your fill at any clip jimmy
pipe or makin's cigarette- without a comeback I
Toppy irfln tiJ, r.d tint. knUam, p,nJ an4
hmU pom i4 (in humiJorimnJlhal c fn, pwoctitmi
poamj crytlmJ gtau humidor wtS .pong, moutttutr
top that k;p, tk tobacto in .urn porfttt condition
R. J. Reynold Tobacco Co., Winton-Salem, N. C