ittet0 xx m ONTARIO, MALHEUK COUNTY, (VREOON. TUTIiSDAY. JUL V 17, 1919 no. :?:: f Titn. ONTARIANS VISIT AT CALDWELL AND NAMPA rontlsT mki: ( itnTKiN PLANT IHK DINED r new i:.pi,. u i: wnsii I MM new iioi h- i:s iHTir in NAMPA thih tbah CALDWELL ENTERTAINS ALSO Flour Mill mill ( "rrnnicry ; Auto Purl, nntl City Park, Together With I'nii' I Slrn-H mill i' Homes Show CiililticH'n Prosperity, The Cntnrlo Ciittiinei clnl (inh do I not start mi thing without some OkMM of huccpsh, nml tho tin- Mm of a trip to Caldwell mill NUBp lint llll't Wl ll gllStll WllPlI SUfJ- .vitted at lite last luncheon, yet li ooncertril I'ffort the trip vis put over In great style. At nine o'clock Tueadu ' uiornlfi : six automo Ing 24 liuslne m mul i men I li Hi' M in I' Hotel ii boo i Cniuro and the Mal lear (unity Fair among the Idaho citizens. 'i i o by Secretary Ho.- of the chniuler o uiiiiniTfo mid N. Jennras, proprie tor of tho "Le.idei'-llcruld " Luel eon waa served at the Dtwaj Pal ir Hotel. Short addresses Ml id ly aevoral of Ontario's boost et After lumhi mi cara wero provide I uml tin- I'll In' il "legation i iiiiduct 'I mi n tour around Nnmpa MtHll will. a vlsll to tho Curnntlon Milk On' il mi I'lic lilp aroiiml Niiuipu rr veated Hint them nn over "Oil n homea he ng liullt at Nmupa and everything spells 'act h It) At four o'clock tin1 dii . rl" left for I iildwcll and was n: I k , Secretary Uthhuna of the Connum clal t'luli. Cars were noon roijuM-' lliuii'il nml tin' party shown omi lh" resldentiil mul hu incaa sections Ol Caldwell. While Niiuipu has out 'II i nri il Caldwell In growth still will over IfiO house. i under con Htrurtfon i'll h makluK fin1' progress li might well he termed I I." City of lleuutlful lloiin' A liall Ml mad" to the Auto Pork which I. a credit In the low n and '. hie asset In converting visitors lata boosters. Next the purtv MM shown over the S nek Yardrt Flour Mill mid Creamery, at the latter place Ico cream heliiK aerved. lly 8 o'clock the entire party had returned t" OntajM Mil pleas . I K I tho time spent. Several Ideaa were i'i td up through thlH ils'i, an' nlihouKh both Caldwell and Nainpn (Continued on Page I) GARTER STARTS WORK ON 6Mf ADDITIOr e ' M l.are.e nr !. x s ' of Villi - I . the ol i I upp floor of tl." in Iflaal Tt The front of the orig'n il i . room, display i t nil S'll til up -li-'he Bl - ence of customers. in the Ford ageiu. u the gara. 'lit will re limiiiiah ii ia September, by whi. h lime Mr. Carter expects to bg new building completed ONTAHIO HOIS IK. Ml I HUM love BKRVICK IN Ainu l.leiiii'iimii Kverett Trousdale, of the I' S Murines, In home In Out;' rln ..K.I n iifler mure limn two yenrH of oerilce In (he army. I, lent Trous dale Ki'adtinleil from (he QmllOfn training school for "FlrHt to Fight" nfflrerH Iml did not linve an nppori I nlty to get MM, tho he wan illed to do no when the iinnlnt. -waa kIkiu'iI Trior to entering the scrv'ce Idem Trousdale waa a memher of the On tario High School faculty, teachln't Rclence. After su in tn crin K here he expects to return to the pedagogical piofeialnu lien Odell, hoii of Mr nnd Mr-i Hubert (ie, re'urned Sunday from over sea. He waa n niemher of the army of occupation ever since the ar mistice waa alined and during hi stay oiorsen saw a large portion of France. P.i-Ir um nnd portions of Ger. many. NYSSA APPLE CRfP IS SOLD FOR EXPORT H. M. !-. ! Hum Itiiii'ir-i In Imnl .ii IO ht ton nml Furnishes lioxes to Take Iiiilt In I'a' king Hoiive I'l Hi I r III MM !' I I i' peach and apple cropa wli be Mttn b) eltlsaju ol othaf lunii than Ani'i ir i K M In hi iIiIh ! .l. i. il DMjOttotlMU hl I ly the entire i rop ol Ilia N - I ' i Ii II 'lists. U'e ii" paying $4') "r i.n n chard run." Hald i Is not all .ir are fiiiliUMnu (In bo III wheh I'l" ram In l h haul lln fl'll III till li.ii-khiu liollHi' ill ',.s:l Til ' -an" 'i i. . .ri'viillB fur appll in peaches." "The fruit In helng pari lUMsei fo' "i. n liy a Middle Wesl linn," h said COKMF.It I'XSTtHl tiKTN IHit.ltKI. PMOM HARTPORO rviVKHNlTV Copies of the Hartford Courau were received hy the Argui rccenlC giving the list of iliu-i- upon win. I degrees were ronlirmed al Hie ounu. I coin iiHUoeiin nl of I ally. Among Hie number receuli. their HmMI of Arts wai Itev. Hoi hert I. vingaton, formerly of thin city, who left the pastorate of the loci I Congregational church hi Hartford. Since then, ton, advises ban rerelved by friends telling of lie I.HIngsinn's appointment to the pas torale of the Mltteueague Ms" I'm -gergatlonal church. t.ixixti trt -TIIF. OHCI OVMaV H. 0 (iranuell arrue.l in UuUH Tuesduy from bis home mar Soil Nehraaka "I am )ust ing around to Hud a pluie," aal I Mr. liraiiuell (o the Argus "I haf heard more about Ontario and tl opportuultlea for 'uncbers tier . than about any other town along :l line, so 1 'hut 1 would luienllgate li r myself." Mr (Jraunell I- ntill In UM city and la looking over a nuiuh r i f runchea. ALL UNMUZZLED DOCS ARE ORDERED SHOT HRAD OP IMMJ WHICH IIITK CIIIL- Mun last man bxaminmd MI KIIIMI TO CONTAIN K - IDHNCH OF HAIIIIH VIC- TIMS TAKINU TIIK.iT- MEXT COUNCIL TAKES QUICK ACTION Handier I rged to Co-oernte to I'r.' ent Spread of Disease by K orpin;; Cnnlne-N on I m ins W . .1 C .- Jones waa .lien inn. ii hy n..g I"i larlng that the head of the dog which bit J It Atherton, Hagan Moore and Kl.'iiurniae Walker lant Wednesday show-d evidence of ru bles and waa r ad, the report of the atate bncler 'ologlst alerted dras t li action on the part of the City Council. At a special meeting held at four o'clock yesterday afternoon an ordor waa laaued declaring that the mar shal and hla aaalstants will shoot all unmuzzled and unlicensed dog found In the city limits after July 10 Tho council requests that rai" M I I ilng about the city who own . I i - that arc of value to them, M preventing the spread of the disease I'lllg their dogs ou the i audi .log which hit the v 1. Hint limiKil above Is believed lo have bit tell Wullace Jones, sun of Mayor II U Jones, some two weeks-ago. Mr. ones waa notified of the report mi I I dog'a head and advised to bring Hi ' II lb fellow to the I ty for pa lie "lit All of the otlni v I. in . . of the dog are being treated, and so far allow no bad at their ex perience. It him been learned, loo. thai .. oral dogs, among ibein one belong ing to C. II. Trousedale, which h" thinks ao much of that he la having li treated for rablm. -iiivir ii iiimi In Boise ou July 12 occurred tl, marriage of Miss Hazel Hardman of this city and Walter Shlmp of Little Willow, over In Payette county ( 1 1 1 1 the Immediate relatives of the wel known young couple witnessed the ceremony. The bride who la the daughter of Mr and Mra. Frank Hardman who lie south east of town has bceu u imokkeeper al the Ontario National bank aluce ahe graduated from the Ontario High School with the class of lilt. The groom, who wan born In On tario Is one of the best known and most skilled of the daring tamers ol .wild horses who ever performed al the county fulr. He runs a ranch ou Lit He Willow and the unuual vlaliom of the Fulr always couul on seeiug Mr. Shlmp rldu Those who saw his exhibition on the last day of the 1117 lair w ill uever forget him as oue of the gatuesi men they ever saw per form. iiii bride and groom will make their home on the Sb.iup ranch on i ... l.lllle Willow WmW ALFALFA PRICES ARE STRONG FOR OPENING I II II I HOI I Alt ran TON, TIIIKTl DW Ml AMI ItFMIM Tl ItMN OV Willi II III Us urn MM) tons of n WFHF MAM THIS WFFK FARMERS TAKE OFFERS MADE Nyssa and Hlg ll.nil lUnrhers First lo ls-l Oops (Jo Others Follow -Ing Suit llrogan Deals at Mo According to Humors. K. M. Denn of Ni-- '! lclnltr. was in Ontnrf.- yesterday and rn porta (Inn ' fr (here Is a big M rosiid for (be hav crop of that se. Hop (in., hv which ll'Thert .p noise secured A.UOO tons al 1 1 S per tun li.i'i ln'iri iniiipl led raid Mr D and another deal pend ng for ,000 tons more. While In Caldwell Tue day the members of the ComtuereJaJ ( lui lofl win ini'ii tin"! of one h:i deal h which a it.'i'kmuii named Mc Lend bought 8.IHI" '"ii "f hay In the Dig Iteiid touiiiry for 111 on HO day i I'p In the in ". 'ii .-Hid ing to i Is selling lot 116, the differ. Hi Id I'll." being due n ih. i dm t in ' The 1' I. also, io be In ih" is i 1 1 1, ! for a big lot of hay In IhO Upi'l Malheur Valley I mini . Comal m vine who was In low n tmi I offers foi his crop, but Mid he had mil sold. Theie i ippan Btly no unlcd effort on ih i ii of i i,. .i.i ii,:, . . for blfth pr rei. At least The Argus has heard of none Of ."'ii nine lull-, bin. lis will take this . HIII-.I' I. Ill II" efleil Is not con- wtrled, ao far. at least. RAPPA ALPHA niiTA Mrs. A. I U.l.lle nml her daugh ters. Mrs. ( 0 Um lit" and MIms Louise Kiddle motor, il up from Cul'l well today. Mrs Hodge was enrouie from St. Louis where she attended the national eoim nilon of the Kupna Alpha Theta fruternlly of which she was made a national i Ulcer John II Lewi i, project manager of the Warmsprlugs Irrigation district and Hex MarnuU one of lln- hoard of directors attended the meeting of iheXevadu Hitch company lore yes terday. Harry 0 Huffman of Corvallls Is spending the day with hla nelce, Mrs. Fred Canfleld. before going ou to Vale to see bis brothers. V J and K II Huffman . I'l TTI.NJi M.H WI'N (IN ( A IIS IH NEW ONTARIO INDt Hiitl 0 K Segulue bus added a new In dustry (or Ontario He has recently Installed equipment so that he renews the tops on cars, and another piece of lu.uiiliiery by which he turns out all kinds of gears. Mr. Segulne has long specialized ou ri-palutlng and NMMftl Ing benzine buggies ho that from '" to . rank rai-e lie looks them owr III i:i II I Alll Will, iiih'-i OHFOON M AHF FltOIH i I- Early In October the Congrega tional Church will conduct an ail vertlslng fair featuring Oregon Mule products The work of organization has been thoroughly done and a llve I merest Is being tnken In the plans. This fair will he a more ex tensive affair than U'Uially underta ken by a chiirih fat Mtl an event baa proven very stlccMgfXtl In oilier places The chunh receives a do . hied benefit from Mich mi iiii.l'i taking and nt the same time 0 products, both of fnclory and farm aro advertised, thus promoting th material Interests of the stnt" nil city of Ontario. The officers and loads of coinm tt ees are as follews: President. Mr I,. Itelle Lee., vice FrrKtilent, Mrs. H. L. rersoni Keeordlng He atiM Etta McCret"- "',cutlve Bee rotnrv " n '- Steele; Tre. w. F. lloiniui. Committee on Tlui" and Place. Mrs Helen clement . V verllslng. Mrs O A. Pogue; Sale.. Mrs. Irwin Troxel. Solicit ng. Tho Executive Hoard; Arrangement. M. Andrew Lackey; Luncheon, Hi I T. McNulty; Entertainment, Mli Itose Kroessln. GIVEN LOCAL SUPPORT Comiiieri lal Club Takes Him k at Tb kei .mil ( Illens or Onlarlo n Frgeil lo Allcnil H'e ( ollllllltlee anil 1'rogiiiiii. At the meeting of the OMBMMMtl club last evening It waa determln"il to ovldencc the apprniatlon of Hi" iluli meiiihorM for the support glun (Intuitu lullitli'lls h the pi ople if the lien.ii To make Ibis tangible a fommlltei. ciinnistlng of II. II. Tun ney and He. retmj V la-si e lloili was appoliiied to arrange for On' i rlo a aid In Hie Frultland (iiaula . qua. Messrs Body and Tunny went lo Frultland today and secured a blmii of tickets which they are selling in Ontario and a apeclal request Is male of Ontario bualness men and rn I MM generally to aaslst In selling these. Sim e the Frultland exhibition I practically at Ontarlo'a door, heli.y but ten mlnutea dr ve from any pi't of (he city a large delegation Is an Hclpated The following la the i. gram lo be given in I'rulllund, stall Ing Friday evening: Friday afternooii ' opening an i nouncements of the week, Chaulau qua II rector; Concert, Venellmi Trli iiliig Concerl Prelude. Venetian Trio; Impersonations. S Piatt Jt humorist Suturday morning Junior (iian tauqua. Afternooii Concett, The Victory OTduvtra. Evening Pre lude. The Victory Orchestra; Inspirit iloiial Lecture, "(lilting by Your Um, in ii," Sum (Iratbwell Suiulav morning Usual services all churchoa. Afternoon Prelude The While Husaurs; Lecture, "The Danger of Isms." V I Sbeper.: nliik' Concert, tie White llusaar, great singing baud Monday morning Junior Chatou eua Afternoon Preludn, SiiiUt' 'tockwell; Ciistiime I.. . ure Zoaland, the South I .." I. Ila M lilomfleld. E.enli. Prelude, Smith Hlockwell Cmnpan I.. 'in.-, i'our 'i -ars With tin lug Canadians," l.l.nt J I ih" III i i ..nail an Rlfea irkahle war MM i.i inornlng Junior (inn: tainiua Afternooii Pniuil-- Qnlat I. at on, 'lie fctel M of Man ' i i.' I inn a. ..I. l7pton i:,i niii i' i'ii. I.- Bam i i" i lun i.i ," Juiii"! , mi. hi .ii.. . i i.. log ( "i" "i i Royal Hawaiian QulM an .1 players from the Soul!. lodl i Islam! I. nine M at . mi i iIiik a i; r win. ni returned from Frm.' i I .1 1 j, ,u 'in .- i . i. i i . i. eil I, em from Porlland ami bl I the Dr. Try pi Sargent (Way will lean- for I In a I I lus lo visit a brotln i g . sister there afler which he will take up bis engineering work for ti ll K. R. Co. PAVING CONTRACT IS AWARDED TO WARRENS (I I I II 111 HO WOIIK AT $l(lo,- iiaa.oi OH MAN iifi.ow RNOf. M HI'S HPIIH Mli IS ( ( I'PT- Kit HY COVNCIL MONPA1 KVENINO WORK TO START IN AUGUST Contract Has Not Yet IV-en.,(.ni,.t ,, CMJ Officials IJHMMI W....I, is The Wiirren Construction comnu ny's bid of $160.92204 for the lay ing of street pavement, building gut ters, curbing and all the work In Me loll wih the ur-po'ied linpron menl, waa accepted by the Council al a special meeting lant Momlnv . nlni; This bid was made for pave ment of Um "hlnck," or "Uravel base" Miiiety. The only other bid for this type of paving was that of ('has II. Holm, r for $1(1.1.34(1.27. For hllullihlc on ii com Hi' compa ny's lid was 1 101,137 44; nnd Mr llelmei h 1.1.1 was $lUl, As yet lln- run (met nan not be n Idcnt of the Colin. II, tho the) linic been in - ihorlze,! to do so by the Council. The delay la due In tho fact as y.-i (be engineering piobluiu bus not been lolled Will Start Noon. Waller Wnrron. vice president of the Wnrron company nml Mr. Hi vldson, (heir representative In this (err lory, were both MtMMl at the meeting when the bids were opened and Hie contract award' I Mr. Warren said thnt tho cotupi ny'a superintendent would be here in a few duya to arrange for the pur chase of materials and do the pre liminary work necessary before Hie plant arrives "We will be In here ready lo sturt work In about 20 duya," auld Mr. Warren. According to Hie contract the con tractors will not be required to coin plele the work unlll May SO, 1920, Mm I Is expected Hint the work will be done before November I. i he reason for naming the deferred date (Continued on Pag ) YOONG WOMAN VICTIM OF BLOOD POISONING Mrs. C. II. WimmI Hies Suddenly at In l iiK-rprlM' I uncnil Service Held I nun II c of I'ai i rn-. Here Haturiut). Happy mid cheerful, tlilnk'ug tll'il she was suffering with but slight al' iinnl, Mrs. (' li Wood, formeily Miss Maude llruiii.ui m couipaiiled by her husband went to a hosplinl la i nt. 'i prise, Oregon, lust Thursday for an examination of u swelling i suiting from mo-qulto bllo on In . in .I The puln sin i lor ml no tiuii of danger i nlei ! I A half hour later slm died at the effects of blood polMBlng. Mr Wood as M told h tl I xainliiliig physician the lloiisness of 111 Wood's lllii. I, II Mr and M Tho. Ill nf this lily I r reudy lo imike tin- ii p '. EnUrpi were iul. I .rh ihe hoiiy was bro! to Onlailo I i day and largely attended (TOM lb Ml bona "i i " H-"ii 'i ' morning He. AnbWOfth '' I coiiilu, ting the sci riot I was made In tna ( nli I I l,l ii In. lln eirli" . ..liiity A i tl " teW of the fir! w bltS i liili boi II In ' resent the Mali. em rival In the . an i In i : ti qui ' l.oiks, al which a young won from each of el trlhutn of the olniiihia piiitn l'. it'd liuil her in ullage to Mi Mood early lait winter she madu In I home here with her parents J