The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 12, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal Merit ionl
Roy McCabe of Vale was an Onta
rio business visitor last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McNulty are In
Portland itlila week attending Hi
Rose Festival.
H. n. Udlck was called to Boln?
Wednesday to attend the funeral ot
hla father who died there quite sud
denly last Sunday
H. L. Peterson left Sunday evening
for Portland to see the roses nt the
best and inspect the offerings of coast
furniture houses.
Mr. and Mrs J. It Blackahy left
Tuesday evening for Portland and
other coast points. They expert t i
be back here about Monday next.
Mm. Susan Chapman, who has been
visiting Mrs (iron In for the past
month, left Friday evening for Soa
attle where she will ninke her future
Dorothy Turner and Vella Cronlii,
as Honor Ouarl Delegates, left Tuh
day evening for Corvalll to ati.n.l
tire. 8tatc Honor Ouard Convention
to be held there the latter part of
this week.
According to advices received from
William lllacckaby who arrived re
cently at Camp Mills. New York, from
over , he expect to leave there
soon for Camp Lewis for final dis
charge from the Bcrv're.
Fred W Canfleld and Hen Thomas
are fNhermen They are willing to.
and did, last Saturday evening clrlv
Into the heart of Idaho's mountains
In the quest of the r favorite variety
of the finny tribe. Thoy travelled
100 mies In their Jaunt, slept under
the Urs, waded the streams an I
cam homo tired but happy, rewarded
with having succeeded In charmln
22 piscatorial beauties from the wat
ers of Rock creek.
just auppoBO you went into
restaurant and asked for
steak and suppose the waiter
brought you hash, aayinir that
bash would be just as good for
jrou, besides they had plenty of
hash and made a larger profit
on hash.
What would you do?
Of course you would walk
out and go to another res
taurant where they served what
you ordered. ,
Now, Just suppoao you went In
to a store and atki'il for a
Two Home Hrnml Hoys' Overalls
the best rrfude, tho boat fill:..,
the strongest, the longest wear
ing, "the new pair FREE if thjf
rip kind." and suppose the sales
msa said we have none of the
Two llorte Urn i d Kind, here's
another brand - it is just an ,T cd.
What should you do?
You should walk out and
fro to a store where they
give you what you ask for.
When you order ateak you
don't want hash, and when you
ak for Two Horse Rrsml Boys
Overalls you don't want an imit
ation. This Trade Mark
Is OB every pair of Two Horse
lirsnd Boys" Overalls made and
guaranteed by Levi Strauss A
Co., Ban Francisco and the guar
antee that goes with it is
A new pair FREE if they rip
All Two Hone Brand OvtralU
mre Dyed with Genuine Indigo
Awordod Crotui Prime a P. P. I. E.
June is the Time to Buy Warm Weather Needs
The Golden Rule is in a Position to Supply The
Right Merchandise at the Right Price.
Every Day a Sale Day Here.
h m
Billie Boss
A Sensible
Dress for
Saturday Special
One Day Only
Housewives Niiturdav you will have nn
portunity to supply your broom needs at ;i
very nominal price a broom you would
expect to buy for not less than 75c (Jet one
Knturdav for 39c.
You should see
these little irar
inents to fully ;i)ppicri;ite their value- made
of servieable materials with reversable col
lars, cuffs and belts. Come in two
shades of blue and white stripes; two shatb .-.
of pink and white, greet) and white ami plaii
khaki with pink or red trimming aires : fco
l() years.
Men's Summer Needs Can be
Fully Supplied Here.
Summer Unions, athletic style 69c
A better athletic Union for $1.25
Light weight cotton ribbed Unioni . . 1.00
Either long or short sleeves
Pine Lisle Unions 1.95
Mi n OOttOfl sox, light Wfc, 2 prs. for 26c
Men's cotton work sox- 2 prs. for . . 26c
Ifen'a silk Lisle tox, :? prs. for 1.00
An excellent hose that comes in
- Blaek, White. Palm Meach, Tan
Oordoren and draw
Shoes For the Whole Family
This is the time of year people are looking
for comfortable shoes, properly fitted. Vour
wants can be supplied here at prices casil
within your reach.
A shipment of Gray and Brown Kid boots
just arrived this week.
9 Inch Gray, all Kid boot, $6.95
! inch dray, cloth top boot, 4.95
! inch Brown, cloth top boot , . . 4 09
! inch all White Buck boot, 4.95
9 inch White Heinskin boot, 4.95
JTou should supply your footwear needl
while we have all sizes and widths.
Rust Proof Corsets
$1 to $4
Every pair is miarantei o
not to rust, break or tear.
You can put then right In
the tub vith your Kneel
hligtlie boned with ar-
ner'i famous rust proof
I r
n : ' ': J
father's ;
We Have No Old Stock to Show You.
Summer Millinery
A shipment of the New Summer Hats fur
The New Panamas, daintily trimmed $3.98
New Georgettee, assorted colors .... 498
These are typical (H)LDEN RULE Values
New Silk Blouses
Georgette Waists. Newest colore
and styles- $4.98
( 'repe de ( 'heiie Waists .... $2.98 and 3.98
.lap Silk Waists 1.98
New Voile Waists $1.00, 1.29- 1.60, 1.98
Let Us Supply Your Summer Underwear
and Hosiery Needs
Women's Cotton (Jnioni 59c
Either Leee or 'uff Knee
Litis Thread Unions 79c
Butter Brown Silk pair $1.00
Black, Brown, White, Gray
Muster Brown Silk Lisle Hose, pair 60c
Bleek. White, Brown, Grej
BUok Silk Fibre Bote 60c
Black or White Cotton, :! pairs 50c.
Standard Patterns are
Sold Here
Exclusively in Ontario.
Golden Rule
A Package from this Store is a Bargain Paid For.
Crystal White Soap, 5
Bars - - 25c
ST -- --tfTT A Z&ZZr
!V . UfS 4m M -Sis."
r . :,. A-:i wm nn ,, h
ury ii un uiei jmii na -rr;
rteeee "Dim" kjr emieg fruit pit H VU fffll I I
wtu Vejwt MirifcBMliw WUg. f H iei'l ' ' iM
n m u - - - - tl ien w Hal ImA
1 mmw "fcasv eBJ udr i rV
hi nun aw wn u i wui m "TgKI '1 ITI '
sMst BBMsf V - M i . '
1 11m st Xr-4 te-wi h uy Ufit M SaSieUJBHlekUjBUeU.U
m - l. . m
m ZttnZ.. Thrill lik the on
tM imi Fin iiwi pictured will make you
eager to see every
sbb Vy.c"1 jjjm ;J1 epitod of
K li HiiWK
Tl. 117 Ontario. Or ;
Notice Is hereby given that, lu pui-
sunnoe of Ordinance No 236, of the
'kty of Oniur , I huve taken up ani
iinrouiuli'il tin- rolluwiiiK described
animals found running at large with
in the corporate limits of tho City of
Ontario, In Malheur County, State of
Oregon, to wit.
,One large brown Mare Mule, age
:.bout 14 years, mane anl tall long, no
islhle brand
One sorrel horse, stur In foreheud,
about 10 years old. branded tl.UN
on left stifle, lsiy on Ibft fore
leg. both had feet white.
This borse aud mule came lu to
get her
And that I will on the 19th day .f
June, !!!, at the hour of three
o'clock p. in , of aald day offer for
tie and will sell above d-"crlpt-d
animals at public auction to th
highest bidder, for cash In hand, a'
the Eagle Livery In said City cf Ontario.
Taken up this 4th day of June
1919. Posted this 10th day of June. 1919
0 ty Marshal
to 11 and t to 6
Office over First National Bank
Telephone No SI J Ontario. Ore
Vltacraph'a Neweet Serial
.' rpporltd by an all-ttar cost
in. lu Jin f
l-dith Johnson & Joe Ryan
Every Thursday
The Ladles Aid of the M. E. church
will give an lee cream social on tbe
church lawn Thursday evening, June
It Come
Mrs. Bertha VVelttenheiller and
son of Crane arrived in Ontario But
urday enroutfl to Twin Falls to vlul:
her mother, Mrs. B Re.tnolda. termer
ly of this city. Mrs. Welttenhellle
told of the return of her brother Ito
Reynolds from over seas. H a many
friends here in Ontario will regre
to learn that, a" yet, he has not Ibof
oly recovered from the effects of the
wounds be received a year ago this
month That he will ultimately re
cover, however. Is the opinion of the
physicians under whose care he has
containing tobacco samples. Find
er please return to Boyer Bros store
or Moore Hotel and receive reward.
14 tttr
The Slate Teachers' Examination.
will be held at the Court House In
Vale, Oregon, on June IS, S(, 17 and
18. 1919.
Following Is the program for um
year and live-yeur subjects:
Wednesday Arlthmet c and His
tory. Thursday Grammar, Civil Oov.-n-Oment,
Orthography, Physlrul 00
raphy, Theory and Practice and Writ
ing Friday School Law, Algebra. Com
position. Reading. Physiology aud
Saturday American Literature
and Psychology.
Teachers wishing to write for life
or prmary certificates will kindly
write the county superintendent l:i
regard to a program.
County Superintendent of Schools
On account of the very recent or
ganisation of the Boy Scout work in
our city no intensive work will t
done on the Scout campaign this
week, but work will begin in eurm k
the first of next week.
The I ocu lcouncll will meet at Ik
Ontario National bank next Tuesda
at 1 p. ui The Scout entertu umeal
will be held June 23 at Dreuiuhunl
theatre. The Scouts are practicing
for this etent and a campaign of ad
vertising is on 'foot.
Next Sunday morning at 10 I
Chlldrens' Day exercises at Congre
gational church.
8:00 p. m. Preaching by the pas
tor. Subject, "Our Boys."
This service will be in the Interest
of the Boy Scout campaign.
Spec al Invitation Is given to Buy
Scouts, their parents and la Ibi
bers of the local council
EXPERT Service o w
understand it means
that we equip your car
withFires tone Tires.
Such a service means
"Most Miles per Dollar,"
well es most riding
comfort per mile. You
will find us efficient.cour
teous, end always reudy.
CIlllMli... ltiK"li
The Ladles Aid of the M. E hur. I,
will give an Ice cream social on the
church lawn Thursday evening. June
19 Com