The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 10, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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0mr4' ,j .A ,,, exhihits of a like nature next year.
(fill I iffltfttirtll iVmttfi The Argus believes that the majont)
Vlfi WUimU' ,it. tli. pxhiblton each year at the Fair do
GEO K AIKEN, Rditoi and Publlsht'i' ,,t care so much for the prizes that arc of
'.. Cerd imt enjoy the spirit of friendlj rivnl
Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon, v wjjic, has grown with the Pair. The
and ni. red jit the Ontario post office tor pjjpn, jn this lection are of that progrew
distribution as 2ml claw matter. iv tVH. t,., thev want to learn ail were
is to be known about their particular lii.
... .. . v- . .'1 ".II1 IS I.' KIK '"II illM'lll iihii 1'f.i ...
srMSri.'MTlONs On.- ear 1-. (i),,,,v,, T1,,v vv;illt to ncguotl judges
. nr,Aiwo9 of produce, mil onlj for the advantage th..t
WHERE WERE THE OREGONIANS' M vj) - t(JMt ,,,,, ,. ,,. sil,isra.ti. n
For weeks some of the Invest n,,,N Lninoi by the assurance of knowledge,
men of greatest imluence in Idaho have M g j,)r cnatnn-tion of an adequate
been back in Washington to mm the new M)UJI;U ,.mL,. with tiers of benches on at
for the passage of the Mondell bilk, su'l lP(U,t two side so thai tboae who desire can
bare been pressing the claims of their Mat" u,n ,,, ,). lecture of the Judges the Board
for participation in its benefits. tns V1.(11. uji ,(, ,,,,.,. t,, nake the Pair
The reports of their activities wliieli ui;,(' it original was Intended hi be, an
have hem appearing daily in the pa I educational institution, than by nj othei
iMn of Idaho musi be Inspiring to oui ,. tlm,u
neighbor. What n contrast there in m
tween the interns! shown bi the tdahoain nim FLOWERS" REQUESTED
and thai "i the Oregoiiians, America has experienced ten days as I
(Vmmerrinl body in Oregou liu "dry" nation, and so far at least is appav
sent a nmittec blck to Wasliington ' pntlj none the worse off wr the experienee
help our representatives present the I'hlilll TJuit the people. ;is a whole, are indeed h,t
of tins state. Oregoniaiia, in fact, are eon Iter off Is certain, for what was true in the
spicttoua i. their abscnee. How differeiil ,.,.,..,. of Washington and Oregon i-1 true ii
this all Will he when the river and harbor',, larger measure for the nation,
appropriations are up for eoiieideratlni There never was n good argument t
From Astoria and all the Columbia rive- J(Vanec for the American saloon. In time
and Willamette sloughs will go poets of op t- come thinking people will wonder how
portuiiitj i" sing pcans of praise for tin! their forefathers ever nermitted it to exist,
possibilities of prosperity tlial result from j,,st as WC WOllder today how MolliailA en
the drodginu of sluggish' streams t. ma!o joyed their pjurmandisiug feasts, and -
wa for the leviathans of commerce, cured pleasure at seeing captives murdered
The facts of the matter are that lie in the arena.
will be no commerce for these leviathan . The American ;il without a doub!
no need for throwing dollar- int.. the claimed more lives than the Rpanish Inqni
streams unless the territory liaek of the sitlon, It was a degrading influence in pub
Columbia river ports b developed. What He life. It was all that waa bad. It had no
is worn in-. Portland now is not the laek l redeeming feature, The American pic
ocean I'arricrs, but the laek of earges. have ruled that it shall exist no longer. Al
Given the development of the empire laiek its obsequies, no flowers were nct'cssary,
of Portland in Basteni Oregon, Wash in jj for there was frieiMls t. mourn Its
t..n and Idaho and her prospcriti as ;i sri departure,
e nafe itn.l assured. There i- mi need to worn over the mi
It may he that the Oregon delegation idble return nfJohn Barleycorn, Helsdead.
lias sent out the word thai it needs no sup And what Is re, liis victims of form i
port on the tar1 of the commercial Inter years, nfter suhdiiinu: their appetites will
ests of the state to se.nre for Oregon ;i fair I be the hardest workers against bim should
share of the development funds ( I" pro he ever try to stage s comeback. Th
vided h the Mondell bill. Oritiii.-n be that know what his rcnp)carance would mean
the leaders of commercial bodies in I'ori to them.
land will i thai advise from Washington
lielicve the delegation, especially with Ron Now that the state Engineers are hetv
i. s, ntaiui N. J. as chairman of tn on the ground actually supervising work
rerlaniatioii committee, ran go it alone. that the state Highway Commission Is do
It that is inn. all well and good Irit iua i Deration with the eounty, what
the hisl.-rv of previous sessioiw hardh jus will some of those who alwa l knocked tluit
mi so roseate a view. In the meantime we peration saj I
would like t" know, over lure m Eastern . , . . , ,
,, i i ii i . he on satisfaction that tin llglli
Ore.. on what the mueh heralded OrcgMI . . , , -,, ,... ,-. tlli.
... . . ,, . . , ii ,,. aiis who departed with '" ii'oii men lot ttie
Slate 'hainher ..I omilierce is ilolllH al.oilt ' ,., . . ... ,.
nine niinute allair at I olnlo, w ill lae w ill
1 iN'conversal al. Thev certainly will li; '
MAKING THE FAIR VALUABLE '',' '" ;' '", ,,f WUn" ,loW M W "'
i . i ii plav even.
Ai the suggestion "i Inrei'tor r. It.
..num. the Board of Directors f the Mai Poliee ofllcers along the short Line an
heur County Pair havo adopted ;. rule th t iareutl have u clever ganii to deal with,
the judges in each department sitall on but they ouglit to land them sooner or later.
in.iUiii- awards deliver a lecture, uiviui; ')i- sooner the Letter.
arth the reason for tlieir deeisioiiK.
One is oonipcllcd to wonder wh this Better look over the garden pateh lo
rule was ii. .t promulgated when the tirt v,( just what n are (oillg to exhibit at
Pair wio iriven ten vean ago, It Is on' the Fnir this fall.
h) sii.h means as this that th. men. v. .iii-i .
boya aud girls, wmi eatdi year briim pnnluei ignin there Ua real champion of heavy
to tin Kan i an seelirc the maximum valo weights, and one William Harrison Demp
for tlieir effort, Thej want, ad liave i -, v isthatman.
n lit. lo know on what basis their w.rk I
st...k i judged. Ms., by havinw Minf l Ontario i revived Commereial eluh
out i" them the ilefivts of tin- nr's d- m . d our.nssistmiee right now and all th i
play, the) will proflt th.i.l and ml brii tun .
Ury it on piej
Piis "luw" b) wittaf fruil fi
.t V gBjftt kilUiuliv WVj. I
I'm it i vv'u ,.u L.j .J ttm m
II It stain pjj issr Ufti.r li will m
m k t .' . k( it SJSJSJ uald
iS asat 0- t thfit it b Itfr m
OmW ; loUsjr . m
4 try tlu 4U SSSSS
A VfmC-J &-.
L. ...
Mi Phillip On;-"i. oi ll.e.
koii. iiirlv... SatlirtU mnli! 10 I" i' i
w WMtU III) ItW itotM. Ml
II p I ll, -.I..1I
Rrf U Pat OH
Is our Registered and Common-law Trade Mark
and can only be rightfully Uied on g(X)ds made
by iu.
Should .t. v deal r try to ll you any
gatmriit i i C'lukl efl I to t ear oi ar
Uiul. i llu- KOVERALU "aiiif you
may be n- M trying to market an
mferiof mbrtituK on K.ov nulls rtpuUOoa.
Unless made by Levi Struutt & Co.
Koveralis Keep Kids Kleen
$ the Suit sgrntny
KCA'l UA1.LS a.e m.dc 'OVERALLS
pnl) i i.fw .-iiau.-a o
R( U S KAT.Off
J ir. I i..ikiwo
l u Ik 4 thu
Any White Shod in the House at Reduced
We are going to put on Sale all of
our stock of White Shoes at a Reduced
Price This Week Only. There are all
kinds White Kid and Canvas both high
and low heels. These are not odds and
ends but all new stock this season.
Lot No. 1
beautiful white leather boot,
Si ., huh t... full Louie, wix.d-
eovered beef; all siaes from '' u 7.
Regular -i- !.."()
Salt' price pb."D
Lot No. 4
White r.invas, B inch t.. witli
nedium lw rubber beela, a good
comfortable walking shoe; all
sizes. '' .j to a
Regular pries 18.00
Sale price $4.95
Lot No. 2
White rainskin, BV4 Ineh t..).. rail
jOllis, W 1 ei.vered Ilec l.all IMW
Htock, right Up tO date; all siert
and widths from Vg " hi-
Regular pries I6JJ0
sale price $5.45
Lot No. 5
Wlnte canvas English walking,
shoe with rubber BOleS and Inels,
all sizes from -VL to 8
Regular juice $5.00
Sale price Jn5."r)
Lot No. 3
We have ont lot Of Oddl and ends,
not all sizes, but some large and
some small.
Values up to $6.00
Bale pries $Z."o
Lot No. 6
White canvas, gl inch top, with
military leather heels. I line shoe
for street wear; all si.r and
Regular price if".."H
Sale price $4.45
Come Early While We Have Your Size.
New Welworth Blouses
Far Above the Average
g y
. s
made hy the same tirn.
under the same eo-operu-tive
plan that makes p. .
ibis the exceptional
Wirtlunor Waists. Th.
too, always represent the
best at the price, and th .
hear a close rescmhlan.
to BpOUSeS often eotti:;.
oonsidcrably more, The
new models are so very ap
tealing, they'll surely meet
with a reaay sale.
Yard wide in
pretty, large
plaids of com
bination col
ors, suitable
for dresses
and aprons
Saturday and
Monday 27c
27-inch Gin -ham
at 19c