The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 03, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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iiWMi: in i iti:s
ii . Q1UCAT i iTiiir:
(Continued From I'age 1 i
Wllllnin OMI M
Ontnrlo thin wppk.
Minn June HlU'or of the loo I PJla
phono forco spent Sunday ai heir home
In Wt'lRnr.
Jolm ttii'iui ii l n irfi lut-Mii .1
morning for Hull l.akr city when hi
expect to remain for ic.ernl iluy-i
Mtm. S It. Hiiiliy m i-rimpHiiioil by
tn-r grinidnon. Itnyd RaBBIlBanU. left
I'lidny inniii'.iiK fol .M mil pi liei , I.I
Mayor It V. Jon on nnd family
leave today for the I ;i -v 1 1 l
Mayor Jmie nmhl Ilka (a lMn all
indlc nllon.i of a ha) lover I'ttncl, it
h' mountain resort
' H Wiil-oni ended ,1 li.ittl" v:in
' . : 1 1 po on Wednoedaj ind
.iKaln on hand at the Uhiiimnry. II''
loiight Hi.' liitht iiloti". dol I
cooking, ami kept house. .Hid dol io
lOM any wn.glif dunn- tin- M
In J I'rlnziiiK r-lnirnl Til
troni roriland where- bJ .n tide I lit
meeting of the rttati' Medlii. I
.iilmi ind .'ili.o I ho ii renionl i
Iiiiih of El Kader Tempi-. A. A. '.
-. " M. H.
HTATM To si it i t i
bids were ml'l. in note the prlci
Oflercil for the different gla
III '-xplnln'ng the commltii rt
port T. II. Moore inild, "penkltiK I' i
blUMlfi and otlui hn mlier, I v,n'
Ii ilcnrly iind'T'iiind tl, .1 imir cm.
nilttei- had i.nt hlng to do with Ihl
petitlonn praaantBdhere tonight mil
IMM M'i iiioin nrc mi put I I
our report llov.cwr fof in
T'.'-i tiiat in rlnw of th. aaatlmani I
man) ell . torn that a ehanire ahoiild
III l-.M'i Hlltc Mcalnn.
A I 'III point the Coiiniil ii,i i
to executive Kostrion to rnn ider Hi"
petition and ilm report oi lbs 0MB
nilltii- The Mi'Hlon laati'd (or in u
ly two houiH Hilda Ida council
nw Hi'' only p raon 1 1 r n
Maaara Blnnknnj and Van Petted
Mr Monro bavtag lofl Ida nartli
i.ii I er In I In- owning.
At the Mission it uk announi !
I.. I....r It I- I ii..' I
..ken on llo' direct '!"
of iiiKiiKiiiK or di .. h ;rrhif Air Ki '
BB) , v. I n i - I. oi under lorm.'il i afl
Ith lha ' It v 10 do tin . i
i inr . in ;. mi ' in aai Ibi aroai an
i Inn T to) lie ho il with the and Coininerrlal hunk "I
Chicago who rcpM'Hcntff Hint Iti-tlm
(ion in the West with henrtiiiiirt.i
in Bolaa, looking after lltraatock
loiin . waa in Ontario Friday o( lni
naak calling on bli old Una r
Frank Ityiin and I'. J. Qnllnihar; lii
the il.t.. B In n iii i I'.oiled uniond
Mldli ml. Smith DaJlOtn. I I". II ,
was Mr Co) ne - In -i rial) lii thlf
ajMtlOR in deelili'M I, lit III I l
future i aaaufad for n he ani Ii
"(int i n. .. in. ;ite.i ii cannot
inn grt
i nrin
l nntiniied I'rotu l'nge 1 i
ire mo many eonntles iftor eo-opai
I'.llon, and Htiulni' on tha Joh, Hi't
'hose who nr not limy all ttn lil,
.ira erinlii In "' ;. rtookod And
lot tin i omtnlsHlon I" .p.
Iiy the .mh It) of em pl.n
In rlmrge of work hlli it will I I
mm ton a) in gradM md .itmi tl
llmiliviii.l. Ini.ine ii Ims IrrlKKtli.ii
dltelie , nl, In. Hi d
(deled li Hie iilnli ,
'Ine road, and Hint la Mill tin i
pie W.llll III thai ' 'linn for t I
nl the III" '
w i ii wii.i. in. uiiNk win n
III -I I -lltl I Is I 'l
i ii. e of the he i I'liinplllii nl . fol
Ontario Hint the Argun has heard In
e lime was i lui t given In A V
l'n'ra of the I lilted Klltn BOB
of Salt Lake City who mat In h fol
id . nri sit on Wi flnaaflaj Ha
i ime In arrange lor Imwlng
il'.li. ;it llli : Hill, Hid
"I ran haidly hell, ve th;.i In.ii
rto has a population of mil) :
.I Mr I'owera. "for Judging bf "
aiipepranie of its bnalnnaa wot Ion
It xllOlllil I. "" I" pi .
nl m mik Dorothy laqnl h,
luanager of Dreamland
Mr. I'owera iiImi told Ml-.. J.i,it n
that u recent laaue of mie ol t
Hon plrtuie in.iK.ilne-. lartl.'.l Me
itati'ineiii thai ba i Iba rnnnca I
i inilon piri'ire exhlldtor In Amerka
Vh tiu-. Wlldh.ih.'r ol v.iL'
abopnndl b Onta i i..-
.ii Ul
vn . iii i on. 'i la ..I, i.ii in, ior th
M ilili. Id SI..-. i l n linn
Mi Aim Arnold bona
Honda) ranlnn hfnm -s.iit Unki
1 1 .1 b ba boon i Ulna
liu' Iba ' oiiinii did liixiruit M.i'i..-
Joiien to wire to I'livlm ' i Intr llrins
v no ii.imeH im i miid learn, ltnmn
I'lntei). in learn Um ft I would
clinrge for doll. it tin work
Oil II B 'U' "Hon I, I fei
.11 v. n iippar nil) affTOOd thai for Hie
t ime Lnki to .i" t ba a ort h i par
''II I V'..'" . , !"H I 0 '
that bo Ibnowa '
i Id i" ui
tm i. a, anaoi dim In tii" n poi ti .
lit) ,ii i I., n r
On the.'Ml Sn I'mpein On
At tin I,.. . Ml, I I ,
' .1 Bl ,ln I 'i i : . . ml folio' in "Ii I
im .1 tor d'-ii i ui, hi m -1 prton, M
' II. i i r, l. i
bmemn ba d la i until n
The) d, i I.ii. d II th' Ii boll
III I In l.l Iba ': k ill' I '' j
baton aoM BwnUh Tin
that UM Coiiniil prone. I, . ,
paving orditiMii. .ii iii- bond
got Hie preliminaries seith.i.
tlm r ly had so li.r rouinltted It II
ami then mil for hld for I
to Klait on I, 1, tll
J It llhlek.ili) I ' Van I'ell.'l.
and I. J Akei , ,1 llinl lai
I'll) pl'o. I -I'll In !'. I I In Wlir'r .1 .
The) Ufgll'd that no re il l.'-lmi
would at-erue tin i ieii . Innl I
Inst pa)iiieni on Iba bond
Mill le u year Bam) .md that lean)
coutliigrui'len might arise in . I -1 I
Hie paving llldelillllel)
LOST In Ontario Mmnls) at n
lug, 1". in i.i i 'in lackal
Kindi-r notii) Mi-. 0 oacga HnnUna
ton Curry of Vale and i
amrd ! Il :i?- tf
t Ii.iiiiIm rliilll' Colli .Hid llliirllim .1
I ..ii '.milil I., , ii i ,
laaM at hand dur ni the bol nantbni
Ol till' .HI III 111. I IIIOIlHlM It l
.ui. i.i I., needed I" lore the Umniei
i ovof and when innl tino '
worth inaii) Him I Hi MM It
iip.i lor im Ho- purpo
la iniiuiied iiii) ii aoa
. M rtOtnllW i I U'as'.i In
an andltot f Iba I ad n
I.i ul I .'ink w ! i n'l.rln I '
v .. ililng th
I erm Loan .. 'Tiiitioii
.Mi Aii, I ' .iiiiii'ld i .ii in .1 ,,,,
Tuesday from Vale trbora
bnon iill ng a pii.lliiin is sienogi.
pher In the county clerk's olflie.
Ilei, Starling and I'ete Cnldv.ell ol
i.i. I; I passed thru Ontario to
inutile to their homes at Wi" '
fnll and Crane.
Miss Nam y llnnks of rortlaml
passed thru Ontario Wodne-oluy M
her wly to Vale to iilldlt the coun'v
Jack High of ltd l.hnid Ik pi.
old ai 'lualntnm es In Ontiulo nl l"
A K Itiihai d mi plninliien
lliirm men In nl BWB in ontntlo on
bna'ni h w . .in" .1;
Rtvtrancr for Lift,
only phiee all nfe bafora Iba eiiiirt
.is wiihin ihe realm of hnmanlty, and i
thus the areolar rati en In t" him ihe
mm rm H'e tod """i katn trerj
rtiim; dene line to httn atan Iba Illy,
which lie would pull up BB an iiiiorgall
Ixed HiliiK. lis the ihiiiutilel "f a -len
der mother, atandlna in hat inra
hed. from whom bef IMlla white
ptin darlaaa Buirlmeni and motatura
tlld let Hot till- 1 dnlie I" i'ii III
Mnni enervated of piiy. a aort of
Inoculation hoopltal Um foralga pnlna,
hill from Ihe i.'llgloiis eultlvallon of
mm i Tor lire, ihe Hod nil mm In.:
I In Ihe tiee top innl the huiiiati hrnlii
The hoe of iiiiliniiN. like material af
ijatloaa, baa this Bdvnatiujat iimt it la
djalnuraaiad ami rinkM tm return, and
enn ul"" nt rirry innni.iii tli nl an ah
Jeii im. I all opsirtllliliy 'or Its i a.i
(Ih- Itnlph Waldo Kinersou.
"Jazzy" McGowan's Jazzy Orchestra from
with Jazzy Blackanger at the piano
will give a
Real Jazzy Dance
Old Opera House,Ontario
I Wednesday, July 9th
Dancing Free from 8:30 to 9:00
Unaaiy Paymcnti.
"And we can sell you tills inr on
ao) piivnienl"." said the agent. plOM
"N irind." repiieii the ajnapaat .
"tOc ' I loll us) .n Imlil - be-
lOUgn I" Ihe allllie Cllteu'iil) wild 1 1,111
nllnl Well U now ii llli. 'piiiuhxa delll'sl
rjr ' N,' York (llnlic.
A Clavaland baitlae the i in
caao White Sot and New Vork
Yankee foi "he lop la (be Anno
icaa Laafua ibla player Doc
Jobntoo rontlnuea to be ibe can
tai of Intereel through hi graal
belling foi tbe Indian-. Johnaou
la boiling "Hh Oohb aud olbai
leader and bar driven iu iaaa
llorlee for hl team
no .mil Moii. .lull II innl ;
HOI I.I IH I VlltlltNKs
"tltl.ON f
Tnil.e Row
ill. - Jul) N
I'H.i.l llll ISP
-im in in i i im h HIUDI
Ml I I A II I i ,,,
Wild MTara Vngrt en
We. I. lull II
M Mil. I I Itlli I Milk
lilt l.ootsl- (.III
I'l.lhe New s
linn- .lull III:
"I.o l ll N..
Is the Time
Lefs Go!
MN ni Mil. Ill'
I i. lull I I
lllltl I M ..
) i:
mi i.
NOI, .lull
Ni',l.l .ml Vim, in
ixiitinii ii n ton
'Vt H hStNH
toni bVnakni
VVoldi (oi
The pink roo of peace tint U
tbe oeweal coloi Id aporl eraai
and even though the ahorter skirt
has mad a bid for an early re
turn ibar era ihow who Ilka Ih
long graceful Im of tin high
laud modal Tb big ebocka In
'hi- (aUlaal creelloo U OuOUlaX
1 jm
The Psychological time is here. Shall
we have continued prospeiity? No
question about the answer. Therefore
keep industry going. Speed up peace
production as we did war work in 1918.
Remember: The manufacturer can not
make, nor the merchant sell, unless
the public buys.
Buy! Buy now! Take up the slack
caused by the stoppage of war activi
ties. Let readjustment pass with least
possible hardships If yyu buy. some
body sells, somebody produces, and
there is work for all.
Continue to do your share. Keep
everybody at work. Give the return
ing fighter his chance.
bUY NOW! Now is the psychological time.
Buy Wisely, but BUY iM)W! LET'S 6)1
U.S. Department of Labor
Hires Inr (.tueriil. lulormiUioa lUid I 'lui.ulon Snlor
W. B WILSON, Secret:..- :