The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 01, 1919, Image 1

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    dhtfcurtfl Ikmm.
N. K!
OF MAI.II t:i It DIA LT.ol'Ml.N T
ri:H.nM TO BR sill-
.11 m: :.
BsswraM Bkghvrai Kaifcwwli Uko-
l-e Slate (.imriintw nf Irrigation
mill Drainage llond-, mill NT Mill
Mm kit llouil lllll L'nllrc CoiinU
KoiirrMMilil lit sssatsak
On June II the voters of Mal
heur count) will MMO hhi I
propo-lllon ! bond Mil- count t
fur llii' pin !- Of building high
ways In -iiM-ri(luii with the
.i ii.- Hi .Iim.ii nniiiiillon itml
I .-ili-rnl M Kuiiil ooiiiinls-loii.
As BsMStf nil IRM ballot iii-
onlliiK Ml the law- the MMM will
nil for RRM expenditure uf IRM
follllWlllg IIIIHUIIll- II- follow-'
(In tin' ( iiliinililii Klvor High
way, or llri'Kii Trull Highway o-
II is some times cullisl, Im-Iuooii
OntiiHu Mini (lie It.iki i rollllt)
MM in ri Dead Flat. '"
(in I In- John l)ii) lllghwuv Im'-iuis-ii
Xyssa, via Cairo, Vole,
.Imnli-oii nml lUi.gun lo the i lino, 7o,(MH).
On (In- Central Oregon High
way from Vnli l IRM Hiirncy
..hi iii) Urn- ali.oiid
On IRM Succor ( I -ok highway
from N)Ka lo Jonlun Vallo).
On ih nil from Malheur I'll)
lo Hi. .gun $.1.0(10.
On (ho WatMin road, g.l.oou.
Total amount of Issue, $2110,-
Tills dlvlnlon of th proponed bond
Ikmuo wan mode at a mooting of lh
illnxtorw of tlio Malheur (niiiiiy De
volopiuent Lenguo hold at the room
of tho Vale Chamber of Commerce
Monday ovonlng. On tho voti o.
the final motion as put before th
meeting by Otto C, Miller of !'
Ox Flat and amended by I". J Gal
lagher of Ontario tho vets wu- M
anlmous so fur us tin- il "'
concerned. Whon the public pr.
sent was asked to vole but ISM
vote was oast.
Practically every pre. imi in tin
rountv was represented at the "
Ing either by a director or by R ilil
ton UvIiir In the pn-i lint who
named a delegate for tin- meeting '
tin- other directors.
l'rlor to action on tho formal pro
MM u report of tho ronult of t It
conference et 1'orilutul with tho big)
way rommlsiilon wua huIhiiM toil I
V J. (iallaghcr of I ho dlegntloi
with Inforinutliiii by Jullen llurb
Vale and J It llluckuhy nml (I K
Aiken of Ontario, aUo member- M
tlm dologutlon.
Mr. (lallagbor and Mr. Hurley kail
later Frank M Worthrup of Dou.l
Ox I'lal went Into the statues gin
ing tho proposed roud program and
tlm essential necessury beforo an i
sue could bo submitted to ib peopb
All of the speakers urged to adhere
nco to the proposed highway program
as nearly as possible with the excep
tion of tbe rood lo Jordan Veils
which by reason of Its Isolation and
Inacceslblllty to railroad trunsportn
lion Is an exceptional case roiUlrlni,
Immedluto relief
Fred Palmer or Jot dan Vali
forth the position of thai section if
a most Impressive manner givm
facts and figures lo show the need foi
Immediate action to bring about ti
, unsanction of "the Hue. or creek
road, which Is the only feasible roue
Into that country," as be declared
Mr Northrup speaking for Dea 1
Ox Flat made a comprehensive an I
clear statement of the needs of
section, touching on the nssllsieui
attached to the building of the old
Oregon Trail In connection with tin
Columbia river Highway He a!
vised adherlug to the blulue plant
and urged thai not less thau $50,000
be set aside for the Columbia Hlfll
waj across Dead Ox Flat from Oats
rlo to Huntington
At that point Otto C Miller pri -sented
the original motion foi
division of funds. Mr Miller's mo
tion Included $6,000 for the John
Day Highway from Cairo to Ontario,
and did uot include any provision foi
expenditures from Malheur city lo
Brogan or for the Watson road.
With this definite progrum bafors
the meeting the discussion prod
on specific points. Mr. Rtortll
Malheur City urged that some moat
be given that section; likewise A YV
Reed and C W Feglly of Vale mK
gested that the Watson road
After the general discussion i '
proceeded for some time P. J Gal.
agher moved to amend by taking th
$5,000 assigned from Cairo to 0
rlo and giving it to the Malheur lT
Brogan road and increasing the r i
(Continued on page Three
On Friday, May , the Fare I
Teachers association will hold t'
last meeting of the year At Ih
meeting officers will be elected tv
next year, so a large attendance It
The many Ontario frlenilH of Mi
I. I, Culliertsiin of WclHor. fonnerl'.
n re-drool of this city, wen Map!
'iimi kcii Tnaaiay lo Mn of h-
lci) death following an operation tot
iippcndlcll l pciforined nt WatMM
Monilnv She Ih survived by htff DM
hnnd and baby boy, bOaldO Imt inothe.
and father, Mr and Mr S K Chap
man, residents of I'ayeltc Funeral
-rvici'H were bald ftatartfa) aftai
noon at Tavi'lle
Mr. and Mrs Culhertson lived in
Ontario for two years while Mr Cul
hertson was principal of the IIIk'i
School leaving here hist spring in.
Hull ranch on Dead Oi h'lat, lat'i
Mr CulbertHon was elected prlnrlpil
of the Wi'lner High School
Will Submit Proposition lo olel- l-i
lllk Po Ible ( olliMllon of lie.
1 1 1. I ni liiiprovi-uieiil Hi
irlei l-se-nmeiit
( hnime I ---III III
I'n prevent serious financial "n
bnrriuisiiii'iii on the pari of the Clt
Oover n m en t tlm voters or Ontario w HI
bo asked on June II to amend ths I II
charter so as to make possible tin
collection of local linprnv einent l.i
fioin flallaqrunti. Raoal ol whom .u--
nou residents.
At the preseni time the ill), lo pro
tool it- good name and meet the oh
ligations imposed by the Issiiiiim e ol
llaiicrofl lmproveim;nt bond- for v.i
rlous purposes, bus diverted Itom ti
onerol funds of the city sever il
ihotisand dollars, tlm total hi .
mating $15,000, during the past fat
This money thus diverted coim
from (he general tuxes, paid b
oropart) oa oafi ami bu- Imm pas)
for the benellt of a few. who are re
fusing to puv I In- iishi-s .mollis on Ii
ptoM-mehts to Ihelr holdings
If tho city had this luoncv M
there would uot he u-slugte outstand
ing ll' w. ii nil, I drawing Ini-,.
Ora the aliieiidmeiil of the
biirler Is reully absolutely ossontlal
III the i It V ,'iivoi 'lllliellt
l'mb-r Ihe pmpo Oi chain i amem'
iiient which will In- printed in fall
later; the clly will have the OOW01
to proi d to enforce ii Ion on th
propetty reprei-.ented on the dOllD
lUODl i rlllli ales, Justt as Ihe OOUDt)
does for state and count)
In the usual manner In which moil
gagos arc foracloood l"mb r I'
hariir tboreforo a premium will not
bo placed on tux evasions, at th- at
..f the boaaal tax payer who
pays his loial Improvement taxes
and general taxi- too
I mini 's Kill i in- Moll) lo Mi - I
I'lonil-lllg Colt lll'lllg .1
b) Itov Williai f K S J II
I'hal Ihe ..lining of warm WOSthOI
Is liavlng its effect on the snorttUa
blood Of the i oiniuuitlty I- OVMOSOOd
by the fact that already i
an- being arranged at the i
The first event of the season will
be staged Saturday afternoon whin
II I! Tunny's Ited Cross Molly Will
try conclusions with a pi utilising coll
that is being trained al tin- lia. k l.v
Itov Williams of the K S A D
What the purse for the rate Is It
be has uot been made public but each
of the owners has a real Interest In
winning Die event, ajid each has a
number of followers similarly situ
ated A big delegation from the Ar
cadia district is coining In to hack
their favorite
Altlio the County Fair is still
months away the stables and trues
are taking 00 active programs will.
horses here for spring train In i;
(Directors of the Fair are legini.i.
to get requests for Information almm
the program and training facilities
and in the next few weeks
strings will be working out on DJM
track, assuring the visitors at the tan
this fall a great raciug program
REPRESENT! I nils illi
With Dave Graham, William an 1
BOS Jones and other of the
lantern region In town th!..
the westeru metropolis ol ti e roun
was well represented In ( U
week Most of the men frapp-
r country are appearing In (aes
at Vale this week
Moorevllle Man. on I. la I of I list Nat-
ional Hank Im- l.aice-t Hiibsrrli-
tion III Coiinl) -o I'll i- lie-
Two oinan-. draM parad" helm -n .
which the Hulls planned to wear It
their li-lumpliant entry Into
are on display in tho bunks of Otua
rlo These will he given lo the two
citizens of Malheur county who maki
the laffaal abaerlptloos lo the vp-
tory Loan
So far, us reported to Outgrlo,
Thoinas Tiirnbiill of Moorevllle b in
the lead for Ih I llrsl of these holmci
Mr Turnbiill thru Ihe First Nutlo -,l
blink of which he Ih vice pn
made a subsei-lplloii of $7.0lln. Ol
whlrli 11,000 In to be rredlteil to Ult
Crowley district and 11,000 tO thl
Ontario dlstrlrl This purchase ol
Victor) bonds makes Mr Tin n I I
undoubtedly the laic.esi Individual
owner or U S tioverniuent bonds Ii,
Ihe coiinlv, for he ha- been a large
purchaser In 01 M I
The fact that Mr Tiirnhiill ha
lead tho way In practically every I
sue should spur other wealthy Mai
hour OOBBl) men lo show ("Ulil fnlth
ill Ihi-li I m 01 iinieni and uppreeliit lo i
I Its osTorta, for tho bo bai long bov
a resident Of MalhOUf county. M
liiiiihiill was born In Siiiilund. tad
tho Imrr of (he lligblands lingers In
III l speech
Two oilier large subscriptions have
been reported from Individuals this
weik. way bates $5,oou tsaRj Md
were made by J II lllucknby, pn
idont of tin- Ontario National and
Tom i.ogun of Brogan Both tttoov
moil were heavy luivers in olloi I
tml, Miiiieiiiiin Iti-.cUi-s lelier i..oi
llrollier on Sunn- Day notliii
Arrives lie, larlnn Man laiug
MM Dead.
on Monday of thl- vv .-k Andy Man
email received a letter returned '"
Ii I in from France which be wn.n '.
his brother John lust Oetobor On
the livilope was sl.lllled the iollow
lug, "i" October I, 1011, D
i i n lobar i v i '. l
"Iteiontlrmeil November L'. I'.ils.
BUtlatleal Division ii. a I F
On the same d.iv lo- recelvi -l : l
ler Iroiii his brollier daleil Mtnli
DU'.i from Coblenu,Oermany,lD which
was enclosed a nanbar of Kodak pie
and an Inlelesllug aecounl Ol
hi lnt: In tin Argoiiue ami Ufa
with tho army of occupation.
i Ml M III Is Ol At HON
In the history of the fighting ol IRM
Hist Division written hi I oil V D.--mi-nl,
Rod ro .a Searclier, which I
runuliig In the Oregonlan, lust week
appeared a hrlel -lalemelll telling -.1
I In- lighting In which Sergeant Will
lam Mi Klnnle of Junturu lead hi
platoon in heavy fighting in the Ar
goane ah the rosalt of his tctloa
the Sergeant bus been reeomu
for promotion, according to ol !
.1 iiy local friends
oNTAItlO M AltF II Moltlv
Frank Ityan fonnerl)' of Juutui
who for more (ban u year bl
In Idaho returned recently to I
Oregon und is now in charge of the
grocery depurlinenl ol I he G
Lacking oompes) Ooorgi
who worked here three years ago an i
since then has been In Portland has
returned und Is In barge of the n
mil meal mid. tor the MRU Iraa
ii.ev having purchased the Im He
from II II Tunny
While trying to pass another cat
ou the road neur the bridge last Su'
unlay night Fred (iruui-e driving a
light runabout turned his car turtlt
and received a number of mlnoi
bruises The front end of bis car
was badly crumpled and one wheel
was demolished That the young
man was not more seriously hurl w
considered remarkable by those who
viewed the accident.
Mr and Mas O I'inney wen ml
f the arrival In New
York of then ; Henry Cllnlsn Pin
nev, a iiiember of the famou
Marlnee who fougiL- from
Thierry to sedan Young Plnnejr w--
-agemeiit In wtili h '
only to become 111 from OSpoosn
He expects to be discharged from the
Service soon and start -
Mil 11 wM Iftjili'litltitiitikf I Trunin i!iinu
-iii" iii in v i-'i'iii- in an iiiii vii'i '
On Heronl lavollllg lliglivvav
I com -loi-in tu California
Mm- Hoo-tw Market
Itoad-, Too.
The Itoosevell Iligbwny, which
Is proposed to build up the e
s tne
length of tho raelllo ( oast, as
llrsl linn of defeiiHP, as woll as
great roud to open up BBdOTOlOBOd
counties In Oregon was given th
ii n n n I minis endorsement of Malheur
Development League at Vale Monday
This was done while M the sain
I lino tlm League endorsed the mar
ket roud tax of one mill, the state
guarantee or irrigation and drain
age bond inierest for live years, fol
lowing the discussion of those men-,
ares by Senator Jullen A Hurley
mid Representative p J (lallagbor.
The legislator- urged this ns a mat
ter of good business Judgment on the
pari of tbe people of Ratatari Oragoti
If Kastern Oregon will 00 OSafOtl
wlih Western Oregon on this RMRM
lire, Western Oregon will i o -operut
and support the measures whlci
h'astoMii Oregon wutiti liitolllgen:
self Interest for the advancement I
Oregon will pass this measure and
-hi.- the promised support of the
Moral government to tho extent q
$2,500,1X10 and help open up a grout
section of the state
The league also Indorsed tho Oait
ngher measure guaranteeing Inter
Ml on Irrigation bonds for live years
and the one mill tux for market roadn,
known as the grange bill Introduced
nv senator rierco oi i nion county.
The league pledge,! Itself to tin
Kiipport of those measures and to
campaign for their approval by tholtlOfl for the u-io of a pair of valuable
vi'ien hlnociiliirs Unit ho sent when th-
Land Idle for Years now QRSWRMJ
Crops, Wilier Once W"sl now
li.dng Double Ker lc- My -
ti-n hsBsooasi
Willi all but u few minor ib lai. '
10 bO finished, the Malheur Drulnu I
s)stoni Is coinpleleil and Is giving am
plo demonstrations of Its Otflclenc)
Land that for years has been Idle i-
now growing crops Tule swamp- i
and duck ponds of lust year liuve glv-i
en way lo plowed laud with grain I
Not otil) liave tho ubove beiieflceni
results been achieved on all sides oi'tirutlon and tin. certlfloati
Ontario, but several ranchers hue up
piopi luted the drainage water mil
am ult iv iiIIiik laud that other WRM
would still bo Idle As the result
the niucliei- vv It Ii Iii the district are
Convinced that hail such II S)sle-
I... ii oiistructed yeurs ugo thousands
of dollars would have been saved.
Supervisors. John Weaver, T. W.
t'taggolt ami B It Wood, ui coinpimi
ed by Engineer Jolin Cuunllighum of
llarr tit Cuniiliigbiiiu engineers of tlo
project made a fltisl Inspection of the
jretem last Saturday, whbh an Argus
iiiuu wuM prlvilegeil lo wltnesM Tho
entire duy was devoted to vlewim;
every uart of the work Onl) one i
two minor defects were noted an I
theae will bO OOrrSOtad t DIh week lie
fore flnsl accptalir Of Hie system 1 1
The first wonder of the system was
noied al the outlet of tin- south unite
whbh drains the lauds south and
westof the Oregon Kamorn track, and
a small seition to the north of th
tracks At tho outlet over ZOO mln-
er's Inches of water is flowing, suf-
lul.-nl lo drain a small luke
This stream has been flowing c ...
Mtuntly for months showing how I.
ly tbe land was water logged
Beside the wuter thus flowing into
the river. Frank Hardiiian has local
tsl a pumping plant near the rail roud
track and is pumping some to Inches
for the irrigation of part of his farm
that hitherto was without water
Ulio or me most sinaiug example
or the vaule 01 ISO urainage is snow n
.... ,... f .. . I .. .. a. h-aI, tuuv I l,u ru II.
OU lilt-. Clllinuu luoin - iiiw ,-.,
road wye. This ranch which was
largely alkalled and water logged has
been entirely reclaimed ami land
plowed this season that was a swuup
last fall Similar results have I..
se ured ou tbe ITagett ranch snd ou
one of the Wood m-. lions
In the afternoon the north nsjl
from the Weaver reach to tlo ;
ditch below the hill on the Malheur
flat was inspected and tbe some sarv
repeated as found tu the morning,
heavy streams of water flowing fioin
the land and other ranchers reap
proprlalltig some ror turtner irrigu
WILL 1'l.AN llii LLTION 1 OK
The W C T D Is taking th. m
tttaiive in planning a big public rt
in for the Malheur county
u served in tin
war. A meeting will be held at th'.
iky Hall next Tuosdsy afternoon ut
whbh repri of every woin
an's organltatlou, lodge, club 0
church la requested to send repre-
sot I ti. KVKNT ol skxsov
Tho women of Ontario discarded
tho ban on social affairs- which has
boon effective since the war and hit
Friday enjoyed tho handsomely ap
pointed reception given by Mr- .1 I!
Illiickahy In honor of Mrs l.iiru
The Illiickahy home was handsome
ly decorated In spring foliage, apple
blossoms being the prevailing DoWOf
Mrs. lthu kuhy wos assisted In reool'
ing tho many guests by Mrs J. It.
Jamloson, and Miss Davlno Smith,
Mrs W W Dim .-on. Mrs 1, Adaie
and Mrs Frank Under preshbd al t In
tea tables while Miss tlladys Kinlsn i
and Miss Margaret Illiickahy serve.1
Moro than 100 women culled durlmt
the roiopllon hours.
Judge (.. I,. King Iti'ieiviil i ertlllial
ami Has (ibie- Iteiurneil . i .
Wore IimmI on l. H. IPM-
tle-iiii Kansas.
Judge O U King of Oil- clt Im I
week received a handsoiu rllllrat
frm ,, rin., Hlutos Depiirlmi-n
t tho Navv exuresslnr Its uin.n .
first appeal for such Instruments wu
inaile nt the beginning of I ho wai
Al tho sauio time the glasses were
roturuod. labeled I' S Battleship,
Kansas, and gave evidence of hard
service while on that sea dog II I
but another OlanSM of tho IrOB of
J fate that those glasses, made In ,. na.
jUeriuaiiv, famous for Its glat
fin lories, worn used lo help BBJ
the Hun siibmarliios.
Tho following Is tho tel of the ee,
tltleale whlrh the Judge Is bavin.;
framed, nml ol wlihli he naiui.ul
very proud to pessess:
"United sinieH of Anferlca, Do
partmont of the Navy The thou
amis' of binoculars, telescopes, sp.
glasses and navigating lusii ui i
furnished the navy b) ladlvldual II . lo It-, appeal lor "lives fo
the Navv, hae I n a ronlii
hutloii in the protection of our win
ships, transports, and suppl) vi . .-'
against the submarine aotlvltls
tho enemy iluilng the Oraai war
"The Navy acknowledges with
thanks ami appreciation your ro-o
to ; L King In rei ogiili Ion of Ih
s.u i ilh e iniide for t h of o.i
Ships aild the Ii: -II 1,1 II I.- of V l
tory Franklin D Rooeovoll, us-Imi
mil nliiiy of Ihe i.
COMMISSION! Its ll ltols
County Judge I II Tool and Con.
inlsMloners Frank Vines and Job
Weaver eajM to Ontario last night to
meet Division Knginei-r M o llenueii
and DlMtrlcl Kugiiieei llarilngioi
who urrlved from llakei on No (
The party left today for a trip over
all the roads to be unproved h- '
(proposed bond Issue within Ihe Sin
' Itoad program
While be made n stalc-
liienl .Mr llenii i(-il tin- in
lief that It is possible thai I
deal of work on both the John Dav
JJhwny IRd III Old OrogOfl
'" '
"one ,,lU yr
ci,,,,,. v. S skinm r. D L
. J((hlyil ,;,. ll,.,, llmik
,.r .,. .,. K,()Ul M ,; W,
Azcum.Kli ,lMll ,,,,., raaidents of Joi
tan Vu, ( w,.,,. , ,,llIurlll n,1H we. k
,iri,u( , r frol Vale .,, attend the
Hsslon of the Circuit Court Hoel
( ,,,,., Mt,,.IM(iMi u,, session of b
i ioiou,,,,,,,! league Monday nlgi.l
and on their departure were uion-
ihuu pleased our the favorable epti
id--ni'ion given llm Suci-oi i n .
ON I in i. II. CITY lulliv VI
I n die last Issue of the (late . n
Journal of Nyssa tho Drown llrm. .
who have puhllshnd It for years uul
worked hard for the development ol
n,ui section, bid their readers mil- ,
. ..mpaiiylug the farewell was the
annoumeiuuiit that tho paper MM
i been leased to F 1. Sheets, formerly
f (, Argus force who moro recent I
has been foreman of the Vnh- BntOI
prise The Argus extends Hi
to i !n- no editor and its a
for his success.
At the Unlvoraitjr of Washington
h.-id toeel last satvrda) iwo Ontario
boys won nonora Barssrd Radoi
look lirht place in the Javelin thro-'
and I'aul Van I'elten won l
mile rate Doth boys wen
stars In Ontario during the high
Ischool days
DMA I I I slltst lill- I'liiVs KLCOI!-
111 11 IN IIXNKS HERB I (lit
II SS III N HM llllltll
ol I ll S Ol (111
IIT IS Till.
III Iji-I Cilliliiilgu I III Hud Seal.
IMM Null-, liber- This time Is- -Than
Oiio-lenlli Voliintoci llro
gun Is-iiil- Count) .
Willi the Victor) Loan lampulgii
half over Ontario bus not .vt tail
scrlbeil one llilrd It- QBOti TI
-1 1 - rei ord is shameful, and Is can
Ing mini ihinIoiih momenta for the
men III charge of Ihe dtlve I II
They had anticipated thai tho H-.
would exhibit its patriotism at i
thaakfnlaana thai tho war hi over b
clieeiiullv uli . ilhlng ihelr share ol
Ihe loan Hut this docs not seem to
bo true
UUIeM Ii .unit -'!' i UnlarlaliH In
Stir themselves and dl UOO llstO lb I
they are inn per cent Americans In
. us well as war Ontario's reeo- i
will he badly, blSttOd
Think of lliogan.
When the local OOmmlttOO think-.
of tho Brogan record, whore in n
He community Chairman i
tledv sei-llleil Ihe full illotll of $20,
..mi th.. hi t ,l;n . thO) an asliame I
ol la i bi - cm. i help it on
im in bag liii'i'.eii. hIiIi I.. .1 its duly
while iirogiui bus come forward nsd
gone over tlio lop BS Atmri. aps
-. him lil
it! I llv SIM Tim
To date i I liur.-diiy ) Onlaiio hi i
subscribed only f II "" onlv 1 1 1
subscription- have I n made, Hun
dreils wlio inn am! hoiibl bu) bond
have fulled so fur lo do so
I lil . 1 1 H m I Ii i in-ill the OOUntJ
generally There are a few brlil.'
DOtS like llrogaii and .lamlesoli, In.'
Malheur an a whole In far down tlr
Mr Header If )ou ar o- ol llmiie
who can, nml who has not M JTOl
OOUghl VI bond -. do II NOW
I I NI It VI si lt II I s III I Ii
I oi( Mils HAItltll T t.KIMI s
Simple, but Imprei slve sei I It
h.-i.i ai ihe Nniaraao ohnroh
iiero Saturday mornlni for Mn
II. mi. -in in,. .. ..I Ii mil, hi. I who wa
a momboi of Ihe local rongregatloi
inn i in. m wa made In iho Ontario
. eiuei.-i v . Rs I i. i 'lowerg "ti It
Ml . Ill line . vv bO w.i well liliow II
among the people of the ii uitiami
bench was an iii live WOI ker in.
Ho. people on i he bench i and took c
II,'- I I III the he ill ill
She was born July II. IK!i9, lit Ai
hanv , Mo She was mull I- I ll
a rimes on Bepteinbor . IH76 To
iiii . urn. i, ran nhll
dree ; C. O. Orl - I iho;
Urn. h. I ol i'. ultlnad, Ida
no. Mi . M I Channel .x laOrande
Ore . Mi I K Powell ol Corvallli .
Ore , Plumnit . Oi Imi ol Pol tlami
ami Mi I i. ... i -. . ..I ii ii 1 1 In ii I
These with tha hue band, Albeit
(Irlines, Sill v lv e I e .
...nv moved lo i ' nil
land, Idaho, in Pobruary, IMI from
Nebraska, where the) had raaidad
.1 yars
To appropriately .nark the nse
hundred! h am. of tht found
ing of their order Uif Odd I'.-ii-..i
Ontario end Nyeaa gathered In On
tarlo las! Saturday Blghl lo MlOJ mi
iptsrOStlni program and social
l)r (1 I grand pa
Irlsrch ol thO Oregon Odd Fellows,
ami Itov. s. it si eei, were the prlnrl
pal i i I grow lli of the or
.1. i In. ii, Hi in,- in. n v. ho gall..
in Baltimore April M, im, to toss)
whei, I, tSO, III was im
..-ii told
I'lut following program wus enjoyed
by the large galhesjng Anlhen ,
"Allien, a ;" Invoi allon , id -. S If
sieeie. Add! in 'i A Pogue, P
t; I' ; music, Mr and Mi Bl aoU .
reading, Mrs Inn D Do Foe, due',
Mi, us Margaret lllackuhy and Rath
II. .man, pap' I , Ml - I'ogue;
music, Mr ami Ml - lliuiilil, reading,
Mr und Mrs llianlrf.
following this a sumptuous banquet
was served und sorlul session onjo
sollHIK Itovs III i II HOMI
i orporal i -"' ion n
III, III' -a ' amp
Lewis where be was dl charged after
I s.-rv he He w Ii .
alilt it.i. Iii'I.iIiil' ' i I divl, liiii in tho
nim and figured In m m warm
. .Iloll
Serg. I i' i.iriie.l last
Thureda) from I imp Travel
, 1 nfl"i long
training fur encounters with Ihe
Hun. whi. ,