(Bnfatt mm. fwJJ XXIII EVERGREEN HIGHWAY BOOSTER VISITS CITY lAHMA li;l.K;Tlo UCAVM IHrllM.SS TO INTUHK.ST WN- SA AND ONTARIO l HAVING ORMOON ITT n iih.iiw MAI' Cfl-OPtRAIION IS REQUFSTED II. mil linn- Cull for Itiiule I kiiii hi mlu 10 Mexico One of Mo I s. . e ( Mkfhwaya ' ' the ttci (in lir.. Will Do II. lilt. ('. A. Collins of Tnrniiin. secn-iiny of the Kvergi.cii Trail, accompeolOd i. .1 dologat 'in of Panai boaioi m ni"n visited Nyssn mill Ontario MOB ilny ufliM iiiior iiuil evening t. I est tllla city In tin- pi in 10 hBTI highway pass lliru OTl BOO fn m M BO thru Ontario to tin- gruika rli". bridge In Hi" I'iinnn pnrly WOT Roy W'lb run. formerly of !lil. city, II n I nr! Il'lililil';i I- J U'a' I . nn,! II .1. Hlnnn, moor of Vnrinii The I': run folkii ate anxious 10 I kvO ll.r road limn' Mils win- for Hi" reason Hint It will pnss thru Hi"" lovn. .u, will bring tout 1 1 H lln fiull bill v.iih tOWOI .-' 1 lor tln'iu to inp ill for siiiipll uhil nil ' nulppert for their I Sfcnco the pnrly reached 1 about r, no p. m and no art nollre aave a telephone mossng" fro Mr. Wilson Juki a half hour beta had been reoe'veri no meeting 1 h" railed. lion over tunny luminous n the utreot were met nnd W. V Ufa "l prenlil"ut of ih" ( oiiuncr. Ul lad and Sceretury K 1. ltodi tool up the mutter uiih thfiii nnd BOBOfOd lhen of Ontarlo'a deelre to o . ,, to l"" "in """' "We nro marking UM 'Uuiion of Ul kind In Miilloiir rnun- Trull with mxlal road xlgnit iluu m . ". IM Koni M t inr Aaoiiry for p"riiiiin,nl in Ihi'lr n.ilui" und wl;i Mnlhiiir .oiinit .mil Hi" KUlt" BOO t'-niulii for fpan Thin wo ur- ( , ..urtiiriirt 111 Ontario HadOf 'In ling on! hookli'lH jt ti it niiii- ithoi. in- I aWBOgOOMtll "I Rrble llavi .. I 1,0 Hie roul" nnd lOUIfJfl of U mh.,:. BBOOT tOO dlfOclloa pi V. II Klapl. tiiKea," mild Mi ciiii. "ii, i' ajorklbo bovloi poreaaaod the bunlneim 1 botef don,' i.iraiiv hy ih" (ii.- boa Mr BoM mid the Vale 11 1 Tucoma, loottM. Spokane. W'ulla W'.ii .witri- ompnn mi Ju 3. Ii, Halt Iikf mid OiBOT larKi' rlll.v. Mr ttailOI. Hi" BOO own, 1 ,.1 whore ilioy rOOlHO what lOO louri : bOOWOOl I I :i KfOOfOI la traffic moaiiM "Out thix road will BOOM gsOO) of those EuHiorn tourist.., hound lo or from ('allium a In llni" th -i number will be rtoulrtort and trebled and gftrj mi. ,t tl. in lOOVOI a troll of dpHare bOklOd him It im t I oIIiitwImii for II BOOta money lo tout the comii.-y nnd It Is the bunines- , , ue IOUII I , I ,111,1 II IS I 111- 11,1 SHIPS' lion on the route of travel who BOJ the dli.'ct I., in-fit "We have the roud marked from Rait Lake to Caldwell, and It will ho marked soon from I'uyette to l.e-.vl Ion, Idaho. The route hvtueen Caldwell und I'avelte has not been chosen und It was to get dntu mi the condition of the road from Cald well g I'arma, Nyssu und On1 , that I BOOM this w'uv this Hm". If the atUOt of I'srina N'issa und On turio en op,, ate lli" dlreclors will talnly take their io-operatioii ii ii ' I artwseiu.'iii mid OOOOidOf II I" making their seleitlon of Hi" ioul - The v hltois at" dliiinr at lifar' and after dlaongglllg what Is !. rt.one on the road bOtWOOg I eie a'.i.l Nyoog, the Purina men returned lilthM territory hulng suh-nKents fro llnir hollies and Mr nllni; I. f' Ihil "i.nlng for I'avaitc and other poto tloog th" propo i Rt ei iroen Trail LITTLE BOY HAS BOTH ARMS BROKEN BY FALL WUIiaill Cell-Is,. Ii Is lit Im oi Cul,,. ful Ai'iiuViint While li.iiiiiK at His Home hums Itei-pl. Af- fe, i, hi Injury to riamale. For many days William, the seven ear-old son of Mr and Mrs II I. Peterson, w II not enjoy this suminer vacation, for each of his arms are firmly encased In a cast Without the use of hands any small hoy g badly handicap. William's predicament is the re sult of a fall lie suffered Wednesday ' ONTARIO, ROBBERS COOK MEAL FROM STOLEN COOK Hovonil llnliirio He-Llenl- Islte, In liming Itohlieri Hoiilhue-I Mini of Timn gOOOBS loitunnc Sii Hon for Night Workers. Helping IhemaOlVM lo fruit '.mi fOOd found on hand ill lh" I . Mrs. II W BItOOI unit h i Mum ci.iinn. bwglora took tin I rook ni'iil mill m..ke Huiii iv "hi liiinn" BOW ilino iliirinr il v, ; nlng of July 4. 'I'lilil llii' work v .. done In liic.il I yeggs Ml evil'-iit l Mm fact that liny kii"w Mm, MIm-ii I -nd .il s QOfOOO ,..! HWIIV frillll llOHl". Ill" IiiivIiik got," '' M'-'ii'l Hi'' iln nil I It lull t M Ith I heir iinilli' I . wl ii ll B (III' ll'iilli Mllil gOOl liWi'Ml of low II Also this Ih lull tin' flr.u i i i . lo Hi-' lln I M bow d ii i i i -. 1 1 pa fiw weeks Twice bafon ihi hnnM WBS entered I, III Utile Will lul I I mi Mm unlay night i I .1 W Bprlngt r bom . I .1 lo i bo n ii n dOflcO ai i-nti red mill I watches mid some in l I i' tin' iwog OarTlod :i" . v b; tb tl rml wooka ogo loo hi of A. U Cm kritin . I .11 ! qi mo! 1 riMOBtl) ii''' .1 . "ii r 1 bono witH entered inn vnluo was lnk"ii - V. B. STAPLES FORD . GARAGE MANAGER NOW Krlile llm and Vale llaidwiii" . ..iin SeIN I'oiil k"u. i for ( ,un I) mill I'osilirss lll'l " o X. II. Siuples riiu rord tiMrna". the Iikhi m I'ouuti'K hiiHlnesH I'lri'le, botrloi for yi-aiK hei'ii lili'iiHIU'd with v "Ikiniwii i: i ti. lions both In Ontario k , I 'M II" r.'tiirii"il lo Oni.irlo two "arH ago tO OOtOI the gBTOgl bOOtBeOa with ' ' ' iftOt ami l.,t.'i sold, lakliiK Hm .s.IIiiik atc'iuy fei ih" K.ifi.'in Or. son Aulo .oinpmiy'H hiaiuh bOTO ,...,,.,.,., ,i. ,,, ,,,, i , , ., it,,, ..... m : l ' ni-gollatlona VON under wu for. i It - whleh he lo Id until .J .in. SO, lin purehaae ol Ibe i "ord ag Mr Hayes who nines from Hi" aulo ("Id bog! . alio- Ii Vale tin i-e years ago to pOfOhOOt Hie from Tliouius Coward. who lln-n VOOl in LnOrunde Sin." ooinlng Imre Mr Hayes "iilurK"rt the BOOtOO had the present miraK" I. mil I... J l( lllai'kahy ll wus BOOOOtOd (01 th" llrst Hui" on J.inuan I. I'M lt Count. v Aiii'iir.i. in puriiiusiiK the Kurd 9ff f ' said Mr Staples, "It will he our pol icy to maintain th,- si iidard I n I in Malheur lounty that h, paoy boo Um world ovor This IgOOO) for Kind BglO (Of Malh ur BOUnty, III" BtkOff UKeinies within H.I I list 1! Ill lull We will ke p . hand a lante ard eomplei" Hue r.ud parte iad maintain i that will he BBOOOd 10 none fouert in any part of the entire ronntry " afternoon while plaviiiK at his home on Vli tli" IfOOt mol M nit: i. mi.- He was up wi a tree and somo linw lost his fooling falli'i downward To break the fa', I stretched forth his hands with I he result tiiai above each wrist fetod a fraciurn The little . :. p i,,ok his I tune manfully. He did not c when at the surgeon's office i bones were set. His liule abom Buck Gallagher, however, did noi .take his pal's ini.iurtune that I He cried On,, would have thoi . .1 i was he who was injured Instead his chum In lulling shout (he ,, cldent one of William's Mule sirl playmate.-, with big rouml II" l "-ok" both his IiuliIm Inn did go) COO .MAMiKri, - COUNTY, ein: BACK TO THE 010 SWIMMING HOLE GOLDEN WEDDING OF PIONEERS CELEBRATED! l.irtlii' l.litlii'ilnu " llt'lnl Hi's iiikI I tkonilk t'oiiiineiiioriitr 1 1,, 1 1 "ii- n. ii of Mmili'l I. If" of Mr. mill Mrs . Mrtireaoi J I At lli.'ir lioill.' souihuisl ol I'. Hi tool ThurHilii) Mi n tTil Mri. A ii MeOrofOfi plooooro "i thin goo Hon. ""iiiinii.'d t iii-i i golden w.'.i .Inn; surround, rt hy IkOtf i".i "hllilron. st"i il Klandohlldi, n .inrt ' u host oi BOtfljttbon and trtOOda In the happy party Ihil" wi'ii-uoi. pier ( ti ii Ii the lir'd" und groum Of III t s. years ago. Tin- rOotlvHIoa of tin- do) gaatei rt .irmind the wdillmt dinner, whl. ii with lis boootloa wus Bojoyod bj th" tifiy or more gBlbOTOd at hem ily larten laid", Ih" Coiupiin iijoi.-.i Dm i iloJoaooooi ol Nil ! ami Mrs MaOrogOf who shoriiy ufi-1 - . ""' -h" u ,r '""' '" OfOfOO Md have watched this aieat still, itg velop from crude sage l.ru h pluim Mr. und Mrs MoOrogOf OOTO BsOl ,rled Juh I, lM.ii m Uaiipun. N . gBOOiOi an. I BTOi td IM plains to Oregon .17 "ars ago. residing her" in Malheur county pfOf sliue. To them 10 children were born, sevn of whom are now living They hav i I M.-. n grand tklMfOO and two great grand children The golden wi'ddliw: gills ol ih:r sons and daughter., were a ten dOllOT Kolrt pi. . e (rolii eaeli. anil U gfgl w i.i difficulty il.al Ihe.-.e colli.! Other,, of the gOOOtOi too. mart" Ihelr gifts In I'm le Sinn coin. .l and $a gold pi. The meiuheis of the Ml ' family who gather.-. 1 to honor !' eel. 1,1 III ni-ll, Mrs 8 Ii llll. ' and family of N'vs.a, Mr and Mi Hairy McUregor tod fauiily of Pal ma. Mr and Mrs A A Wellington. Mr and Mrs John MoOrogOf I I son. Mr and Mrs A: family. Andrew umi Robert MeOrogor ull of llll'.lllo Thh". bors und fr ends made up the puny, which was a patriotic gutherir" g kaaAlui- with the season, li.i1 ii.c la.-i ,. ... ,, inn Hi a leirruu oi ine i li.l wai .11 1 M. liregor make the occu -inn BM ol loncweil devotion to Hi" oiiii'i fought lo save. OWYHKJK RANI HKlis ATTKMO I Hit II OIUKCTOILS' MFKTISn I , M whul could I" don lo 111 SUI" theiu wuier for the but in, ol tba -ea.soii. a large iiuiiiber of Ihe stock holders ol Ibe Owyboe i loii.paiiy BBOM 10 Omar!-, la-l Sa' II day lo ullend 1 In- regular luontl.!'. uieeiiiig of the directm- rbag Were 1 that avarylbiag . being don, to pfOjOOj Hie supply jon. rnr!;si.v. .iilv id. TWO CHILDREN AND MAN BITTEN BY DOG i .mil..' on i(iiuiiiiK" aoaaa Watrj o4 I'linois liunois I..K ihi u l..i", otl. M.n on rims,' lint, i. mi.. I lot nonil. Too . hildri'ii .'iii.l mi" iiiuii wor, l,lll"ii in tin- past :M I, our In xl mil" dog Mai,) lo ii" Hi. prof in oi or Clark, electrician f"i I - Idaho 1'omr Minipain who Ih". . u He Knsl sldO, TkO VlOl BM Of lOO i. mine ure Hukiiii Moor". BM of In .1 Mrs A (! Moor" Kliionii.o IValkor, daaghtor ol Mi aod Mi U r M'alker. ami J II Atlniion Mr. Alheitou grOJ the lirt-t vn I He w.i- bitten iii two plan-- on ii right bud Tko d..,' lootb mad p woiiiuls on hin liuiiuli und imi Hid" i Hagoo Wotta, Iko aoooMI rtotln was hit In several ut lli t " kOd l"dv when he triad 10 lOofl the dog aaa. from II," chickens in II." Moon I, uk v ml on Hi" KOOtdlde Hits morning i little whi:,' lat'l Ih" dOgJ " In front of the t.old'ii Rule store where the Utile Walker girl if pining. It Jumped up in lei Idling In- Iwiei on.', on the cheek ..gain mi the foreheud Or II II Whitney was called lot he children's wouurts ami lOgOthei w th a number ol nn-ii. im lading Mr Aihnrion. Ir Moore, ami l started a hunt for th" uuliu ..' It was finally loOOtOd BO 0 street and driven down the al HI Ihi RgltUl blacksmith shop win reached The dog ran In there bu .-. bOO hi- pin u.i -. trlid lo cuteli him hecani" ho vnious thai h" BlOdOd their efforts lie then run down Wyoming street and sought refuge under the big porch at the (Jeo lll.lllll.K loin", und there Hie III. n w.re Irving to catcli him ull v - lie, Mopped all the hole- aroUll.l Hi" pa rob and were im iding ! BortoJ la ti ii. Ii nn into If caught alive the animal will l. i laad and watehod If it is foood .necessary lo kill him his head will be sent In Ihe Slale II.U'I "liologl t for examination ciuud l'ropst returned Tot from Twin Kails and Nevada BO where he went three weeks ago Hi is Colisiilerllig a proposition In 'h Twin kails counlry H I Iloyer left lodai .. Jorda 1 alley on husluess lie IglBOdOd ' ' lake Hie PolOOO cr. ek hill route to '1... county s southern metropoll Hi," tiruham, (In- in, undal au thority of Juntura. Is milling uroimrt aasoog Ontario fr ends today i!i PLANT ON ORCHARD Moftofl t.. Iliiiiow- tomes to In. il t'ltt Raaotla i.iiK.- Coop -I',-. 1 !iK l'roM'rtiiw SonlliiK's' this lull. Insperl I ha big raneh propei th - v. ! loh h, wllh I. P Urrtwny of HI r.nil. Minn, owni. Morion (I Bnrrowi of tin- MloooaoU "npltiil in (inliirlo thin wi'plt Mr :irrl"rt from the Boat llil', J 1 ineriiliii: .iiirt wont :it onro to hU r.iiK'h. " .iro 1 'piM'ilnK a IiIk crop of I fruit on th" ptaCO HiIn full," h.iUI :r ' iarrowi "Wa bOV nrranged fori 'mid iietunlly btgOO roniiructlon ol 1 1 iiioilern pit, king phiui on Hi" mm h Il will ho loriiti'il on Hip floulh t r : 1 t 1 inrt win be equipped a th RMohoot il lorton ami all modirn eqalpOMM iror in., nmiiiiing or rruiiH "Tho thU will aotooll) h" our firnl crop we liavo ordored .'I.Olio boooa for upplcM Th" trec'R have ctiiiialn.'.l fur m. no thiin enough lo rtli that nuinhir and wo aro thlnnln.t ,ll('"1 '"" No, wo bOtra not .old th" crop, nt. yet," Ii" khIiI, "hut nro not worrying- about thai for IkOfO w'll ho u Hood iiimkot for tin' crop " CELEBRATIONS DRAW ONTARIANS FROM CITY Viilo Is M.sim for IJiricoM Smut I'lll.'tll', WelMT lltlll llol-i 'I In, .iih Iii. lo. Iril Mlllll Ollllll lllllS 'M I rii Iti'iiuiliii ,1 nt llonie. QoM M th" proverhlul graveyard pptli il"M rllioM the iippoarnno" oi onimlo loot Friday, July 4. It wiih aim., i lonesome to pans down Ore gon 'ti'i'i any lime during Hie dm doi-lure those who were here Vale wus the Menu for Hie major- H of the clllaeus, und thuy oil Joy. .1 I inn" in tli" louiity soul In spli" of ihi- 1 1 en I of the day there wot BOOOgb do iik " iiiainluiu Interoil, und Hi" hull kiiiii" In the afternoon anil the wrentlinK luatili In Ih" BVO ktogi aooordlog to tko bmv tl least. iiinply repaid every effort put forth I'lo " alhl'tl. evenli are still helm: talked uimut hy thooa who witiien-id thou old umars, like wiuiam Jones und Itulldall Suite deelure that Hi" w resiling lualeli wus the greatest Hi. i ever saw. Ml." It. Ami well they might for s.ini, II ntnl llo in.inoll liTOggjtOd for more than two hours without scoring a full llrogan Wins lliill . aine Aided by Hie rooting of I'ai (rOllg gher and Ivan K Oakes the llrogan "Apple lickers" trimmed Captain Jack Huston's Vale colts by a 6 to & score, und thus secured revenge from previous dOfOOU si Vale's bauds At noon the Vale committee gave a luncheon for Hie returned noldl'irs and sailors eiUul to the best ami was a inaiilfe-tatlon of the city's hospi tality On Saturday the cilibrallon wus iiuiHiiued snd one of Its b'ggost wus the manner lu which Jim Wilson of Cow Valley surprised Han- tall ami Nick Collins of llolse In a han. Il, up match In which Santiil agreed lo throw Wilson In 111 teen lulnules for the entire gat" r.cii.ts the San Fram sco wlxsurd was badly fooled Wilson, recently discharged frmn tin- service demoiislrated that be was u match for Hautiil and not only prevented him from securing a full but had Hie visitor on the le It'll lv- I .oil of Ih. time 1 1' (i.xiuaii mid son of Jamie.., ,i, were In Onlurlo tmluy The water In il,. Willow It iv r Valley Is getting low, says Mr Oxiiiau, hut he declares that the hot wave Is doing a much iluinag" as the water shortage HI. k lie Arinond, the veteran den. authority of the county spent part of the afternoon here today pre dicting in 11 publican friends the re -nils of Ho- election in November, IS .'ii Jacob ..-tiercob who pui.iius.'d Ihi 1 I. nulling ranch mi Hi" llouleianl southwe-i of the city Is having a line new h.uigalow residence hull! on Ihe place NO. 88 PAVING BONDS WW BY TWO TO ONE VOTE M-ihi 1 1 11 I I 1 . H..N MARKN Ur TKHMINATION TO IMPR4 I HTHKKTW (MMJ MI'IIIH. Ml MM.X HHI(M OCT liAR. (JFT VtrT: IN YK.AVM VOTE 286 FOI; 147 AGAINST Time When Patina; Will b Laid Not Ye4 IKtrnolo..! lUds Will rw iteteUed Next Monday I eaOa Many l'mbleim still to be Molvl. Ily a vole which lacked Just eight of being exactly ewo to one the leatie of $20,000 In general bonds to par for the paving of ntreet and alley In inravi'ilona In the proponed pavlnf ; diatrlct earrlod at the apeclal elec- tlon held reaterday. Th" city resembled appearnun- of old tlmea. no thoee who hae lived here long. said. In denrrlbtug the con- ( tent Care were buay carrying votetn to the polle, and practically tba en- tire city gave Itself over to watching the result. Thin wan especially true In the afternoon when the frlenda of paving realised that Ita op ponents were bringing out their full, ntrength. I II t' Iloyer and a number of Mo em rallied the opposition and put up a good hard fight for tbelr conten tion, but as the vote showed, puhii I'liiiin .nt waa overwhelming Ii favor of the Improvement. The else of tba vole which total" I 48a Is sufficient to Indicate tba ii terest shown by the people. There were many who voted who have not been at the polle for year, no doubt, nnd thin waa true of both aides of the queatlon Opponents or the paving eiprenvM Hie belief fallowing the election, that hud the vote beeu restrleted to property owners aloaa It woel.l have been defeated, but frlaoAa of the isnite question that doductlo-.. j Anyway the vote lu that case would have been "lose. I The organised effort to get mil Hie favorable votn resulted from meeting of the Commercial elub Tuesday eveulng and the work of tha conimlttoe appointed that night. However there were niaay volunteer workers on Wednesdey and no doub' both sides carried lo the polls pi sons who voted the opposite way. With the favorable action of Ilia voters recorded yesterday the fol lowing streets will bepavej: tda!i street starling at the Kant city Up Ita to the track 20 feet wide; from t track to Oregon street bi feet wld- . Oregon street from Wyoming avenue to Illinois street, tl feat wide; Col orado aveuue from the east rail of the railroad tracks to Oregon etre t, California avenua from Oregon aire to Maple street 20 feet wide; Neva-Is street from the O. 8. L. pasaeager station to Itlchardaou street; Rlrb unison i i reel from Nevada to Wash ington street, Washington BtVOOt from lilcnardnou to the O. H 1.. freight station; and Illiuole aire. 1 fr ,in Oregon street to Weaeo street N feet wide. When thin paving can bo done It stftl to be determined The Council has called for bids to be opene i next Monday afternoon, but aa yrt has not solved the engineering pro). lem and aeveral other details How- aver with the marked approval of the voters paving for Ontario la as sured SHOW STOCK OFTEN NOTPROPERLYTRAINED ii.ii.ii. .r, at Fair should u.e Aa InuUa Trained to Himod la toel Hhapa Before Jadgwa A little Training- Helpe tireatly. Among the many little tblnr which lieddeni II II Tunng aud Director II Couklln would like In see Inuugiiraled awoug exhibi tor! of live stock at the Fair U the tralulug of the animals to stand pro ily before Hie Judges. "There are many line animal ,' it eatUued aa Page I) o.