""" THE ONTARIO AttOUS. ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 12, 1919 J&OY JOB C3QI -iC Classified Advertisements o D o Tlie Klnt of HUM, wliprv the Ihi.m r flmln whut lie wants l buy, nnd UN seller details what he want U sell. Thin in tho iiion! .11 rect route to make your mini known The coat In small. Tlie ttJ" rate in five rent per line er Insertion. QOI WHAT THE RANCHER HAS TO SELL (lilrkjens, Egg tor Hatching, Hn h Supplies, Etc. Itend SM adn, they may save you time nnd money. MILK DELIVERED IN ONTAHK from tuhercullne tented cows, ('nil 208 K-I-Mri. A. I) (Bin FOR SALE ONE SECOND MAM) ten-foot hay rake. I,. () MeCa I H mien west of Ontario. 14 27-, . I FOR SALE At sacrifice, house, fi rooms nnd both, clone In; thOTOl) modern, wired for lights and lici' Inquire Ontario Real Estate Co. Adr. 2181 pd. FOR SALE 10 acre tract MM 8t. Paul Orchard S. W. of city, h1h household furniture and farm Implr meats and stock. E. O. Robinson. AtMMtf FOR RENT 200 aero ranch, part ly Improved; S yenr lease for furtln-i Improvements. Dox 162, Ontario. WANTED TO TRADE Lots In Spokane and Tekoa, Wash., and On tario, for cows, horses, mhcalnnr" or acre tracts. Let me know wh.it- you have to offer. Mrs. A. D. Cain, 206-Ki. FOR SALE House and nine lot. for leas than the valuo of the lots; small payment down nnd balance pa; -ablo like nt An exceptional on portunlty to acquire a homo at a. lo price. Cheaper than paying rent. In quire R. W. SwaKler, Ontario. Ore ti INSIST on an abstract of title when you purchase or lend money on real estate. MALHEUR TITLE AND ABSTRACT CO., Vale Oregon FOR BALD Pinto SADDLE PONY. Inquire at this office. 17 J. II LOST D. A. R. PIN, NAT! ...U. number 133091. Finder plei notify Dolly Rollins. itl 17- When is Your Battery Abused? Anybody who understands batteries will tell you that there are Five things that must be avoided if your battery is to serve you long ami well: 1. Solution low, so that tin- wati r line BhoWl the plat.-s Rattery OTtrheated or overworked. Battery charged in reverse. Hatterv Hushed with acid. Foreign substance added. o We 3. 4. -. Any of these are jto.xitive ahuscs and will injure your hattery permanently. Service Tire & Battery Co. Next to Carter House. Ontario, Ore. Free Inspection, Any Battery- Any Time. ATTENTION DAIKYMEIN More Money for Butterfat Have you tried shipping Cream to Coast market? We pay highest Cash market prices, N mitting promptly for each shipment. Write us for cans- shipping tags and prices. 68c FOR NO. 1 BUTTERFAT No deductions except for express. We also huy poultry and eggs. UNION MEAT CO. Portland, Oregon Commercial Creamery Co. Cash buyersoi Cream and Produce Plaii: Siit'iof Post oflie, O.itario, Oregon Your Bct Market lot ( n;n- Ffgc, Ttultr) of all kinds o D O MISCELLANEOUS ADS. Want of all kindn, f,nst nnd Found Article and Help wanted and Situations Open. Returned Holdlci-N and nnllorn desiring to line thene columns to find John may do no without cost to them. lost rOX ITU NSCKPIBCS BE tween Ontario r ml qrl'lce. $r tv 'vanl. Frultland phone 27-19 18 2St fl IPO nfti iAty IM'MI.IC BTBNOOB Ai'HKR T. V Clugett'B office or Pnone 47-W 23 Ittl E8TRAY NOTICE! HAY MAR' about 7 yenrs old, came to tnv place 1 mile west and 1 V4j mile U South of Ontario. Rranileil J o left stifle, wire cut on left front foot Owner mny ho-vo same by, paying to) this ad nnd feed bill. John MrOrpgn Ontario, Oregon. 10 26-28' WANTED WOMAN TO STaT with family while mother in It hospital. Older children can ln'i with enre of younger . Prlncli;i work will be meals for one mini l I r. - Mm M. F. Taylor. Ontnrlo Oregon or Argus office. 24tf FOR SALE CHEAP ONE B-ROOV modern bungalow and one fi-roon unfinished bungalow in Riverside m' dltlon. Two modern fi-room hungn lows close In. Call 86N3. 15 27 I'nr llm Relief of Rlieuinstlc l'lilm. When you have stiffness nnd norc ness of the muscles, aching Joint nnd And It difficult to move withoui lain try majnaglng the affected purl with (hamburlaln's Liniment. It will relieve the pain and make rest and leep possible. LOST ONE MAY HORSE, SIX years old, we'ght 1000 lbs., brand ed Laxy J on right stifle Finder notify S. A. Stanllold ut Mai heur, Oregon. Howard 110 for In formation leading to recovery. 13 27-30 B COOKED FOOD SALE I)Y THE LA- (lien Aid. Ssilnnliiy. .Itino 21, from B :i lil in 1 p. in . at Udick'H I'llllllll Ins Shop 22 28-2!" WANTED TO RENT HMALI, EUR nlslinri (jr pprtlv furnished housn. Inquire at this office. 21 28-29 WANTED WOMAN OR GIRL FOR generaL housework Phone Mrs. A F. Royer, 89-J. 19 28tf WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Phone 34-J. 20 28-29 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK Till: STATE OK ORKOON FOR THE COUNTY OP MALHEUR MABEL C. BIOELOW, Plaintiff vs WILBIRT R. REEVES, MAUD REKVES. JOHN 11 S HILLING. RERTIIA A SCHILLINO. J H I' MANVILLE, JANE DOE MANVILL'-: AND ALEXANDER BILLS, ncfendants TO WILBERT R. REEVES, MAUI' KEEVEH. JOHN H. SCHILLINC. BERTHA A. SCHILLINO, J. 8. D MANVILLE, JANE DOE MANVIM.I. and ALEANDER BIIX8. the above named defendants'. IN TH1 NAME OF THE STAT OF OREOON: You and each of you are heroby required to appear an I answer the complaint filed agalns' you in the above entitled suit on or before six (6) weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons; the same being the last il.iv of the time prescribed by order of the Court directing service of summon? in said suit to be made upon you b publication; and If you fall so to ans wer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the said Court for the relief demanded. In the said coni- piaitii. to wit: For judgment against Wllbert R. Reeves and Maud Reeves, upon s note ' for Two Thousand Dollar (32,000 00) with Interest thereon from July 16th, 1912 at the rate nf 7 per cent per annum, and for Two Hundred Dollars (1200.00) attorn ey's fees, and for the costs ami dls i hi moments of this suit; also for a decree of the Court foreclosing that certain real mortgage executed by Wllbert R. Reeves and Maud Reeves to Ellas J. Van Court on Jsnuarv 16th, 109, to secure the payment of said sum of Two Thousand Dol lars upon the nw. of the NJC ot Section 6, Township 18 south, ranse 47 B. W. M , In Malheur County Oregon; together with 20 shares of Owyhee Ditch Company stock, and which ssld mortgage Is of record In Book "I" page 483 of the "Records ..r li.-ul Mortgagee" for Malheur County, Oregon; and for all other relief demanded In said complaint. You are further notified that this summons Is served upon you by pub lication In pursuance of an order of the Hon. Dalton Biggs, Judge of this Court which said order was made and entered In said cause on the 16th day of May, 1919 ami directed that this summons be published once each weok for six successive weeks In the Ontario Argus, commencing with the Issue, of May 16th 191. The first publication of this summons Is on May IB, 1919, and the last publics tlon is on June 26th 1919. W. W. WOOD. Residing at Ontario, Orego.i Attorney for Plalutiff N'OTICK I-X1K I'l'llLHATION DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. U. 8. LAND OFFICE at Vala. Ors Juns i, 1919 NOTICE Is lisreby glvso that Ar 'liur II. Reilim of Ontario, Orsgor, who on May 6, 1914, mads Homn- lead Entry Ni. 0SS09, for 8Vt8E Sec. 34. SWW8WW. Sac. 86, T. 17 8 R. 40 E . snd Lot 4. 8w 2 Town- hlp 18 South, Rsugo 46 East, Will uni.itf Meridian, hss filed not'rs of ni i. u. hi to muko Final Throe Y.ir 'riHiT, to establish claim to tho lam) hove deacrlbed, before Clay M 't "urns, U. 8. Commissioner, ut On ario, Oragon, on tho 16th day of lulv, 1919. I'liluiHiit names us wltn'esses: F Raker Ball, T J. Walker, Cha Teeler, all of Ontario. Oragen: ii.oilen Ball of Payette, Idaho. THOMAS JONES, Register Mil n l OK laisl OF M vti LANUM Notice is hereby given that th I State Land Board of the State nf Oregon will receive sealed bids untl' 10:00 o'clock a. ra . August II. 1919 for the following described lands, o-wlt: All of Sections 14 snd S6, T. II a I 4 2 E. All of Sections 16 and II, T. 13 3. R. 41 E. All of Sectons 16 and II, T. II 3 H 43 D. All or Sections 16 and 86. T 40 S R 47 E All of Sections 16 and II, T. 40 3. R 41 E. All of Section 16, T. 41 8 R. 44 E All of Section 18. T. 41 8. R. 46 E All of Section 16, T. 41 8. R. 46 F All of Section 16, T. 41 8. R. 47 E All of Section 16. T. 41 8. R. 41 E All bids must be accompanied bv regularly esecirad applications to purchase, and check or draft for at least one-fifth of the amount bid The Board reserves the right to reject any and ail bids. Applications and bids should be iddressed to (f O. Brown, Clark State Land Board, Salem, Oregon. ind marked "Applications and bid to purchase state lands." O. O. BROWN, Clerk Bute Land Board. Dated at Salam, Oragon. NOTICE TO CRKIHTOHN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREOON. FOR MAL HEUR COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Fred J. Klenel, Deceased. NOTICE IS IIEHEHY GIVEN, That the undersigned tins been appointed by the above entitled Court as the t nrlllary executor of tho part of the estate of Fred J. Klcsel, Deceased, s mated In Malheur County. Oregon mil that ho has duly qualified M such exocutor. All pin-sum havlr.g claims agalni" 'l "itate are lierohy renin Htod It) present the same to the underslgne 1 ft his office In the City of Ontnrlo. Oregon, duly verified In the uilg required liy luw, uilhin six month'. from the date of the fir.it publlca tlon of this noCce. Data of first Publication. June 12 1919 Date of last Publication, July 10. 1919 QILRERT L KING. Ancillary Executor KOVtiRALLS Rog'.U.3.fat.Off. Ii our RegHtercd nnd Common nv Trade-Mark end i ,.n .n'y be right fully uicd on goods made by us. Coveralls are garments foe children I to 8 yrari of age. K a dealer tries to 91 you, under tlie Coveralls name, any garment not of our manufacture, you may be sure he has an article thai he it trying to market on Coveralls reputation. Unlet mads by Levi StrauuA Co, they're not KOVERALLS. Coveralls Keep Kids Kleen $1.50 the Suit ANEW CD 17 17 IFTHty sun rlc.ll. rip KOVERAI I S u made only by Lvi StisiiM At Co., Sts I iuhuco sad bur ihn tUVtHSU.S Leslie J. Aker ATTORNEY AND Att'OIWTANT Specialist on Inrotne sud War It. i.iiii. Taxes Phone 170-J Ontario. Oro K. H It I T T I O II A M Truck. Transfer 4 Phone 167 M in is i, in CAFE 4 Now open for busluess 4 WELL COOKED FOOD (JOOD SERVICE FAMILY PATRONAGE SOLICITED. 4) 4 Open 6:30 a. m. to 12 p m Ontario, Oregon 4 ONTARIO LAI'MliM IMtWNTOWN OFFICE SANITARY llAHIll It SHOP DR. A. R. ROBERT Dentist Bat warn Ontario Pliarniai and Depot. Phone 52 SAVE TROUBLE Ranchers who have machinery must keep them in repair WE FIX OASOUNE BNaiNEB IRRJUATINU I'CMI'm Al'TO.MOItil.LH Ail kinds Macniaery We specialize on Pumps and Qasollue Engines. Our Prices Are Right. MARSDEN MACHINE SHOP iRANBFER. BAOOAQB AND EX PRESS JOHN LANDINUHAM mZ i IfVIJTRAlgliCU Do You Like to Live Amidst Attractive Surroundings? Then Read This. The Village Beautiful Tf a single merchant in this town were to adopt the permanent policy of making liis store attractive In .'ill possible ways he un doubtedly could hold the hest tiiitle of nil town in the t'.'ice of competition of every other kind. What is true of the individual merchant is true of the entire village or city. All '! needs to hold its trade and its population is to he attractive. Attractiveness is of many kinds and is com posed of many elements. ( rood roads, clean streets, low "prices and high quality will at tract to and generally hold trade for I town. But shaded streets well sprinkled, green lawns closely cropped, neatly painted and well kept houses and outbuildings reflect a diligence and prosperity thai arc almost as persuasive as some of the mure tangible and material appeals of cost and quality. One may imagine, for example what it transformation could be effected in this town if every window on its business streets were occupied by I flower box filled with beautiful tloweriii"; plants. Yet the thought need not remain wholly imaginary) for at a comparatively small cost to each individual merchant such i transformation could be ef fected. Many of the largest stores and ho tels of the greaj cities have decorated their windows in this way. An example thus set by merchants doubtless would be followed by many citizen in the decorating f theli homes. Tn a few fears our town would become known far and wide for the beauty of it homes and places of busiin Think This Over Town Builders for Oregon People AL. CHANCE, Sales Manager, Ontario, Oregon Our Allies This bank is an ally of the farmer, stock grower, and merchant, bound together by an un written law for the advancement of private in terests ami the development f Ontario and vici nity. You emi join this league by becoming a depositor of this Bank. Ontario National Bank Oldest Hank In Oram. Hume) A Malheur Counties. OUR NEW DIRECTORY A new directory iH now being delivered. Save trouble by destroying your old one. IF YOU WANT I'ROI'KR LI8TINO OR A NEW I'HONK. AOVI8E U8 AT ONCE Every Bell Telephone in a Malheur Home : M I at km(, ".smmmW-' x-sL Mllllllfil. I II Ml . of WKHTKRN HOFT PINK Ltnu Distance Station. Telephone uo. U 00 US IV o III IBS "II uo s l SH Ml I mi hi I .tip om u (J . III Ml I'O