THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE fr 1919 8 L in ni in w. r. Ini ho da lio IMI till lai bf lui tm on Hi In III to M n oo In The Dreamland Theatre Wishes tn announce to the people of the m ral districts and rorroundlng towns the merchants have it lust teeured a way bj which tin can show their appreciation of tlir fanners' their value to this community, by giving them tickets, free of charge to the Dreamland Theatre any Saturday afternoon This ticket entitles any one residing outside the city of Ontario. U. B. GkT rmnent war tax must lie paid at the box office. Mldrcii under 1") years f age must he accompanied by parent or guardian. The above mention ed tickets may he secured from any of the following firms: Ford Oarage Jenkins I Jenkins Ontario Furniture Co. ftioore Hotel McNultvAOo. Radcr Broa. PiTil National Hank Ontario Pharmacv The Toggery McDowell 'i Exchange Btoer ('ash Variety store Ontario National Hank Golden Rnlfl Store Taggaii Hardware Co. Osborne Millinery Ontario Auto Co. Larue Blaekaby, Jeweler I'.fc's Allen Shoo Co. K. A. Prater 0. GXuehrs V. L. Turner Lets Get Together and Make This a Com munity Affair STARTS SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1919 Show Starts 2:30 p. m. 2 Shows & Va Absolutely the same show in the afternoon that there is at night f Overall Economy Every mother of a growing boy n anxiou to have her on manly and healthy. Put him in overall and let him live out door. Two - Horse Brand Boys Overalls (tjseaUMladifSUyM.i are the right kind, cannot pot tiblv be ripped and when toiled have only to be washed to look like new. Cot no more than ordinary overalls. R e member t h I guarantee A new pair FREE if they rip AWAROrD GRAND pnuK at p r i t. 'Look (or i' it Uk,l"i M..I. br m . Lvi Slrun A Lo.. 3n r rsnciico Bw SjTw. m- Jxlii uvj (' (ntft r-x rire$tfcrM r -v . - I The'Bfe Idea" U J v A 3 Somebody discovered tKat 1 money could bo saved nnd comfort increased by u .im Firestone Tires and having us put them on. And now, like every "bifc idea" it is common property. Now knowing motorists from near und far are ftettin& the bene fit in the safety, comfort and saving which FirestoneTires, plus our service means. Come in. We're xeady. Service Tire & Battery Co. Ontario, Oregon Hun. nnd Mini.. June M-ll MAIIIICi; TOI ll.VKI Its "HroitTi.i unr I'm li.- Ntm Tui'v, .lunr III .mm. nn lurm iiiv I.KK SMII I H Ml IT A .IK I I . II.MI.I..I i.h" H'iI. Innr II HVMUI II.WAK IW III "THK TKMI'I.K Of III SK" I'nllir Sens Tl in--.. June 12: H': in rirs "Too- it INI I IlillT" In Tl Um StTlnl. "MHn il Might." vtilli Wnu. IHiitriin III. luii. l.ll,. I.KK in "Ml II A I.ITTI.K Hit TK" Him.. June 1 1. MiiliniN mill Vlglil ktiiki. n.nrov In WOMKN K WKAI'ONM" I mil Ktluia t lunal w . k I Wiii.Ii f.,r NA.miiV X hi KVI lull KYI berntf' Millinerii 6teek Reducing Me Starting Saturday, June 7 Waists Below Cost Every Hat Reduced Waists Georgette Crepe de chine Voile Organdy Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats in the Seasons Best Styles and Colors Collars in the same Silk Gloves-Elbow material at big re- and Wrist Length ductions. 50c and 75c m U uajoirJ cklkr uA mttlw m m other lutrtTuitticiA ) flat! y-tnl m iih ! nM hi mrfiM4 tu m m mufti hkI, ttwa ) fr a ii!j m illirMwM ohilrmi m Onirr , r if c.o1! tfS ' 5l Manl.ul:.hh.l.iU B M ymk 4ntd. In N M fruit V u Mill f.u4 tW . miiftKnultuv tdU wuo y ft 4crf uj i M-boM ad rrirt fffPrVT (eov as ONTAKIO GROCERY & MEAT CO. tiuiii.n iTiriuii oi- mi lil.Khi.SKII HAI'llAMKN I 80 it ui , Low Maw 10 30 I ui . Hlcb Mm SO 01 run hum lor Utf feftf and glrU 1-I.i.iji .in(1 purlf) ur ittouittcli ami Imwi'lh, Miui lni'utli will Iih iwftftl ur itUuoHition iiiiirn.i'il m.; fr.ilnl-. i:uu-.isr.l ,ur I'm nr IJftb lets Ontario I'liiii niaiy Ail .'i 1 lie 1 MABAMNN I HI i. " Nsw lucaiuni oua block worn Hunt a garage Sunday aervliea ttuuday ..'liool 10 a in. praclilu 11 a m uud 7 p m Cottage prayer meet high Tuendu iilng. at 7:30, ehurcb prayer uief- IngM Tburaday evenlug 7 8U Kev S U Klowara, Paator Mi -. II 0 Siuill; li 'II Wed in- -.'.n lor fortulllH lo Vlagl wllh lui : ler. Ml u lrglula, who l a hIii.I i i m 0 A C 1'ogi'lUiT lln gflU Iftkft lu tin' Kuse t'l-stnal Inter and k" iilm. there to Seattle In iiii lelainea .net frleuda Tliere is nothing wnise tl.nn li.i.l. luiil siiielllng I'l.-ii' no' i 'I '' U lor your friend'-, sake aftJTWft) Ho lalar'a Kooky Mountain T will DRS PRINZINO, WEESE & FORTNER OmOl HOUH8. I lo and : iu ,i Olflce over First Natloual Uauk I'elapuoue No 33 J Ontario Ore "Good (Joods" "Everything for the Table" Phone No. 3 Inn Mm ittp intu i'lir RtOTI fOU IN fimlilid lo iu eTeiything Cor the taiih Choice Meats, Groceries, Fruits Vegetables, Etc. Mr. R P. K'yiin, niaiiHgt r of Um OfOOery hipaitnuiit, places at your dttptml hil nian rars of experience lu tut Um He will w t'.iunil ivadv and willing to assist you in st'K'ctiiij,' "Good Good", Likewise1 Mr. .i. P. JU-iksen, nuuiager of the Moat Department is at your nerviee tt as kU( you in eelet'ting that ehoiee mast, teak 01 whatever cut of meat you wish. Not many peo pie can select the proper eut of meat for its prop. rr usi'. This takes yean of experience') and wh; not let this experience assist you ( Y aiv here to Dleaae vou. to satisfy von, "(iooil Uootlfl at riasoiiaiiii' iuul kiv' you riri - At Your Service ONTARIO GROCERY & MEAS CO. Chautauqua Days Are Coming Six Days of real enjoyment, relaxation and lvrroation. Six Days of splendid music, en tertainment and lectures. Twenty three big events all yours for a season ticket TWO CONCERTS-FOURTH DAY The White Hussars The feature musical attraction of the year will be the coming of the White Huss ars a splendid "singing band" on the fourth day. Two big concerts a veritable fes tival of harmony. A FEW OF THE 2 BIG EVENTS TOM CORWINE MRS. A. C. ZEHNER LIEUT. BRUNO ROSELLI DR. G. WHITFIELD RAY MAJOR THORNTON A. MILLS GUARINO M'KINNON COMPANY ROYAL HAWAIIAN QUINTET MERRILEES ENTERTAINERS METROPOLITAN ARTISTS DR. WILLIAM RADER Season Ticket Prices: Adults- $2.75; Stu dents, $1.66; Children, $1.10 War Tax in eluded. VALE, JUNE 25-30 W. I". T. D. WEAKKK Wll.l. HI III III lllino JINK II A public reception wll be gln Wednesday, June 11 In honor o( Mr Jennie M. Kemp, a national apeakm tor the V. 0 T. t'. In the eenlns she wll go to Vale and on Thursday will address a gathering at Nyaaa Forrest Sherman, a brother of Mr McAfee of this city, visited here this week enroute to his home in Pendle tyn. Mr. Sherman was recently dis charged from the gun corps, lie saw service in Prance and w with the army of occupation in Oe many. He was twice wounded In action. Two carloads of Ontar o members of the W. C. T U. attended the chap ter meeting at Vale Tuesday. m