t THE ONTARIO AROU8, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY I, 1919 A Roll of Honor Bank National banks which have I -plus nun! tti their capital are known iti "Roll of Honor Hunks The I'lrnt Nattonul l'nnk of oiitail.. m ill enl roll of honor lank la U I Hon of Beaten Orernn W eonalnntly nrH- to merit on place on tlia "Hull or llonm hi rai daring our pntrnns ipenor. MM modeling servlca I by confinln. our huMnean to "nfe Irgltlaata "anl. lag iav wk mil ' First National Bank ONTARIO. OREGON TRAFFIC REGULATIONS ARE COINC TO BE ENFORCED NOW LOCAL AND THE H. F. NORTON COMPANY Fifteenth and From, Dealer Nampa, Idaho. in Hides, PeUs, Wool, Mohair, Furs and Tallow Top ui;nki price pai , Oorrec! wraighti five! and prompt rt urns made. No ibipmtntt too Utrgt, nor t" mall, we licit tht'in all. Writ in tor prioea, hipping tag mailad upon request. No hot boxes Ilka Axle Grease contains powileieil Mica, which tills up all roughness in spindles and li ii uif.s Makes the grease work hetter and lu:t twice as 1. r pulling Formt a cool slippery coating that resists wear and pressure. Ask your dealer. Buy by the pail STANDARD UlL COMPANY (Clilorm ipsn irmnnrnTTiTTTTTTTflr MICA KtUF. GREASE rd oil. C( MPANY ST, SL-. M I C A G RE AS E O. H. Tost. Spvial Aft., Standard Oil Co.. Ontario num. in nt whim, in i i KAMI H VMIMIN BRUM itli TTmUng t o . I mi. II It. V i aaa, ate, Orrgou ui.-e,, i I in.- 11 ea . ' THE UNIVERSAL CAR Whan win i pm a i I lo plicae ot Kind will p, o inn. pi...lu,i. farm nto.l .1 -I 1 , 11.. muikci, the grant v.-tlna ..r,l . falllv iNllluat-'l ll H M- v hi not ' I) among motor earn. hut 11 i , .mle in. 1 Ol grown and mmiuUii' v . urgu 1 11 haaers la five tfcati ardor Will. Mill FORD flrARAOE 1 huh. MAI Be Manager usiMtio otiwarun Ha- v -J2F City Marshal II C dinner Mill tttaattoa la tha feet thai Oatarla h i noma irniTir ratalaUeni that an- a ' in ignored nnii gives warning thai some of tin- violators nre going n come to grief for their Inforinntlo 1 l .- tollowllll. Mlltcllicllt of tin ti, UlWI of tin- Ity ure glvi-n In-low . hog to i-nll your nttentlon to tin. followtna axtraeta tahaa fro,. Ordlaaaea Bo IIT, reguinting th mi- of v 1 1 1 I upon tin' BUI ilia CITY 0V ONTABIO aad ftBtai 1 in-ir rata of fn ad y,( , run. drive or Ofl .linl,- up'in tin- sir- tin city or Ontario al ireatei hpi- 1 HUM II mill-- pi r lii. ui 1 ...-pi fhx lorn III tllai III) y ui tlii-lr profession il-.ll.- 1M1liH procMdiM l opp.ialtp ill r.- Ifctai ' li ill I'.' M t'i Hi''.rllil V-l'i' ' 1 at Hal In tin naiiu- (liriTtioti -iini avartaka sart ot.n- liy pnai.iPK t" tha l'ft Willi Ii i .ppi-niK-iiiiiK mi lataraa it 1 Htfa -t in. 1 ha aatfar control 1 1 1 It Ida ..n Hie ruin f laa rahMa apBfrarhlaj ; : all ''(t'1' wny S'O -1 MP ' : Imll ba turnnil aro.i on mi; ol !! I ii'"-' -I Cttf . , 1 i-.. 11 laraaatloa al Htro:a. it ,, tri-.-i in 1 -r ,1 , lion all vrli.i- Miinlni' to -I'-i right ll'iill I t in.- right 1 'I "II turning to tl Iff si. .ill 1 in. iii .ni ' ' obi 1 lax ' of tin. Intel - '.on o h'Iim If lull "' run . iltlv. 11 npfriili'il or 1 1 stri-fl I of hiiIiI III :.. , rone la' no ilil'- of BOB I til millU' l.lnl I B volilrlf hIiiiII In- Ii i alnmllng nun- 1 ri upon milil n. and no port of the machinery of any v.ti.ii if niiiniitig nun ahall ba alla 1 1 1 run I'.ngei tlia.i three uilnuloa at guy inn ttui.- .iiul no .fiili-le ihall :top ullli IIh latl xlile IB Hie Hllf. I 1 urli No motor velilrlf i.llllll he ullowi I to oporato on the attl Id Clt) a ill. 11 11 1 ' I muffler Ail motor ranlelaa aball ba pretrld oil with mien uu If hralie.-i anil algnnl ling ilevlce anil from one hour aft. r suiiHft until one hour batata Hunrlf all automobile whin In aaa ahall fla aa arblta front iigiitH aad aa red rear light und all motor ft ! ahall diHpuy one arblta from light VICTORY NOTES NOT TO LOWER IN PAR VALUE New leauc Haa Special Appeal to All Investors, Says Expert. "t'apltaliatN, u.-. well an Hie Miiall In TMtor. ma) pun Iiiim. the new Vlrtor loan notuM wlih Hi. that thu will hold Hi ih.- mail-. to the li.u. I'll..-.' ile.-hinil il K Week. Vho. 1 1 Laaa rJBBipalgB man ager for tha Twelfth IMatrtat, today in aalllai Bttaattoa la la Mraag aii- pen I the Victory note m.il 1 inveat ore mrl.il) from au Inve.uiii-nt atuud point lie eoBttaaod "It haa, of rnurHf, Insen a eotirro of dlaappoliilnifi.l to siihaerlhera for pre rluua Litieriy Iamiii liwue that ihie laauea have gone, evau t. niiorarlly. to a dlacouul of live or all poluta lu tha innil . 1 S title ihls .loea not reproHent a real loaa to tbaaa who have held ih.ilr bouda lor In.eMin.-nl. 11 In n;. -irlng to aut hcrtuai-s for Virion uole:; i hat no uc' illarounl l iioaalhle In the ia.su of Ih liraaeni lnn.- "Diacount Impoaalbla.' A taatlM f tha Victory Iamii notet of only one BBtat, V Nl eiample, would put ilirui on aii Iniereat return of kUS'ii Baa during the war, with Ihe lu-owpeet uf i-onllniiml large laauea, no Uberty Honda have ei.-i J.-i-llued to aaj awi baaia The Fourth laian bosda today, aa a matter ot fact, are oiling to yield leaa than the paid hy 1 he Victory noiea at par. "A aim liar aliuatlon exlata In tha nae of the arrlea of 1 fully taa exempt notaa which art- suitable, for lb kntrr Inveatora. The first laaue of Ihc lully tai-emmpi l.luerty llonda beai-lng m inlereat. In aplle of all the liquidation luring the war. are erUtng today- to i.-id ouly 3.66. ShouM the VI orv Loan aotaa dellne to M, ihla would ha eqnlTalaot to a I.0I14 return from Its fully tax-exempt note, which would ba equlralrat to II for the Liberty Uoaa SHa which now are in active demand la the marhM at M." It. M. I...il;i"-t 01 1 ho I employed by S. A Htanheld. a hualnei" visitor in town hint Tin; day. Mr nnd Mrn K .1 riirillh. ol i,l. I britad frlenilK In ( ntnrlo I day. It I, lleeil of Jiintui .. Inofia visitor In Ontario last Tliur.i day. II. I' Johnson, who i- oonui ti ' with tba Oregon Woatai n 1 Hon Co, nnii Mrs. .lolinson of Vala arara boainaaa viitors in Ontario laai Tharaday llnnnld Mel I. 0 iilomliifi.' iiniti of iinrper. wns un Ontario Im Ineag VlaltOf Sntur-l ii,, ii I'inlti of Pend the week fill! Ill Onli-il" Ooorga ii ' arry of Uio M Of Vale pnisr 111-, barn from Portland to Audi ad Hon 'i Im brail parchaeed l iraalii Uw Jaatarn Mercantll. ' '1'1 '' Hoffman. Th r arlra boainaaa men aad Jnntura i for . irnatt IB aat bMbi ibaia anoni bar ttifii Mr llofftuin n heal- baoB falllBi him tor tba seat . ,01 ba arlll aon baba a maaa - . dad rest sin at io tba aaa drm i and inn. Mr rtoffmai tela bit ipv -i-v Sun Dorothy Turner, who haa been con-lini-il to her home for the past w-ck I naa of illneaa, la again uble to he out OaOffB (Ifrmnn, who la night cletk at tha Moore Hotel, spent Friday In iotaa. Sol Dlckerson, a prominent atock innn of U'els.-r. was nn Ontario b i l!,,r Monday Mr aad Mra C. A. Miller of Drew soy spent Sunday In Ontario J 8. Stevens spent Sunday evenlnc in Oatarla, aaeeata from Portland to tha Interior, whore bo will spenu in tha illiTi-n Bl towns In the Inlere I or tha Victory laian. i rnl Brown of Ritaratdt waa on I, , n visitor Thursday. s i ai a r. t . . t t-m i 7 i V 111 LP .11 aw i i ;:'!hL Here Are the Ti And They're Eaay IB rar Cat With AppllcaUon July It Aug. II tfcapc I Oc. f -Nov. 11 18 liar Cant M 1'ar Oaot- otf OanL ler 0nt M M to l'ei Cent VIOTOHY 1.0A.N. Tppy " ,!' '!".'"' hanw..m. .U.W ." pound tin humiJmf ,h.l (... muelical IK.".; ,ry$lal '. num.Jor u-ill. tpongm eenflefaaef " it' kmtot lA lobatf In tuth per flit tanmtlipn. BBBBfl ,Jr jl'lHai I PUT it Hush up 10 Prince Albert to produce more smoke happiness than you ever betore collected ! P. A.'s built to ht your ;nu. 'Mppetite like kids fit your hands! It has the jimdandiesl Bftvor and coolness and fragrance you ever ran it I ust what a whale ot joy Prince Albert really is you want 10 I i MB double-quickest thing you do next. And, put it down how you could smoke P. A. for hours without tongup bite or parching. Our exclusive patented process eil: OUt bitt bd parch. Realize what it would mean to get set with a joy 'us jimmy pip,- rjf ii i-vt-ry once and a while. And, puff to biat tli 1. 1 ids! Without a comeback.' Why, P. A. is so good you feel like you'd just have to eat that fragrant smoke! R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. NOT IIF.MU lli-ury Orlrrin. Ontario's liuclo -lor eiiui mun, araa aaaaaraaad last tatar da it araa u fal (at Rear u Just did not km... wl.it to .1) v. lien ba nrlveU t his room ut the Moot und u batty buggy ail ai up for shipment, at Ills door, luggi .1 "Urlfflu. Moore Hotol ." Of Umiry enlerod p i li-C. who hud iiir.-i i. .i tha dalltrt I from the Ol ni.-.i. lompaiiv to lii-nrya loom, sad bad over lookad tho fact thai thaea was a JohB Q from llaker on lln- reglsti-r Auyw. Joliu got the I'uli.v Iiiikk.v and ll.i..: haa recovered from his -ment, atiiuewhut It was a bad for Henry AM SMITH t'UlK ll.li K Say, Mr I li.ince, talk ul.oill y nifty mes, that aasa ahatah yean afehlteeta atada for u iiainly llu- BUl BNMfd "Thai follow luui-i aarai) ba ' mind i He not only renrodttcod our 1,1 . oinplelely lull 1111,11. ice, I to lirr.l'. 1 1, fin in a manii.-r evuciiy Milted to our needs and as we wunl xl ii. ,,rr.in,-,i ,i. imt aemahan aaald aol on pi.p.i ahal did atra. Bmli i u, ink of Uf -k.-icli.s oh ; that woman was llckl.-.l to deal), will) Ihein. " Vou kuo.v. Mi I bai woman can not Ki'l a sali-ta.-iu, Uayraaatoa as to tha latehad ..i . aiu-f of a i I B '''a. pi lal with your c.ilor aae at a glaaoa uat hoe i.e. will look wli.n tha last ,t.il) of pulut is ,m ' Sho can also appreciate lh suggeutlons in the sketch for the ai- rungenient of the lawn and i-hrub- ,,,-t "Thai plan we intend to conu.,ih,i huililiug I week " All right, Mr riuiith. gla I yea I'ke our plan meantime we will ha.c our architect I make .:. I prime for ihe guidanc of your car- I Batata, etth tuii working d. I Kent aaaaUoa "lhaabr " The aatu- faCtlOB of appic, l.ite.l set I au thauks for us "Well, yo rest assured the torvico is moi.-appriK-laled and I will be III he: ievk for tha tlrst load of material BOIUi i'AVK'lTr: LUMBER CO KOVFiRALLS Reft. 0.0.fhe.Of Is our R tl and Common-law Trade Mark and can only L ully used on goods made by us. SiiuuU ler t:y to sell you any I to 8 years of age UM KOVERALLS name you may I ;; sure lie is trving to market an infeii r substitute on KoveraUs reputation. Unleaa made hy Levi Strausa & Co. thereTnot KOVERALLS Koveralls Keep Kids Kleen C erfCafaffat $t 50 the Suit A NKW SUIT FREE ,FTY : RA1 I 9 bbi Bhafh bj Lavi SeatM tn Co., San I'rancisco fiSbas ncl car KOVERALLS LfVlSTRAliSSoiCa mm hed have better sense says Big Brodj "Tim isn't evtravu.ani, exacily, but he don'i know what to buy. llc aiaai to get (lie biggest pltili (or his money. 'l le would get real tnhacco satisfaction with Genuine Grael and spend less money for tobacco." Hood BMBBi amaller chaw, longer life i what maketGea. ume t.ravelycott la to chew it, jo ordinary plug. HrtUH: GBNUINB (IliuilV nvNVlLl H. VA. r pnHtt m cluwint ptt. w y L v y Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch.