THE ONTARIO ARGUS. ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 1. 1919 OI o D O M rate In lOfcv Classified Advertisements 1 D O J The (ill of contact, where UM Iiiij-i t find uhat In- MiintN to buj, und the .rlli-i iIi-iiiIIn what hi' wants to sell. This In the immt ill ie I mini- In make i mir minis known Tlie coal li small. The five rent per line it Insert Ih. ao 30) roiiTLANn I'lioi Wishes to mnho agency arrangement with flrst-clnsH responsible citizen of Ontario M MMI for largo Stoci,, Eire Insurance CMMttf mid Bonding Companies Mnn niUHt do lilgli-grod citizen, ambitious and energetic. Address Representative, L w Cnre Ontario Argus WHAT THE RANCHES HAS TO SELL Olilckfffls, Im;s for Hatching Ranch Nupplies, Btr. Itcail tliee mis, the) may MM you lime anil money. WANTED experienced fnremuu for ranch, capable of putting In MH land. See l.nngley llrookeK, agent N O L. Co ., Nyasu 20-22 FOR SALE MouNi'liold Furnltu.e, Including Ice chest, llooKler Cabinet. till Stove and other M4a4 pie..-. for any home. Many hnrgalnii fur !' am hut slightly used Phone Kit A. B. Urnwn No. 62 W. Olnnt Bronze Oohler for sale, nphonn 207 K I, Ontario i-i For Baled Hay In car load write or wire J E Dotlsnn. Honiediilc. Id.i 20-2) FOR BALE 1000 I. on. Red Mext can Beans, alao Ilabeock Milk Tenter li C Orlffln. Ontario, Oregon i0-t WORK TKAM FOH SAKE- Apply (' K. Heea. FOH HAI.i: hutching eggs, Kiine Rhode II for IhIuikI Hod 16. Mrs. Hon IS I'lp.l MII.K DELIVERED IN ONTARK from tuhercullne tented cows Call 206 K-l Mra. A II Cain REWARD WILL HE PaTd -For return of lout Block certificate hook. Finder will be paid S10 Leave at ArugH office for reward AdV Htf INBI8T on an abstract of title when you purchase or lend money on reul estate MALHEUR TITLE AND ABSTRACT CO., Vitle Oregon FOH BALE Ono good brood mow, also ten 10 weeks old plga A. H. Harney, 1 S 13 Erultland 11-21 REAL ESTATE Farms for saJo or Rent, City Property for Sole, Trade or Rent, Etc. Will exchange Lots 1 to & Inclu Hive for property In I'orllund or At lorla Address W II. Ilurlburt, II North l'urk St.. Portland. Ore FOR SALE Lots 1 and 2 In Blk 277, Ontario, Oregon No Incuiu hrahi'tv Cash price $223 Addn - Julia A Jones, K. F D No 1, Box 74 B, Salem, Oregon. ISO-It Maui none KHTRAV-- Llghl brown MN M! horse. Mare Is branded on rlgl I shoulder with llsh book und (gill uhout 1200 lbs Horse weighs .ibmr 1000 lbs Mare Is six years ol.! Ijist seen near K S mid I), rani ii on the Boulevard Horse belong M Welser. Any Information leading to ward their recovery will be rewarded Address A T lluM-rflvId 704 East Park St, Tel N.. HI . Welser. Idaho 20-2.! NOTICE OF Hlllltll I -"S HALF IV DER KXK( TTloV By lrtue of nn execution und or der of nle duly Issued by (be Clerk of the Circuit Court oT Hie H';ii. Dl Ori'Kon. for Malheur t'nuiitv, dated the Ith day of April. 1919. In a cor tain artlon In the said circuit Court for said 8tate nnd i ounty. when In A M Sloniiin as plaintiff, recovere I Judgment against Crystal Henll. fonipiinv. ll corporiillon unit T II Crnlg, as defendants for the Hum ol Thirty four Hundred Klghtv -elgh' und 88-100 Dollars ( $3488.88) with interest thereon at the rote of eight per rent per annum from the 211 day of November. 1918 nnd for the further sum of Thirty-four and 05 100 Dollars (134 (IB) as costs and illsbiiriiemenlH; THEREFORE, NOTICE is HBR14 II V OIVBN that I lll on the 12t. day of May, 1919, nt the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, ul the north main entrance door of the Malheur County Court Housfl, at Vale, nn 11 Count v and State, seil nt public unction to the highest an 1 bent bidder or bidders for cash, th" following described real propert;'. to-wlt: The Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the North half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty five. Township Sixteen S H Fort' -seven F. W M Taken and llvlid upon as the proi erly of the suid above nnmed di-ici. ants Crystal Henlty Company, n BOf" porutlon nnd T II Crnlg, or as mm li thereof as muy he necessnry to satis fy the judgment In favor of A. M Sloiiisn and against the show MM dofondnnts. with Interest thereon, together with all costs nnd disburse inentH that hne or mny accrue. Hiiti'd st Vnl.'. Oregon, this 8th dm of April. A II 1018 II LSI NOB, Sherin Hy T C McBLROT, Depot- Date ol Siile, May 12, 1919 Dsle of First publication. April Hi 1919. Date or Last publication. Mny I 1911 I'M and each of you have no estate J or Interest In said Innds, and that plaintiff's title to the same Is good nnn vann anil ror nil other relief fit mnnded In said complaint Vim are further notified that till.: summons is served upon you by puu licntlon In pursunnce of nn order ol ine iion. ii.'iitnn lllggH. Judge ol aaid court, wlilrli said order was made and entered In ald cause on thiL'i'i'h day of March, 1919, and dlrectlm: that tli" summons in said cause he published once each week for 6 sue cesalve weeks In the Ontario Argu . the first publication March 27. 19111. and the last publication May 8, 191M W. W WOOD and j. w. Mcculloch, Residence, Ontario, Oregon, Attorneys for Plaintiff ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE OF Kll. LINO FINAL AC4XHNT. FOH RENT 100 acre ranch, part ly Improved . & year lease for further Improvements. Box 162. Ontario. FOK TIIAHK Will trade a M ft-acre tract fur a good house a id two lots In Ontario Cure box III, Ontario. lt( WANTED TO TRADE Lots In Spokane and Tekoa, Wash , and On tario, for cows, horses, mhcalnerv or acre tracts. Let me know what you have to offer Mrs. A. B. Cain, 206-K1. FOH SALE. House und nine lol. for lwfc. than the value of the lots; small payment down uud balance pay able like rent An exceptional op portunlty to acquire a home at u lo price Cheaper than paying rent In quire it W Swagler, Ontario. Ore it NOTICE IN THE COI'NTY col'H'l OF iilt STATE OF OREGON FOH Till: I'OCNTY OF M.W.IIU'H In the Matter ol (In Of ARTHUR I JAQl ISII. DMMM4I NOTICE is hereby gltcn to arbOM It may concent that tin- uiulej-slgne.! has made and filed In the above en tilled court his final report as admli. Istrator of the ubme entitled estate. und that the time for hearing uuM final report has been set by order the above entitled court at Vule, Of gon. at the hour of 11:30 o'clock i m on Hie ITith day of May, 1919 at which time and pluce any und B) persons may appear uud II le their ol Jectlons in writing I hereto, If an. they have. Dated April 12, 1(1$ H W SWAdl.EK Attorney for AdmlnlHtralor ALEX J .Mcl'IIEHSoX. Adinlnistrator of the restate of A"- thur I Juijutnli Date of l-'lrm publication. April 17th. 1919 Date or Last publication, May ISlh, 1919. MISCELLANEOUS ADS. Want of aU UiiuU. Iist anil Found Article uuil Help niniic.1 and Situation Open. H.I nine, I 4liller and sailor itealrlug lu UM lliese niluillll to llltcl Job nay do so uitliout coet to tlieio WANTED Married man want Job on farm where tenant house Is furnished Have had some exper- . , , ,kg. rfl,, ,h., ,,, ,.,.,,, NtrTICE OF HALE Ol' IMtNIKS The City of Ontario. Malheur Coun ty, Oregon, offers for sulu its nego tiable Improiemeiit II.. ml-. In the sum of Seven Thousand Eight Hundred and Ten Dollars ($7810.00 bearing interesl u( not more than mU per centum per annum to l due and payable In ten years from June Int. A D 1919. the dato of 1 1 sue. Interest payable semi-annual!' Hid for the same must be isubl .i. d i In writing and will be rec.-iv. j Joct to the legality of the bonds. No , bid will be considered or received for .leas than the par value of said him l- Au unconditional cerlllled check, ptt able to the Treasurer of the I'ity .it Ontailo, for an amount eijual to fl't' per cent of eat h hid must aceompai lie hill Bids will he received sul lenca in irrigating E Q Wilson Hotel, Ontario i ' to whom the same are awarded win either accept or reject the same with in leu days after receiving a trans cript of the proceedings under whlc i the said bonds are Issued The Common Council of the City if PIANO FOR HALE Wa have stored at Ontario a strictlv high grade piano, which for quick disoosltiou. will be sold at a substan tial discount Terms to responsible Ontario reaervea the right to reje. I party If interested write ut on sj any and all bids. for particulars to A1, BtdM ... ..,.. bonds must hi- THE DENVER Ml'SIC COMPANY. ., A." ., , ,, "1 , ,U , Denver Colo 21-46 1'1 with the Recorder of aald l Ity i f Ontario, on or before eight o'clock WANTED an experienced coog P m. on the 5th day of May A D for work on ranch. Comfortable 1919, thereafter, and on which day, home Inquire Argus 10-32 ihe bids will be opened and action taken thereon by the suld Common ROOMS FOR RENT In moderi council home, also babya' go-cart for sale By order of Oie Common Coum i Mrs I J. Dickson, Phone 35 N-4 .0 of the City of Ontario. Oregon It W JONES. dressma'. - Alt- . Mavo.- CLAY M STEARNS. City Recorder DRESSMAKING For see Mr. Edith Uuuderson, at the Alex Smith residence Phone 14 9-R 1 tf t si MMONH IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Of TDK STATE OF ORBOON I OH THE COUNTY OF MALHEFR ONTARIO NATIONAL HANK. a corporation. I'lnlntiff va. THOMAS F ADAMS, and MARY C ADAMS, Deri nilunls TO THOMAS F ADAMS AN! MARY t ADAMS, the above immei' detendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STAT.' OF OREGON You and each of you are hereby required to appear am answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on oi before six weeks from the date of the first publication of tills summons, Ihe same being the lost dsy of the lime prescribed by order of th court directing service of summon-. In said ault to be made upon you by publication, und If you fall so 14 answer, fur wunt thereof, the plait. tiff will apply to the said court for the relief demanded In the said con plullit. to-wlt For Judgment against llioma t Adams upon u note for $300 with Interest thereon at the rate of M pa cant per annum from December 26. 1117, until puld, and for $30 utlor ney fees, und upon a second note foi $650, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, from June 10, 191. until paid, and ii: attorney fees, and for plaintiff coats and disbursements lu said suit And for a decree of the court fore closing plaintiff's pledge upon life inaurancu policy number 730922, is sued hy the NorthwajWara Mutual Life Insurance t'oinpc.ny of MUwaU kee, Wisconsin, on the day or January, 1908, on the life of TnOBal F. Adams, uud muds payable to the defendant Mary C Adams, and pledged by the defendants to the plaintiff on June 6, 191K. for the payment ,,i ii)0 above descilhin note, and decreeing that said policy be sold at sheriff's sale and that the pro ceeda of aaid sale be applied to tin- amount due the plaintiff And for all other relief demanded In said BOW plaint. You are further notified that t ti lit SUI..IUOUS is served upon you Jjy pub llcatlon In pursuance of an order of the Hon Dalton Blggs. Judge of ssi I Court, which aald order was made uud entered In suld cause on Marc'i 26, 1919, and directing that this nun. uns be published once each week for 6 successive weeks In the Oiiiur.o Argu ihe first publication Mch 27. ISC'. and the lust publication May s I'M' W W WOOD. Residence. Ontario Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff Notice is hereby given, Hint t -I'ndorslgned the duly appointed, act ing and qunllflod administrator or Ci estate ,,r (1 W Morrison deceased, lias filed his final account of (he M ministration or the estate of ihe Ml I deceased, with the ( ount Court of the State of Oregon. foi Malheur County, and that Monday the lkth day of May, 1919. ut the hour -of 2 o'clock p m In the County Court Itoom of the County Court House I Vale, Oregon, has been fixed us tin time and place of hearing objection thereto, If uny there he by the II. h, I II Test, CouiKy Judge of Malheu iiiiiiity, Oregon This Notice I pub lished under and by virtue of an o.--der made by the Hon E II i. .linlK" of Malheur County, Oregon, dated at Vale, Oregon, the 7th !) of April 1919 All persons who m. he lnlere(ed In (be es((e of the sn-I O W Morrison deceased are here'. notified to appear and (lie object lou to the report of final settlement ,,i iii . estate of snld deceased If any Hum be. on or before the 19th day ol May, 1919, at the hour ol 2 o'clock p , This Notice Is published In (he Ontu rlo Argus a weekly newspaper, pub lished In und or general circulation lu Malheur County, Oregon, for i . i consecutive weeka or five Issue there of. lisle of first publication. April 10, 1919 Date of last publication, May 8. 1919 M.HONAOILL. Administrator of the Estate of G W Morrison, Decessed Reasons Why Von Hboiilil Senile g Livestock Policy of (he "llniifonl, Polices backed by Assets of the Hartford Fin Innurancc Co. and Hartford Accidt nt and Indemnity Co. Tin- llni'ti'ort is the oldest company. The Iliii'tford is tin- ittOUgeil 'oiiiiaiiy. Tlie Two Bartforde are licensed under the Is to do business in your State. The rates are low but tdequste, You pay ho assessments u under Mutual or On operative live stock polices. We aim to have the moral liaz.-ml good, and pa' the H f the policy. Our payments are prompt, that von main liav. your money with whieh to buy again. We earn the larged policies on registered bor ses and cattle of any company Writing live Stock insurance. If you already cany Fire and Lightning insiii anoe we will insure mi agiinsl all other COUSIN of death. Our policies cover your registered stock while itl the Kaii-sand in transit. Ask Turner, the Insurance Man about our Insurance HI'MMON'H IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THB STATE OK ORBOON Hill THE COUNTY OF MALHEI'K MAUDE I TtCHIROI, I'hilntln. vs ISAAC O WEIIHTEH. and also all other person or parties unknow.i claiming any right, title, eatul-. lieu, or Interest In the real estate de scribed In the complaint herein, Defendants TO ISAAC O WEBSTER, and als .. all other persons or parties unknoan claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or Interest In the real estate dc scribed In the complaint herein, the above named defendanta IN THE NAME OK THE BTATK OK OREGON You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before 6 weeks from the date of the first publication of this summon.. the same being the last day of the time prescribed by order of the couit directing service of summons In said cause to be made upon you by pub llcatlen: and If you fall to ao answer. for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief d manded In said complaint, to-wlt For a decree of said court qutetint.' plaintiffs title to the following de scribed tract of land in Malheur County, Ore , to-wlt The NE of the SW of Sec 14 Twp IS 8 R 42 E W M , except i atrip of land 16 1-2 feet wide arounl the outside boundaries thereof for road purpose.-!, and udjudgiug that NOTICE OK HAI.K OK REAL 1'ROI'- KRTY. IN THE COUNT! COURT OF THE STATE OF ORBOON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR. In the Matter or the Ouardluushlp of Ihe Person und of I'ACLINE JAQUIHH, a Minor, Notice Is hereby given, that Mltl und by virtue of an order of the a hove entitled court made on the l . . ! day of April, lltl'.i. the undersigned Kuitrdlaii of the person and estate of I'aullue Juijulsh, u minor, was dl reeled to seil at private aale for cash an undivided one-third Interest in mid to the following described reul property situated in Malheur County, Oregon, to-wlt The Northwest Quarter of th Northwest Quarter iSW'iNW1, and the South Half of the Northwest Quarter iSVNW'.i of Section t w.-nt) -fivet 25 I, and the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE'.NE'.iof Section twenty-six ( 2D), all In Township seventeen (17 South. Kuugi forty-wig (4(1 I U That in pemuunce of aald order the undersigned will on Monday, May it. It HI, .il tlie hour of ten o'clock a m , at the law offices of l( W Swugler In Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon, offer for sale , subject to (In approval of the Court, the above de scribed premises for cash, and upon and after aaJd date will receive pri vate bids lu writing, either seeled -uneeuled for said premise:., the gust dian reserves Hie right tu reject any and all bide. Dated this 17th day of April, Itlt DELI'HINE JAQUIHH. Ouardlau of tlie person and estate it Pauline Jaiiuleh, a minor First publication hereof April 1 .'. Itlt. and dale of Last publlcutlo i May 16. Itlt Our Allies Thin bank is an ally of the farmer, stock grower, and merchant, bound together hy an tin written law for the advancement of private in crests and the development of Ontario and vici nity. You can loin this leauue bv I. dopoMitur of thii Bunk miii", a Ontario National Bank l.W.t llank lu tirunt, llarnry 41 Malheur Oounlle OUR NEW DIRECTORY A new directory is now being delivered. Suve trouble by destroying your old uiw. IF yOU WANT I'ROI'EH LlrlTINH OH A NEW RHONE. ADVISE US AT ONCE Kveiy Bell IVIephonr i- a linnir DiHUme Station Malheur Home Telephone to. ,u- imi'oi mum. nones Notice Is hereby giien that, in uu xuance of Ordinance No 23b, of th'i i'ity of Ontario, I haie takeu up and Impounded the following animal found running at large within the aa rporate limaui of the city of Ontario, in Malheur County. State of Oregon. to-wlt Hay mare 3 yr old. no visible brand, both hind feet i rooked, star In fore head, slip on end of nose. Hay gelding 3yr old. branded Ti. i connected i on left shoulder, left hind foot white, star In fore head Ray two year old gelding, branded TL (connected) on left shoulder Black yearling bluie lace, three white feet, no visible brand lllack S yr. old mare, white strip in face, left hind foot white, no vb. ible brand iirown mare, yr old, star In fore head, branded J on right shoulder, weight about ltOO pounds Black gelding, 4 yr old branded I TH (connected) on left shoulder, an 1 EH (bar over EH connected) on lelt stifle, ahod all around and that I will on the 26th day or April, Itlt, at tlie hour of two o'clock P tu , or said day offer for sale and will sell above described animals a public auction u the highest blddei, for cash In hand, at the Eagle 1. 1 very lu aald t'lty of Ontario Taken up thin 13th da of April, PCM- lhl.1 7th day ;..Sj..... j m.y .,.. H(,y ,,,. y m;Y t'lty Marahsl ' Commercial Creamery Co. Cash buyenotCream and Produce I $' Plttt: South of Post 'dfioe, Ontario, Oregon Your Beet Market for !-. I . ulu .. .ill kind: '$ -$