The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 19, 1919, Image 1

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    W$t (niatt
I'ulilirr Evlilenee (.Hen Ihnl Harmo
ny 'ii Paving; Program Has IIm-ii
Achieved lefor Ail Inn on Hale f
Nlrwt Pmprrty I'nlll Miinihiv .
Unexpected, the heartily potted
harmony whm reached on the partus'
problem for Ontario at the n ting
of the Clt Council at the Counrll
Cliamber In the City HbII Monday
evening Thl came thru the Intro
ductlon of nn ainendinenl to the new
paving program by T. II Moore, nnd
It acceptance, by J. It Illacknliy und
K ('. Van I'etten who preenled Ihe
first revised program
According to Mr. Moore' amend
nient there will be added to the pro.
ram outlined !n lent week Armr
the follewing: Extending the paving
on Oregon treet north (o llllnoli ave
nue, and thence writ on llllnoli ave
nue to Waico tree!, thu giving a
good road to the Northwest city lim
it and to the Fair around
Mr. Blackaby ad Mr. Van I'etten
first prevented their petition whleh
had a preamble declaring :t the dt
aire of the petitioner! Hint tin' Conn,
ell appoint a OOmmlttOO of three t
confer with Hie Council on the lllm
of paving to bo usejl and to consider
the kind of contract entered into ".
ihl roiiiinlttce were appointed '1 H
Moore. E 0. Van Petlen and J It
HtM Olves IteaMin.
Mr. Moore In address ng the 0001
ell following the Introdootloo of lb i
first petition presented a Ktm .
siring six reason for the ebange h
proposed., the logle of which e d
mlttgaV nl' present He declared
Uiatthe people of that sectim, ... thi
city wanted the paving and thai bt
had the promise of many signature?
tho he hud not requestod any.
He also urged that the t
ttons be changed for puvlng la
Idence streets from in tool to
which while nut Dofeeted to b) Oth
era was compromised at 20 feet
"Willi Hie acceptance of 1st ShU
gea I propose, tho I would like to
postpone paving for a year, I will
withdraw all objection:! and let tin
program proceed." said Mr Moore
j it Hlsckaby and E. r Van i'.-i
ten each spoke in favor of the ori
ginal petition and on various point
brought up. during the d hcukhIoii
that followed Mr Hluckuliy ieolnr
ed hi willlngnes to have tht dl
changed especially If tho people want
it. but declared that If hy so enlarg
ing the district loo mauy oejeotioi
were raised that he did not want to
see all paving stopped on that ar
"If this program doe uot go thru
the people on North RicusTdeoa
street II ) In here asking thai
street alone be paved," uld Mr V n
1 -. . - i Ait Ion on Itfsrue-i
i The request of A. Itublnson I be
the city sell to 10 feet on tin
south side of Washington street wm
made a special matter of bus
for next Monday evening followlni
a discussion of the committee's noi
committal report The eommittee
consisting of Irwlu Troxell 11 B
(oukruiu and A V. Mellow ell ri :
ed that It had Interviewed many citl
sena and found that mnilniwit (01
ugalust thus disposing of street pmi
erty was so evenly divided that n
did not feel willing to make a defi
nite report
Ms Hohlnsou's petition which srs
signed by many business men on both
sides of the street was read and In
offered to proceed and pay the city
whatever It determined was a fair
(Continued on Page Ten.)
Kev. J H Muloney arrived In Ou
Urlo last week to succeed He II
Campo as pastor la charge of Un
church of the Uleaaad Sacrement.,
Hev. Campo having left to Jo n bish
op O'Reilly at Llncolu, Neliraska,
having accepted the position of-secretary
to the Bishop
Rev. Moloney come.-, to Ontario
from the mission field of tin- chut. -b
For several yeara prior to the M'-x
lean trouble ho worked among tl
members of the faith in and
Condon. When the trouble with
Ico atarted he waa assigned to
service as chaplain and was w Hi tin
colors until recently discharged.
BEKKUfPaasVs DlltMTOlts
The directors of the Beekeeper
association met In Ontario Mondav af
ternoon to consider the honey situj
lion. They transacted routine bus
iness and pondered over an oil. i
the honey still on hand. The prb
waa far less than that received
year. Secrotary P 8. Farrell doe
not expect honey wilt go over 10
cents this fall, but Uiero will be a
good crop.
i:nns mm i uivn in iv
i I untv Judge I II Test was n
Ontario W'imIih-iIhv evening following
:i trip over Hi"1 highways in the North-
ml ill t He county "There l
1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 - ii kk'hI di-nl of work to bo
! n If lll'lldlcr Mllllll
mIii. ' mild thi' JiiiIki- "It looks nil
lliu thtft hud bom in work dnii"
tlirti- III till- lust W0 Sfl
"Work on the ronil Mouth ol Nytss
.mi hut we hnve done nothing
from Njhmu nortliwnril on the Boul
evard. I want to know whether or
not tin' county will receive credit fur
nny work done on Unit mail In ro
operation with the ttatl and I
government "
Judge TpkI nisi) hii)k t lint none of
tin' county bODdl recent!) voted w 'I
he Issued until n definite program t
m-t ion hy the Slate Highway com
mission In assured.
Coiiuiien 11 Club Men trr'inKliiK fo '
Auto I vein -Inn to Attend Sninlni
!-: en Ilia's ( nnrert I Inlla n
Hero In Ii. I ore
Ontario tight at the Vale chnutau
.jiui will he Sunday evening, June Zt,
when the Metropolitan Artists will
ooen the evening's urogram with a
sacred concert, which will lie followed
by the lecture, "Italy's new i i i
among the nation," hy I. lent Itriino
The committee which Is arranging
.for the excursion Is eapst i ng not
.an 2n cars, each earning on
p.nln imwil in repienni oiitnrln I '
n. i gathering. .
The exi'iirslnn le the re.nilt nf I
' mil passed at the last as
of Iho chili i inlnniliiK lh" Vale pros1
gram ami urging Outarlan Io unit
with the Vale folks In making tin
chautauqu.i a succes nud to follow
that by attending tsa Pourtb of Jul.
lehhratloii at the county eal.
WEDDING or KAltiA ji ni
Miss Helm Sullivan of Richland
und ltoscoe Tlletson of til's cltx
married on Juue 6 a) I hu
fact became known this week an. I
their friend are now congratulating
The groom who has hi mi u
dent nf Ontario for several .Mars I
t-uipln)od tt the I I M.niufacturlni:
comjiiiny's plant The lit HI.
here last full ami , ut a pert nf (In
lniei Inn- before returning to her (
ll w.l I s, itw FAItM Mill IK.K
Popular liii-e 1'iii'Hiimuul Star I'm
tra) Silling Hole nf I noillri
Toby Watklu Is the all-round1
limit i hU uncle's farm u turta.
ty acre patch of black mud Oslirtl)
surrounded by mortgages. Th s 1
the opening sentence from Jullen Jo-
n 'h scenario, "String Bean,"
which serves in hit mil lice Charles
Ray in his ParsBsoaal Ptmurt arbleh
will be shown ut the Hreamluinl IstaV
t Saturday, Juue 2K In
, ninli'ir i d form It presents a
.ni are of Ihe story's opening scent
Toby Watk'ns Is the sort of coue
If) lin . bravo, liuninniUH and thm
ouglily bn in an, thai all Charles Ray's
.'.dinners like to see him pertr:
It is the hurt of tsarectsf that has
made the Kay pictures sure-flru offer
ings from the exhibitor point oi
Hut Toby Watklu' I- no oral
nary buy lie Is imaginative and
,.ii .in .nny. and trory nigi '
when his day's work .s done he goei
to hi room und takes out a honk
tlct be has bought by mull, "What
Every Young I'oei Ought to Know "
Hor To' itlous to be a writer.
The scones of the story change to
a country newspaper ottlce where
Toby goes In search nf opportunity
II. Is part of the story I developed
with realism snd churin by Hie author,
Jullen Josephson, who wua former!
i bin. sell, and who
writes of that life th delightful
It is stated, Ihea Ituv's handling of
.1.- of Tohy W.itkins will rank
as one of tin- bast screen portraits
Excellent support ll provided b
Jane Novak, John P Lockaoy. Hon
aid MsODonald Al 1 ilsou an
rloffaraa Vletoi Jehertilnger direct
ed and Chester Lyons was the psOlOg
up her
Miss Be Ni.'i.i.n of IbOsssat
is visiting friends ami i
Ontario tills week.
M. I. Cushmau Co A, Hi'
chine gun bsttsMoa, arrived Ptidaj
for a short visit with friends
Mr and Mr H A Caste hit rr
day evening of last week i
sstesded trip to Calllornla i
Mr and Mrs. E C Van I'etten and
Mr aud Mrs H D. Morman sp. nt the
week end at their cabins on Payettt
Mr. and Mrs. Jos 8c holes and sou re
tutn.'l Wednesday eveulng from
I'or'laud. Tu.-oina and Van
where thai seal utter attending the
sessions of tin.- Masonic Grand
ami i nut of the Eastern Star In Porl
nu.Mim p. j. i;ti ia.jiii ii
iirgniilatlmi tlwt Is Isiveil by Hol
iller HVkn to Meet Obligation'
mnl Forward I'oa.e Time Work
Oregon Hill nil Helping.
To pay the debt the Salvation Ar
my lasnlee Incurred when they went
Into Hie front line trenrhe In France
with lux doughnut and "teaming
isiffee, Oregpn ha pledgml to give
to the Salvation Army's Home Ser
vice Campaign, June 22 to 30. a fun 1
of $2fi0,000
Malheur county' portion of i Ii le
drive Is 12, SOP and the members ol
the II. P. O E In the county have
undertaken the task of securing Hi
sum The division of till .quota tc
various sections of the county ha not
been made, hut the proportions will
be similar to that In previous drives.
. .,.-,. .- ..... ... .u
P. J. Oallagher of this city Is the
rouniy rnairnian anil lias ine nssisi-
ance of H.'ll Tunny, and other On-
lari Hills for tills district. John i
Huston and nick DeArtnond win hus
He In Vale and .lack Kalriniui w '"i
look after lh- Westfall quota while
T T Kehout will gather the fundi
In Jordan Valley.
eon cent of this money win he
spent In Oregon In loiisirucl unit
nialutnln maternity and re. rue hmne.
and lodging quarters and to
help the poor aail needy This wltl
he the onlv drive the Aran will un-
Armv will
dertakt for n ytnr. wh ih ans IsStWhi boys who have not .t jolin.l
ii.. uni total will guarantee the worl , md w'.ah to ffo on thia trip
Of the Nriny fnr the next I welve- I nuisl )nlu at once and OMlIf) tl ttn
month derf.ei btfort iieing allowtd i
So was the cauae and oa appij f..r membership in
latlve of the Army's work In day evening. June ft, tit tbt I o'clocl
the face of Hun horrors, the Oregon meotlug at the High School
i:iks Aaaoalatlon look oreg tbt Rot ' " Worn waa appointed
eld details of the ilrhi' and ll Is , Ni niitmaster for Troop No I The
I bj word "i Hist national bod) of ounell dooltirod it pan ' milael
live wire that "The Klks never start
anything they do not Mulsh "
Kiry Elks lodge In the stale has
formed u complete organisation m.d
Elks In c'tlis and towns where Hieri
Is no lodge will take charge of tin
campaign in audi dualities
s lo o'oo ot the war, a
slogan biought hack hy Ihe men In
Era who used II In refereuce .,
nn- .'s.iiv...inii aimii. ".w,.....! '"'
iward life has swept the I nlie I
Stale It Im tA man may he dowi
but he's never out " With this mot
to a ll guldn. the Salvation Ann'
win use me money ui imiu u . i
who 1 down to recover hi pla i
in society.
It is Imperative that ewry city ami
i .iv ii m Oregon respond to the uppai
and wit i threo counties (rook. Moi
mw and Wsmcii over I fie lop before
the drive nes Wen fairly Hunch -1
there seems to be no qatsl no but
what the stule will exceed ihe qilol i
half of which I raised In Horllsnl
I.Min lluckner was among the O. A
C. iiiudenls to return to Ontario for
to Ontario fm
the summer vacation.
..... ... .... ... ...... ... i i .i in
.bt' "hay" crop'" ...rind" VoSOsd..
arrived home this week II sister
Miss Eriua accompanied him
Mrs lone Oliver of Malheur Cttj
U. till IiIim MlkAfll flies IIMUI fttsV UPl'lfM 1
-, ..w ..- -,,--. ...- ,,--
tlui ktUHiil of MUm IsJivlue eHmlt h tout.
dat af'lenioo?, tr8'n "' "r""a"
lay arternoon
Ed S Eraser, son of Mr and Mr-
E. A Eraser, arrived home last Sun
day from Seuttle where he hss been
attending the I'ulverslty of WstsfgU
ton this winter.
Marcus I'luney, son of W J i'ln
ney of tills city, returned home la
week from Saattle where he has been
attending the University of Waal
lngioii this past ytr.
Dr. H. H Whitney leu.-. Thur
day for Omaha w th a shipi.
sheep Following the disposition of
the muttons, the Doetor may contin
ue the Journey eastward to his old
home In Mol)oke, Mas
ll. .Lett E Loee. s-.n of Mi
Mrs. W. E Eee who a sopl.oii.ore
at ii.- Uaivereity of Oregon, roturn
home for tlie summer Satur.i
nlng and Immediately went to work
ii.i.ri,. .
.. .... .....-..., . ..- .-
.... ,
Mr. and Mi.- l.uru.- Blackaln ami
Sprague Adam motored to Wei
Sund.y and on ihelr reluri, were ...
i .hi ltd by Miss Ireue (jould w ' '
was here a day or two before retun
Ing to her liome in M dill.ton
J --- - returned KulM...
J It Bliickal.y returned hum! i
inighl from Portland where
tended lhe eonventlon ol Oregon
lh?"eliBry IHack.'
came buck ostlmwtlc over the
poet for good business in the We '
during the next few ear While I -
was goue, too, he lied lhe opportu
nl'y. which ho did -.ol overlook nl
Of doibg u little In. o.iing for Ea ' I
OraaOO und of telling the folks I
met that Old Orego i Trail will lei -
initiate In Onatrlo
IH'M, SlOt TS TO (ill IN I MI'
IMi TRIP .11 N I. :lll TWO
moors villi: i oik; in-
I Illens III Im- -ke.l t., Ilii nine
MK'lete Member
.elate Members "Invi-il ii Millar
Boyhood for the Uood of Man-
............. ... .... ,...., ... ..-
n.H.,1 i, siotian ni i i aiuu
At n ii.eetliiK of He Local Hoy
Scout Council held i uesday afternoon
in the dltectnr.' room of the Ontario
Nivfmiial hank wn liiunched tin (
' I in io llov Seoul campaign All Hi
previously elected metlilierH nf the
cniincii, J it Blackaby, chairman:
Or. E. S. Portner, vice chairman: ".
1. Turner, secretary-treasurer, W. I.
all. Hugh Allen, W II l,axon at .
. It liouglu were present, and the
Mowing men were eleeli'd In Cn
J'uncll Fn
",. " '
J", ,
' Plan I for tin
"on were perf
Frank Hader, J C Me
'reem and C II Trims
he Hoy Seoul demonslni-
. '.. . ,' , ,,,,.
,...rl..,d...l 'I' .1.. ,,..,
....,, ., ,,, Mri1..1,,ul1 lh...ire
j('y H,.,(11 (l tlIl )mB p ,.4.,,r,,,i ,
f,m wm Mlnw ,),,, aoul work
u beat The local Bcouta who en
he'ng trained hv S It 8 It will el
,,bl ,, ,r ,e work thai they bt
,,.,, .irn(llK T,,,H ,.XiiibBlon will
, . ,.,. ,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,mlu ,,,, t!i
( ,,i,. ol Ontario and lurroundlni
,,,,inliy to gel a couiireliensli- Ide ,
pf the Scout mm ent.
The iima for tbt iin s. onl en ,
mini was set In. linn. :tlllh Mi
un-ht,,.,. l he In charge nf the can.
. Hu Inteiesl nf nol only Hu- clll.en
of Ontario, but all who live In dl
' i niitigiinu .i to Ontario, m mi"
b'-rshlfl In Hoy Scout tnsips Is ex
j-U led in all buys a Ithln Ihe of Hie cii) lh sfft llinn
ire heiweon 1 2 and 1 1
A ,',. liiliHlk'li fin- I be l-nrnl llinnl nl
Asn,iai.' members iii folloe M
l() lghl how An aaaOOista
,1f liyn doBr am ,M1H .,1,1m tl,
Ni-tlonul llov Sioul wmk Any met
,,,. llf ,,. ,, , o0Wldl will he gld
o 1)HUl. a,,H1. ,,. niembernhlii cer
,(n(.a,,.M ,! , H expected thai
ll(llu wl uvul thomatlvt of thl
,,rvge of supporting the Hoy Seoul
lllo(.,, ,,, ,n , , Hollar In boy
louj fr M, ,,,! ,,i mini I I
the slogan of the campaign
MAI. Mil It I ol N I I M1MI HS
ni vhlNii iii i hnnii n i i iiVNs,
Jut in fori I, v.
K lloinan, secretary ol tin
!!r . '"", . i i. r-Zi
tht reeord hy which a number aw.
furm louu were reco.d. ii In i hi. sec-
farm loans were recorded ...
"n, T,l,,,r-,,M1n" " ","'7:,
fcr In forcfl In Malheur county 41
'-" "" ""' " "f
., , . .
"fta-ldta thMo there nn. v imIIiih
- ii .. t a I ...
;I0 apllcsllons for a total o, $100 000
These loans have ben negotiated a. id
llii IhiiiIm hi i in iif Iti in liuVc bf rll all
. . t .... ll i . I.
tir M"l fJsIlft Ml IUUIIH Wll ll'1 iii.i-
, k i..i i
lhe M--" "' l' " ' ' '
i. iiu,,l ,,r n.u . . 1.1, i. Is
located In Spokane, think toll Of
' Malheur ...iiiity farms Is shown by
'" . . 0 . 1ttY l'!'"'"
lions nave men rejeci n
The loans made hy I In Osl mo I
soclutlon cover the entire count . from
W.Htfall to Jordan V ih-v and nn up
over Hi'... . i Ox Flat, and thru tho
Itn, lt..i,,l hi. I ll... mull, luulv nf Ihe
,0Jl1. ,liv;. ,)W)n ,,,,. ,,. rMa(,
of the city. As the SStem has work
osl it ims inn a greut basest, sol
only to Hie farmer, of the eotnt) Inn
,,, tbt hanks as wall,' inld Mi Mo
Mri( ltlll)li .tu,, r vv'ii.i. r .uh in
,,-... ,i... -.. ,,. .,,,. ...... . vi.n,1K
, lim.ik., .,, i.aKer of .tin-
-fciUr ,...,,
Ontari i
The I. .in nine look thai lingers on
tne couiiii n. .lice nt o ll liraiiaui i
Mil. liuU,u Hui,. hlll. a ,,, ,, ,. ,,,
fact that Mri (.1
hw uJi, (h 1(l)tjl.r, ar(, M Portland
jor three weeks vacation
Miss Ruth MoCullnch l.-u U
day evening for I'ori h.nd io sp. ml ..,,!. ,,f ibe vu-ai on heuson .
. ,..,.
M(, ,,,.,, W,M .onllnue Ui .
'-M "u,"mBr
Al the home of Mr and Mr (In,
Atberton Sunday Ibi la
has enjoyed In many ears E It
Atherton cum. from Pssslotes slid
Nils Mury and Mies Fern At her ton
. ume from Nuinpa. to -pund the day
with the remainder of the family who
Msfll tall Ontario bomt
i i: ohaii am or .us ii i:
In I ho days when lior- eflesh v i
W-Oltll lllnliey, lc . the SBjn prior ll
mnl Just nfler the wnr Started, .Imt'
turn vvns glad Ul have I Ml bB( 1
of horses on the rnngc At that tlm
Have Ctahatii. cii-hlor of Hie Mini
of Jllnliira m ii friend of Hie .1 Ml
MM Of Hie plains
llMt.llllli'H 1 1 n eliaiii'i'il anil Mi
Uriilinni while In Ontario Inst Thur
d iv . iiroute to Portland to niton i
the rinsing sessions nf the Hanker',
convent Oil ileelareil thai he MCOndcd
Hie proposal of v P Davideon that
a bounty he placed on the anlinal
thai are running the range
"HorM buycra are only offerinii
111) iter ln-oil for them- .'tnllnali now.
anil Iho leather anil ihOM lire mil nl I
M,Kh, , p ,,,,, hoM,aa appannth
, ,, 1.,,11.:,1.r1,i1 fr,,n, ,,,. ,
,r mprrllRntB. There Is somethng
wrong somewhere," avers Mr
ll Irrlgntlon District will be l'lrl
to Appl for llenCMls nf llllell'sl
l.iiai'anlee nf liilgiiilnn
Vale Oregon, .lune is I'he ur.ii
--prlngs lrrlgatlmi .Hlstrlct Is perhai
,," ,,rH '" OfSfOB 10 Milnnlt the sc
reptasea of the recently enacted ton
itltatlOBal amend nt 10 Iht legal
w"hl" "'" Dtalrlcl
' ",1,,r ""!' nmendmenl lha fHati
..i Ortffon will guaranlai the Hi i
rara Interest on IrrtgaCon bond
uiiner ennui . ouiiiiioiis
I lie passage in mis aiiieun u
lk'"l ,l"' rwul1 "f '
Hull I' (lallaglier. nf On I . i .
' ' "on .lllllcn llmlm of Mile
When Interviewed n to tin
sible outcora the election
,l"1" :1,M ,l'" vVarmepriBI In.
' Dlatrlct, M fl Hope, sen
of the D itrld hat In bl
opinion all ii.. Intereated landowner)
sTOold Olt In i.nor nf tin- Stat.- gimr
mn-ini: ihe Hi I Bi r " " '
oil Metrlcl I ds
ilia roon are at folio
Aooepia ire will lu.ure .. .......
cuing price on me r, ., ,,
bond which will im offered fi
in tbt near future
It saves all ditto alii OH boast hem
tutor voted to pay interest
ll reduces the Merest nil n
bniids froi.
i . upturn ml bind i ll
in. I (n ask for the years pitnn-iit b)
the Stale ll i an ask fnr three and
levy und inllect Inter, t Im ll
ance, or us the Mroetort and Iht
people lll.ll I ll 1 II K In
A large and tstsfsMt -pected
bl lilm mi bfosssy. ill)
as llin District has everything to gain
mnl nol Ii I ii k to lose.
Coiiipli'llon tssoie.l I tils fail.
The innsli in Hon plant at the Itiv-
nrslde Hani is now ll lull np.-i
Mll, ,,ouilng about double lh.
,,,, H,,,! waa axpooted The dire
tnrs therefore fool eonfldenl that tin
dam a m ha .pi. led some i In
Novembei full water sup
,,;, rstarOd fot imxi "
Additional equipment he
,,.. ,,,. ,., ,,. ,,
,. ,,i.,.,, r ..,.,
b .ley ... wR .. !
I, .,.
It ... 1.1.11... ... I mofetflti lli' .
i i in n i i ii n n n i . i i i i
,. .. .... ,.,,.. ... ,, ...
in'" ii ' in nil- iii imw iii-
, ,
f ' . ,,,,,
c. I NIIMIU Its l,l
I'llll'IIIIM, I OH II llll I I
Ju(( (cih ((f (B w
, y i abieh la lo be in id s.s.n will
,. pjop.,1, e,,brated b Ilia
ti Ihe orgulilxal Inn. ill Ont.iiin
Tbt followilig art tin i-isons given
lot Ihe jiiblbi
Forty live yean ago the . .......
I'brlsl Mil 'r..mlii-1'iiiie.- I'liliill bail Its
Now It ll organised in aver) 00IM
irj la Ibt World I
What him H dOI
ii itarted Ibi great e?av( ! Pro Ion that made n
,r rtoulled In Ihe elshleentli
ll w.i in ii nn. in placing
cleat in Temperance Instruction in
I be public Sl'llliols
Ii i aused fi i mooted 1st to bt
bullish.1.! from Ibe rhureh aaarameni
ll pin ii ii pel In lhe
sabb quarterlies.
Ii abollshi d thi i iiiug ..i liquor
, .,.,.. ,.,
" '..-
H stoppod the licensing
tllutea bj Army physicians
" wnrks lo make foreign
'ni ell mi
ii wmked for Ihe otdh
furnishing amhulai
.. .,,,,
...""" V."'...
WH" ""
lelping In I., Ji nil. I I. I.l:l
Mrs W I. I lighter
Maijml" spent Wosaeada) la Caldwell
visiilng Ihelr daugl
Joyco Miss Jo. .1 with b.-r
mother .nd 1 '
days ng Hummer
nlleg of Idaho
CIAI. ( It II lili. i.l -I AND III -l
UlliNI sl
(lever tirosilc Spells Onlaiiii ami
I'llhll) PDtllta Hilt I'nsslllllltles nl
i it anil Surrounding; Terrltorj
Nlniiv Sublerts Hsi nsseil.
in. i ......kit- "II. I In uelbel ' die.
ner Of lh" I oiiiincrclal ( 'lull Is pro.
Ing a great surce. ami tile ntienn
nn..,. Inut VVedlii'siln v i-illlllS was
lhe biggest the club has e'er had A
grill fyllig feature was Ibe preseti.
nf two business women of lhe rlli.
Mis Dorothy Jaqalab and Miss Ots
gla Hull, both imminent in Ibe Im
Iness actlvltltt nl Ontario K I
llody, the new secretary was presi '
Im ihe Mrst II in.-
. .. .!.,!. ...ltl',.,u,.ll llV I llll
present that In future every mtfabl
nf ihe club I urn mil to these fun.
Hon and liisiemi oi Having one inn..'
j, i hev i two or more mhh i
oitably lllled Auriiiic"
ii that questions ol local linpm
Lin. . " u .'d ni each im
I.... ..,t.l I I,.. ,1 s,'l..tlollH I'.illnwlii :
will h. vtrj helpful In fatnlUaritia
,n.' with mir OWg lerrllory and
posslhllll es
iiii the luncneon nil tajonrn
In Hi. . lub nn. in . 1 1, "ii I'n ni
U WOOd In Ills reinurks Intro
.in, .-.I i' UtsUt Bod . ii. e ntwly up
pointed . retarj Mr Wood it
ed thai nn- Board realised n
i ,i p. i in. ii, mi ..'. ratal tad
Dordlngl) bad aiheiilseiiicuUi III'"
.-.I iii iii Portland, Ipokaat aad D
.mi in. in hundred
appib ii riici Ived .Mr Bod
..i tin- in laaliflod in iianiiie ti
i lub s work.
Mi Bod) freely gave Ii Iropn
imis ni Ontario, aad ostllaod Of
lunciion ,i a Common kml Clab, I
lug p.irllcular emphasis upon lhe Im
l,., us .... ,',oi. ii. ,-Ml.i I .ii'll.llles
ii is iiii. beinr thai the social sid
,',d he of secondary onsldere-
I on ll" suggested as a slogan for
im i,r Opportt
and asked thai ea. h clllten
lueniorlia nn- following aoroeUi and
talk II. think II ami writ! abmit It:
O On Hie Snake and Mallieur
Hl'i i
N Natural local Ion for Impo
lent '
I I'eirlimv and TrunspnrtiUUm
facilities tnrivaled
sniiiide 1141 i"t iibme tea
i, ,. i
K Without purullul
I Irrigation system Without ",i.
II (Ippiil lllllllle i Hie In l Is Ho'
I'lisl lll-lol. Hnllnlllble
J It Mini kab- n plb d and spok"
in gloa ing im of 1st mi pel
II linen I lllb hud lakeu l ,
the mallei ,, p.nliig lie said that
Ontario was boo entering upon
in- i 1 1 and Hint w HIi im I el
tort thl i in would rapidly gr.
and III ilsM be DM Ol tht seven won
nl Urn World
ii i lioyi i and J it Uregg, po
..I . i. i . poke i ni i. nrih upn.i
ti lellverj nf mall for Oiiiarlo
. .in in 1 1 1 . ni three was ap
pointed t.. take Ibe mallei up I
in ,. i t) i mini ii and ptoses) a eon
I nip., .hi. .ii for iheli i oi
nn. hi ami in Hon rin pointed
i s E Taylor ami
V I. I'm l II i
iwmsis m-mi iii rui
ill .i I" w spll Iteil word . 11 V
Swugler dwell upon lb. Head 0
' bill llll siibjc.t was of
such Importance thai It was foil a
date shiniiil be set and "Blab
op" Swugler, us he was ttytod b)
I ... ol.lle s III''
i Int. upon i lopU
A resiiiiitimi andoralag tbt oorl
being ilolie Iin Iht H, ) Seoul mov
m. ni in Onl
Club pledged ll til in sviupalb.
with tin- movement
a 1. 1. .in. ii was ni .. i d Inel i n i
tug ih- ( lub lo ii.sei i an ad 'm '
mi al la :-' I tun- andoratag tim
Vale rhautauqu the publl,
In lllln mil in and ullend thl-
gal bar ng one oi mora i
...I additional Importaal mat
.1 aad ai i ion .
i I I ' win.
Mrs. Ward ..iibei. i
noon, June 4, bl I " N 1 1 men.
hers please attend ea nn are mat
i. is of linpm taai
Mrs (' y llug.r .uni 'i K N
Wood will ass si
Ing lunch All won. en mil
.ml Mr P V. Wll.
i i ..'! ill Onl.. i i"
from ' in.
i.,r ii
111 ed en ii n I r. of
i, ii ivllle and ol In .
,'ii to Walla Walla, I' i, H.
1,111 I .
I main I.. I
it. i ri, .-. of ll.. or mil and daugl
i Mr and Mrs A A Wright