The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 29, 1919, Image 1

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    tifottwcifi r$m
NO. 2i
UWMMM To voice orject
ionn TO pavino MMsaTAi
Prlce uri' Timi IIIkIi Now Hmne
True of kW IMntrlct In too
MmMI Engineer not Approved r
the Ground" of OfcJ4tOb
With the plan for paving Oregon.
Ulchardson and the Intemeclln
HirreiH ii'itdf for the final tep pre
liminary to the leltlrfg of conlrnit
oppnltloii to the entire program he
cam evident during the pant wee".
When the council meet on Moniluv
evening It la now evident that vigor
ous protest will be made by aevernl
of the large! property owner In the
district Whether thl will be auf
ftclent to kill the plan remain to he
It appear that the oppoltlon will
be baaed on four main argument:
that thla la not the opportune time to
pave because of the proaent high
price of material; that laxea are too
high now; that the db trial It I pr
poiied to pave la too amall, and flnallj
in I. c. Kelaey the engineer In charg.
Tho oiijei -iIoiih will probably he
voloed by W. B. L. H. C. Boyer an
E. A. Fraaer The Argue unl
atanda. too. that T II Moore, C
Carter, Ward Canfleld, Andy Leckov
and other property owner wll' II'
wlie object to proceeding at thu tint ,
but wii not able to conflri If
Another objection that la .!ced
by iome of thoae who have dlaenaaed
the proceedings la that the clt M
afford to war) until the out N
tho county road bond election i t
Tuuaduy beforo delermlnliiK !
courau. Other take the poslilo i
that It will be at leaat a year tattr.
the road work rau be done In thai
county even after the bonda are voted
and that then the cljy can lake icpn
to provide good city street i
the Incoming highway
Go Ahead Now S other..
J. it. lllaekahy and othera who .'a
vor paving dei laro that the tli'
ment ahould not bo considered (or
material will not lower very much
In the next few year, and lit the
mean time Ontario will be in the
rut wlille oilier communities are pro
greaalng nd keeping up with tin
time. "II it ware Juat a que Ion ol
waiting for one yeur it would not kt
ao material to delay paving, but II
will not be a year. The sam. ag
Jectlon that are being raided no.
will be made whenever the questlen
I oonaldered." 1 the opinion of A
I.. Cockrum.
Delay Tlk Mean Hard Time.
"If everyone talked deho M hu
ineaa and did nothing umU i"'"
drop there aouu would he a bualues
paiih' In ilil lounlry," obaerved M.ty
nr l( W Jonea. What 1 needed
(Continued on Pag )
Auto and Driver Plunge Off Ferry
Into Snake River; briver Is Saved
To go down under ten feel ot
whirling Soak rlvor water, in an
auto with the lop up and the doora
ao Jammed that he could not open
ilium, and yet eacape death, wa the,
experience of A W Jenuing Of Okla
homa City, Oklahoma, who U vlalt
lu A W Johnson of Johnaon'B
Inland Jum koutheaal of Ontario 111
experience occurrtd at 10 o'clock last
Sunday morning.
The accident waa due to the fact
that Mr. Jennlug waa driving a
Kaxou Six, while he I uaed to driv
ing a Dodge and the attempting u
top the car after It had landed on
tbe ferry to go to the inland be step
ped on the accelerator Inuoead of th
break. The block placed to atop tho
car waa Inadequate and the oar
climbed over and went on Into the
at ream.
"When I plunged under, and felt
the water awlrl around me, you can
believe me, I did aome quick thin! -ing.
1 Drat tried in door, but they
would not open. Then the car began
to aettle on one aide aud I thot t
lOAYVHB KICKS aitomoiiii.E
RADIATOR To nmitiifhens
Apparently trying to g A Ft
i.. i he Intuitu automobiles have giv
en members of III specie a cnyunc
belonging to ii visiting hurknrnn
'kicked (lie stuflns" out of Homer
Filey' liorl. last Saturday evening
nil the corner of Oregon and Ninnth'
The owner of tli" broncho offer
led the anlmul to lyir Filey for the
'damage done, hut Mr I'tlcy dcclln-
.d t In- proffer and incepted I In- Iohk
It cost film morn tliaii lfl I" ri--
Ipalnr the enr, so It Ik snhl
Nation Whin aininilgn for Famous
OTKiinlMtlon During Week of
June H to It Organization
Fouler ClflrrnM.
JiihI In time to pnrllrlpate in tli'
great nation wide campaign for UM
Doy Seouta of America u patrol pi
that famou organltation ha been
formed In Ontario with Itev. 8. II.
Steel a acout maater, and MfM
Fort lor aa locretary
To memherhlp In thl patrol tli one
already enrolled Invito all the Iiovm
of the rlty and the vurrouiidlug MM
try who are willing to uherlhe e
the acout pledge. The meeting of
the patrol are acheduled for every
In day and Friday evening M n,e
. Hchool bulldlyg.
Attention I called to the fact that
by I're-.ideiitiiil proclamation the
'week of June 8 to 14 ha been '
aalde na Hoy Seoul Week, In I tlM
wide campaign for 1,000,001)
bar, and to manage thl campali;i.
the Doy Scout have the aervloea ol
none other than William 0. M
the President' aon-inlaw, ox-eocn
tary of the Treaaury. ex-dlrector gen
eral of the railroada, etc.
In i hi campaign the men of th
nation are going to bo asked in in
veet a dollar in the boyhood of tlicli
community to aid In turning theli
attention to the dullea of rltlr
and to traiiHlale their Idle hour int
60 minute xiuli of heneflclal recre
ation and training
Million or dollar, man ili.m
twice the tax roll of Malheur n
ty, every year pub thru Hm bhIi
of C W liickeraon. aecretary and
Ireaaurer of the Ttmken Detroit Axel
Co., who with Mra Dl keraon, W$M
In Ontario thl week the gueat -.f
hi brother-in-law, C P 0 !
Mr. and Mr Dlckeraon were en
route to Detroit after apendlng thl
winter In California. They leave for
the Kant Tueaday.
"The demand for automobile thla
year cannot be tilled, beuuo ma
terial cannot he aecured to meet do
Iniuuud, and (he plauta buie not yoi
reached prewar production level. '
aald Mr Dlckeraon
"No. price will not drop. noon, tho
manufacturer are trying lo meet IU
people's deaire for lower price Kn'
labor 1 Ht 111 drawlug war pay an I
mut for aome time to come, u the
TwulJuHtmeiitj wli he gradual, hut
will com eventually," lie aald
: waa going to turn art and pin no
' under iieath, ao I dove between the
, top and the body of the tonneau and
came up, pretty well Ailed Willi :i-
ter," aald Mr Jeunlng lu deacriblui;
the accident
Kiiept for Hooding the curbureaior
and putting the hatter) out of mm-
,ii the oar wa fouud none tin
i wore fur It bath In the river, aflei
i k had been hauled out by a learn of
Mr. Jennlug returns noon to Okla
! hoina and will carry with him a viv
id memory of Snake river.
Mrs II o Draue entertained Um
Wednesday Bridge Club at her l.un
last Wednesday afteiuion
The Tuesday Bridge Club wa en
tertained at the home of Mr, l'rl.i
ling last Tuesday afternoon
Roil H. Johnson of The Dalit ,
who Is connected with the Lalluv
Lighting Cfc wa in Oqtarlo labi
week on business, and while hece
spent a few day with lit former col
lag (rlend, Karl Urlffln
OMRXM imi ionc;
Short I'm. 1.1. .in In tit) lni k nt 2 ,
in. Short Addwaa to le Delli
ernl kj lonil Speaker; MM Mu-
nil'lll I'kiicmiiii.
Thai all of the aervlce men In :i
tarlo and vicinity he preaeni to mnrcii
to the cemeti i y with the Meniorl; '
day paraile I the requeat of the r
mlttee In . Imrge of Hi- progran.
Thoae who are to march are rcque'
ed to gather nt the City Hall at 10
a. m., Friday morning nnd (lie 1 1 n
of march will he to Olegon Htreel .in 'I
thence aonlh ti onilng avenue
where thoao who have auto arc akid
to pick up old Koldler and othera and
drive In procesalon to the cemoterle.
Following i he decoration of the
grave and the ahort eervlc pre
pared for the cemetrle tap will he
Miuniled and the alute to the dead
I'roqrmn In Aflcnioon.
At tho city park In the aft
beginning at 2 p. m. will be held
ahort Memorial Day program. The
committer In charge lield a meciiim
Wedneaday night and detormlii"!
a nhort muHlcal program and a aum
ber of ahort addreaae by local peak
er. Tho name of the peakor had
u determined upon at th.u
Statewide t itiii"lgii June - to It lo
lUUe I mills for Slate Work
Ontario skei lo (live $2."M)
I ui ork
To bring Hie wolk of the Y. M. C.
A. within (he reach of the boy if
the rural lommunllica In the ohje,
of a campaign which 1 lo be Kiagel
from June 2 to June 9 A the llrrl
step In meeting Hie expeejM of this
enlarged program a drive for fund
will be held lu wbiih Malheur ii.iinU
is aaked lo cenlrlhu: f00 Of Hn
amount Vale In to auhncrlbe thO;
Ontario the Name amount ami
W. I'. Walters, dlalHi i
for Eatrn Oregon wan in Ontario
Tueaday lo confer with a local com
mlttee of which l)r K S Former in
chairman, aud prusunted Hie plan of
action to the comnililoe at a n
held in llie Coiiimerclal club room
According lo the pluim ciiitllii-,1
th Y thru the diatrtct accretarv will
establish orgsulsaliona of boy In va
rioua communities where no Y build
ings are by no uieaua oi
developed carry on most of th.
done In the larger institutions " This
in part of the effort being made lo
bring to the boys of the na!!!
towns and the country the benefit
of directed recreation The werks: i
will co-operste with the Hoy Sconin,
the church clubs aud other orgu-.-latlona
which hate for thetr purpo
the betterment of boy life, and turn
ing idle hours Into bourn of useful
. The local committee Is preparing
(or its campaign and will call on
. Outarlana next Monday lo usnlni In
'carrying forward thla work, which It
la hoped will result In the formatioi
of a county Y M ( A in thin counV
Mrs ljtma Youug arrived 1 uesday
from Jersey City to attend the wed
ding of her sun, J Arthur Voting.
which took place last Wedneaday
Mrs Arthur M Moody ol
Wednesday in Ontario to at
, lend the marriage of her slate',
Evelyn Drown
There Is sllll snow at I'ayslt
. Frank Itu.ler an. I E
i Van I'elien who i.inrn-l rro
m41 evaulug after arranglug r
-, r tun of buinmer
L. Adam who went up with them re
i.alutd lo take charge of ti
alrmtli'ii work planned h ihcm
termini: whether MAI
mm col ntv is in CLAM
Iti-i.l, Slnte Mi'iikitii'i. Ontario (lil
en uill llnllni on i liiingc of Char
ter lo Provide Menu of i ollii ilnu
IMiiiqiient T"e
Cveiy man and woman who wanl.
k I loaila In Malheur county Rhoulil
get out and von- next Tueaday, and
vote for l he bond.
It la certain that the eiiemle f
good roada, and tho they are rev.
they will he I In all their force,
for they are agalriMl the movement
to put Malheur rounty on (he good
road map.
There ha been no particular cam
paign for good roada, for no one an
ticipated much oppoaltlon, but and
thla I uually the caae, over confi
dence may defeat the bonda unl'
friend of the good road get hur
right now
Down from Juntura come the word
(hat the folk up there are going In
vote agalnat the bond aolldly; for
Juntura I not on the road program
i thl time.
Opponent of the bond figure that
i there will be a imaJl vote out and
thua iliey expect to win. It I up to
'the Good Road booater. to get to th
i poll and get their friend" (here too
or Malheur county rltlxen will pay
bad road taxea on tire, car and dl.-
poNltlonu that will awauip vt lint good
roada would coat
I Bealde the varioua Mate moaaurc
which are to be voted upon the vo
tor of Ontario will have an addi
tional city ballot to caal Thl ballot
, preaonta a change In the prevent
eli charier to provide mean where
I by I lie eliy can collect taxe due foi
local Improvement from
property owner who have re
fuaed to poy their ihare of many lo
ul betterment. Till I an Impoi
lain meiiHur o far aa Ontario I con
. lined and tliould he approved
HntlierlriK Salurdu) Night to MrK
Kplrit Willi Which I.llH-rl) lioana
Were Mel l.ieul. It. II.
Kutkeiiilull lo Deliver
ITag; Aiklneas.
Hagurday evening, l.leut It It
Kuykeudall of the :UTtli Field At
llllery will prenent lo Malheur I'oun
i) the Honor Flag bestowed upon It
by the State Liberty Loan Committee
In recognition ol Its record In tbe
Liberty l-oan drives The presenta
tion will take place In the City Park
at 7:30 p in
The celebration program will not
be long, nor will It be formal It wnl
be marked by simplicity, being a
(fathering tilting recognition of the
honor given the county by the Sla.
committee In Bonding Lieut Kuyken
dull all the way from Portland to
preaeut the flag
W ill Deliver Addrea.
Lieut Kuykeudall wh wa the
Arst OrogonlaA to return from tb
amy of occupation will bring with
' him many war trophle and will de
liver an addrea befitting the occa
CHKDULL in n on hi Mt.n
Back lo the days before the war,
will be the train schedule for ponle
ou th main line By this service On
tarlo will have a pony going East
during the afternoon, at 318 and one
returning from Boise reaching here
at I 20 No. 6 will also change time
errlvlJal here at 5.15 instead of 5: 15;
hit, the Crane train will leave ai
lilt Instead of 10 o'clock
1 he annual party for the children
will be given thin afternoon by tbe
aeiiibr of the Women club at the
home of Mrs S D Doriuau
The weight of a car of wool pick en
up at Itiveralde aprend the rail nn
iter the Rait hound Crane train nine
mile Fact ojf lllvoralde yeaterday
morning wrecking the train Con
ductor W. C. Pinney waa the only one
Injured, lie Buffered l wo badly hiiiiihIii ,1
finger when hi hand wa caug'it
lu the expreaa car door
The fourteen men punRcngera, and
Mr Pert Wheelon of Htlrn and hei
two children were taken on the eg
gino to Juntura where Mr I'lnncv
Injuries were cared for The train
waa put on tho (rack later and reach
ed Ontario at 9 p. m
Hill-boi.. Man Mil)- . W. Haw
Place on Willow I Trek for leV
ooi) Weatem On koiiI.ih
Sek IniMrty Her.
That Malheur county ranches are
In demand at handuome figures Is
evidenced by the following account
of a deal which appeared In Sunday's
Oregonlau .
A proof that the demand for
farma Is on the Increase and Hint
there Is art 111 heavier demand on the
way, there la noted among Hie large;
le of the week a transfer of a 40
arre farm. at Jamleson, Malheur conn
tjr, Oregon, from O. W Haw of J
mleson to Alfred L. tiunrber of llllla
boro. The consideration wa around
$75,000, and waa practically a cash
Thl I the fatuous Willow Wood
slock ranch. It was homeieaded
soma 40 years ago and has an old
water right and u splendid Irrigation
system. Two hundred and alxty MfM
of this farm I In ulfc.ta and the n
malnder In diversified crops ll In
one of tho bet producing farum In
eaatern Dragon.
Mr Ouerber expect to rle callle
aa a principal Imlualry, u there i
unlimited range adjoining. The al
wh mad by W. s Badley, Yeon
building, Portland.
There I much activity In Irriga
ted lands In that locality and muny
sale are being made to eantern i
pie at good prlc
To honor Itev S It Steele and
Mra. Steele the recently'lusialled pun
tor of the Congregational church l
reception was given by Hie member
of the congregation at the church
Tuaaday evening. W F Human pre
sided at the program which was Hie
prelude of the social gathering On
behalf of the other churches and th
city Itev. W J Luscoinbe welcomed
Mr. and Mm Stastle Short talks
were ulso made by Itev C II lllon,
and Itev W. K. Cochran. Rev. Steele
responded The musical numbers In
cluded vocal solo by Henry I'aslday
accompanied by Mrs II I. i'otemoii,
piano numbert. by Miss Charlotte
Clagett, Misses Ituth llouian, Mui
garel llsckaby and Aide Dorman.
aid n local solo by Miss Ituth Mi-t'ullocb
Helmet Awarded A. W. Nichols,
To Be Recalled For W. P. Allan
11. M Senilemelr, grand master of
the Grand Lodge. A. F. A M paid
Malheur county members of the fra
ternlty an official visit last Thursday
and waa the guest of honor at I
banquet given by Acacia Lodge No
118 of thl city that evening
Th gathering was attended not
only by Ontario Masons but by a
large delegation from Vale an
era! members of the Nyna l..,He
No degree work was performd dn
ring the evening which was given
over entirely lo hearing tin- Uruud
Master', address and the haukU i
which followed
Word ha beu received kj D f
Conway that his sou, James, has le
celved hla discharge from the semen
and 1 now lu Portland James ex
peel lo aoon be In Ontario
NFMt F. C. HOCSON lll'l.ll l
Ilii-.nn-. Men on llenrlug Out line ol
PiiiiMiniHon Favornhl) liiipr-Nl
Dlnlrlct Not Now In Co-itlon to In
ilertnke l'roMial.
Hei lining at thl lime to enter Into
a contract with K C llopmin of Port
laud for designing n new plan for th I
construction of tbe Owyhee Irrlgn
lion ytem, the director of Hi c
pany lal Friday determined to
await action by emigre on Hie
, otinii iiction program which It N
Imiieil will Include the building of tit
Owyhee syetem
At a meeting of the Conic,
cluh ln( Thursday evening, following
the dinner, Mr Hopnou outlined Ml
proposed plan and wan rro qun
Honed minutely by pracllcnlly all 'if
the men present, Including several or
the Owyhee directors and buln
men of both Nyin and Vale. So Im
prenetl were I hey with bin propi
Hon thai a re. ilulloii wan iiunnl
moiiKly adopted declaring "It In 11
, of the meeting that the di
tors of the Owyhee Project would !
J n 1 1 Hod in considering Hie proposl
Hon prenented by Mr Hopnou."
Mr HopKiin aald ill gnawer lo V
Hona that all lie desired was that In
case the direct ora entered Into u con
iruot with him, ami later pit
His plana, mat annum ni tompaii
not bo tho aucceaaful bidder for lie'
work that he he paid tho usual fee
for the plaun prepaid .mil reinnnei
aled for Hie expense ol Held work
It wbh on thla hanlH that tin i
lullon waa prenented and adopted
However when Hie detail i were con
ablereil at a Inwtlni; at Nvhhh on list
following dy the directum deiei
mined thai Hie) could not thus He
Ihemselvea and thajt It wuh udvlabl"
to await tin- act I r 0HH M M lb"
reoonaiructloii program
VM II. Ml I I1M. ol I lilt
- Iliilblll- TO III HI I l
The aniinal all I In by I.
bolder of Hie Malheur oiinly Sv.
rliiillurul usaoclallon hu been t'ttllt '
for H.ttiirtlay afternoon at tin' ir
Hall The time aet la two o thu I
At Hlln inellllg bealde the elettlt
Uicinhi-in of the boitiil of dire im
for tin- coining )eiir, (Ol tlM M
nual fair will he discussed
MKKtlKQ OA1XROTO i'i 1 1
Olll.WI I'I'ION o llll. I. II IM
Al the City Hall M !
llinr will b a meeting of base hall
tnthuiiiasls to consider plans fur k
orguni.utlou of a hall team lo r
resent Ontario tills summer A unie
ber of nlayern have been lined up u'
ready .ind ll I believed a credit , I I
aggrngainu can be acured. Tie
UK is called for 7 30 p m
Because the officials of the Victo
ry Loan Drive in Juntura did not re
port their return lu the Victory Loan
W I'. Allen of that commuullv
very close to losing Hie Huu helmet,
which waa due him for his subscript
ion to th last loan
Not only did Mr Allen hate t hi
narrow eacape but J It Ulackub),
county chairman of tbe drive, had the
unpleasant duly of recalling Hi hel
met which ho bad already sent to A
W Nlcholn, Iroii.tide, on Hie strengfi
of his $B, 000 sulincrlpiloii This sub
scription made Mr Nichols the win
ner of the second hiinn I ,t, cordini;
to Hie data on hand with the com'
chairman up to Monday of this wk
Hon came the report from Jnntu
itliiig lo this latest advice from
Juniutu Mr Allen Is as heavy a to
tal purchaser of Liberty bond, ai
there la In the tounly He Is the
owner of as many aa Mr Turnbull.
they each having pun bused about
116,000 worth lu the last four i