raUTMKHiW! !.." THE ONTARIO ANGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1919 WOMAN'S RBUKF roltPH INVITKH NKW MHMIIK.IIS I.WItoii Hi: 111 SINKSS IS ntOFK.lt rtK.SCHII'TION . mmtm: ( if A Roll of Honor Bank National bank litoh liav n Mr plui equal to their capital are known a "Doll of Honor IliinkR " The First Nation il Hank of Ontario Is th enh roll of honor bank in thl section of Eastern Oregon constantly strive to Bltrll on place on the "Koll of Honor' by rl ilerlng our patron mpttUff, gaga. Ml ' modutlng service and Jty counnlug our business to safe. legitimate bsnk IllpT MAY WK BHtVB UM ? First National Bank ONTARIO, OREGON. THE H. F. NORTON COMPANY Fifteenth and Front, Nampa, Idaho. Dealers in Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair, Furs and Tallow Top market prices paid, OoiTtcl Weights givsu mm prompt returns BMM No shipments too large, Dor loo small. Wfl sn licit them nil. Write us fur prices, shipping tug mailed lipull request. ass . i ji THE UNIVERSAL CAR When you compare 1 1 low price of Ford cm with the prices of farm produce, rami tock an. I everything clw on the market, the great vain.' of the Ford car can be fairly estimated. It U UN greatest " value, not only among motor cars, but I the whole run of articles grown and manufactured We urge prospective puri haaera to ghe their grdeaa without delay "" aaaaBBsaMaBBBBai . j FORD OARAGE Itltll IIAU.S, Manager. ONTARIO. OHM er av onwassssawannaseaawassansnwanssawjmaaMsesawMMnwwJl Blnco the Ontario (I A 11 aban doned Its organization, as did the. W I (' and Joined with the I'uvottc organization over a year ago there has been little Interest manifested here, hut a.n effort is liiinc made to revive It prior to the annual encamp nn'iit which Is to be held at f'nliiin bus. Ohio In September frs Mary K. Kostenbnder of Pay ette who In correspondent of the W Ti (' sent the Argus the following rec enlly: This ywir the National Encam.i Bell of () A H and V It C will hc liehl In Coluniliux. Ohio, beglnnlnrt Rept I, with rates similar to last ynar At tho meeting of the Relief Corps, It was decided to hold no spech'l nii'i-iliiE as was done last yeBr, and all those who desire to become mem hers, should see that their applica tions are In early and also that it takes two meetings to elect Meet ings will he held twice a month, no til August. Come early and avoid the rush "Doing n land office busincaa" Is a common way of saying that bnalneas Is rushing, and It applies certainly to the office of I'm M Slsn'l land of flcials nt Vale according to gdTtaaa the Argus rocolvt'il this week frOtll Thomas Jones, the FMlStaf According to Mr Jones report for the month of April there wen' M If plications for entry under the llono stead, desert, limber and stone god isolated tract laws These applies lions ciuctoiI title to SI, 608 all of wlil.ii goes to show that offel hour county lin.i is in deOMad thai Uncle flam's title to asl areaa Is slipping Likewise It gives hope that In the not distant future there will be thousands of acres OD the m rolla that now are absent thru ;o eminent ownership Judging u Ihi April record those who waul pttblll land in this- iminiv had lietter r t Into the game while the getting Is good Mrs. II c clevelnnd and daughter! Dorotln of Jnmleson spent Mondav In Ontario T aW AXLE Sunday and Monday, Mii IN ami lit: Wll.l.l M S. II.HT in mtii(. into vow I'Mill M Us IwSwawjr, May HO: "l.ll'K AM) IM.I'CK" MI. t.i own u i.sn Mini .v .1. il I'nriiHina llul.i litri W adjsjgadjaj , M,i, B i i: ivimimi.i. ronrn in Till IKK SI Ml (.LAMS' PAfin m w- Tlillls,,i , Mm IBJ: RDM in in "THF (.OI. ll'IIK' fjoa Tlie most IniereMuig Serial of die ilm Will lM hlH In "M N H MIC. NT" Irl.lni, Mai 2.1 slum i: MASON in nt.Mi: on in Kalaenjanier Pationm. Sniiilihiy. M;ii I JOHN ltltlt MOHI-: In on mi 91 IKT" I "i'l I din it I. .i. it W i ekll lx.k for Private IVli- li" . Coming ran Nomoieiougfi spuiaies if you oae Mica Axle Gretsc. The powdered mica fills up all rough ness in ipindlea and bearings, makes the grease work better and last twice as long. Forms a cool, slip pery coating;. No hot boxes. Ask your de:'er. Buj by the pail. MICA AXLE GREASE STANDARD OIL COMPANY STANDARD OU, ANT 0. H. Test, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Ontario ItHOOAN IKUIHNi. Ml I A. I ll.lnl.lt YUUsO.N. BHOts. Vale Trading Co.. Ilrogau, Oreg.ia Ontario, Oregon N'yaaa, Orego.. Vale, Orogn.i USED IN 3,000,000 HOMES The New Perfect ioi lias the Long Blue Chimney burner) which lar every drop ofkeraae oil int. lateeM. rooking heat, and drive a fill lores directly again, the utened. The name is dspenriJ le give full heal iiuundy u.yi hers est. N J smuke uc odor. The New rWfecUoa bJuH, beak, fate, toute, boib -die aehaouj weyl Trot ' why 3,00000 ur tnvmmimd B. Ceese m ewy turn mmd est itmomtttatum of ikt Lumt Mu II y Wednesday was Senior Class ')iy The exercises were held In the School auditorium, and MM amid Hitting pomp and iereiuon lo!d of Its trials ami experiments (with tin' vain hope that next year's da I would prollt tlierehy) i liarged II school to be warned by these sad "ex periences, and willeil to next ye it Senior class, all the class of 'ls noble qualities and virtues. IN TIIK CIKI'I'IT tXtlltT til MM STATi: OK ORROON lull Till (IIIVTV OF MAI.IIi:! II . MAI1I.K C IUC.KI.OW . Plaintiff Ml MILIIKIIT It HKKVKH , MAI DM KKKVKS. JOHN II SCHILLING, HKKTIIA A BCH1LLIN0, J S I' MANVII.I.i:. JANK DDK MANVII.I.': AND ALKX ANDKII llll.l.S. Defendant TO WILBERT U RBBVB8, MAPI REEVtt, JOHN II Si 1III.I.INO. iii:utha A S( IIII. LINO. J 8. IV MANVILLB, JANI MANVILLI gad l ,i: kNDBR llll.l.S. the ulnar named defendants i . i Mi NAM! OF TIIK st i i OF ORBOON You and eai h i.t v.n are hereby Mquired to appeal Wd answer the complaint tiled agalm-t you in the above entitled sun on six (6) weeks from the date of the first puhlhuilon of tills sum mons; the same being Hie last .1 the time pre-crlheil h ,,l,. of Hie Court illnstlng service of summon' In aald suit to be made upon you by publication j and If you fall mi to an wer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to Hie salil Court for th relief demanded In the aald com plaint, to wit : For Judgment against Will" t II. Heaves and Maud Hooves, upon a note for Two Thousand Dollar (12.000 00) witli Interest thereon from Juh llllh. 1912 at the rate nl 7 per cent per annum, and for Two Hundred Dollars If 200. 00) attorn I ey'a fee, ami for the costs and ills InirKoinontH uf this suit; ulso for a decree of Hie Court foreclosing that aln real nfortgage executed b) Wilberl It. Keevcs and Maud Heeves to Ellas J. Van Court on Janu i Itith, 1 809, to secure the pity i. Of said sum of Two Thousand II..' ilars upon the NW' U of the K ol Section il. Township Is south, Ml 47 K W. M , In Malhein i .mtit Oregon inctli.-r w lih Owyhee Ditch I'oinp.un uMl 4 . which said ssortgage i ..t record lui Book "I" page 411 of the "Records of Heal Mortgages" for Mali County. Oregou. and lor all ol relief demanded In said cotiiphilul You are further notified that Ihlsl Ulnmons Is HMol upon ou In ii llcUlloll 111 plllsll.lll. ol .III Hie Hon Dalton lllggs. Judge of this Court which Mild order was made and i In said cause on the i day of May. 1919 and directed Ihui this summons be published once e.e week for six eucceaslve weeks In tin Ontario Argus, commencing with th. lasuo of May 1Mb 1910 The fli.t publication of this summons Is on May 16, 1919. and the Isat publica tion Is on June 26lh 1919 W YV Wool' Kealding at Oman... I Attorney for Plaluiiii To Nourish the Mind J& uniiiiiii whose exprt'ssitnis ire fL cliJir.ii'tcrizcil liv brightnew sUsd til(lclilrss uslliilly pos sesses ;i liiind refreslnil l siilTieieiit sleep. "Sleeplessness nn;ins imt inerelv unrest lut st.irv.it ion of the cereltnnn." BftVI the seientist, R, ('h.iiles N't'Wtun. When tlie lir.iin is iioiirislied bj Bleep, the mind is alert .Hid the disposition suiuiv. The Seidv Siinitaix Tuftless Mattress ields lleep which is deep and rich in rest. Its elasticity lends comfort to he. had only in the Seal v. An inventor found that h air weavinn cotton into a pliable hut eonipaet halt, a mattress could be evolved without tufts, and the Saiutan Scaly eanie into being. A Twenty Year Sleep Insurance Policy is issued with every Sealy a-ainst peeking' lumping or spreadiiio and all other ubub mattress woes . The Scaly Mattress, composed of the eleiiit est of cotton (supreme long-flbred grade) and covered with i winsome material adds a refreshing tPne to .i leepmg-roasm, Ontario Furniture Co. nor a on Mi Null) A I .. and Mi Howell's KxiiiuUjfe Hlore - KOVERALLS Cog-. U.S. Pot. Off. It our Registered and Common-law Trade-Mark and can only be right fully uwd on goods ntade by us. KoVtrallt aro garments fof cluldreo I to 8 years of age. If a dealer tries lo nil you, under the Kovmrull name, any g irim-nl not ol our manufacture, you may be sure he lias an article dial he is trying lo market on KoverxtlU reputation. Unless made by Levi Strauss & Co. they're not KOVERALLS. Koveralls Keep Kids Kleen $1.50 the Suit Vurr FREE IF THtr Mil- KOVERALLS are aiede eoly Ly U,i SueuM & Co- Sea liuuu) aud beer Uu KOVERALLS ( .1 srftAiAS&Ca sow'bI HkV SsbbbbbV S Tsssai sssaH Drive Circumstances Don't Let Circumstances Drive You Before ipring work comes on with msii consult your buidling needs. Winn you have decided what you Deed in the way of building for efficient work mi the form plan to erect them, is our advice. Don't put this vital matter off another day. Time is creapiug. Napoleons sue ecss was dm- wholly to his fixed hahits of alwayi driving circumstances. in tobov irords alwayi baving ins plans matured Car ahead of his needs. In no other business Ii this mott sential as it is in the BURINEHH of farm Ing. In atldition to the necessity for nial. iuH routine plans the fanner must plan against the element anil the vagaries of nature. THE PROPER INSURANCE rVOAINHT THE K I. K. MK NTS IS PROl'ER FAIi'M BUILDINOH ('ONSTIMCTKI) IN Tin: RIGHT WAV. AT TIIK RIGHT TIME. We can show you the right way! The rjght time is NOW! AL. CHANCE, Sales Manager, Ontario, Oregon if V H awawsaV asijftlV M.i n ii (in mil i a ol Ml sli.lCN sol I IINI u 1