The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 10, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Thomas ('. Johnson HoHM Krom
Franco Where llo San Service
Wan Witness llcfoie ;riiluini In
vestigating Committee.
"It was n hIiiiiii' t se great train
loads of material (lint tin- American
people pad for go up In smoke
that Is wliat we thol when we re
ported our t oioncl who ordered o i
to burn It." said Tlinmii-. (' John
son, brother of Amos K mid William
JohnRon of till city on hi reditu
here IiihI Hiiturdny iiIkIi)
"Tin' fire wlili h burned for dnvs
over In France MM not
one to get rd of used material Why
I saw t i'ii carloads of line baled Inn.
linttiT t hull that which an fed t i -urmy
horses, thrown Into the lire to
be burned. All kinds of machinery
was burned unil eiuipmeiil of nil
k nda. including new clothing M Wtil
iih old.
"Of course the men In our tii.n!
did their work und watched the lir
under order, hut we tlint It n ikMI
to use the money of American cit
izens that way. ho when we linnl il
In New York we reported whnt we
had WW That Is why we came to
testify before the Ornhuiii committee,
and JudKltlK by what we heard while
In Washington there will be many
mom things (hat the American peo
ple w II know about the conduct of
the war before the tlrahnin comiiil't
tee rets thru Its work."
Madame Nn7ltuova Is nn actress ol
unique and original talent. She Is
known as the woman of a thousand
moods and her art Is as great In
light fantastic or whimsical moment
ns it Is In the heavy emotional da
m:i. for which she Is Internationally
famed See lier In "Out of the Kog"
Friday and Saturday, July IS ami It.
The play is surrounded by the mys
tery of the sea and the charm of
Mow much more appealing and In
spirlni; i-t the SIOHT of Jo sacrlli
clng her long rippling tresses to f'.tt
nisli the. money for her mother' i
trli In tli" bedside of lie! liolnV' I
father, than the mere rending of the
Incident in mid black type. Yet
Si.flOO.Ouu lovers of the best in Amer
ican literature have bought ttl
hook. "Little Women " Show at
our thou Sunday and Motidii. July
II and 14 10,000.000 persons mint
have read it.
The warmest duy of the summer,
so far, wm yesterday when the BW
cury after a stead, strong pull for
the top of the mi i the ill;
zy he ght of 102 in the shade am!
sbado was welcome Indeed compared
with the broad sunlight.
Just what a mercury would hai I
recorded In the sun is nut known
but It would have been plenty for the
heat bounced hack from the
sidewalks, on shady hides in
street, was enough to st m folks
talking about hot days "bad, '."
Ontarians were congratulating
themselves that with the selling of
the sun they secured relief -able
to sleep, forgetting the disci
fort of the day.
Today, in the opinion of some Is
hotter than vestcrduy but us )il th-'
thermometer has not reached the
height recorded ycterday afternoon
Those who fear the In-
mails of lloluhevlsm In Amer-
lea should take heart. So
long us the American l.ej-i n
ex'sts pledged to Its constl-
tutloii there will be no dun-
ger. No more lofty set of
principles could be enunciated
than those contained In the
preamble to the t'onstl'utlou
of the Legion which is as fol-
For Ciod and country we
associate ourselves together
for the following purposes
To uphold and defend the
Conatltution of the I'n ted
Btutes of America, to foster
and perpetuate a one hundred
per cent Americanism; to
proservc the memories nnd
Incidents of association in the
Great War; to inculcate .1
sense of Individual uhllgul on
to Ihe roniiuuniiy. state ami
nation; to make right Ike
master of might; to promote
peuco and good will on e rth;
to safeguard and trail mil to
posterll) the principals of Jus-
tlce, freedom and democracy ;
to consecrate and sanctity our
comradeship by our devotion
to mutual helpfulness
Said to Have Suggested System of Life
Insurance to Eminent French
A game of curds Is said to have sag
gestnl the system of life Insurance
now so universal, according to London
t I tcuiKh nobleman In the seven
teinth century tiled to divide eiultably
Ihe enali staked upon an Intel ruined
game of chain , He was helped III his
attempt by Pascal, a distinguished
French mathematician, MM solved the
problem. In doing so he also solved
the doctrine of probabilities" or laws
governing Insurances of nil kind.
The Idea can lie llliisti .it. d by the
throwing of a dice, the 1 haine of tinn
ing up 1111 in e being one out of six. In
a luge number of throws the chance
are In the sa proportion. From Ikll
I'asenl laid down the proposition that
lesiilts whi'h have happened In a
given number of observed (UN III
again huppeu in similar 1 Ircumsliiuiva,
provided the numbers he sufficient for
Ihe proper working of Ihe law of aver
The life of a person Is one of the
greatest llllcerlnllllles, bnl the illlill
t inn or rate of mortality of a huge
number of persons may be predicted
with Hie greatest accuracy by compnrl
son with the observed result among 11
sullli Icntly large number of persons of
similar uges and occupations and sub
ject to similar clltnatle influences.
Song Inspired by Poster?
It Is no Interesting bit of history. In
view of Hie Importance of posters as
an Inspiration .ml inicrpielntlon of
patriotism, that the MiirHclllulse ii
Insplreil by n conii iiipomrj poMM. At
tlrst thought one might imagine that
Ihe art of Hie poster, as II Is now un
ilerslnoil. was unknown In 17ir'. but ihe
pi'01 hiituitloii of the mayor oi Striias
burg, wlili Its terse, ringing -ententes.
beginning "To arms, clllens" was no
doiilit as clTocllve ui Ihe posters pro
lucetl In IIH K. Posted on Ihe city
walls, as Jean Itlchepln of Ihe h'r neb
in inleiin lias lu-t pointed out. the
words of the proi lamatlou dlreclly In
spired Itougel de I. Isle In the . otnpiMl
Hon of Ihe "Muiselllulse." MP, ns It was
first called. 'The War Song of the
Armies of ihe Ithlne." Ijitcr Ihe eon
venllon al I'arls eniltled It the "Hymn
of Marseilles." but the public promptly
named It "I. a Marseillaise," and It
might almost tie said to have set the
msynr's poster to music- Christian
Helellee Monitor.
Deadly Chemical Elements, When
United, Form Substance Beneficial
to AM Animal Life.
When a native of Ihe snvnge tribes.
of Africa happens to find a pic e of
rock sail be PonalupTl himself most
fortunate. often he will In tilt his
friends In n putty and serve this piece
Of salt us the refreshments. The
guests seat thetnelves h, 1. elrcle and
take Hi 4r turn- 1 t I' kin, lit chrtlf
hit, pn-inj,' it around In nun h the I
same manner ns the Indians pass
lirulilel lluir pipe of pence. Bill
seems to be necessary for most forms ,
of ami al life. CtettM Mil mini for
mile t 10 net a tnste of It,
.1 peraoM realise is hen Ml Ins I
this nbsl'iiie Hint It 1 cniupost l of
two il sill poisons, th nn t. I andlnni
arid He gn- chlorine, todluui la one
of lb most . ctlve niei at, While ebb.r
Ine I- i gas dangerous to brent he ev.n
In aannll nunnt'tles. If a ite.'.- of so-
dluin 's placed on water It v ill 1,
viol. nily. For th's reason It Is sj 1
wnv Kept uiulei l.i 1 osem to ke.-p It
from I'M Willi with Ule mol.ture In the
air, nnd II Is rlwnvs bandied villi I
twee-. r, u- it will 1 01s, 1 -. -vere burn
If nil. .wed to loiich the sUln. esp,
dally If Ihe In nils nre damp. The pi
soiioik nuture of chlorine Is gMMMllj
known, as It was one of the lnM '
ly g:,es used by the Hertnntis llmini
ihe world war.
Winn these two chemli .il 1 b t. units
unite each loses Its polsoinui . ti.,nne
and Ihe salt which I- formed Is an
enthely new sii'istalni-. having none
of the properties of pit I,. 1 It is iss or
chlorine. Nevertheless si It i COM
posed of two ileudly poisons, but 1 In 1 1
ball., combined we em It rVtf) lUl
aa It Is both ban. 'less an 1 neei-sarv.
M. I Ituin came up Iroiu Jordan
Valley on bualnons 'I'uesda' ulul re
inulued over Wedne-ilay Ml 11
now in chusge of the pro'o
of the Jo'dau Valley Tarms coinpan.
e I "I I ' oil 1 '
' I
Red Rag to a Bull.
How many people know th reul
I meaning of the phrase "Like red rag
to a bull?"
Why should a bull, or any other itch
lure he enraged when a piece of seal
J let elolb Is flaiinlcd be fori theiuT For
tnills are not alum- In this Sheep, usu
, all) so meek ami gentle, will nppar
eotly lii'i'iini). trnnsirte'l wlili rage
If they see any tiling of this color,
(leese and turkeys are s uillarly affect-
ed the former MM having been
' known to attack a scarlet clad child.
I The excitement animals display In
such circumstances Is similar to thai
l caused I'V the smell o MMsa Here
Is the theory : The n.loi reminds the
allheals of blood, un ass,., i.nlon which
II. variably suggests bodily discomfort
and hurt. So ihcy epies iheir terror
by the only means ihev p..
Popular Writer's Rsport on City's
Religious Condition Failed to
Apptai In Print.
Wh.n Mink Twain uns I rtpOrtM
on the Vlrflnln t'lty Kntcrprl-c he was
flvi n nn assknnent 10 MpasTI tlie ion
illll'.ii ol the 1 bun Ill's in UoM Hill.
The MM day he turned In Hie follow
ing, w lib h tin It martin editor ia'
elite ' !, print :
"Your ti'poUit had soini- dlfflculty
lu si luring nn IMMfMH with the pas
lor of III)' llapllst ehureh He f 111111)1
him pushltiK an ox call on ihe dump
lib uf Hii Overman mine He said
Hint he wns doing this not merely for
cvciiNc but for a day He said
Hint bl clerical salary was nominally
S.'iO pel month, hut the Irregularity
wnh which h wns not paid was vci.v
itisiiiHislng. Ihe him her, hi' said.
Illlll been veil III llllll. bill Ills
I -alienee had limits, nnd lately when
niled upon fur a beefsteak he bud,
hi an iibsetn mlnili il way Mil otT a
pi if liver. Ills coui. 1 eta I Inn bail
dwindled In li hearer- and tin- oil
lection for Ihe pieiloii- Siibhath
attiouiiti'il to hill 4n ecu's e had
lunile one convert. Inn had 1 11 un
abb' to hiiplhec hlln, for Ihe water
iiunpiiiiv IiihI refused to upply Ihe
vvnlcl except ful )iisb in inhume.
"till the whole." le. oit'd Murk
Twain, ' 'ihe MBllltlM of IBa iaue nt
religion in Hold ll.ll seems to leave
D-ry linn h in In- ilesliid ."
Th Man Who Overcame.
MM Willi weak evis will remember
that The.iihile lb", -.-veil had WenU
eyes all his life nnd lieeumc a SUCCtSM
fill biililil. un onoilv"i"u- re., del and
a keen 111 1 11 1 it i 1 t Mi-li with il.lii
live hinl 1 11 K Will leluelllbi'l llial I ten
dor)' ltoosevelt losi ihe ue ol one ol
Ids eafs ami could still distin
guish Ihe calls of blnls and lead
a M'ople inngnlln i-nilv Men BtftcSj
ei with pain will remeiiihei ihat MM
Thiodore Hooaevell winked at his
eori esponilellce until le- fainted and
ihe 1 "in li on which he lay was
drenched with blood t'lippbs will
hear Ihe wont Hint Theodore ROBM
veil spoke when a pliysiiinn told him
in Hie lust month of his life that lie
might be eniilineil lo bis chuir the
rest of his days. "All light' I .an
live Hun way. too!"
The millions will remember Hie In
spiring bailer, but n few with t'-r-rois
to MM will always ihcrl-h most
the man who ilvcicanu- liein.nli
Hugidoin lu Curry On
Low Shoes
This Week
IImiuI Digestion. 1 -n lovlv or oil..
Digestion begins In tin Ulh your food thoroughly and von m.iv
The food should be thoroughly inns fMOTM wUhout taking any nnilli im
tl)Ut)'d nilil Insallvali'd ssttoM II I If your bowel-, are 1 on lake
swallowed. WkM Ibis la habltuallv ('liainlierl.iln'n I'ablctH
lieglncted stomach (rouble Is aim 1 .1
sure to follow If you now have in
digestion eat no beef or veal and
only cause 11 gentle nioM 111011I of tin
bowels but aid digestion and Ml
en thn stomach
vli . Mr Wood ami dailghl 1 1
ow 1 iiiovlng tin' mountuln
n.iv or tin' lllui' Mountain Spin.
Ii'gloll of Hrallt, while the Judge .
1 mi", to h.iltl" with knoll) b
plolibai.i here 1)1 Ontario. Iloplll':
in the early arrival of Ibfl day I
. it ion 1 onus
Weather Talk.
lira. Flutbusl, They say some pen
pie can talk at Holfeln but Hie wutli
Mrs lb ns.inburst Well. I believe
it. 1 1. :,e. my huslmiul for sots
money tills morulug and he aald, "laa't
It beautiful day?"
I" i
Clean, Cool, Sanitary
Ontario '8 Best Tonsorial Parlora
Good Barbers Give Good Shaves
Proper Hair CutsConsiderate Service
Shoe Shining Parlors
KICK & JOHNSON, Proprietor
Two door North of Curler House
tided With a .
It wus Sunday iiiortilug In Ihe . I1.1I1
of a Inrge chui.h 1 was singing mi
prsuo III u ijuultil At Ihe end of Hie
selectiou 1 wus under Ihe Impression
that We wile to sing "Allien.' but. Hot
DOtlcIni cliiM'ly thai the oilier luem
bers lu the ijuurlci had seated lliein
selves I remained Mantling and MaMlM
with 1 be hiiieu ringing Kill in tin
llclc ot 111)' 1 linn li, without even
ihe -upport of the "Igau. With Hie
Il -legation nil 1 111 ue.i on
Uie. I sat tlow n amid the BBMiiv Ol io
lellow ehtgWB, .isbiog tin' llooi mlgbi
up' n up ami swallow n, e. Cbleagu
1 1 iblllie
Overcome Obstacl.
"I lull I !el "bsl.i. li - "I lull l-h l
worry you u Buudl) sbure of dirtn 1
lies iiinl hniil-hips have ihe saiin- el
ret I il mui Hie rlgBI kind 01 young man
HS blows I.IIVe Up".i .1 pie. 1 .if (l
that is lielng linipeitil Seiba I -
truill rMI to tighl heller 1 I ) Ida. I.
Friday' par I. of isT.t 1. -.1.1. 1 pied -in-Just
after I bail iiuide im tn.i si. .11
In liusiueos. winii twenty l'lgl, ami
I well recall nn ohlei men 1 h. ,
lug to ine. by way ol loiiwdaiioii
'Happy ami lucky Is the man who f'i
uli'ii be i young.'" Ruben lanUm n
tbe Alneib nn )luglne.
Price Reduction
sbbbbbbbbbLsbbbbbbbbVV HsbbbbbbbbbbI I 7TsbbbLI 1 . ' 'sW LsbbbK7 .saatBBBBBBai k sflsak
QssswJ . T as. ?-sdwt)
' 's M
Fordson Tractors are Now Priced at
O f 0J Dearborn, Mich.
(IfUiin Delivered at
tpOiU (
)ntario, Ore.
Orders should be filed early for there will be a
shortage ot this popular and efficient friend of the
Troxell Implement Co.,