The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 15, 1919, Image 1

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    dMteria &vtm.
NO. 21
nriiHciui"rios or um.iui
ITTHCITi Mill Toyt'O-
Count) Result In I ikiImIm, lis rt.
For Many Precincts IIp ml hern
Heard friiin I'liiilrniiiii'
Ik I). nidi fill iif Success.
Ontario' Victory Iiati cm
won. Without a roiuinltteo In th'
Held soliciting subscriptions, depend
Ing entirely upon volunteer llatli.t
by cltlzons the city and surroundln
districts quota of 1 1 23.000 wi.s
reached before 3 p in last Kiiiiirtlm
Last Friday tho loan st.'....l 1
II11..HIM1 and failure loomeil large.
but that afternoon the subscription"
of the railroad men solicited by
committee of railroad men or DM I
system, of which II. ( Dranc was 0
iii--iii iter, were reported litis adile.i
$8.s0n to Ontario's total The"
came the subscriptions of on- of tin
land companies for IJ.000 more !
With the .junta so nearly wit li In
reach the Ontario National haul.
took an additional I ..nun worth ol
bonda and the First Nn'innal then
oinpieieil the balance with 1:1, nun
additional lo H previous purchases!
i.uiilng the city well to the good.
Ho far Jordan Valley and one 01
two other outside precincts have been
heard from and were slightly l..
low their quoin County chairman
J 11 lllackaby had nut heard from
tho Vale district on Tuesday but WM
counting it among those that wool.' '
reach Its quota
If Vale goes over, alone wit It Hit
gan. Jnmleson, eslfall and Ontnr...
the county's quota Ih almost certain
to be reached. The oversuhscr.i
tlona Id the districts (hat go over are
expected tn make good deflcicn. k
In other oetloni However until tb
whole county has been chucked up
Mr lllackaby Is, dubious, and anxious
over the result.
i-win i 01 i ici:h, o.nk ok Tin:
I IRaVT Ml itlt vn 10 ti.i.iv l
I.N I l(N I s Ml Mill It
OK l.S.A. sit l Id li
UnrniiT AUhITC CmnikUC
lILLUUriL nil HI 1 0 OvLUILIlO
Old Fashioned i . i.iili..
Ing to b' Held Honor i.iu.r.l i
Olvo Dauce i Inltlr.ii lo Present
PagetK Tlie(re for TIiom- Won
Do Not Dance.
Without any attempt at a ep
ular show for the boya have had that
a plenty In the army-Ontario and
vicinity Is to pay Its respects to tin
soldiers and sailors from (he ooont
mid neighboring tectlous of the bOsV ll
and well from anywhere, next Mon
day from early evening until the lu.-u
dance of .the Honor Guurd Is ended
For this occasion the committee
was fortunate In being able to secure
idem. Col 1. v High of Payette,
who Is so woll known lu all this re
gion, not only as a soldier sod cl.
uen but as an able public speaker
Lieut Col Patch who was with tl..'
old 2nd Idaho was one of the first
American soldiers lo land In France
as a member of the A. E. F. He was
an artillery officer and saw action
Not only was he one of the Aral to
lund In France but be was there tn
the finish, having recently returned
to die 8tatea.
Piculc Dinner at 0 p. m.
The reception to the soldiers and
sailors will center around the pi. in.
dinner There will be no "Corned
Willy" or anything like that, bul good ou- . " "'" , , .
:.ume cooked "grub." (be kind dim membera of the Benlor claaa. ( harlo
wlll be ogOcod with the loving oonll- i'Mi- HaJ4naonloana her
menu, aud sweetened with the hap fate-Mary Bervln; Launcelot bid.
!.. n,.t th. wom.n ot mis r. Jessica farewell, (has Hainan and
gluu feel over the return of thalr
sons, brothers and friends
There will be musk during the din
ner and following the dinner to
which everyone lu all the country
tound about Is welcomed without
formal Invitation portions of the pa
goant given by the school cbildreu
last Friday afternoon will be staged
under the direction of Mrs K. J.
Then there will be the address bv
Lieut. Gol Patch and more music
Following this program which will
lake place In the park tickets to the
Dreamland will be given the bo' s
who do not care to dance, for to tin
boys, perhaps tho big feature of th-:
evening will bo that last number, I
dance, which will be ataged by the
girls of tho Honor Guard. I
Mrs .1 Wclerman of Anchorng",
Alaska Ih In Onlnrlo Just now visit
lux her brother Hnd sister, Mr. aril
Mn. Gilbert Demi of Go? Hntilovnrd
Mm Welormnn. In like nil other V
askans wlio have himi "the Ire come
and no." -and thua earned the Al
'nskan title of honor, "a sourdough "
la a booster for I'ncle Ham's north
ern dominions', and iWlares-that "ll
It the eOMlM country "
"The folk In the States thing Al
askans are bin flbhera when they Mil
W. 1. 1- ............ ... ...... .,..,
of the wonders of that region Tin v
all seem to think that nil we have is
Ice and snow and gold mines Vh
I have grown tomatoes In tho open
ground up there and we ran raise lots
of thlnga In that country it . 1. I
place and Cordova Is going to cm,,.
h:i k with n Jump when Congresa
makes more appropriations for the
railroad Into the Interior," she said
I nil.. I States Marshal F. It. Tlrlii-
ii. .i Hi Ing Cheering Message
Comes for litis. (lies Mini Range Near
11,, mid for McDermltt lo arrest Iw.i
Hasquea. charged with burning go-
eminent range, Deputy Marshal F I'
Tlrhenor was In Ontario Honda)
The men he will Journey to the In'"
rlor for are Manuel and Angel I 1
While In the city Mr Tlrhenor let
.Hsage for those who are anx-
lou that the measure for the Slate
Cuarantce ot Interest on Irrigation Drainage bonda for Bro
hall pass on. June 3, "It will pass If
the people of the coast counties buve
their way. Thoy are united for II
and will vote almost solid fur It
"We are anxious lo know what f.
people over here will do tt the 1 1
aevelt Highway," said Mr Tlchem...
"We know that If the people he .
could but thoroly realize wbai th
building of this road means to the
('mint counties they would vol.
t it llul since It Is ll lid (or I he I .
pie over hero to appreciate what this
'means, oo too Is It bard for the p
pie over there, where rains are p SI
ilful. to realize what Irrigation me u
for Bastern Oregon Hut the people
over there are Interested In the l.
! ligation bill. There lias been a gr.ii
deal of educational work done b
rs of thai section in favor of lh
Gallagher measure and we hope t ' . . -1
this will be reclprocaleil by tiic
pers over here In favor of the It.
. velt Highway, If so, we have no dnui
of the out.'otne on June 3rd.
"Kven away down In Curry count
I the people are lining up in favor of
I tho Irrigation measure and I am
lain that It will carry by a hear
' V.MtJ. Til li.MrltM tot llll.rfM tWfl ll.HH .
I urea are so evident (o (hose who antrt
: considered the situation (bat all w.
both need Is to have the Interest of
H people aroused and a great slip
forward will bo taken by both se
it Ions of the state
Juniors Hosts al Handsome l iti-crpti.iu Friday Kvcn-
Ing lluiiilrtsiij. Allen. I IUc-
islnuruli service
With the reception given by the
Juniors at the Wilson Hull hi
day evening, the week lu which tho
m. tuners of the class of 1V1 Ontario
High School, will long remember
This year die reception proved -happy
combination of entertain'
First there was a pleasing literar.
program flllowing win. h dancing wag
In order under the festoons of green
and gold, (he colors of (he gradual) -
The following was the program
Instrumental duet Charolette
Claggett and Mary Springer; Shuk. -speauW
character -Cella Itosallud
talk of the latter's love for Orlandi,
Dottle Cruiumeit and Helen Ander -
Laura Wherry.
Church CrowdWxl For IUalsureti
Sunday evening the Baptist ehorcn
was crowded by the relatives! a.ul
friends of the class to hear the Ha
ualaureate sermon preached by He.
W J I.uscombe of the Methodut
i church ltev. 8. H Steele of
Congregational church and Rev. f
Blom and Hev. W F Cochran pro
nounced the Invocation, read the
scriptures and aaslsted In the aoralee.
Tne message that Rev Luscouine
gave the graduates was one of insplr.t-
lion and courage.
Today t be claaa exercises are beliw
x at tho school. .
D Wanen of vont
lout week In Ontario on busiueaa.
ll...,,, Turnlmll of Moorcvlllr ..,.1
MiiM.r Nichols of Wootfoil ro
i. u v...
Apparently Secured Win
I mil nil the district! have report-
. ..... -.. .. v.- .... .-r
c, mil the list bond purchasers 01
inc victory i.onn nas necn riiecseu
It ran not be definitely known who
will possess the Inn linn hall
that have been on display In the two
Ontario hanks for the past tin.'.
lint, at tho present time, ho far us I
He. local officials know, the winner'
are Thomas Turnbull of Moorevllle,
WhO la vice president of the Klrst
National bank of this city and Art Inn
,'l. hols ir Want fall are the winner.
At leaat thelra are tho largest s ib
"iripiioiiH leidided iii Ontario Mr
I la credited with a 17.000
ptlon and Mr Nichols Willi one
.1 H Ilia, ihobf ol Ontario H1..1 he
had one or Hie helmets coming wlHi a
$5,000 subs, ription hut Mr Mi In It
put him out of the running late Ian
week Thomas I.ogan of Hrogan.
too witii i lo couipi-iiior
The helmets will remain here until
the list of buyers for the entire c.mi
has been checked mcr m l.irn niM
ti. er of not some one in the Inlerloi
se,tlon Ims tonne, I elllier Mr Turn
T T "- ---WW- -
hull of Mr Nichols.
si I I aril Scene of I'll turosqm
Pageant 1 .11 1 1- Tots Perform
Creditably and Delight
The second annual May Fostlval ol
the Ontario public schools was held
mi tho campus at the High School In .1
Friday afternoon. A largo crowd
was present to enjoy the dances o.
tho children deaplte the fact that the
wind was cold and raw, taking the
edge off the enjo in. ill
The program which had been ar
ranged bv Miss Victoria Stauka was
a compreheiid.sivi-preaenlullou ol folk
rhyme dancea to the dance of hi ;li
school girls representing the various
Kacli lu lis (urn wus a(rl)'
Ing In costume mnl In prvHiiniiitio i
i.'il.- ilng credit upon the dancers ami
their lea her.
Fishing With. ..ii l.i.ei,s, I'm- of
Steins, AImi tl..- I'm- of liin.i-
mile QH (liilarlans Int..
Tolls or l.n
ln the biggest round-up of viola
tors of the game laws re. orded in thl
I . for several years District Cum.
Warden 1 II llazeltlne of Canyon
liny demonstrated that the ertOO o'.
Portland angleri thut the law ar. no I
anforood Is false, su far us Kasiern
Oregon Is com erned
"'." ' nif. ' '. is " ' mnl v....
Mr llazeltlne, .. v lelam:
gftOf another I p on the Malheur
Sturting bright and early M
half dozen arrests were made foi
scelning aud shooting fish also oe
oral were caught without licenses.
Loot night an Is suld 10
have boon apprehended using dytn.
mite. As the result several citizen..
look (rips lo Vale to expluin tholl
actions, and others have sworn, "ne
ar again." Needles, to say all the
boya will be "more careful" In the
WAR pi k.i MMI.N Will.
If' III-' ltsl'l' IIV1S
On July 1, so far as poulugc .
i erned (be war will be a thing of tin
past. The reduction in postage l
coining Just after the Institution "l
war .axes on article of clothing
drugs and Ice cream cones, will help
slightly to make life for the averag
cltueu more endurable, not that It In
not a pleasant thing right now
(n .nd after Jul. 1 It will take only
uts to start a letter ou It wu
(i. ioiy city in the land It Will sill i-vo cents (o i.end a leller
r.iu.' tttiiii. or for Lit, i ostake w 1. .re
tnere U freo dell v. ., but in? bluu:
three cent M ,.u,. will p
of vosue Also we will have a re
turn to the old one .. I postal rar.t
For i.imo hlooolnno u.g-.kaglvli.g aer
vl es might be had
Mia. D F Con on" ;e'- I'Mdsj
t. bbt for Portland to otto i the War
:'u(. of he- ooo, I nsign M iniata
i rwtty
danoonor all the natlous it opened t'nirs; the coiitrii.m of the range and lloard, who In the absence or I'm1 fi" ...........
with the entrance of the May Queen, ' u t tad to get out lo some peat office dent J W. MeCullorh will awm.l tin ""' M,HTeary J l in nas ,. ra ..
w i (his case was Miss Kthel I I nro ll.ey can g'. malt regularly. diplomas. The benediction will b- "1't"V" .""'' , i "" Vi
Williams, and Iter attendanl all h... Mr Stlckn.'i was In Ontario Mon-1 pronounced by ltev W f Co. bran '' l,a" rulB,., " '" ",r ""
ly In Ihelr springtime costumes. dnv of this week and went from here The following Is the roll of the Oregon -western I oionuaiion i
From then on the program pr. u Vale to lal . road 'lueations n lie class: mn ,U","rn i." i .'" ?H a
se.ite.i m, etror ohanglng pit mro fi court Inrldontlt ho talked V9Cil, u lMSn viola Heile Htt ?bo i', 'r,',","'l '" "" """
the little lots with their nurser i.'iida to Ontni inn . for he wants come ...i a...u cr..i i',...n..i.i i.i. u..i.. uw '""""'"
- C. jW aafWlhW
"', f$--ah. Mcn
Displayed Mllt Picture.
Man Delays Art km.
In what la declared by those who
I ,,,VJ I, f ,, .
, ' rJ2 "" ""' "'. ",..!
"' nrnri ,. i r.. 1 1 .. K 1 "in imei
... . m . .
In this section for years, A P. Gibson
of Nyssa, defeated llrooke llukill ot
Corvallls, Tuesday evening Gibson
look two falls out of throe and had
the better of tho match thruuut The
contest was staged at Nyssa show
bouse. A fair crowd was present.
Only one untold feature tempered
the pleasure of the crowd. That waa
duo to the management of the picture
how Insisting upon running long between fallH II II Tunny
of Ontario who refereed the first fall
objected to this procedure which was
permitting (lie wrestlers (o get cold,
and when (be management rontinu
od the atunt declined (o art further
and another referee had to be secur
ed Tho Nyasa man wm outweighed
' "wl P""''" oy lluKlll. wno was
inconny milium weigtit champion ol
'" I'lilladolphla naval station 811-
perlor speed and experience however
"w,r '"' ,l,, handicap and Olbaon
look two falls The first wag ne-
cured after 21 minutes wrestling, Ihr
-. . . ......... . A . ..
s". tin. i w.mii I.) i.iihiii 111 1 Ililllllie.
and (ill. Mm took the third In 20 min
utes, giving the patrons an hour's
show that was appreciated.
Sevecal Ontarlane .went down for
the evening and report It worth
II N. sin kne. of iisnn t. .in. lit
V Islis Ontario -Grass on II inea
In South el 'I of Couult In
Kin - I on. 'it 'ii.
I N MlohoVk) comes from die
,-. jtson country Dovn ther ust
now the people are interested in two
Mug done .to that thev .an have
..'I. now ami then
' it would tn' taae more lliaii ll,
'.. to fix ih roO'l fro.i Watson lo
' isthViUo wh"'" i.e used lo get our
.i ," said Story unfinished
First Will I" Taken at Vole
During Fourth or July Celebra
tion Great War Veterans
Association Is Name.
During the big Fourth of July 00l
ebrallou which the people of Vale are
arranging to give there will In hold
a meeting (he purpose of which In
the formation of a Great War .t
erans association according to ad
vtoae received by the Argus from ltov
Met abe of that nty
Mr M Cube who came recently to
, . .
ll" cuuu,ry w" frfu"' '
""" &?
(luurdtf ou the King's Own, famous
'regiments While with the Tommies
he was B 8 M , battalion sergeant
major, of the lat division
" ""
Prof. I, I. Culbertsou, prlu. ipal of
the Weiser high school, Is certainly
having his share of this world's trou-
blea at the praaent time Just a
woek ago we announced the aad news
of the death of bis wife, and now we
are emit nel to rm.nrt I he ileslh of
u .. j Tfc. iT ,..1 ii
mn ltJU Uualul oiu onuy i ue nine
'one died at St Luke's hospital at Boise
Monday morning at 4 o'clock. Just a
week after the death of Its mother,
and was burled at Payette Wednesday
. . 7 .V- - .i.Z,,. TI. i ?
I"?. 'J fihJl'!!
afternoon at 3 o'clock. Hev Wallts,
elating The baby was taken lo Boise
last Friday and was suffering from
Internal spasms
Surely Prof Culler(son has the
doopoat sympathy of the people of this
community. Weleer Signal
..I . . 11 u uAUU..I ... ., .s,
j.vic iii.irNi r.i. m' ivi.iii
... . . . .
. "" f- ' ! .t-"L'
Wednesday evening, but the gand
-torn, in that time took the top. off
ynJa" . nma" '.r". ",u I
many Ontario shade trees and
smashed the window of the Oregon
and Western Colonltatlon company's
uiin. iu suiiiuvrius. i nu uusi sioriu
, was In common parlance, "fierce",
j for five or ton minutes then subsided
Aside from the window smashing
alum no damage waa done.
Representative I' J. Gallagher "III
leave Sunday for Portland where lie
haa been scheduled by Jny I p Ml
president of the Oregon Irrigation
Congress for a serlea of addreaaes
before Portland bodies to t"ll them
about the state Guarantee of Irri
gation bond interest, of which he Ih
the author. Mr. Gallagher will up
pear before the Chamber of Com
merce., the Progressive Ilusiness Men s
club, the Portland Al club, the it..
Inry club and the Hon It Hoard
These are all day meetings In the
evenings he will address meetings In
i .. .... .
""" ""
. . ...... .. .
ker.lses Will Mark (lose of Hel
''in Deemed Surcessfiil In Spile
of Interruption b I In linn
Seventeen In lass
With the exer Ises of
the class or 1ST which will he golf
at the High School auditorium tumor
row erenlng the ltll-lt school . u
will poos Into history.
The year has been marked with
serious Interruptions dun lo the hit'
ban which shortened the term In ef
fect for six weeks. Despite this It
was a aurceasful year and the class of
17 which will receive diplomas has
made a creditable record
The feature of Hie OsWaMOtOOOJOnl
program will be the address or Dr
John Straub, dean of the College of
lettora and science of tho State Uni
versity Dr. Straub la one of the
most sought after commencement ...
alors In the Northwest whose asoj
sage to the graduates Is one thai will
carry a lasting impression
The comnieui emnnt program will
I bo opened by ltev. ('has II Ilium who
will pronounce the Invocation, the
High School Girl's Glee Club will
l sing, "Spring Time," which will go
i followed by Dr. Straub's ad.lrc .'
i This In turn will be followed by a du
' el. "Oh. That We Two Were Maying."
by Misses Viola dusted and Mar
Maaaeo; a piano duet by Misses char
lotto t'lagett and Mary Springer will
then precede the presentation of th
class by Superintendent of Schools H
It. Douglass, to I. Adam of die S. Inn I
lene dowser, I. nolle Mary Biggs.
Mamie Florence Stewart. Glsdy Ml
garet I dick. Myrtle Irene Stewart,
Ina Draper DeFoe, Delia M Hill. Or
vllle I. Walters, Rooooo H Conhlln
Sinveu I. Fielder, Howard II llel
more, Darrell 1. Dowser, Jark M
Taylor, Paul It Met ulloch
Mau Who Itlsked Ills All in I ran. .
Semis Parents I lllltls Willi Which
to Invest In Precious Pa
per. Thai the boys who risked their
lives "over there" aaprooiatO wha
Victory llomls mean and show
uiuple to those who stayed at BOOM
whl.h should shame many was evi
denced here In Ontario last week
.j vi ii ine nil. i i.i ... i-kiiii nii.-.n
he Mr and Mr. II W Thouin.
They have a son. (harles Thomas
Down at the foot of Oregon si roe
In France, be lias beeu there nearl) I
two years. He was lu dm big tit. I
lu the Argonne and was wounded In
, the fight lu which Im risked Ills all
Yet tho not rich, as measured l.
coiiiiiion standard, or compared with
many Ontarlsns, this young man seni
his parents flOO with which lo hu
Victory Hoods, and had sent (SO fur
die Fourth Liberty bonds
H, action Is certainly Is a marked
comparison with (hose who remain-, l
al homlti risked nothing, but rather
i.-ii . .i ... . .
capillloJ lllt wi lu lumir on. ii-
ONTARIO .llil I is 1 1 I. ON
Ol .1
Viuoug the lid candidates for d.
greet to be confirmed at I'ulversit)
of Oreson commencement ezercls -.
ou juna u , tne nglne 0f ,. Qg
taf0 flr m Terreasa Cox, daugl.
lM yr ana jjrs Connell Cox who
lve Southwest of tho dti Miss Cox
,,, . . . , ;
will receive her bachelors degree lit
J .. , !. ll....
ueiai linen i ui r.iiftiinii iiiriuiiii.
W'lih bis arm in a sling as the re
of Uii w,,,c" brokH ",e ""tt1
bontw of his right wrist Hprague
AdkIU relurnwi u., froiIl ur,.y,
WoU". M'day The injury I. no.
.arou. tut requires
explanation to Inquii
a great deal ol
ring friends
Sidney Comegya of Harney count)
baa purchased the Johnson DeFoe
plaie wast of the Fair grounds
PAION TO 1 i( TK Pl'ii-
I.IC ON( 1: It N I N a
Wonl Comes I mm Const toiinii. .
rinii Tlie Will tin Solid for State
(iiiHrtintee of Irrlgntlon llomls mil
Want lllgliuiit.
The first big statewide, effort lo
unite KaKtcrn and Western Oregon mi
Il legislative .ainpalKli Mini the din. 1
a.tldii of tho voters Is being staged
lit this lime On I In- mill nine of t li.
effort, tn n large measure, will d.
penil 111" lesilllH 0 he set lired In ftl
turn years.
If by (his effort It .tin bo I'
that the people of Western Orego i
will further the ineanire for the atnt
lo guarantee the Interest for fl
years of Irrigation mid drainage htm. I i
which will help lOn t. i n On gon, B
n..t hlng else call. an. I at I I line
1 Knslern Oregon will IrOtO in bold II
! stale for !,l00,00 for the hull-'
"f "no-velt llim,av aton, the
( ' Inn. for the firs time ,
miinllv of Interest will have hi
secured that will make
my ureal mensure for the up
building of the Htale
Malheur Couult Will Help
That Mnliieur OOUOtJ will 00 I
iilinn.t for this i 'iiinpnlrn i. iiitiil..
The Malheur Development lOggO
which bus endorsed both these meas
ures has determined lo make an uc
tire campaign in lln'lr hOhoJI I'
will spend f.Min In a campiilgn of
education. Speakers will go forth .
tell the voters of the merit of earn
To sis me litis fnOO for the ad
vancement of the RooaOTOll lllghwu'
nnil the Irrigation bond hill Ontario
mnl Vale wore each asses nil g 1 L"
by tho directors; Nyssa has hcci
asked lo raise $100. Cairo $2.'.,
I dan Valley IO; Head Ol I'lul $76.
II C ioyor, J II Ilia, k.iln, ami
G. K. Aiken were Hie ommllleeiui n
Hills Have Merits
li i . Ml) a question m gel Uin
Hie until of these two hills hOfOI
die people to assure dull BOl
rim Roooovoll Highway, huir of tho
lOBl of which Will he linrne h I In
'National gOVOfOOl UI 0000
great stret.h ol gndovoloood Doontrj
mi ih.- coast It will make acccsn
il.l.. regions thai can mil now b.
reached eseopl by boot As a u.'
i llury roatl li Is of supreme ulrateg
Importance, and tho hoopla ol Ih
, coast country are asking Hm t.
of dm slate to thus aid them The.
I deserve this supp.nt
Tim Irrigation asOBOOTO
! more lo Kusttru OrOgOO ihau au
other bill evet , .III m
(he ot many fOOOtbla
Irrigation projists It means pi.
spertty for Kosteru Oregon A
suruuen has come from tin v.
side and from Portland that I
pie there will unite for tl I
mnl since both this hill and III.
I roll highwus are dovolopuieni
bills they will pass, If Ihelr li lends
Jusl get mil and VOW
Sim lal .Meeting
of Ailiiiliilsiintn.
IV.mIi Cilliil for I ll.l.ii l.ll'lllllg
lo IX III.. I. lie oil Ol'lliliallie
I'n liniiiiiiry t0 gOCOOOgrg act not I ll
paving (ho City Council will hold a
mooting i ' ilng to
the ordinal. I ad for '
tattoo ol a local Improvement in
tor street pat lug
This mat'. . irmaui
for some lime, ti,., it. int II p I
a resolution declaring Iti intention lo
i w it ! die formation
dlstrl. t No U' II. .ti folloa '
olulloti, as tin- i II) i M
Stearns raported uo Un L'ounell that
the ol lbs linprot
menls had not been nl. .1 b) i
Oil SI lie.' I 11"
.. , . . ,
engim astlmate .
On the paaaag ' ,l"' ordlnante
lai" i.i I,, ji im1 t object
lUg lO the liupl'i'.'lin nl, II
that tin- .ii ' el
will h. .t ujnl ii,.- prelimlnar) woi '
will he advant ed anolbei .
rutin log I he Hit inlurs . i
ti J Nut Cluh ggll lilt I"
j i i ii r
I i. nil' ' "
i , and all not ' -I
J ...illi to