tihtfctrta tn xxm ONTARIO, ILALHEUR(X)UNTY, OREGON, THUR8D AY, JTJNB 6, 1919 NO Wkt SPIRITED ARGUMENTS MARK PRYING DEBATE HKMONHTHA NCI I'KK.HKNTKH COUNCIL HIONKD HV OWN Kit OP VAST MAJORITY OK THK 8TIIKKT KRONTAUK l 1118- TRKT. AH PROPOHKI) fUL WANT PAVING LATER Hpfwkem Vtml Foeta Vi Draw ..n parittonn with Othpr Citing Issue lUMvv-eii l'r...ili Oun'Tv ii iv I Merchant lUlscsl by W. K. 1 With the large! audlonce present that haa attended a meeting of thi (itjr Council, In the lent throe yearn at least, arguments for and against the proposed paving program were heard by the Council lent Monday evening. 8o large was the crowd that It wis necessary to transfer the hearing to the Commercial club rooms, the Council chamber being Inadequate for the accommodation of those present. No dlspostlon was made of the question but on the mo tion of Councilman II B. Cockrum the question was laid upon the table and to be taken up at the mewing of June 16 W. E. Lees, H. C. Dover and T II Moore spoke against paving while . 0. Van Patten, A. L. Cockrum am J. R. Blackaby spoke In Its favor. The grounds for the protest glvei were twe: first; that the cost of th. Improvement It too great at this time, second that the labor situation her does not Justify nor warrant su. ' work. "This matter does not require d't , russlon," said Mr. Lees, In lsunrl lag , the first attack. "But I do know thai this remonstrance represent) nine tenths of the people who will have ti pay the bill, and who own tin i q erty within the district. They are entitled to a respectful hearing. Th matter should have been tiro.' ;h np by the property owners. Titer" should have been two petitions, i for it and those against It, and then the council could hsve weighed tin evldenoe and determined whether the people want paving or not I'rges Delay xf Year. "Let us put off paving for u year, or two years at the most and then lake It up. I don't believe Mr. Moore Mr. Boyer or the other Urge prop erty owners will object If conditio" are right. But this council should not order this paving In with nine tinths of the propel ty owners on j itlng "Mlilrttallful of Hoods." "The people who are on Oils ri monstrance are anchored here. They have all their money invested In prop erty here. The people who want thU paving have a shlrttailful of good. that they could take them to Bskcr or any place, but we have to stay here." "Cities are like people they must go ahead or go back," said E 0 Van Patten, the first of the pro pin ing speakers "At a meeting of the Commercial club representing three fourths of the business men of the city resolutions were passed endors ing this paving "It la these business men who have put money Into every enter prise In this otty that has come along; who have contributed to every pub llo movement, and in every patriotic drive. "Price Is no prohibition of pacing at this time. Paving was killed once before and w'll be killed again un less the people here take a broader view and adopt a broader policy. "I am surprised at the opposition I have found to this paving," aald A L. Cockrum. "I want to cite the results In Oklahoma where I saw all the town start together and where Oklahoma City, a smaller town than the Outbrle of that day became tin big city of the State, took the cap'tU away from Outhrle and Outhrle has never caught up All this started by a paving program In Oklahoma City. "Why Not How." "Of course we could get along with our streets as they are. But I hare hoard a number of business men declare that they will pay the In ' '!sed rent necessary to meet the k of this paving, and I believe thai It Oil prove the worst blunder we ha-e ever made if we turn this par- lag down at this t'me. If aa Mr law aaya wo will ultimately pave wb' not now?" "I am getting tired, and 1 know you ONTARIO lilsiMss MAM l mm irotnra lady to wi n Invltatlona were issued (IiIh wet. for the wedding of MIhh Tubulin Ham daughter of Mr and Mr Bernard llitus of Welser, to Samuel 0NM1 of Onlnrlo. June 24th Ih the dale set for the ceremonlea which will take phirn at the home of the bride parents In Welser. To Ontario people the hrlde is al ready known thru many visits hep', and thru the prominence of her fain ily In Welser. She in a native daugh ter of the Idaho city and has ong been active In the younger net of the towi, Mr ("room la known thmout this entire section, having since 1900 been manager of the Alexander Mine here. He canto when hut u IMU man from Ilolae where he drat lo cated after leaving his home In I g well, Man From a clerkship he wa,i raised to manager of the store nrd save during his absence In the artn last summer and fall, he has lived here contlnuausly He was a direr tor of the t'otnmerrlsl club Inst year In the crime were resident of Nam and has taken sn active Interest In I pa. Idaho Cole was In Jordan Vsl publlc affairs. ley on business, he being n MWtag I mnchlno sgent who worked In lh:t all are, too. driving ihru mudhole territory. Scot I, the murdered mn.i. In the winter time -ind AIM holes during the summer t'me. "The State of Oregon Is imihllni' hundreds of miles of paved I lbwiiy. thru timbered forests, over 11101111..1I11 and across sage brush (lessens. If It Is good business, and we ail ad md that It Is. for the state to miend Its money for that kind of road, cat am man argue that it Is not good business for Ontario to meet tho.i roads at her limits with paved tsT "You can uot toll me that. Uh... same arguments for delay will mi l made u year from now or IM from now. Children might helle. It, but I have gone down tho Una m civic enterprises with those who ar objecting for the 'past ten years and I know what they will sny, now or any t'me." This sally evidently in id- a hit with the crowd and with th opponents of paving too, evrr.witn smiled or sppauded. Wauls I'aveil HlreeU, Tihi "I would hale to think thai in. rlo would never pave her streets,' ssld II (' Buyer, "but I believe thn ' we can wall a yetir before standi', In. It Is Isklns mora money than ever to run business and I feel that while It would be a disgrace to On- tarlo If her streets were not paved n a year or two, that wo cgn Mtttl afford to wait than to rush In HI and put too great a burden on Mm property owners. "When we pave we want to do so to attract people to the city Tin will not be attracted by paving on tM business atreeta alone. If we are going to be a paved-town let us pave the residence strentn, too. . I-et u plsnt shade trees and make this nn i.ttractive town that will draw the rancher from the Interior to this city as his home " "If 1 were to speak my thuts about paving I could uot voce them better than have Mr Van I'elteu, Mr rum and Mr Blackaby," aald T. H Moore. "I would also quote Mi Laos. I am in favor of paving but not at this lime I think Hist so fur aa the question la concerned that the unly thing this council has to cou slder Is that It has a remonstrance with nine-tenths of the property own ers Msinst it, and that ought to gattk iK t0 t the natural law of suppl, the matter ! determine that feature All t "1 am one of those merchants Mr 1 1, desired of the aiockim n Is tlmr les refers tu, and what we hsve ma. Ico-operstlon in bringing about uni not be much but It represents as much forul sMtMM of bandllug the ha. capital, as most of tho busiue.s bluckscru(l hy agreeing to pay a reaaouabh of the city I only wish this pavln difference between good bay and poor progrsm passed my residence, I u , gladly pay it, and so would mart', other citizens," aa'd Frank Rader. At this point the hearing adjourned for two weeks BOV tWOl'T COl'NCIL Ik) FORMKD BY Bl SINE MKX Ontario buajiess men have gotten I behind the Boy Scout organlzath- n Ontario and formed a Boy Scou' "ouncll. The organization was per ected Monday at u meeting held in 'he directors room of the Ontario N'atlunal Bank. The following were ! 'he officers chosen. J. It Blackab: . hoirmau, W. 1. Turner, secretary- trtasurer. The members of the Conn II are Hugh Allen, w ll l.axou 11 It Douglass. J (' McCreight and I It. Steele was elected Scout Couiuil.--. oner and troops will be organiz. .1 and combined in one general organ istlon with Rev Steele as chief ex cutlve Preparations are under way tor the Boy Scout Campaign begin nlng June I NAMPA MEN FIGURE INROAD BONDS GARRY JORDAN VALLEY CRIME! BY BIG MAJORITIES QgMMa! Jury Finds Vcnllci Col" Hn.uglil tn Vnlc h Marshal J. A. Written Is Vnenneenieil cntlv, H) Art Justified. lI.H Wh"ii u.iordlng to Ills story. C I W.lh t ho lightest fOtt iceurded in Harold Scott of Niniipn. put Ii Ih en r years, less that 20 per (Ml ftl '.' around the shoulders of Mrs. Charles registered voters voting, Malheur F tide, and made nn Insulting rei'iuniv approved of the IgSMasM Of ninrk. In n room In the Jordan Val , $230,000 In bonds to cooperate with ley hotgd, Sunday afternoon. Cole tho state in the construction of tlr took one shot at, him and killed Mm State mini program, uii.l the hulldlh instantly The hullet crnshed thin the v'ctlins heart, slid thus inn i have come close to the body of th" SNsallsnls wife The only witness of the iragedy, which occurred about 2 Wvfl Cole mid his wife. All of the figure Is well known In that section of the country as a wtnlprofess onsl hall player. role was arrested linuiedlately fol lowing the crime by Marshal J. A Wroten of Jordan Valley who sum moned a coronor's Jury to hour the esse, tho Jury found that Swilt csm , to his death at the hands of el. ; and he was held to appear before the Orsnd Jury which sits at Vale in S"p '"tuber - "" " BETTER HAY IS AIM OF NEW ASSOCIATION Will Ask Commercial i luh to Assist In AiherlisliiK IH'slriiblllt) of Tlil Kect ion for I eiiling n I l.ainbluit t iiiiiinillce iMinleil 'lo meet with the stock raisers who fesod In this section, and dh.ru . means of co-oper:itlou for the liiul ailvaiiluse of the luiv srouer an., 'the stockmen, thirty liny ranchers , (the Snake river valley from the iiw J bee to Ontario met at the Com mar (al i luh rooms last Saturday after noon hut not a stockman appeared at the meeting, tho many had I.e. n" OlHai atis must he bashful Thlil Invited Despite this dlseouragliiK ""' ' '"'' explanation t'.at can I. fsct, howover, the hay growei ve" 'r Iho small number feet an organlai on tor ii. MM" M lunied out to witness Hie purpose of bringing about s staiulnc- presentation of th unty honor Ml dliMtlon of hay values In thl la-t Ssturduy evening at Ihe clt . Hun and to make further advances The presentation was made b ,. ut to ihe stockmen In an effort to securs Kuykendall, 374 Field Arlll tbelr co-operutloii l,,N "unty t'hslriuan J Ii IKuck- To perfect the orgsiilzatlnn a cue h' lr'hhd uml lnlroduc.,1 the vls- niltti . consisting of Judge Daltoa c c Hunt Dlggs, T W llagett It t onklln, and I'eter Teusen wen uppointed to prepare a ooaatltnt'oa and l.y-lsws for the organ! itl.ui ..nt to gel Into ciiinmunliuitlon with thl representatives of the stockmen and , explulu further the purpose oi tin movement. Mo Alt.iiil.t to rj.lhllh ITIiis, The rancher distinctly declarm! liiul they have no desire to at. en.pi t.i OHtabllHh a price for buy, but aie will hay. and to take luto cooalderslhu, tho facilities offered by some ram I, era fur lambing and care of stuck TeiiM-n t bosen Chairman. When the meet ng upened O W Dean nominated Peter Tensen .. halrmsu and his election folluwn' iD opening the discussion Mr i presented some of the advantages to be socuted thru the cu-operuilon the hay growers and the stuckiu'i. and presented a possible PMOdala f l grading bay In part be said Takes Two to t . -operate. 0 f l-ackey voiced the prWvail'M sentiment of the meeting when lie said: It takes two to co-operate mi an thing like this, and we can't do uni. i HlM the slockiiivn will iivt us lia'f way I believe that they uiiiln-iiinl what Is being alien. pled ami art afraid that we are trying to l This association it it is formed can uot do that, for that s a question I., tween the man who is buy lug hay ami the man who Is selling If they can get together that Is all there l to It Koientreii Frcvlncts, longest In Conn, ty, Olvo limul ItiiniK .-.! In CM Against Kverj Measure mi llnllol I 'Hi sM in ( mint) or lie road to Jordan all. I'rom 17 pre. liu i . including Snake River (Dead Ox Flat) three Ontario; pre. InetH, Pair. Cairo. Aniidln. Nv KB, Nollh and Snuili Vale, lining", ' 1 Mi Ilrogsn, Jordan Valley. Westfall, Hull) am, ,. visile re ported (he vote for the bonds w.is 621 to 10 This assures their ca. rylng for the other ihiiIiick can not overcome this lead Two features marked ti I"ciln. . the light vole us a whole and the heavy vote mi Dead Ox Flat WMd tlmy cast S6 voles for the bonds and t against. Jordan Valley cast 40 votes everyone for the bonds Strange to say several of the coun try precincts, such ss Orange. Pall sj i alro went sgnlnsl the hotidi-. Md III (irnnge In particular, ,., pie will he moat benoflMad. led sgslnil the stale guarann of irrlgat on mid dialling ' .iat,.nlly Vlalheur colllltv liiti" 0 tjie ellllle pin, 'lam (Of PTtn til" llelllen.ini KOMTIlul II men ll men I carried here. in Charter A nle.l. Ily a vote of lis to 111 the VOtl I In tin- illy changed the chiiitir , pel n.li the couin II tn Collect iMIti in ni laxal for lajroTOMMl ill Irlets COUNTY RECIEVES ITS HONOR FLAG QUITELY ,,,,l s"'"" vnHJuiliers t.. Willi...- 1'it-si in. it I ami Most oi Those I'reseul fame I'lsuii Die ( oiinlri Dlsiiiits '"" onicer. 'n I''" addreas, W hh ll WSS III tel l-'uut. Kuykendull described en.,, Uo la tho aoMJMi MM at flllMIl "'"' '" Aiiierlcnn niiuy lived Here. He told something about the ,,,ll" r tho Argonne and of life I,. tliry 0, lh ()lllHrlo ciinpicr A It r Ik" battle rone )r ,, ,( w) ,I1(,y llhll Ml g sj "U Is the American people wloiUrfclj r,.HKII.t t,,.r poattlOM at I suhmitled to Inn I reKulut Ions, w I.. , . ,.n.. ,,,,,,, ,hl ,.,,,,, , MgaM MIMpM Mherty llonds and siistali ,,Ii,k al the rominenlal . lul, n. n" morale of the army hy tlnlr lei , , , w,., ))UI H ,,.w ,,, lh(. ,,,, i- . in in. ii wsisssti ons nml won i wur. lie SSIU I.IKK MFMIHHVMA.' "M-oKIIM. I.I IK" Wll.l. HI I tut Ho you like melodruma? i si 1 to the i old Di-ury Lane brand tilled tiilin with stirring ucllun, suspense : i lid genuine thrill Wtiu doesn't If you do, yuu should not full to see "Sporting Life," Maurice Tow neur's superb picturlzattun of fie famous Itrury Lujie success of twent.. veara agu which will be shown at tin Oieamland theatre next Sunday and Monday, June N and 8. llnWI-l'HHI The marriage of Mrs Magtle 1'ihe of st i...ui . Ho., lo II. wo, formerly uf Outurlo hut no' of Nyaau, took plsivat the parsuiia;'. of the Baptist chun h here last Fn day morning Itev C II BIOM Ml lormed Ibe ceremony On ' lowing day Mr and Mrs Howe . tored It Ki.M.n . uregun, for u ihafft wedding trip ui ll.. pll.it OOBftn I'ulll a year uml u hull Howe waa engaged !n tin- poultry hualness here but i been In charge of Judge Daltoi. 1'igge' rsucti on .. Iiee,, where tMf will make their home HI HI. I I.Alt I Ml IV Mil Ml r I HOIl M MHK.lt VARU -sAI I OOaetimi between Thursday ntflll nml Saturday numilng hurgulnrs en I' red the office of Hie llul . r. .ite lumber i ompiiuy here and broke opi i, tin- mller iloor 01 the oftlce mifc I 'l.i lulled to reach the contents for the Inner door lnlTled them, Of tin y wore frolghlcnoil UWliy hofole tliey rulil work on It A big uh . I toad ion was uml on tin- sail Bb t i ainc wss gained h; hrcnklnr. ihe WlndOtH on the Hoilth side of II. i building The next nli'ht two if in t r. MM of tin in u lum' ynt.l pi lice wore rolilied In Cli.i.well. upp.i; ntly b) Ihe t'l-n who (forked hen op the id ! . I'i.i ne sale NEED LAND LEASES TO ASSURE OIL WELL . I 1 1. 1) ic Hilngs Ooofotlai Inii I i. I.I Hut Musi si'i uit LMM ( Hi log In Iiileicsleil iipllal Kver)ine Nlioulil Help After years of work A f Boywr, who has never lost his faith In (hit Held as anoll bearing region, has In terested men of sufllileiit means to dwclop the field To present in tin -ii . pen of a reliable toogolial he na kfol OfM lien, and the Investigation el ! '' 'i" ' ' ' -' omplelg This will not make the n,.,l, which developed will li.al'O rh ll I l'... mill I Ii I """I" I""" " VJm 10 Hat H Hi . nn nothtni can in dom Ulllll Ufflclent laud In i lulled up on ,i lesae biisln to u Ml i apiial in i nt II ","1 Invoitlgate and spend, perhap l .i. nun lii this 1-Iii it Inn lut: well Mi Hovel linn scoured some Inn more must MS I mini Slin I Hie laud In the .iiy Is tut up hit uuull holdlliKH II lake, l Mile (o Kilt III i I Hies nil d the work should In II .instiling Is to In done (h's sensor.. F.very owner of land In this ih I should get Into touch Willi Mr ll.. - ' ui'.iiuilnleil Ith Hi.- t. i the las si ,, and tlius aid In what in... in. the ere, iio-1 opportunity that over prMMtod II ell 10 any Ml The capallht Interested now w'.l in .' linn, ban univ:, iint'e is Mown land llllilel i ulitl.i. I lii in. lit i on Id rut inn mid hr iik icmiIis tiel Ini now for this region Inc. Indication i of possihllltli s a an oil Of Ml In Id RED CROSS CHAPTER OFFICIALS RESICN tfiii Mori- Tliun two li'iusiit tiini' Heithe Or II II. Vthilnct anil Mrs. I.. M. t.lclg MOfe lle lief Krom Duties Aflei more t hull Iwo years m ... live service as Chairman and Secre, (1H present and I lie anion uf lal.i u ,,,. .. reuiviiiilli,ii miU atler IIOUS il'lilite, hut Mall) UKIved upon as a mutter Oi Justice to the two ..( fleliils who have ghen ho liiu.ii tlinv and effort tu the work during ' lire life of the chapter A nn tn.. has been caled for Monday evening fr the ele.tion of inn officials and the fui ther division of the work of the district 'J ,o women of the i hsplvr have during the past week spent many hours' cleunlng asslgliluents given the rhupj'er in mouths past, uml for Hat summer there will be no active wi i hut sj the fall and winter ll lr peiterl Ihal there will In some w.,,k I" be done, hut ii greatly red iiuuntlty bvti thai ol Hat pusi two tart. re will also bea tii... - this fall for the Ited CrtM, thl drive or the work which I ha money will bt I td fOI nut known to ihe din pier Mi nl M I J I'ltBtO moved into tin ( oi, Ityali hou Mrs I. my Fox I le, mother, who leave tonight for a vlrll uh relatives In Iowa Mr end Mrs W J Huffman were buslnes visitors here rraajVtlt I'm Cay COMMERCIAL CLUB TO EMPLOY SECRETARY l:TIHNINTII SISMlIN III IMs imns Mia hi i i,i, karia DAY! II in. i WOOD I, UN. ins in ii. him. BOOM roil ItKSIHI l I s PLAN AUTO CAMPING GROUND v I,. It.i.lli of I .illiinil s, l,,ti I I i. .in Ijiiik l,lt of Applicants for sci itIho -hip of nuh ii,. Men liteml Hesslons. An. i weeks of discussion the Or larlo t'oinuierclul club hns detnrm'n eil to launch a piogiesslve program The first step In thlx plan was rom pleted I. vit night when It wus doildi I In offer Ihe secretary ship to W I. Iliulle of I'nitliind, one of ihe many applicants fur the pnslllon. The v. it.. Wus uniinlinoiis and the salary fur Hi" position was placed at 17fi , month ' Mr llodle whose recommendation : lume 1 1 .. m many uusrlers bus had years of atpgHMM In such pos tlm i and conies highly recommended from I'ntiiidliiu cities where he has served Now I'nvlug I'mgi-ain At the dinner which preceded tM session at w hhh Frank Under I chairman a new paving program wa launched mid many signatures of hiilli pi up. rt y owners and liusln. men were, secured This program calls for paving from Flser's conn mi Idahii avenue Kusl uf the trues to the top of the hbspltal hill on Cut i' ii 'icuiie, frnin Montana t. Wyoming avenues nn lllcluirdson atreet; also for one i.ln. k west Oregon street on ull the liiteranctlM tleet. between t a 1 1 ( . I II III llllll Men tana, and on Ulchaidsou atreel I. I ween Nevada mid Id.ihn. nn Nevsd i from tlri'iion oust to the pnsaengei ni I on i 'olo iniln MM to the railroad Hack Usui Auto tump (Jroiiml. The i luh also ilntermliieil to eatah Hah su auto cumplng ground slid I It llliickuby, II II Tunny and A hnhlii .hi wart Insti uclid in urratiK" for HiIn lieviled impliivemi lit Uaiil lliv 111) m liver) I 1 'In nrot up the ipieklloii of ma I delHeiv In the illy mid I'o I IllUKtei J it OraSI d.ilai. I ihal (In could ho secured II the lily's side iwulk i.ysleni WM liupiimd lo iim i I reiuln iiienta II II 'ockiuiu uml A I. McDowell on mhers of the com ell wart ii'iiiesi.il to Investigate ami lendeavm lo get the needed action in comply with tin I . illll einelits ale Men Pi. . ni It 1) i.ylle of Vale, president of the MiiIIh ni DaveJopmenl League and t) II t'urrey of Vsle were MMMI mnl a.ldi. meeting Mi l.ytle urged conl limed support I the latffM Ihal nnnle pattatUt H" ll puasuge of the road bonds on Tuesday Water ami I'sOng. W I' llomuii presented u state Ineill InmlllK Ihe cftlclelicy of tin water lyatan and Its uhlllty to da liver all the water needed for lnlc.i ting ull the land so used In tin- ( He aald Unit the elt) councils buin preaeul and past have I.e. n iili, clsed kj men who did nut know the facts, which they coud lime BJ hy linestlgutlon 1' J HulliiKher made u spirited ad dress on tin- work of the reconstruct Ion in linn .tiees and said that M.u hour c. unity was Jusl coming lo lg own With II. e pussuge .,r the amend muni p-rinltilng IM guarantee of in ter.si ami driiiiuige bonds, he aald Jinn- I would M liemeiurtli u red . day In Ihe county's history KU I IIIM II lls (ll I I'm fUWI IIMHHKD IMIODI t I Ontario'! latt I I tttirr, tat U I Maaaraotiirlni oomMnjr, now a producing ooncern On Tin day the Im.lall iiion ol m.icl.lncr. 'wait M far completed Ihal IM IfOi IHlvtrl 'i in Anuouncemenl do hy l' ' Usllagbt ut the Commercial dun .Inn, . i Weill.. .1 iy iilglil that ; . ,,l Col I. .,.!. on hull I to MM ..H Hat r..r.e ihe COmp eollld for Ihe next " I .ys One f the largest toatl was thai nn ! i.-nnily fur .1,00u worth of ul.eit.i in he used on a gov t.aaatai Idaho contract near KeUham,